Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 506

Lu Xingye basically relies on his own radar now.

To put it simply, Lu Xingye is just like a blind man now, there is not much difference at all.

When the black mist approached and the biochemical troops were three kilometers away, Lu Xingye's reconnaissance troops had already discovered it.

"That black mist???"

"Or is it poisonous mist???"

Lu Xingye's pupils shrank, and a flash of panic flashed in his eyes.

If he read it correctly.

This black mist should be the black mist that melted the biochemical bees.

In the dark mist.

high speed.

Soon they approached Lu Xingye's reconnaissance team.

"Be careful to avoid it."

"This black fog is not like ordinary black fog. It is suspected to be a man-made object." Lu Xingye was in the command center, looking at the monitoring screen in front of him.

Couldn't help but murmur.

My heart was beating really hard.

He couldn't help but sweat for his mechanized troops and biochemical troops.

The biochemical bees are stuck inside.

Can these biochemical troops survive now?

What about mechanized troops? ? ?

Lu Xingye was not sure either.

Immediately afterwards.

He heard the mechanized troops and biological troops respond coldly.


"Because the range of the black fog is too large and the speed of the black fog is too fast, it is no longer possible to avoid it."

The voice of the captain in charge of the biochemical force came faintly from the microphone.

What the hell.

Lu Xingye cursed.

What on earth is this black mist?

It's like having a tracker, chasing and slashing at your own troops.

375. All biochemical soldiers were wiped out. Jarvis’s five guesses


Lu Xingye thought of a question in his mind.

Since this black mist is like a tracker. So will this gray fog directly attack his base camp?

If this gray mist really attacks your base camp, how should you respond?

Lu Xingye kept thinking about this problem in his heart.

"Jarvis, can you analyze what this object is?"

Lu Xingye turned his head, looked at Jarvis and asked calmly:

In Lu Xingye's eyes, Jarvis is an artificial intelligence, and it is not an artificial intelligence produced in this world. The database in the body should be very large, some similar to or different from Blue Star's database.

Maybe Jarvis will know something?

"Reporting to Commander, I don't know what this thing is yet."

"Then is there any way to know what this is? Or is there any way to stop the black mist? Help evaluate the ultimate strength of the black mist." Lu Xingye turned around and looked at Jarvis and spoke solemnly.

Lu Xingye was a little worried.

This black mist will come to attack the biochemical troops, or it will not be as simple as coming to attack.

But the black mist is attacking.

If the black mist is attacking the biochemical troops.

Will they attack the base camp?

Jarvis was silent for a moment, the biological intelligence brain kept flashing through his mind, and some important things and information were analyzed one after another.

After a while.

Jarvis looks like an old man.

He spoke in a buzzing voice.

"I think this situation is more complicated. We can consider the situation. If this black mist is created by aliens, it is very likely that they will attack us.

after all.

Morally, we are the attacker.

It's normal for aliens to fight back.


"From another level, if this thing is not made by aliens, then it is unlikely that the other party will attack our base camp."

"And there is another situation. Is it possible that this black fog is a natural product. Just like the tornado on our planet, it is a natural product."

"It's a normal natural phenomenon, although it can also attack humans, but..."

"It is indeed a natural phenomenon."

Jarvis paused and said something that was not very reliable. He seemed to have said this, but he seemed not to have said it.


"""It seems that you... are not very powerful!"

"As an artificial intelligence with strict logic, it actually said such unreliable words. I thought that only some special human beings would say such awkward words. They would not say such unclear words when they go out."

Lu Xingye looked at Jarvis and smiled lightly.

Say these not-so-helpful things.

What a disgrace to our artificial intelligence.

Except this.


Jarvis laughed dryly, didn't he learn this from you humans?

According to my large database, you humans like this roundabout way of speaking the most.

Lu Xingye waved his hand.


"You don't need to talk about these roundabout words."

"The situation is unclear now. There are not many useful things in human civilization. It is very likely that there are alien civilizations watching."

"Let's just get down to business."

Lu Xingye looked at Jarvis and spoke seriously.

The face is full of smiles.

But this smile is far-fetched no matter what.

Because the current situation is unclear, Lu Xingye cannot be happy.



"Then do you want to hear the truth, or do you want to hear ugly words???"

Jarvis smiled lightly.

I learned Lu Xingye's smile, but this smile looked very ugly no matter how I smiled. It's very stiff. Although it looks like a human smile, you can still tell the difference.

"Tell the truth!"

"Don't do all the bells and whistles."

Lu Xingye straightened his face, looked at Jarvis, and spoke with some seriousness:


Jarvis paused and looked at Lu Xingye with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

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