Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 476

"in this way."

"The enemy will have no way to break through my defense." "

"But... Commander, now I have another question that I need to report to you, that is, I suspect that among the enemies of this invasion, there is also strong artificial intelligence."

"And it's an artificial intelligence that's not weaker than mine."

"Otherwise they wouldn't be able to break through my firewall."

Hearing this,

The anger in Lu Xingye's heart disappeared a lot.

If there is indeed an artificial intelligence among the enemies that is not weaker than Jarvis, then Jarvis really cannot be blamed for this.

strong artificial intelligence,

It's basically a myth on the Internet.

Only artificial intelligence can deal with artificial intelligence.

If the enemy does dispatch, the AI ​​comes and attacks. As long as Jarvis's body is not in the spaceport, no one can withstand the invasion of this artificial intelligence.

Lu Xingye waved his hand, not wanting to discuss this issue with Jarvis anymore.


The most important thing at the moment is how to solve the problem of the spaceport being attacked,


“Now the sky is full of out-of-control drones, what can you do???”

"We can't just sit back and wait for death."

"There has to be a way to solve this problem."

Lu Xingye turned his head and watched Jarvis speak calmly.

358. Destroy the unmanned spacecraft and the spaceport crashes

"Report to Commander."

"We don't have many options. The best way is to use air defense clusters to fire cannons to destroy all these drones."

"Otherwise...there is no other good way."

Jarvis spoke helplessly.

He also didn't want to destroy the drones if possible. Because the Hive itself is a force that prefers intelligent machinery, the main force is still drones.

Now the drone inside the hive has been flown in.

Just like the strongest place, it was wiped out.


It's just the weak part of the spaceport.

This is something Lu Xingye really doesn't want to see.

at the same time.

The people around saw the most horrifying scene in their lives, dense drones in the sky.

The drone swarm is like a canopy.

Covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Directly covering the entire sky.

It's like a sky filled with flowers.


Behind this beautiful and bright technological version of flowers, there is more than meets the eye.

There are also its hidden waves.

Behind the beauty of technology,

But there is a hidden murderous intention.

"What's happening here??:?"


"What happened???"

"These drones in the sky??? Isn't the spaceport the safest place so far?"

"Why are all the drones deployed??"

"Did the enemy invade? Or did aliens invade?"

Swish, swish, swish! ! !


While countless people were shocked, the bright drone in the sky opened fire.

The firepower is very strong.

Conventional weapons roared, machine guns and artillery shells strafed basic facilities, and buildings were blown up one after another.

One by one, basic measures were blown up.

There are some other things in there.

The casualties were very high, but none of the casualties were the core personnel of the spaceport. Because the core personnel of the space port are inside the space port, but the space port has a fairly strong energy shield inside.

This energy shield is not so easy to break through.


"My leg...can anyone help me? My leg is gone."

"Help! Someone save my daughter."

"Who the hell is this? Hurry up and get this drone under control."


A series of miserable screams came.

The crowd was wailing.

People fell under the gunfire.

Broken arms flying across the air.

Blood was left on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xingye felt a little sad.

Those who can live around the spaceport are all loyal fans of the Hive!

Watching each loyal fan die.

Lu Xingye was filled with grief.

This also directly led to Lu Xingye issuing the order to destroy them. Use anti-aircraft measures to shoot down all drones.


"Follow orders."

"All air defense measures were activated, as well as all fighter jets, to shoot down the drones overhead as quickly as possible."

Lu Xingye spoke coldly.

In fact, Lu Xingye, who gave this order, was very sad.

Because after this order is issued.

All drones on the hive will be destroyed. All the efforts of several years were ruined.

The most important thing is:

Drones are directly related to the exploration of Alien No. 7.

All three hundred starships originally used to explore Alien Planet 7 were out of control.

But there is no other way.

He has to shoot these drones down.

Otherwise he will suffer even greater losses.

from here.

Lu Xingye also learned a major lesson.

Artificial intelligence, or automated things, are not completely safe. There is an artificial intelligence watching in the dark.

The original invincible Internet firewall.

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