Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 547

"The headquarters has undergone large-scale upgrades and expansions, and we dare not slack off." Jarvis responded, his voice full of the calmness of virtual wisdom.

Lu Xingye led the team on a tour inside the headquarters and saw advanced research laboratories, busy work areas and living areas. The development of science and technology has made the headquarters more prosperous. Humans and robots work together to promote the continuous advancement of science and technology.

"The headquarters has undergone earth-shaking changes, which is really impressive." Long Xiaoyun sighed.

Zhao Yinyun added: "The progress of science and technology is really amazing. The knowledge we learned during the interstellar journey has been applied here."

The entire headquarters is filled with an atmosphere of innovation and vitality, and everyone is working hard for a better future. In this homeland, Lu Xingye felt a great sense of accomplishment, but at the same time he also understood that he still had many challenges waiting for him on the road ahead.

His home star is his eternal support, and here, he will continue to pursue the ideal of immortality while bringing technology to more people.

A week later.

Lu Xingye was immersed in laboratory research, and the pursuit of the elixir of life became the focus of his life. However, despite his great efforts, he fell into confusion and helplessness.

In the laboratory, drug formulas and data analysis are intertwined into an intricate web. Every experiment is an exploration of the unknown, but there always seems to be a lack of breakthroughs. He knows that the dream of immortality is very difficult, but he cannot give up easily.

Just as he was deep in thought, Zhu Xiaonong walked into the laboratory. Seeing Lu Xingye's anxious look, she couldn't help but smile.

"Mr. Lu, you have been working hard all day, so you have to give yourself a holiday." Zhu Xiaonong reminded him softly.

Lu Xingye raised his head and looked at Zhu Xiaonong. He smiled bitterly and said, "The dream of immortality has made me a little lost."

Zhu Xiaonong walked up to him and patted his shoulder: "You have always been our leader, but you are also a human being. Proper rest and relaxation are also necessary."

"Maybe you are right." Lu Xingye nodded.

"I have a suggestion. Go out for a walk and relax. Maybe you will gain new insights." Zhu Xiaonong said with a smile.

Lu Xingye thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement. The two left the laboratory and came to the business district near the headquarters. This area is full of vitality due to technological advancement, and all kinds of futuristic shops and entertainment venues can be seen everywhere.

"Look, Mr. Lu, this restaurant has a good reputation. Let's try it." Zhu Xiaonong pointed to a restaurant in front of him and said.

The two walked into the restaurant and chose a seat by the window. Outside the window is a busy commercial street, with people going back and forth, enjoying the convenience and pleasure brought by technology.

"Sometimes, the little joys in life can bring you new inspiration." Zhu Xiaonong raised his glass and said with a smile.

Lu Xingye raised his glass and the two clinked their glasses. He felt a sense of relief and ease. Perhaps, by relaxing, you can find extraordinary inspiration in the ordinary.

After the meal, the two strolled along the commercial street and admired the city scenery under the stars. At this time, Lu Xingye felt the warmth of being embraced by life. He began to let go of the burden in his heart and began to enjoy the beauty of the moment.

While Lu Xingye and Zhu Xiaonong were happily strolling around, Zhu Xiaonong's cell phone suddenly rang. It was a call from her mother, Feng Shishi. She picked up the phone, laughing and chatting.

"Hey, mom, what's wrong?"

On the other end of the phone, Feng Shishi's voice came: "Xiao Nong, mom has good news and a request."

"What good news?" Zhu Xiaonong asked curiously.

"I'm back with a boyfriend that I want you to meet. If you don't like him, then let's go on a blind date. How about it?"

Zhu Xiaonong immediately smiled and said with some embarrassment: "Mom, did you decide this all of a sudden? I'm out of town and can't rush back to meet immediately."

"Hey, I know you're at the Tunhuo Technology headquarters now. It's okay. Just have time. But if you think he's not suitable, mom still wants you to go on a blind date." There was a hint of ridicule in Feng Shishi's voice.

