Cancer Cells: Can't Afford It? Let The Zombie Virus Fuck Me

Chapter 33 The Ability To Have No Side Effects At All?

Academician Su's words immediately aroused everyone's doubts.

Aren't zombies what humans look like after being infected by a virus?

Why do you still have special abilities?

And at this time.

Academician Su's voice sounded again.

"Perhaps in your point of view, zombies are just stupid and weird existences."

"But after our research, these humans after being infected by the zombie virus have actually evolved many places that are far superior to our humans."

After Academician Su finished speaking, he immediately switched to ptt.

On the big screen, a video from the research room also began to play.

The protagonist is a zombie.

And this zombie was wearing a monitor-grade headset at this time.

on screen.

The zombies were kept in isolated reinforced concrete rooms.

On the other side of the picture, there is another room outside the reinforced concrete.

There is a staff member with a small drum.

I saw that he didn't knock once.

The sight of the zombie will move, and it can be seen from his sight that he is facing the position of the staff!

And the staff will change positions every time they beat the drums.

It's just that no matter how the staff change.

The eyes of the zombies will always follow the position of the staff!

If it weren't for the reinforced concrete blocking it, seeing the zombie's appearance, it might have rushed over.

"Do you see the purpose of this experiment?"

Academician Su paused the video and asked everyone.

"It's hearing! The hearing of zombies has evolved. If I wear that earphone, let alone the partition wall, even if someone is talking next to me, I won't be able to hear it!"

A young man in fashionable clothes raised his hand first and spoke.


Academician Su nodded: "After our many experiments and multiple samplings, after turning into zombies, human hearing will be greatly improved in a short period of time!"

"This is also the reason why many survivors hide at home, but the zombies linger outside the door and refuse to leave, because they can feel the sound of food in the room!"


"The ability of zombies is more than that!"

Academician Su played the video again.

The protagonist of the picture is a staff member, who is located in an ordinary large room.

I saw the staff member cut his finger with a knife, and a small spat of blood immediately spilled out.

Then, he hid in the closet in the room.

And at this time.

Another staff member let in a zombie with a very sluggish expression.

The zombie, who was originally listless, became excited the moment he entered the room, as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

Then his nose kept twitching!

In the end, it was even more crazy and without hesitation, directly pounced on the staff hiding in the closet!

The screen is still there.

"Who will tell the purpose of the experiment this time?"

Academician Su spoke again.

"I know! It's the sense of smell. Zombies can judge the location of their prey through the smell of blood!"

The speaker was a staff member wearing a special costume, "I am an animal breeder, and many animals have this ability!"

Academician Su still nodded: "Not bad! As before, zombies have evolved a super sense of smell that is not inferior to animals!"

Speaking of this, Academician Su said with serious eyes: "This time, who else thinks that zombies don't have special abilities?"

And at this time.

Everyone was speechless.

Indeed, the abilities shown in the previous experiments are all what they have.

And at this time.

"Although the zombies have evolved these abilities, it also means that their bodies will degenerate. You can also see from the clumsy performance of the zombies. This is not a good thing, right?"

A soldier stood up and spoke.

Academician Su sighed slightly when he heard this, and then said: "Actually, I also hope that zombies can evolve these abilities as you said, while other places have regressed."

"However, that's not the case."

Finish this sentence.

Academician Su opened a video again.

This time the protagonist is still a zombie.

However, the scene was changed to the runway.

And the clothes worn by the zombies are also athletes' clothes!

"In front of this zombie is a second-level national athlete!"

Academician Su explained.

Then the screen started to move.

I saw it at the other end of the runway.

A staff member held a small test tube of blood in his hand and kept shaking it.

The athlete zombies on the other side of the runway rushed out the moment they smelled the smell of blood.

Then on the perimeter of the runway.

There is a staff member who is measuring with an instrument.

100 meter runway.

When the timer is up.

The shot shows the chronograph.

"5 seconds!"

That's right!

The 100-meter track, this zombie athlete, only took five seconds.

It is more than four seconds faster than the human limit speed!

Don't underestimate these four seconds.

And this is a speed that is almost impossible for humans to achieve.

" is it possible?"

The soldier was completely dumbfounded: "Zombies can't be so fast. I have fought with them all before. They are clumsy and don't have such speed!"

Academician Su raised his hand and said slowly: "Yes, the zombies you have come into contact with are indeed not so fast!"

