Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 90

"The problem has been detected."

"The control program and light source of the lithography machine have been tampered with." Lu Xingye checked it for a while and replied coldly.

It seems that the mole's status in the factory is not low.

with this moment.

A confident voice came from the side, and the voice was very nice.

"I see."

"I know why."

"It is the lithography machine control program that has been maliciously implanted with a Trojan. As long as this Trojan is removed, the lithography machine can return to normal."

The voice was strong but also had a touch of femininity, and it was obviously a female voice.


Immediately afterwards.

The sound of the lithography machine restarting came over. The machine roared, and the sound of the lithography machine became much calmer, and all self-tests and accuracy returned to normal.


Who is this person?

Lu Xingye looked towards the source of the sound.

That's a very beautiful girl.

A white dress hangs on her body, reflecting her fair skin. The appearance is very beautiful, the eyebrows are deep and sculptured, and the hair is not tied up, hanging down naturally, letting it fly in the wind.

The black and soft hair is flowing, coupled with her extremely confident appearance, she naturally exudes a heroic feeling.

Behind him were seven or eight scientific researchers wearing thick myopia glasses, who vaguely surrounded the girl in the center.

It looked like she was the leader.

who is she?

Is that the mysterious person from the Chinese Academy of Sciences that Long Yingtian mentioned?

IQ is pretty good.

Ability to detect problems with lithography machines.

Although the other party did not see the problem with the light source, it was still very good.

Lu Xingye nodded slightly at the other party as a greeting.

At this time ~

Long Yingtian turned his head, glanced at Lu Xingye, then looked at Luo Haifeng opposite him, laughed dryly and quickly introduced:

"Classmate Lu."

"This is Luo Haifeng, the youngest doctor from the mysterious department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Luo Haifeng? ?

Lu Xingye was confused for a moment and turned his mind around, but couldn't find any relevant information about the other party.

At this time, Long Yingtian's voice came again.

"Luo Haifeng has been presiding over secret scientific research tasks in the mysterious department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and she is relatively low-key. It is normal that you have never heard of her name."

"She was the big shot I told you yesterday who wanted to visit the lithography machine."


Mysterious department?

Hosting a secret scientific research mission?


The backbone of Kyushu?

Lu Xingye nodded slightly. Deep down, there was a hint of curiosity about Luo Haifeng's identity. There were not many people who could be personally escorted by Long Yingtian.

At this time...

Luo Haifeng walked up to Lu Xingye with a leisurely pace, and a group of scientific researchers behind him also followed.

Judging from the fact that scientific researchers feel half a step behind Luo Haifeng, Luo Haifeng's status in the Chinese Academy of Sciences is still quite high.

"You are the genius chairman - Mr. Lu, right?"

"I just helped you remove the malicious program, and the lithography machine has returned to normal operation."

"But I always feel that there are other problems with the lithography machine, because as far as the current situation is concerned, this lithography machine cannot produce 5nm chips at all." Luo Haifeng looked at Lu Xingye with a puzzled smile on his lips.


"It's not bad that you found this problem."

not bad?

Luo Haifeng pouted.

This is obviously very powerful, okay, but how come it turns out to be pretty good when it falls into your mouth?

At this time, Lu Xingye's voice came again.

"In fact, in addition to the manipulation of the control program on the lithography machine, the light source has also been replaced."

Lu Xingye and Luo Haifeng looked at each other and immediately looked away.

He quite appreciated Luo Haifeng.

She is beautiful, has a high IQ, and can keep up with her own pace. This is the smartest person Lu Xingye has ever seen.

Of course...except for himself.

"Light source? I checked the ultraviolet light source. There is no problem?" Luo Haifeng was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"Normally, lithography machines use ultraviolet light sources, but the lithography machine I upgraded is different."

"My upgraded lithography machine does not use ultraviolet light source, but a ray light source called alpha."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.


While talking to Luo Haifeng, he took out the spare alpha ray light source from the warehouse and replaced it with the lithography machine.


"That's it."

"A lithography machine with a control program and an alpha-ray light source is my improved lithography machine."

Luo Haifeng was stunned, and his mouth almost opened into a shape of O. Afar ray light source? Can lithography machines still use this light source?

This is simply unheard of.

Luo Haifeng did not hesitate for a long time, and was quickly attracted by the new lithography machine. She lowered her head and constantly observed the operation of the lithography machine.

For a qualified scientist, there is nothing more fascinating than studying something.

Lu Xingye glanced around. Now that the problem with the lithography machine has been dealt with, it's time to get rid of the mole.

Replacing 88 lithography machines in one night is not something that ordinary insiders can do.

And some time ago, he also asked Zhao Dawei to improve security.

Who can do it?

Who has a chance to do it?

Lu Xingye thought about it and found that except for the factory director, security captain and a few core employees, no one else had the chance to do it.

There is no permission to enter the photolithography machine center alone.

Therefore, the mole must be one of them.

Is it the factory director?

Or the security captain?

Or something else?

Or is it everyone?

Lu Xingye turned his head and said coldly to Zhao Dawei: "Gather all the employees in the factory. I want to see who dares to attack my lithography machine."

"Okay, I'll gather right away." Zhao Dawei nodded.

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