Ying Jiang becomes suspicious and the two elders arrive!

After the successful experiment of ultra-high temperature nanowire aerogel.


The relevant information was intentionally revealed by the officials.

The Argonne Laboratory of Eagle Sauce Country, far across the ocean, learned the news immediately.

Argonne Laboratory.

Although it is already late at night.


The Materials Research Institute is brightly lit.

Professor Albert, director of the Institute of Materials Research at Argonne Laboratory, was in a very bad mood at the moment.

Looking at the document in his hand, he held his forehead with one hand and kept rubbing his temples.


“Why is this happening? Our experiments are obviously more advanced, and now the people from the Dragon Kingdom have taken the lead?!”

Albert stood up and threw the documents in his hands on the desk angrily.

He walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, his angry face reflected on the glass window.

The assistant standing beside him remained silent and lowered his head slightly.

After a while.

After noticing that Albert’s anger was fading, he spoke.

“Professor Albert, according to intelligence.”

“A few days ago, Professor Chen Nan’s team in Longguo has not made any progress on this project.” ”

But in these two days, a sudden breakthrough was really shocking. The person is suspicious, tell me, could it be…”

The assistant hesitated.

Albert’s eyes were lowered.

He knew what the assistant meant.

The progress of the Dragon Kingdom is indeed too suspicious. It is difficult not to make people suspect that someone leaked the data of the Argonne Laboratory and disclosed it to the Dragon Kingdom.

And the person most likely to leak it is the man from the Dragon Kingdom.

Albert knew.

That person from the Dragon Kingdom had previously worked under Chen Nan.

Think of this.

Albert’s eyes narrowed and he said coldly.

“I prefer that Dragon Kingdom is just lucky, otherwise…”

“I don’t mind letting CIIA intervene in this matter!”

His falcon-like eyes looked extremely cold and bright in the dark night.

There are various signs.

Huaqing University’s ultra-high temperature aerogel breakthrough was too sudden and too suspicious.

Albert didn’t believe that Chen Nan’s team could discover the key material ratio in just two days.

And directly verified successfully!

“The people of the Dragon Kingdom will never be so lucky.”

“Someone must be helping them!!”

His eyes became extremely gloomy.

With this in mind, he walked to his desk and called the CIIA Bureau…

at the same time.

Tang Lao, Song Lao and others also learned the news of the successful experiment immediately.

Long Institute of Science and Technology, Office.

Mr. Song said with a somewhat excited expression.

“Haha… I didn’t expect Xiao Hao to really succeed.”

“Incredible, simply incredible!”

He drank the warm tea in front of him with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Before the experiment, he really didn’t think that Xu Hao would succeed.

but now.

It really was a success!

What is a surprise?

This is called a surprise! !

Mr. Tang also had a bit of joy on his face, took a sip of tea and said.

“Xiao Hao’s performance is really surprising.”

“I thought he just changed Chen Nan’s mentality in the past, but now it seems that we still underestimated Xiao Hao’s strength.”

He shook his head, his face A little helpless, but also a little happy.

The better Xu Hao is in materials science.

Then, there are a few more possibilities to break through materials for controllable nuclear fusion reactors.

This is a good thing!

What they are even more happy to see.

Mr. Song felt the same way about his words.

After a pause, he asked hurriedly.

“So, did that stubborn donkey Chen Nan just agree to lend the laboratory to Xiao Hao?”

Mr. Tang laughed.

“If he doesn’t borrow this, I’m going to blow his brains out.”

Xu Hao has already helped him complete a national-level project.

If Chen Nan didn’t lend the laboratory to Xu Hao, he would definitely be the first to report to his superiors and revoke Chen Nan’s qualifications and position.


Thinking about it, Chen Nan would never do this.

Song Wenfei said at this time.

“In this case, Xiaohao is afraid that he will conduct a test of the controllable nuclear fusion reaction device at another date.” ”

Without further delay, we have to hurry up and help Xiaohao deal with some minor matters.”

Tang Changqing nodded and immediately Get up.

The two of them rushed towards Huaqing University.

at this time.

After a night’s rest, Xu Hao, Chen Lao and others were all exhausted and were dealing with the aftermath in the laboratory.

By the way, I cleaned up the laboratory and prepared to lend it to Xu Hao for the next experiment.

After completing the aerogel project, Mr. Chen feels particularly comfortable now.

While sorting out the experimental data, he asked Xu Hao.

“Xiao Hao, I’m very curious now, what experiment are you going to do next?”

“To be honest, at first I thought you were a beginner, and the experiments you did were just at the level of playing house.” ”

But now …”

He shook his head with a sneer.

Able to independently propose a new preparation method, and the experiment was successful.

Can you be a beginner at this level?

Xu Hao’s performance completely broke his opinion.

If they are beginners, how can they survive as researchers who have been engaged in this field for decades?


He firmly believed.

Xu Hao must have had in-depth study and research on materials science in his previous studies.


It is absolutely impossible to have such original insights.

Regarding Mr. Chen’s questions and confusion, Xu Hao just smiled and did not answer directly.


My next research project is a national defense secret.

Even Mr. Chen cannot tell him easily.


There are now other researchers in the lab.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.


Regarding his in-depth study of learning materials, he really couldn’t answer.

You can’t always tell.

I just studied briefly for a month, and I have achieved this, right?

If you say this, it will be more offensive!

Xu Hao didn’t want to tear other people’s umbrellas to pieces.

He is a good man!

After thinking for a moment, he gave a simple and perfunctory answer.

“Mr. Chen, the experiment I’m going to conduct next may be a little more difficult than the current experiment.” ”

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come to borrow your laboratory in person.”

“If the experiment is too simple, how can I be qualified? Is it worthy of having such a high-standard laboratory like yours?”

“You’re right!”

He flattered Mr. Chen’s laboratory and ignored the topic.


Hearing Xu Hao’s “heartfelt” praise, Chen Laoxi smiled widely.

“You are right.”

“In the Dragon Kingdom, when it comes to materials research laboratories, I say second, but no one dares to say first!”

He said with pride.

Xu Hao nodded in agreement.

This is the truth.

This laboratory is indeed unique in the Dragon Kingdom.

But at the same time.

Seeing this experiment, Xu Hao thought of another question.

There is a laboratory, but…

just doing experiments by myself seems to be short of manpower?

And that’s when he was in trouble.

Under the leadership of many.

Mr. Tang and Mr. Song walked in from outside…

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