"Jie Jie...are you scared?"

The shadow showed a weird smile.

However, this smile, in Jiang Ping's view, not only does not have a trace of terror.

On the contrary, he still felt very familiar.

There is even a sense of looking at yourself in the mirror.

Of course, what's too much is that he is a little bit more handsome than himself.

"You should thank me! If it weren't for me, you should be like this now, your woman, otherwise, from the first moment I saw you, I would be scared to death!"

The black shadow spoke again, with jagged teeth making a metal-like sound in his mouth.



This guy is called Sombra.

Obviously a little too rusty.

Because, he is the zombie virus in Jiang Ping's body.

Although, Jiang Ping never wanted to admit that the zombie virus still existed in his body.

But the reality had to be accepted, he was bitten by a zombie!

Moreover, zombies will not attack him!

This guy is like a time bomb, existing in the body.

"What's going on with all this?"

After calming down, Jiang Ping regained his composure on his face.

"what happened?"

A red light flashed in the eyes of the zombie cells, "It's very simple! You were bitten by a zombie. Your body belongs to me!"


Before the words finished, it suddenly approached Jiang Ping, sniffing constantly with the tip of its nose: "Because of your specialness, I and your consciousness coexist as one!"

"But, don't forget, this cannot be changed, your essence is still a zombie!"

Jiang Ping's pupils shrank involuntarily: "Am I still a zombie?"

The virus cell sneered, "Otherwise, why do you think other zombies don't attack you? It's all because I helped you transform your body!"

"So, the reason you keep appearing in my dreams is to let me bite people? Infect other humans?"

Jiang Ping remembered what this guy had done before, and couldn't help frowning.

"You have misunderstood this!"

The zombie virus suddenly smiled and said, "I'm not interested in infecting other humans!"

"Then what do you mean?"

"Of course it's for your life and mine!"

The zombie virus stared: "Although your body is still human in appearance! But it is a zombie in essence!"

"What do we zombies live on?"

"It depends on the nutrition of flesh and blood! Without these things, we will die sooner or later!"

"Do you know why I disappeared for a while, and why I came out today?"

"It's also because of the nutrition of flesh and blood!"

"Before I was so hungry that I fell asleep. If it weren't for the little fish you ate today, do you think I still have the strength to talk to you?"

Speaking of this, the zombie virus said unhappily: "By the way, don't eat fish next time, that food is really not tasty and has no nutrition!"

Jiang Ping held back his brows from jumping.

But he didn't bother to pay attention to this guy's escape, but continued to ask: "Then why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

The zombie virus paused.

With red eyes, she turned slightly and said, "That's because I'm afraid that you won't be able to accept it, and you will be prejudiced against me instead!"

"You have to know that we are one. I know your character. If I say this rashly, it will only make you guard against me!"

"So, from the beginning, I only have to guide you and let you try it once!"

"I know, as long as you have the first time, you will be able to experience the beauty of eating, and then you will understand my kindness, and we will be able to live together!"

Jiang Ping raised his eyebrows involuntarily. This explanation really made him agree.

Moreover, just like before, he let his biting behavior match up just like he did before.

"So, are you looking for me now, or let me bite...cannibalize people?"

Jiang Ping asked with narrowed eyes.

"I have no other choice!"

I have to say that the zombie virus guy has a really rich expression, and at this moment, his face is heavy.

"If you have a choice, I will definitely not let you eat people!"

"Human beings are the same kind as you used to be. I can understand if you are asked to eat them, but you will definitely not accept it!"

"It's like we zombies didn't eat each other's bodies."

"But, Jiang Ping, you know, if you want to survive in the apocalypse, you have to pay a price!"

"Just like a woman has to give up her body, a man has to give up kindness and ethics!"

"And you and I are the same, in order to survive, we also need to pay a price, and the price is said to be huge, but in fact it can be very small, as small as changing your eating habits!"

"However, don't worry, as long as you eat it once, the taste will definitely make you unforgettable forever!"

The statement made by the zombie virus is indeed very convincing.

It's like a dying person telling all the secrets of his life.

Jiang Ping couldn't bear it...

I almost believed it.

"How can I trust you?"

Jiang Ping was naturally not moved by what the other party said.

Instead, he asked back: "I am doubting whether you really exist now! What if you are just my split personality?"

Although he knew that this guy was a zombie cell!

But who has ever seen a person who can talk to his own cells?

So he never ruled out whether this guy might be a split personality from himself.

In fact, he has watched some schizophrenic realistic programs and movies.

Generally, people with this disease often embark on various strange criminal paths because of the nonsense of other personalities.

If the zombie virus is also a split personality.

Then I believe it at will, and go to eat people like a brain-dead, and I will be stupid if I am not crazy.

"Yes, yes, you are right to doubt!"

The zombie virus said seriously: "So, I can convince you that I am not lying to you! I can share my special ability with you!"

"Special ability sharing?"

Jiang Ping's eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

If the other party can really share his special ability with himself!

Even if the other party is another personality, it doesn't matter anymore.

Can a personality that has no special abilities even on its own body be considered a personality?

Think about it!

Jiang Ping's eyes froze, "What's your special ability?"

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