late at night.

Dongjiao villa, stronghold.

Without the hustle and bustle of modern cities, the night is extraordinarily quiet.

Jiang Ping closed his eyes tightly. At this moment, his sense of hearing seemed to be infinitely magnified.

And on the first floor of the villa.

The meeting headed by security captain Hu Gensheng is not over yet.

At this time, Hu Gensheng, who hadn't spoken yet, finally spoke.

"You talk so much, what do you want to do?"

Everyone immediately fell silent.

To be honest, they are expressing dissatisfaction at most now.

But what to do with people, most of them really have no idea!

At this time, Hu Xu was not surprised and said endlessly: "I think we should kill Xie Guangye first!"

"If my guess is right, that guy must be thinking of a way to kill us!"

As soon as this remark came out.

The atmosphere in the room has changed.

However, someone soon spoke up: "I think Xiao Xu is right!

With one person stand up.

More and more people started to support it!

And at this time.

Hu Gensheng frowned and said, "I know, everyone has been angry with them a lot these days!"

"But have you ever thought about it, this villa originally belonged to Xie Ya's family!"

"Besides, they even gave us food for free. We can't be so ungrateful, right?"

"And even if we kill Xie Guangye, what about the other owners? What about the people we saved?"

Do you think they will subdue us? Or shall we kill them all?"

"Actually, whether we can kill everyone is also a question!"

"As long as we kill Xie Guangye, in their eyes, we will be dangerous elements, and then they will beat us to death against the alliance!"

"If 980 knows, we only have one gun! The other three guns are all by Xie Guangye and his friends!"

"I can assure you that Xie Guangye has definitely discussed it with his friends! If we dare to shoot the first shot, they will definitely shoot us the second, third, and kill us.

Hu Gensheng's words came down.

All the people on the field immediately saw eye to eye and nose to nose.

Indeed, the reason why they haven't fought back yet!

It is because the opponent has too many guns.

Reality is not a movie.

Everyone present did not dare to guarantee that anyone could kill everyone with a single gun.

In fact, they haven't used guns very much, they picked them up from policemen who turned into zombies by accident!

Whether the shot is accurate or not is a problem!

On the contrary, it was the group of rich people who had been abroad and shot real guns, and they had good accuracy.

Seeing that everyone is silent.

The security captain Hu Gensheng continued to speak.

"I know everyone's thoughts!"

"I also agree that going on like this is not an option!"

"Let me go back and think about it again, to see if there are other ways to solve this problem!"

"If you have better ideas, you can also put them forward!"

"Now it's late at night, don't get together, lest they suspect!"

After everyone heard this, they couldn't think of a way, so they all had to turn around and leave.

Just after everyone left.

Hu Gensheng looked at his son.

"You instigated them together today?"

Hu Xu said very calmly: "It's me!"

Hu Gensheng shook his head and said: "They are all security guards, they are not well-educated, they never think things out of their heads, and are easily impulsive, but you are a educated person, how can you be like them (abed)!"

Hu Xu could feel that his father obviously had high hopes for him!

He gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, I mainly dislike that kid Xie Gang!"

"I used to bully me because of my money!"

"It's the end of the day, and you still rely on a cultured father to rob women!"

"Then why should Sun Yile enjoy it alone!"

"I just want to kill his father and snatch Sun Zhile over!"

Hu Gensheng paused after hearing this, and then said helplessly, "This is where Xie Guangye is so powerful!"

"Sun Yile is such a beautiful woman, who in the stronghold would not want her!"

"But that guy Xie Guangye is smart. If he doesn't do it himself, everyone dare not do it."

"Then let his son fall in love freely and marry her!"

"At this time, whoever dares to jump out to oppose, whoever wants to be a dictatorship, can stand on the commanding heights of morality and eliminate dissidents. y

Hu Xu seemed to understand but half understood!

Hu Gensheng didn't talk too much, but patted his son on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, Xie Guangye won't be long after he's been dancing, and when he's really eliminated, then Sun Yile will be yours!"

"But, for the first time, Sun Yile was..."