"Okay, okay, I understand. Mom, you play first. I will definitely meet him when I get back." Zhu Xiaonong agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Xiaonong looked at Lu Xingye and said with a smile, "Mom suddenly asked me to meet my boyfriend. I was a little caught off guard."

Lu Xingye said with a smile: "There is no need to be too nervous about this kind of thing, just let it take its own course. However, if your mother really introduces a good boyfriend, this may be an opportunity."

Zhu Xiaonong looked at Lu Xingye in confusion: "How do you know that my mother is introducing a good boyfriend?"

Lu Xingye chuckled and said, "Because I like you."

Zhu Xiaonong's eyes widened and he was a little surprised: "You, what did you say?"

"Yes, I like you. During our joint adventure, I found that I like you more and more. Maybe it's time for me to confess my love." Lu Xingye said calmly.

Hearing this unexpected confession, Zhu Xiaonong blushed slightly. She readily accepted the feeling: "Thank you, Mr. Lu. I have always had special feelings for you."

The two were silent for a while amid this sudden declaration of emotion. Suddenly, Lu Xingye raised his eyebrows and said, "Then let's go back now. See your mother and give her an explanation."

"Okay, let's go back." Zhu Xiaonong also smiled.

Lu Xingye took Zhu Xiaonong's hand and activated the particle transmitter. The next moment, they disappeared into the streets of the business district.

In the light of the particle transmitter, Lu Xingye and Zhu Xiaonong instantly returned to Zhu Xiaonong's mother's home. The appearance of this moment surprised Feng Shishi. She looked at the two people who appeared in the living room hand in hand and couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, are you making an extra trip?" Feng Shishi looked at Zhu Xiaonong with concern.

"It's okay, mother." Zhu Xiaonong smiled and turned to look at Lu Xingye beside him, "This is my mother, Feng Shishi. Mom, this is Lu Xingye, and she is also my friend."

Feng Shishi shook hands with Lu Xingye in a friendly manner and said with a smile: "It's great to hear Xiaonon say that you are her friend. Please sit down, please sit down."

In the living room, the three of them sat down and chatted. Feng Shishi asked about Lu Xingye's current situation with concern, and Lu Xingye responded in a relaxed and cheerful manner. The atmosphere became relaxed and cheerful, almost like an exchange between old friends.

Suddenly, Feng Shishi seemed to think of something and smiled mysteriously: "By the way, Xiaonon, I made a mistake just now. In fact, the person who came home today was not a boyfriend, but a blind date. Look, he is sitting there Next to you."

Zhu Xiaonong was stunned. She turned to look at Lu Xingye, who had a naughty smile on her face. Feng Shishi looked at the expressions of the two people and couldn't help but laugh.

"You're kidding!" Feng Shishi covered her mouth and laughed, "I just wanted to test your reaction. It seems that your relationship is really good."

The two looked at each other and then laughed. Zhu Xiaonong patted Lu Xingye's shoulder and said helplessly, "It's true, you men like to make jokes like this all day long."

Feng Shishi smiled even more happily: "Okay, okay, don't be angry. However, your tacit understanding is really enviable."

The atmosphere was filled with relaxation and joy, and the three of them shared laughs and stories. Although Zhu Xiaonong was a little embarrassed by the joke just now, she also felt the warm atmosphere of this family.

At dinner, Feng Shishi personally prepared a sumptuous meal for them. Lu Xingye and Zhu Xiaonong spent a wonderful night in this warm family. They felt the sincerity of family and friendship while talking and laughing, and they also strengthened their expectations for the future.

366. Special emotions, developing the real elixir of life

After dinner, Lu Xingye and Zhu Xiaonong sat together in the living room and continued chatting at Feng Shishi's invitation. Feng Shishi asked Lu Xingye about his experience in interstellar exploration, and Lu Xingye also shared some of the development of tunnel fire technology. Gradually, the conversation between the three became more relaxed and pleasant.

