Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 480

Zhu Xiaolong put down a table of documents and asked me to speak. After finishing speaking, he was about to leave. He didn’t want to stay here anymore because Zhu Xiaolong felt that if he continued to stay with this man, Lu Xingye, he would not be able to control himself.

Originally she had a crush on this man.

Originally this was nothing, because a slap wouldn't make a difference, but now the problem is that it's all because your personality has changed.

Lu Xingye became aggressive and looked at him as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Zhu Xiaonong's body reacted, he couldn't stand this look.


Zhu Xiaonong felt that it was better for him to leave as soon as possible.

Lu Xingye waved, originally he wanted to persuade him to stay.

But after I lifted it up, I suddenly didn’t know what to say.

He said that he immediately asked Zhu Xiaonong to leave.

Lu Xingye felt uncomfortable letting go and leaving at this time, because his body's desire became very strong after taking the Shenlong gene.

Lu Xingye really wanted Zhu Xiaonong to stay with him.

But intellectually speaking.

He couldn't waste time like this.

Because now Hive has become a world-class technology center.

The eyes of the whole world are focused on the hive.

Lu Xingye didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

Except for this.

Lu Xingye still has a lot of scientific research work that has not been completed.

Then you can’t do those things like singing and dancing every night.

That’s all.

Now that Zhu Xiaolong has left, he should leave and do scientific research first. After the scientific research is completed, he will deal with the alien affairs and have plenty of time to play games with these girls.

Even if these girls want to leave and stop playing this game, he will never allow them.

Because he couldn't hold it any longer.


After thinking about this problem clearly, Lu Xingye suddenly had a lot of ideas.

After a while.

He called Jarvis and called me over to the deep space laboratory. Then let Jarvis assist in arranging artificial intelligence firewall related work.

At this time, Lu Xingye also knew about the artificial intelligence firewall, and the main research and development work was still done by Lu Xingye and Jarvis.

Although he will also distribute these scientific research tasks, most of the scientists in the hive cannot see great use.

Especially this kind of cutting-edge scientific research product.

It still takes people like himself, Jarvis, and Tony to study it.


Use something Lu Xingye would never think of.

When he asked Jia Weixin to release the tasks related to the artificial intelligence firewall, the director of the quantum computer laboratory in the hive made a call to him.

The director of the Quantum Computer Laboratory is Wang Mingming. He is a very loyal and honest young man. He has a very good impression on Lu Xingye as a man of action.

Although Lu Xingye was a little confused as to why he asked your computer lab to call him at this time, he didn't get too entangled and directly answered the phone.


"Scientist Wang Mingming, do you have any questions???"

"Or is there something I don't understand???" Lu Xingye pressed the answer button and asked calmly.

At this time, Wang Mingming's faint voice came from the other side of the microphone.

"Commander, are you planning to develop an artificial intelligence firewall???"

"I just looked at your arrangements for scientific research work, and I think there is something that you will definitely be interested in."

When Lu Xingye heard this, he was aroused by Wang Mingming. : "Oh??? What is it???"

Wang Mingming, who was on the opposite side of the microphone, heard that the commander was interested. His interest was even more exciting than Lu Xingye's.

Everyone was almost standing up.

His eyes were full of excitement.

Quantum Computer Laboratory…

When Hive was founded, the Quantum Computer Laboratory was still taken seriously and has always been one of the key laboratories in Hive.



Quantum computer laboratories are increasingly marginalized and have not even been taken seriously.

At the beginning, quantum computers were the fastest computers in the hive.

Everything depends on quantum computers.

Now the emergence of photonic computers and biological optical brains can be said to have almost eliminated quantum computers.

The hive is also equipped with fewer and fewer resources for quantum computers. The Quantum Computer Laboratory is getting more and more sad.

Wang Mingming serves as the director of the Quantum Computer Laboratory.

He has a responsibility.

There are also obligations.

Lead the quantum computer laboratory back to the top.

Return to the core laboratories of the hive.

Then get the hive's massive resource tilt.

Resources and funds have always been an important equipment in the laboratory.

If there are no resources…

Then the development of the laboratory will stagnate.

If development stagnates, new resources cannot be obtained.

Without resources... there is no way to develop.

If there is no way to develop, there will be no resources.

This cycle continues.

Then his quantum computer laboratory is not far away from being shut down.


Wang Mingming must break the situation.

During this period of time, Wang Mingming was thinking a lot and couldn't think of a way to solve the problem, but his hair turned a few gray.

Hive is full of talented people.

And gather talents from all over the world.

There are thousands of laboratories.

If you want to stand out from these thousands of laboratories, it is really difficult.

for example:

Old laboratories such as quantum computer laboratories will still be eliminated by the new generation if they do not carry out technological innovation.

The waves in front push back the waves in the Yangtze River.

Houlang was beaten to death on the beach.

This is a true portrayal of the quantum computer laboratory.


"That's right. Our Quantum Laboratory has a study that is very similar to the artificial intelligence firewall you described. If this project is modified, it may be able to realize the function of the artificial intelligence firewall you mentioned."

Wang Mingming spoke excitedly, his voice trembling a little.


When Lu Xingye heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Although it was a bit unbelievable, I was still very ecstatic.

Is there a breakthrough in the quantum laboratory? ? ?

Or is there a research basis? ? ?

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