Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 478

Jarvis, who was standing next to him, seemed to see what Lu Xingye was thinking. He turned his head, glanced at Lu Xingye, and then said calmly:


"Now you feel that so many drones have been destroyed, and you feel very sad, right?"

Jarvis asked calmly.

Not to mention, the artificial intelligence Jarvis has been following Lu Xingye for so long, and now he can really guess Lu Xingye's thoughts to a certain extent.


"It's easy to destroy, but difficult to rebuild." Lu Xingye said calmly.

Then he announced to Jarvis that from now on, the spaceport will enter the first level of combat readiness.

All defensive measures are fully activated.

Jarvis understands now.

The spaceport that has lost its drone cluster is now at its smallest size.

We must strictly guard against clinging to death,

Otherwise, it will give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage.


"From now on, you will join my scientific research team to comprehensively develop artificial intelligence firewalls."

Jarvis was stunned for a moment, a little confused: "Commander, what do you mean???"

Lu Xingye smiled faintly: "It's very simple. It's just about developing artificial intelligence firewalls."

"Artificial intelligence firewall???" Jarvis was stunned for a moment,

Jarvis didn't seem to find any instructions on artificial intelligence firewalls from his database. Therefore, he didn't quite understand what Lu Xingye said.

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came over.


“Artificial Intelligence Firewall.”

"As the name suggests, it is a firewall to protect artificial intelligence."

“A firewall that prevents AI intrusions.”

"We have just experienced that the spaceport was attacked by an unknown force. We have to guard against it."

"According to your guess, the enemy also has an artificial intelligence that is not weaker than yours. Then we will start to defend based on this guess."

"It is necessary to successfully develop artificial intelligence firewall,"

"In this way, we can continue to manufacture drones safely in the world."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.


He thought of another problem. The unmanned spacecraft originally planned to explore alien planet No. 7 were all out of control.

To put it simply.

That is, they simply cannot do it in a short period of time.

The exploration of Alien No. 7 continues.

If Lu Xingye wanted to continue developing Alien No. 7, there were only two options left.

One is: directly explore Alien Planet No. 7.

The first part of the exploration is no longer carried out.

two is:

Postpone the exploration plan for Alien No. 7.

Until a new unmanned spacecraft is manufactured.


Lu Xingye thought about it and decided that the development plan for Alien No. 7 could no longer be delayed.

Because if it continues to be delayed.

The development of the hive will suffer a major stagnation.

This is not what Lu Xingye wants to see.


There was only one option left for Lu Xingye, which was to directly explore the alien planet and ignore the advance exploration part.


"Help me formulate an exploration plan for Alien Planet No. 7." ""

"It is planned to directly execute the exploration in a week."

Jarvis nodded slightly: "Roger, Commander."

hesitated for a moment


At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came again.


"Can the hacker who just invaded the spaceport be caught?"

Speaking of which.

Lu Xingye suddenly felt cold in his heart.

He was devastated by the intruder.

If there is a chance.

He must cut this mastermind into pieces.

Jarvis shook his head: "I can't be sure. But the other party's invasion method is exactly the same as the artificial intelligence invasion method. What is certain is that the other party must be an artificial intelligence exactly like myself."

That's it!

When Lu Xingye heard this, he thought for a moment. His eyes kept moving according to his thoughts.

Or guess,

This artificial intelligence attack should come from the gray fog civilization.

Gray fog civilization has always been mysterious.

People don’t know the origin of gray fog civilization at all.

Unlike the Predators, who have simple minds and well-developed limbs, they use all the technology in the race to develop individual weapons.

This is very recognizable.


Lu Xingye guessed that the Gray Mist Civilization was responsible for this attack.

Now it's troublesome.

Hasn’t the gray fog civilization always been huddled in the depths of the sea? Why is it coming out now? ? ?

These are turbulent times,

The situation is very unclear.

If the gray fog civilization comes out to cause trouble again, it will probably be even more troublesome.

Lu Xingye frowned.

Never before had he felt that his originally peaceful home planet was instigated by such waves.

Originally, he thought he knew Blue Star well enough.

What I never expected was that,

The Blue Star that I once knew was just the tip of the iceberg.

Apart from anything else, they didn't even understand the gray mist civilization deep in the sea.

Lu Xingye also explored the gray fog area.

It's just that that area is like a restricted area. Everything with a heartbeat will be destroyed if it enters.


And because their own civilization is not enough.

The plan to explore the gray fog civilization was directly shelved.

There are no plans to restart until now.

But after just experiencing the attack on the spaceport, Lu Xingye felt that it was time for him to be more aggressive.

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