Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 528

The aliens only slowly approached their base camp and did not launch an attack.

how to say?

It is like the envoys between two countries coming out to talk to each other.

Lu Xingye felt that these robots coming out in front were envoys sent by people from other provinces.


"Analyze what these aliens want to do? If something goes wrong, we will run away immediately." Lu Xingye said calmly.


"If I guess correctly, these aliens want to communicate with us." Jarvis thought about it, and based on the data model analysis he established, the aliens did not have strong intentions to attack.

When Lu Xingye heard this, he was not relieved.

Instead, I became more vigilant. According to various previous experiences, aliens are not a peaceful race or a race that is good at talking. They are still a destructive race. They are like locusts. No matter where they go, they will Everything will be wiped out.

Now the aliens are actively approaching their base camp to talk and

Lu Xingye was a little unsure.

This alien race is a race full of conspiracies.

In the beginning, their hive was deceived by the alien's appearance, and then entered Alien Planet No. 7. I never thought that Alien Planet No. 7 would be a trap.

"Let's send a small team and directly tell the aliens that they can't go any further. If they want to talk, please send a real alien over, otherwise there will be no need to talk."

"Okay commander." Little Weiss nodded slightly, and then used big data to issue instructions for a team of mechanized troops to intercept the aliens.

This mechanical army is all made of ordinary robots. There are a total of 10 people in the team, all of which are equipped with super weapons.

Once aliens attack these troops, these troops also have certain counterattack capabilities.

What Lu Xingye never expected was.

They sent out this pair of interception troops, but they were opened fire by the aliens before they even got in front of them. Hundreds of aliens focused their fire directly.

10 mechanized troops were instantly wiped out.


"These aliens are not here for peace at all, nor are they here for conversation between the two sides, but are here directly for attack. Fortunately, we sent an interception force, otherwise by the time they arrive at the base camp , that would be a real trouble. Maybe, these aliens are equipped with high-explosive bombs in their bodies, and they will explode if they get close."

Jarvis looked at the 10 robots that were beaten to ashes, feeling extremely angry.


"That's true!"

"These are all robots and mechas made by aliens. Maybe they are all unmanned and there are no aliens in them at all." Lu Xingye nodded slightly and said.

397. Hard to win, aliens are ugly?

"Retreat." Lu Xingye gave this order helplessly. There was no other way. Now the aliens were sending only mecha troops and robots. Even if he went head-to-head with them, it would be a thankless thing.

If we continue to struggle with aliens.

In the end, the only one who loses is himself.

So Lu Xingye retreated without even thinking.

The aliens kept attacking from the front, and he kept retreating from behind.

Various artillery fires attacked each other.

The technology that the hive has, the aliens also have, and the technology that the hive doesn't have, the aliens don't have either.

Because aliens have the gift of perception, anything they see and hear can be created.

So now the technological level of aliens and hives is at the same level.

The two men's escape speeds were also surprisingly similar.

The hive can move at a maximum speed of 800 kilometers per hour.

The alien's maximum moving speed is also 800 kilometers per hour.

To put it simply, the technological level of two people is the same.

As for who is stronger, it all depends on their respective levels.

Because this is the base camp of aliens, it is actually very disadvantageous to fight aliens here.

Because Alien Planet No. 7 is the base camp for people from other provinces, people from other provinces can continuously supply supplies through personnel.

The hive cannot.

so what.

Lu Xingye tried his best to preserve his strength and not to confront the aliens head-on. After humans finally developed the genocide drug, he would kill the aliens at once.


Because aliens have the gift of perception, can they also perceive human thoughts?

If so, do they also know that we are secretly developing genocide drugs?


What kind of world is this?

Lu Xingye frowned. He traveled thousands of miles to Alien Planet No. 7. He originally thought he could colonize the alien planet, but he never expected that Alien Planet No. 7 was actually restricted by aliens.

He has not had a good day since he came to the alien planet. Instead, the troops he brought from the hive destroyed most of the space battleships that are currently not floating in the sky.

It can be said that it is getting more and more difficult.


Lu Xingye, who was running away now, suddenly thought of a question.

Although aliens have the gift of perception, can I not let the aliens take this gift as my own? Or what about transplanting the lover's talent into the human body?

This idea is bold and futuristic.

But this idea is not impossible.

Just imagine.

If this talent is really transplanted into the human body, it will be such an awesome existence.

At that time, Kyushu will truly realize that everyone is like a dragon.

Whatever you see is made.

Learn to make what you need to hear.

If you have this talent.

In Kyushu, everyone is a scientist and everyone is very smart.

When the time comes, Yingjiang will just eat the fart.

Lu Xingye used reasonable evasion methods to finally escape the tracking of aliens in the underground and the world, but he also paid a very heavy price. Only one-tenth of the mechanical troops were left, and the biological and chemical troops were basically wiped out.

Lu Xingye kept walking forward and suddenly thought of a problem. The alliance and Jarvis shared that the problem was how to contact the space battleship in the sky.

He drove the space battleship from Blue Star, which is the base camp of the Hive. Regardless of popularization or other technologies, they were obtained from the space battleship. However, there was an electromagnetic storm outside Alien Planet No. 7, which prevented them from transmitting to it through particles. The space battleship above reduced their capabilities by half. If they had a way to contact the space battleship, they would be more confident in dealing with aliens.

Now there's only one question left.

That's how to eliminate the electromagnetic storm I want to have outside Alien Planet No. 7. As long as the electromagnetic storm is resolved, they can teleport to the space battleship.

Now the new generation of space battleships have added space fixtures on them.

To put it simply, only slogans corresponding to one's own can be transmitted to the space battleship. Even if the aliens from Alien Planet No. 7 learn the particle transmission technology, there is no way to transmit the aliens to the space battleship. This is Lu Xingye's advantage.

If Lu Xingye can contact the space battleship, he can send the genocide drug to the space battleship, which will increase the certainty.


Lu Xingye moved a miniature fortress and came to a city in the underground world. This city has eight walls and looks very tall.

It is more majestic than all the growth in ancient Kyushu.

It's several hundred meters high and 4 kilometers wide, so you can't see the edge.

Could this place be the base camp of aliens? Lu Xingye shook his head and decided that he wanted to go into the Love City to have a look.

But now comes the problem.

Although aliens and humans look similar in appearance, there is one big difference. Aliens have a pair of horns on their heads. This is their sensory talent, while humans do not have this pair of horns.

In addition to this, the skin color of humans and aliens is also different. Humans are generally yellow and white, while the skin color of aliens is brown. Although there are also white, white is relatively rare.

The face, appearance, and body are also taller than humans.

In general, if a group of them entered an alien city, they would probably be recognized by the aliens at first sight.

Therefore, if Lu Xingye wanted to enter an alien city and explore, he would have to put on makeup.

Especially the head needs to grow a pair of horns.

This is how you can fool aliens.

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