Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 532

Among the underground people, all aliens are little beasts, and the little beasts are wary of, and even hostile to, the aliens around them.

This is your chance.

Lu Xingyue felt that all his previous ideas were wrong. Why must the aliens be eliminated?

Wouldn’t it be nice to treat aliens as our own resources?

Aliens have the gift of perception.

Then I transplant the alien's gift of perception into a human body.

This is equivalent to.

Use Alien as a cheat.

transplanted into one's own body.

You don't have to destroy the aliens to achieve your goal.

You can return to your home planet first.

Develop technology from the home planet.

Return to Alien 7.

In this way, alien planet No. 7 can be colonized.

Instead of destroying the aliens.

Might as well use the aliens as their own resources.

Just do what you have to do.


Now we have reached this point.

He wanted to try harder.

In the city of underground civilization, he decided to investigate the secrets of the aliens first, and then slowly figure them out.

I originally thought.

It is difficult to find a breakthrough.

Never expected it.

As soon as he arrived in the underground civilized city, God gave him such a great gift.

I met an alien who had a hatred for aliens.

Doesn't this give him a chance?

Just start with this alien.

He can definitely find a breakthrough. As the saying goes, you must first understand aliens before you can take targeted countermeasures against aliens.

Little beast beast, this is a good entry point.

"That's it."

"Then can you tell me what talent your silver horn has?"


At this time, Little Beast shook his head.

"I can't tell you for the time being. Because this is my secret. If Brother Lu can protect me in the future, then I will tell you." At this time, the little beast was still a little wary of Lu Xingye.

When Lu Xingye heard this, he was startled.

He didn't expect this little girl to be so guarded.

even though……

This little girl looks innocent and romantic on the surface, but she actually has a lot of little Jiujiu inside.

Lu Xingye suddenly felt that he could not be deceived by this little girl's appearance.

Isn't there a saying that says this?

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

No matter how innocent and romantic this little beast looks on the outside?

It's just an alien.

They are on opposite sides.

Even now, it seems that Little Beast and other aliens are very hostile. But this is only if their race is safe.

If there is such a day.

Lu Xingye wanted to attack their race and destroy their race.

So is Little Beast on his side?

Or on the side of their race?

Lu Xingye felt that the little beast was probably from the side of their sect's current capital.

That being the case.

He must guard against the little beast.

Although Xiaoshoumon is an important point for him to understand aliens and enter the entrance of aliens, there is one thing he must understand.

That is.

He can use the little beast.

But one must remain vigilant.

Once you are wary, you can't completely trust the little beast.


For now, Lu Xingye decided to contact Little Beast first to obtain information about aliens. Then consider whether to return to the home star and bring the robot army over.


Completely colonize Alien Planet 7.

341. Be careful of viruses on aliens

Lu Xingye smiled and said, "I'm your brother Lu. Of course I will protect you. You don't have to worry that I won't let anyone hurt you."

Hum hum…

"There are too many liars in this world. I have only known you for a day, so I will not tell you the secret. After a few days, I will make sure that you are trustworthy, and then I will tell you the secret." Little Beast is innocent. Smile brightly and have a smile on your face.


Lu Xingye smacked his lips and said, there was nothing he could do. Now I can only establish a good relationship with this little girl, and then contact this little girl to understand the people from other provinces step by step, and wait until the people from other provinces are enough to understand me.

That's when the tunnel fire technology army arrives.

In fact, as time goes by.

Lu Xingye also discovered one thing, that is, aliens are not as scary as he thought.

Although the aliens are very talented, humans are not without the ability to fight back.

At least in the city of this underground civilization, it is found that the city of the underground civilization is actually similar to human civilization, or in other words, the development of civilization is similar.

Lu Xingye was increasingly looking forward to Alien Planet No. 7.

There are things he likes in Alien No. 7, and he has survived the dark years, and the bright years should come next.

"Where do you live, little beast? Can you take me to your home???" Lu Xingye asked softly.

"Of course. My family lives in a cave not far from here. Because Little Beast has no money, he has no way to buy a house in the city and can only dig a cave in the cave. Brother Lu, don't you know? Do you dislike me???" Little Beast asked pitifully, his claws stretched out in front of Lu Xingye, looking so pitiful and tender that people felt pity for him.

"how could be?"

"Little beast, you are much better than my brother Lu. If you don't have a house now, and you don't even have one of the three buildings, it's so pitiful that you have to rely on your little sister. Take me in. If you don't take me in, little sister, , maybe I will stay in the wilderness." Lu Xingye smiled and was about to speak, with a bit of teasing in his voice, but his tone was very gentle, which made the little beast feel very comfortable.

"That's okay too!"

"That's what we settled on,"

"Brother Lu protects me, and then I provide Brother Lu with a place to live. We are both poor people, and we protect each other. Let's cheer each other up!" Little Beast opened his mouth innocently and didn't know what he was thinking of, and suddenly walked up to Lu Xingye opened his hands in front of him and gave Lu Xingye a gentle hug.

This embrace is very meaningful. It is the first embrace between aliens and humans, an embrace between two civilizations.

Originally, Lu Xingye wanted to refuse.

Because two civilizations generally do not come into contact with each other.

how to say?

This is not about worrying about reproduction or isolation.

But worry about the virus.

First of all, let’s talk about humans. Human beings living in an environment like their mother are carrying all kinds of viruses.

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