Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 461

What are you pretending to be?

You are obviously the real boss behind the scenes, yet here I am pretending to let you pretend.

But to be honest, this was something Zhu Xiaonong didn't expect.

Zhu Xiaonong thought that Lu Xingye was his savior.

He just dragged Lu Xingye into the Shura field just because he hoped that Lu Xingye could use his strong strength to drive away this rich second generation.

In this way, I will no longer be harassed by this rich second generation.

What I never expected was.

Lu Xingye was actually pretending.

He actually didn't recognize himself as his secretary.

It’s really infuriating.

Zhu Xiaonong frowned.

The eyes looking at Lu Xingye were full of confusion.

Isn't his commander Lu Xingye doing a trick of pretending to be a slap in the face for the rich second generation? ? ?

This made him a little confused.

Zhu Xiaonong kept winking at Lu Xingye, hoping that the other party would come out to rescue him.

Don't let yourself be so embarrassed.

After all... I am the other party's secretary.

Even if there is no credit, there is still hard work.

What's wrong with helping me out just because I'm your secretary?

You don’t have to be so awesome.


Facing Zhu Xiaonong, the answer was Lu Xingye, as if he hadn't seen it, chatting and laughing with Zhang Qiqing, while watching the excitement from the side, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

This made Zhu Xiaonong so angry that his teeth itched.

But Lu Xingye didn't help him out, and there was nothing he could do.

After about 5 minutes.

After Zhang Xiqing dealt with the matter of Lu Xingye falling to the ground easily, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhu Xiaonong with a cold face.

Look calm.

His true nature was completely exposed.

Zhang Qiqing knew that his true nature had been exposed, so he simply stopped hiding it.

Walk directly to Zhu Xiaonong.

Break the skin.

"Zhu Xiaonon, you don't have to drag such a poor boy from the street to disgust me just to reject me."

"If you don't like me, just refuse."

"I, Zhang Qiqing, will never do anything that makes things difficult for others."

Zhang Qiqing looked at Zhu Xiaonong and spoke coldly. Then he silently added in his heart that no one who rejects him will have a good ending.


He didn't completely break up.

Just exposing your true nature.

You must know that this is a public place. If your ugly face is exposed in a public place, it will be criticized by thousands of people. This is not what Zhang Qiqing wants to see.

So Zhang Qiqing endured it in public.

He previously hinted that he would decide if a girl like Zhu Xiaonong dared to reject him in public.

Then when he goes back, he must tie Zhu Xiaonong over and let him experience a life that is worse than death.


Zhang Qiqing snorted in his heart.

Then he looked at Zhu Xiaonon intently. Whether he wanted to live like a princess or live like a slave depends on his current choice.

It can be said that one thought of heaven and one thought of hell are nothing more than that.


Because Lu Xingye didn't follow the plan made by Zhu Xiaonong.

This makes Zhu Xiaonong very embarrassed now.

Because it doesn’t matter if you refuse, and it doesn’t matter if you agree to it.

Now Zhu Xiaonong is walking in the middle of Naihe Bridge, with the world on the left and hell on the right. No matter what choice he makes, it is very difficult.

On the left is the human world.

There are some people in the world who are vicious wolves who don’t spit out bones.

On the right is hell.

There are demons in hell.

Zhu Xiaonong hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to bite the bullet and say that Lu Xingye was her boyfriend.

Otherwise, there is really no way he can continue to stay here.

In front is a wolf and behind is a tiger.

Only by standing firm can one avoid this crisis.

"I said it all."

"I've said it countless times, you must not recognize yourself. Or you don't have what I said in your heart."

"I have a boyfriend's boyfriend, who is the delivery boy in front of me."

"Please don't pester me again."

"If you insist on me saying the word "rejection", then I will tell you now, I, Zhu Xiaonong, reject you Zhang Qiqing and reject it forever."

"Just give up on this."

"It is absolutely impossible for the two of us to have a male-female relationship."

Zhu Xiaonong gritted his teeth and said these few words on this page.

The sound is very loud.

she almost yelled.

Now Zhu Xiaonong doesn't care about face anymore.

Anyway, Zhang Qiqing is constantly pestering him now.

It's better to reject the other party directly in public, and don't break the relationship. This way, everything will be over.

Now he has completely seen Zhang Qiqing's true intentions.

This is exactly a villain.

Or a scumbag.

Fall in love with yourself today.

Maybe you will fall in love with someone else tomorrow.

Zhu Xiaonong will never like this kind of scumbag. If he was a little tempted by this scumbag's offensive just now, he has given up completely now.

A scumbag is a scumbag, not even 1/10000th of what Lu Xingye is.

Zhu Xiaonong thinks.

If you need to find a man.

Then find an unparalleled hero like Lu Xingye who can stand upright.

This is your own Prince Charming.

Lu Xingye's live broadcast of the execution of aliens in front of the whole world suddenly appeared in Zhu Xiaonong's mind. J

That look.

He's really handsome.

Dare to avenge injustice and maintain world peace.

Contribute to human civilization.

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