"But it doesn't mean they don't have this ability!"

"Then why don't they use this ability?"

The other soldiers asked puzzledly.

They are all people who have fought zombies!

In their eyes, zombies are not as powerful as Academician Su said.

"It's not that they don't need it, but they can't grasp it at all."

Academician Su spoke again, "The only disadvantage of zombies is that they belong to predatory parasitic virus cells!"

"Although they have control over the dominance of the human body!"

"But they are not real humans, so they can't master this body at all!"

"And the reason why the experiment was successful is because we chose the sprinter zombie, which has deeply imprinted the movement of running in the muscle memory of this body during its lifetime!"

"The zombie who has control over this body, as long as he issues an order to run, the body can do this!"

at this time.

General Ye also suddenly spoke up: "Academician Su, please don't be so secretive. After talking, the zombies have become superhumans. Let me explain to everyone why the zombies are like this!"

Academician Su paused for a moment, and then said: "Okay, then I won't be a fool."

"One of the main sources of abilities of zombies, in fact, each of us has it!"

"It's just adrenaline."

"This hormone is very special. It is generally used in emergency departments to save patients whose lives are about to fail!"

"And his ability is also very domineering. It can speed up breathing, heartbeat and blood flow, and provide more energy for physical activities in a short period of time, making it more responsive and powerful!"

"Don't underestimate this ability. In reality, many people have made many exaggerated actions because of adrenaline. For example, a 19-year-old girl who weighed only 54 kilograms lifted a heavy weight with one hand when a fire broke out at home. 1.3-ton sedan and pulled her dad out, and it was all about the adrenaline."

"It's just that when this kind of adrenaline is in danger, the human body will produce it on its own. In many cases, people can't even exert it until they die!"

"But the zombies are different, as they have the right to control the body, they also have the ability to secrete adrenaline."

"This is also the reason why even if the zombie is seriously injured, it can still burst out of strength without limbs!"

"Of course, under the powerful force, they also have a price to pay."

"That's their IQ, and their ability to coordinate their bodies!"

"Exercise is a joint action involving many muscles in the body, and the ability of zombies to operate is really worrying."

"Even if the adrenaline is stimulated, it can't be used, but it makes them often wrestle!"

"By the way, there are places where it can be used, and that is when eating, their bite force can often tear your flesh and blood apart through your clothes in an instant."

The veil of the zombie's ability was torn off, and the pressure on everyone immediately dissipated a lot.

They suddenly thought of zombies. No wonder they were fast and powerful when they were eating people, but when it came to chasing people, their running posture was weird and they often fell down!

Originally, it was impossible to fully grasp the human body!

The atmosphere calmed down, and suddenly a child who was only 16 years old stood up and said: "Does that mean that as long as we humans are injected with adrenaline, we can avoid being clumsy like zombies and become little supermen?"

The child's speech immediately aroused the interest of many people, making everyone look at Academician Su.

"That's right! In the short period of time a person is injected with adrenaline, they will indeed burst out with superman-like abilities!"

"However, adrenaline is a double-edged sword. If there is too much adrenaline in the body, and the heartbeat speed reaches the limit, it will not be able to accept it, and it will be suspended immediately, which will cause instant death!"

"And even if he doesn't die, he will destroy his body after the powerful function erupts, causing severe irreversible damage, and even being disabled for life!"

Hearing this, the child's eyes widened suddenly. He didn't expect that the adrenaline would cause such great harm.

However, he couldn't help but continued to ask: "Why don't zombies have these side effects?"

"It's not that there are no zombies, but that they are not afraid at all!"

"As parasites in the human body, they are not afraid of the heart stopping or the body being damaged at all!"

"Even if the heartbeat stops, the zombie virus has the ability to make it beat again, not to mention the damage to the body. Few zombies are not damaged!"


And at the same time.

In the dark world.

Jiang Ping looked in front of him, and the zombie virus that looked like himself said, "You mean, I can have your super hearing, super sense of smell, super vision and other special abilities?"

"Not bad! But the most important thing is...according to what you humans say, control the ability to secrete adrenaline!"

"With it! Your physical fitness will increase several times in a short period of time, and it will be very easy to surpass the limits of human beings."

"Moreover, the side effects that the use of adrenaline would have on human beings are completely absent in your body, so you can use it with confidence!"


A chapter of 4,000 characters.

One chapter is better than three chapters, don't say I'm slow, it's so much.

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