Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 95

This stage of victory is very exciting.

All the employees inside Suihuo Technology were singing and dancing, with smiles on their faces, and everything was in a state of prosperity.

the other side.

Mr. Ku from the fruit company almost turned green when he saw Suihuo Technology killing indiscriminately in his home market.

As expected.

The market share of fruit phones in North America has dropped again, and the drop has been very large, reaching 6%.

This has never happened before in the history of the fruit company.

As market share declines, fruit company stocks are also falling.

It's true that misfortunes never come singly.

Now the fruit company's stock is down another 2%.

The employees looked at the fruit company with sullen expressions on their faces.

In other words, there was a haze on his face.

In particular, there are rumors in the market that Suihuo Technology is going to enter the mobile phone industry, which makes them even more scared.

The fruit company encountered the nemesis of Suihuo Technology.

In the market, they never win.

If Suihuo Technology really enters the mobile phone industry, will their fruit company still have a way to survive?

The topic now discussed by employees of the fruit company has changed from how much the sales of fruit mobile phones have increased every day to how much the current sales have fallen.

They all prayed that the fruit company's stock would stabilize.

In such a general environment, more and more people are questioning Mr. Ku's decision-making, and some people even directly threatened that if Mr. Ku is not capable, he will step down directly and let someone more capable become the CEO.

Mr. Ku is under increasing pressure.

Until today, he finally couldn't stand the pressure anymore and decided to have a good talk with Suihuo Technology to see if the fruit company could obtain the authorization for nano-batteries.

Take a plane directly from the beautiful country to the magical city.

Then Mr. Ku took a special car non-stop to the headquarters of Suihuo Technology.


He didn't complain at all.

To be submissive, you must act like you are submissive.

Mr. Ku was already prepared to be teased by the other party. He opened the car door, and the light outside was a bit dazzling.

Mr. Ku couldn't help but squint his eyes, then raised his head again and looked at the office building in front of him.

This is a towering office building.

Although Suihuo Technology also rents office space, it has now rented out the entire building, which demonstrates the strong strength of Suihuo Technology.


I heard that the headquarters base of Suihuo Technology, "The Hive", is under construction at a cost of over 50 billion. This is a truly world-class building.

I don’t know why, but at this moment, Mr. Ku felt that the Suihuo Technology Headquarters Building was a bit tall.

As the CEO of a fruit company, he has been in the market for decades and has never looked up at any company.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he would raise his head to look at Suihuo Technology.

Mr. Ku has never been so embarrassed in his life.


"Ahead is the headquarters building of Suihuo Technology. Let's go in."

Secretary Eve was holding an umbrella and standing next to Mr. Ku. The light black parasol covered Mr. Ku’s sight.

Mr. Ku was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses. Then, he said lightly

"Let's go."

Immediately took the lead and walked to the headquarters of Suihuo Technology. I just don’t know why, but he, who was not too old, is now having a hard time walking.

When you walk into the headquarters of Suihuo Technology, you will see a pair of twin sisters, and then you will see the tall front desk of Suihuo Technology.

The sisters are receptionists at the front desk.

After Mr. Ku expressed his intention to them, he sat in the reception room next to them and waited.

at the same time.

Ring ring ring…

In the general manager's office, the phone rang.

at this time.

Zhao Dawei was reviewing documents and was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. He couldn't help but frown.

Who is it?

Why are you calling me at this time?

Zhao Dawei hesitated for a moment and then answered the call.

When he heard the content of the phone call, Zhao Dawei's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had heard something interesting.


Zhao Dawei hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

Mr. Ku from the fruit company actually came to visit him.


Are you ready to bow to Suihuo Technology?

Mr. Ku! Mr. Ku!

I didn’t expect that your lifelong reputation would be defeated by Suihuo Technology.


He was defeated by the fourth child.

The Kunlun system and nano-battery were both invented by Lao Si.

Zhao Dawei felt that he could not enjoy such a happy event alone.

Alone Better Together.

He used his right hand to operate the phone twice and dialed Lu Xingye's number.

As soon as Lu Xingye answered the phone, Zhao Dawei couldn't wait to laugh.

"Fourth child."

"I encountered something very happy today."

"Guess what?"

"Guess whether I will guess or not?" Lu Xingye looked at Zhao Dawei, with a small set of white teeth showing in his mouth, which looked a little funny.

"I guess you guess..."


"Okay, you don't need to say anything. I already know."

Just now when Zhao Dawei was trying to pass things off, Jarvis had already sent the video of Mr. Ku's visit. So, now Lu Xingye knows what happened.

"You know???" Zhao Dawei's smile stopped abruptly... This was not funny at all.


"You're not in the company, how do you know what happened?" Zhao Dawei then added.

"It's Mr. Ku from the fruit company who's visiting, right?" Lu Xingye laughed dryly.


"All right!"

"Fourth, you have no sense of humor at all."

"And you're clearly not in the company, so how can you know everything?" Zhao Dawei said boringly.

"of course."

"Why else would I be the boss and you the employee?" Lu Xingye smiled mysteriously.

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