Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 530

This group of people are all tall and mighty rough guys. There are also some tall and powerful rough girls. They pointed at the girl in the middle.

There was something very unkind in the voice.

do not know why.

This alien girl became the target of public criticism.

Lu Xingye looked at the girl in front of him who was no different from a human being, and suddenly felt good in his heart. But now he feels a little helpless.

I can't even protect myself.

Where can I still save others?


Lu Xingye decided to watch the show quietly.

Stay out of anything the aliens do.

At this time, he heard the chirping voice of the alien next to him. The aliens speak an alien language that, to be honest, sounds a bit unpleasant to human ears.

"This girl is so ugly! Why is his skin white?"

"And why is this girl so short? It's really a shame to our underground clan."

"If he's so ugly and short, I might as well hit him head on and kill him."

"As long as you live, you are a shame to our underground clan."

"I really don't know who could give birth to such an ugly girl. If I were his parents, I would just strangle him to death. How could I let him live until now?"

When Lu Xingye heard this, he was startled.

This girl is not ugly either.

Why did he become a being despised by thousands of people in the eyes of aliens?

Lu Xingye really couldn't understand.

This fair-skinned alien would definitely be a star in the human world. He is extremely beautiful and has smooth, fair skin.

She is the wife that all old perverts dream of.

However, after Lu Xingye paused for a while, he finally thought of the reason. That is a question of aesthetics. The aesthetics of aliens are different from the aesthetics of humans. .

399. Encounter with an innocent little alien girl

Lu Xingye saw the truth, goodness and beauty in this alien girl.

This touched him a little.

Such an innocent girl.

I haven’t seen Lu Xingye for a long time.

Plus this little girl has a pair of silver antennae on her head. Looks a little different from other aliens.

The horns on the heads of other aliens are usually black.

Only the horns on the little girl's head are silver.

Plus little girls have different skin types.

So most people don't like this alien kid.

As a result, this alien girl was reviled by most aliens on the street.

Lu Xingye watched quietly.

He didn't choose to help.

Because he himself can't save himself, who else can he save?

And Lu Xingye is an alien in disguise.

He's not really an alien.

Once you save the little girl, you will increase your chances of being exposed. Lu Xingye would not increase his risk for an alien he had never met.

After a while.

It’s just that these aliens are tired of scolding.

One by one they all left.

The little girl downstairs was crying where she was, crying very sadly. Just like a little kid.

Lu Xingye walked slowly over, walked in front of these little girls, and looked at the little girl carefully.

I have to say, this little girl is really awesome.

In Lu Xingye's view.

Be it appearance or figure. This alien girl is impeccable.

"Get up."

"The bad guys are gone."

Lu Xingye stretched out his hand to the little girl and showed a soft smile.

When the little girl heard Lu Xingye's voice, her body suddenly trembled, and then she suddenly took two steps back. Apparently, he has been ostracized by aliens since his birth.

Now as soon as he heard the alien voice.

You can't help but tremble inside.

how to say?

This time it's a bit like the reaction of some kind of animal when it encounters a natural predator.

The little girls were bullied out of their shadows.

One can imagine.

How were little girls bullied during these days?

Lu Xingye couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken.

"do not be afraid."

"I am a good person."

"It's different from those bad guys."

"I won't hurt you." Lu Xingye was acting in his true colors now, and every word he spoke came from the bottom of his heart. Because he really sympathizes with this alien girl.

After the little girl heard Lu Xingye's voice.

His eyes suddenly brightened a little.

Looked up.

He looked at Lu Xingye in disbelief.

"Are you really not going to bully me??? But they don't like me." The little girl had a pitiful look on her face.

Just don't know why.

Lu Xingye always felt that the little girl in front of him was staring at the horns on his head.


what happened?


Probably not.

Lu Xingye believed in his disguise skills very much.

At this time, the little girl's pitiful voice came again.

"Big brother."

"Do you think no one in this world likes me? They all say I'm ugly."

When Lu Xingye heard this, he felt a little heartbroken.


Who is it?

The wolf hearts of these aliens were literally eaten by dogs.

Such a cute little girl.

Although I was bullied into this by you.


"Although they don't like you, I like you! I like you very much." Lu Xingye replied with a smile, his face showed a pure light, without some other impurities, it looked very clear.

The little girl was in disbelief. "Really??? Big brother, do you really like me???"

Lu Xingye nodded heavily: "Of course it's true! And I don't think you are ugly at all, you are quite good-looking."

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