Feng Shishi looked at Lu Xingye and Zhu Xiaonong, and felt a sense of relief in her heart. She knew that her daughter had been working at Tunnel Fire Technology, and Lu Xingye, as the team leader, was also a trustworthy partner for the family.

"Xiao Nong, I heard you say that Lu Xingye has a special place in your heart. Have you ever considered such a thing?" Feng Shishi suddenly asked.

Zhu Xiaonong suddenly felt a little shy. She glanced at Lu Xingye, and then said softly: "Mom, we are just good friends now, and our relationship has not reached that stage yet."

"Haha, okay, okay, I won't ask any more questions." Feng Shishi smiled and waved her hands, showing the tacit understanding between the two.

Lu Xingye also felt that this topic was a bit delicate. He smiled and said: "Aunt Feng Shishi, we are partners now and jointly pursue the goal of tunnel fire technology. Emotional matters may depend on fate."

Feng Shishi nodded, expressing understanding. She changed the subject and started talking about something trivial. Throughout the night, the three of them spent time in a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere, and their understanding of each other deepened.

As the night progressed, Lu Xingye and Zhu Xiaonong said goodbye to Feng Shishi, activated the particle transmitter and returned to the headquarters of Tunnel Fire Technology. At the moment when they said goodbye to each other, their hearts were filled with blessings for the family.

Back at the headquarters, Lu Xingye and Zhu Xiaonong were still talking and laughing casually, as if everything was so natural and beautiful. They re-invested in the research and exploration of science and technology, but the warmth and family affection in their hearts always accompanied them and became a bright light on the road ahead.

In the laboratory where Lu Xingye devoted himself to scientific and technological research, he began a new challenge - studying immortal particles. This research became a new milestone in his scientific and technological pursuits and an effort to achieve the ultimate goal of immortality.

The laboratory is full of high-tech equipment, with various instruments and data screens flashing. Lu Xingye carefully analyzed the previous research results, and he decided to find the secret of immortality through gene regulation.

First, he designed a genetic sequence called the Immortality Particle, which incorporated a variety of alien genetic information he obtained during his interstellar exploration. The goal of this gene is to activate certain potential energy in human cells, thereby increasing the speed of cell regeneration and repair and achieving anti-aging effects.

Next, Lu Xingye used advanced gene editing technology to inject longevity particles into the cells of the test subject. The experimental process required precision instruments and superb technology. Lu Xingye personally controlled various equipment to ensure that every step was accurate.

After the gene injection, Lu Xingye paid attention to the physiological changes of the test subjects. After a period of observation, he found that the cells of the test subject showed amazing vitality, and the repair speed far exceeded the normal level. This made him more determined in the direction of his research.

However, Lu Xingye knew clearly that this was only the preliminary stage of the experiment. He needs to further adjust and optimize the gene sequence to ensure that the longevity particles can not only stimulate the vitality of cells, but also avoid possible negative effects. This is a complex and arduous task, but Lu Xingye is full of confidence.

In the following days, the laboratory was filled with the exchange of various data and the flickering of light and shadow. Lu Xingye and his team members worked together, discussed with each other, and worked together to pursue the pinnacle of technology. Every experiment is an exploration of the unknown and a breakthrough for the future of mankind.

Gradually, Lu Xingye successfully optimized the genetic sequence of the longevity particle in the laboratory. This gene no longer simply stimulates vitality, but actually has the ability to prevent aging. Human cells regenerate and repair at an unprecedented rate, as if time slows down in these cells.

At this moment, Lu Xingye discovered with joy that he had achieved a major technological breakthrough - the successful research on immortality particles, which had taken a solid step towards realizing the dream of immortality for mankind.

After successfully researching the genetic sequence of the longevity particle, Lu Xingye decided to conduct more in-depth clinical trials and apply it to mice. This step is very critical, because mice, as experimental animals, can provide preliminary biological response data and lay the foundation for future human trials.

The mice in the laboratory are carefully selected, and their size, age and health are carefully recorded. Lu Xingye personally controlled the experimental equipment and injected the genetic sequence of the longevity particles into the cells of the mice.

