Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 466

What he never expected was...

His own father actually beat himself.

This was something he had never done since he was born. His father had always loved him.

Hold it in your mouth for fear of melting.

Holding it in my hand, I'm afraid it will melt.


Now I actually hit myself.

Zhang Qiqing looked at Zhang Mingming in disbelief.


"Why did you hit me???"

"Why did I beat you? Why did my father beat you? Don't you have any clue in your own mind???" Zhang Mingming asked back.

"..." Zhang Qiqing was silent.

At this time, Zhang Mingming's voice came again.

"You are my bell."

"Don't I even know what kind of urine you usually have?"

"This must be your fault too. If you hadn't been messing around outside, things wouldn't have developed like this."

What the hell.

"Kneel down quickly and apologize to the the delivery boy." Zhang Mingming spoke angrily.


The people who were watching looked at this scene in stunned silence. The turn of events made them unbelievable.


"What the hell is going on???"

"Isn't that rich second-generation father here to avenge his son?"

"Why are you beating your own son now???"

"How has God changed his mind??? Could it be that his son has provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked, and now his father is just trying to protect himself?"

"I go."

"It is said that the poison of a tiger is not poisonous to its own son. It can only be the father of this rich second generation, but it is really poisonous."

"As soon as he encountered a powerful enemy, he abandoned his son directly."

"It's really too much."

"Hey... we can't blame the father, because after meeting a powerful person, protecting yourself wisely is the wisest choice."

"I really hope... that rich second generation can be more upbeat and not let this father worry about him anymore."

"If you go by your inferences, that delivery boy should have quite a background. By then... his background will be so great that even his father Zhang Mingming will be afraid of it."

"Then this son is really a traitor. He directly killed his father."

No one paid attention to the murmurs of the people around them.

Everyone focused their attention on Zhang Mingming.

at this time.

Zhang Qiqing spoke coldly.

"Dad, you have changed."

"You wouldn't have done this to me before my mother left. Now that my mother has left, everything has changed."

"You said you wouldn't hit me, but you're going to hit me like this. If mom sees you like this in Tianzhiling, I don't know what kind of reaction she will have."

There was a hint of crying in Zhang Qiqing's voice.

Getting sadder.


What he didn't expect at all was.

at this time.

After he moved his mother out, instead of pampering him, his father became even more angry.

"shut up."

"You are a traitor."

"If you don't shut up, I will clear the door now to comfort your mother's spirit in heaven."

Zhang Mingming was so angry that his mouth was a little wordy.

If it were normal times, forget it, he would dote on his son no matter what, but now, he really can't keep it.

Because the person his son offended was the hive's top commander.

I can't get used to this.

Damn it.

If you continue to pamper your son, I'm afraid he will die immediately.

at this time.

Lu Xingye's faint voice came over.

"Zhang Mingming is a scientist."

"You don't have to put on a bitter show here."

"In view of what you have done so far, I will directly notify the Supervision Office, and then the Supervision Office will directly investigate and deal with everything about you."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

The voice was like an iron law, and like a judge in a court of law. The voice was full of majesty.


It's almost like a judge.

One word can determine life or death.

Zhang Mingming's face turned pale after hearing Lu Xingye's voice. No one knows how terrifying those guys in the Hive Supervisory Office are.

His face was so pale.

It's like having leukemia.

Death comes in an instant.

Your career may be lost in an instant.

Zhang Mingming suddenly felt a flash of fear in his heart.

Afraid of losing my career, afraid of losing it all.

" guy, please let me go."

No one knows better than Zhang Mingming the horror of the Hive Supervisory Office. Even if you don't have any problems with those guys, you will still cause them problems.

This is a bit like the ancient Dongchang.


The Dongchang metaphor here is used to require strict supervision. Rather than a metaphor for Dongchang's abuse of power.

Zhang Mingming didn't want to be questioned by those guys again no matter what.

Just now, Zhang Mingming almost shouted out Lu Xingye's real name out of habit.

This was originally nothing.

To be more precise, it was nothing before, but now Lu Xingye is angry.

He even dressed up as a delivery boy and acted out.

No one knew what Lu Xingye was thinking in his heart.


Zhang Mingming didn't dare to directly challenge Lu Xingye's true destiny.

So as not to anger the other person.

at this time,

Lu Xingye ignored him.

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