After the injection, the entire laboratory became quiet as people waited for the results. Lu Xingye observed the physiological indicators of the mice while paying close attention to their behaviors and reactions.

After a period of observation, Lu Xingye discovered that the mice injected with longevity particles showed surprising changes. Their vitality is significantly enhanced, their movements are more flexible, and their weight gain is relatively slow. Most surprisingly, the mice seemed to live longer.

Lu Xingye was excited and satisfied with these results. He successfully conducted effective clinical trials on the genetic sequence of the longevity particles on mice. This provides a solid basis for future trials on humans.

However, Lu Xingye knew that successfully applying this technology to humans would still require a series of approvals and more rigorous tests. He will continue to conduct more in-depth research to optimize the application method and dosage of longevity particles to ensure their safety and effectiveness.

In the study of longevity particles, in order to more fully understand its effects on more complex organisms, Lu Xingye decided to conduct clinical trials on monkeys. The physiological structure of monkeys is closer to humans, so this step is particularly important.

In the laboratory, a group of healthy monkeys of similar age were selected as test subjects. Lu Xingye personally monitored the experimental process to ensure that everything was carried out in an orderly manner.

Unfortunately, however, this clinical trial was not as successful as expected. Although the monkeys showed increased vitality and improvements in some physiological indicators during initial observations, over time they gradually developed abnormalities.

Unlike the successful experiments on mice, the monkeys' life conditions gradually deteriorated, eventually leading to all deaths. The results plunged the lab into silence, leaving members of the team frustrated and disappointed.

Seeing Lu Xingye's serious expression, Jarvis walked forward and said softly: "Mr. Lu, this is just a failed experiment. There will always be setbacks on the road of scientific research. We can also analyze the reasons for the failure and make adjustments and improvements. .Scientific research rarely succeeds overnight, and every failure is a valuable experience.”

Lu Xingye took a deep breath and nodded to express understanding. He knows that the road to scientific research is full of hardships and uncertainties, and that every failure is part of progress. However, facing the setback in front of him still made him find it difficult to accept.

Jarvis continued: "We can re-examine every aspect of the experiment and identify possible problems. Maybe some adjustments need to be made to the gene sequence, or the dosage and application method should be adjusted. We cannot give up because of one failure, but should learn from it. Learn lessons and keep improving.”

Lu Xingye gradually calmed down after listening to Jarvis's words. He realized that even at the forefront of technology, success was not the only outcome; failure was also part of the process of progress. He is well aware of the difficulty of scientific research, but he has also strengthened his determination to research immortality.

"Thank you, Jarvis. You are right, we cannot stop here, there is still a lot of work to be done. We will learn more from our failures and make the research on immortal particles more perfect." Lu Xingye said with courage.

Faced with the setbacks of the experiment, Lu Xingye decided to conduct in-depth research with Zhao Yinyun. Zhao Yinyun is a scientist with outstanding talents in the fields of biology and genetics. Her joining has injected new strength into the laboratory.

In the laboratory, Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun began to work closely together. Together they analyzed the reasons for the failure of the monkey experiment and carefully studied the genetic sequence of the longevity particle. Zhao Yinyun provided more ideas and suggestions for the experiment with her profound professional knowledge.

The two interacted frequently in the laboratory, discussing optimization plans for every link. Their work became close and efficient, as if a tacit understanding ran through each other. Lu Xingye found that Zhao Yinyun's logical thinking was very clear, and Zhao Yinyun also admired Lu Xingye's decision-making and innovation.

One day, when the two were studying data, Zhao Yinyun suddenly made a key point: "Perhaps we should consider the plasticity of genes and try to better integrate the gene sequence into the monkey's genetic system to improve acceptance."

Lu Xingye frowned, feeling that this point of view was quite meaningful. He immediately began to adjust the experimental plan and introduce more complex gene regulation technology. Together, the two invested more time and energy in trying every possible adjustment.

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