Hu Gensheng rolled his eyes and said: "You don't understand this, a woman is like wine, the longer you train it, the more delicious it will be!"

For this, Xu nodded.

In fact, he has the right to speak, but he dare not speak.

"Besides, there will be more than one woman in the future. If I take a long-term view, I can live longer in this doomsday!"

Hu Gensheng patted Hu Xu on the shoulder, indicating that it was time for him to go back to sleep.

The father and son finally left the room.

And at the same time.

Jiang Ping on the second floor was overturned by what happened in the villa tonight, everything he knew during the day.

There is no good person in this villa of feelings!


There should be one!

That is Sun Yile, this little white sheep who is used as a prop in the game between the two sides, is still an innocent and kind "good guy"

Of course, in her cognition!

In this villa, everything is good, because no one has shown her fangs!

If it weren't for Jiang Ping's super hearing!

It was almost like being cheated like her.

However, these people are good or evil!

For Jiang Ping, neither made a huge difference!

Because, they have already been on Jiang Ping's death list.

At this moment, the voice from upstairs also stopped abruptly.

It should be Xie Guangye who ended the battle.

Sun Yu's voice sounded again: "Then I'm leaving."

Xie Guangye let out a "hmm".

After speaking, footsteps sounded.

Just when Jiang Ping thought that the woman should be going to sleep after finishing her speech.

Who knew the sound of footsteps from far to near!

Went down the stairs to the second floor.


He was still walking in his direction!

what the hell?

Not waiting for Jiang Ping to react.

Sun Yu knocked on the door.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk"

Jiang Ping didn't want to talk to this woman.

But the knock on the door kept ringing.

He suspected that if he didn't open the door, the woman would keep knocking.

Jiang Ping finally decided to open the door.

The door opened.

"Can I go in?"

Sun Yu seemed to be asking, but actually walked into the room.

"What's the matter? Sister Sun?"

Jiang Ping pretended to be sleepy.

"Can I ask you one thing?"

After Sun Yu walked into the room, he stood by the window and looked at Jiang Ping with neither joy nor sadness on his face.

"Miss, what's the matter, can't we talk about it tomorrow?"

Jiang Ping rubbed his eyes falsely and yawned.

"Next, there will be a big chaos in the villa. I hope you are prepared. It is best to escape from here."

"Of course, I also hope that you can take my sister Sun Yile away."

As if Sun Yu didn't hear Jiang Ping's words, he spoke on his own.

leave here?

I just came here?

"what does it mean?"

Jiang Ping's face was full of doubts, this time it was obviously not an act.

Because what this woman said was inexplicable.

"Anyway, you did something you shouldn't do to my sister. Taking her away, with your skills, it shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Sun Yu shrugged.

Did something you shouldn't?

That stupid woman told her sister all about the inspection?

Jiang Ping was speechless, but his expression was still puzzled: "Sister Sun, I still don't understand, can you speak more clearly?"

Sun Yu's eyes were gloomy, she shook her head, and left the room straight away.

After seeing the other party leave.

Jiang Ping's complexion gradually returned to normal.

Thinking back to the look in Sun Yu's eyes, he felt like he had seen it somewhere before!

Is it a small sand?

At that time, when the woman was stabbed by Wu Lei and thrown to the zombie, she seemed to have this look.

What is this woman up to?

Jiang Ping had a bad feeling.

He closed the door and closed his eyes again.

The sound of Sun Yu's footsteps appeared in his mind again.

After the other party left Jiang Ping's room, he walked to another room on the second floor.

Then there was a sound of dripping water.

Should have taken a shower!

Jiang Ping guessed.

After taking a shower, there was a rustling sound of changing clothes.

And the sound of zippers!

Jiang Ping remembered that the pajamas Sun Yu wore before did not have a zipper.

Got a new dress?

Jiang Ping just finished guessing.

Sun Yu's footsteps sounded again.

From far to near.

Jiang Ping thought that the other party would come to his room again!

But who knows, the other party just passed by, and then walked down the stairs.

"Where is this woman going at night?"

Jiang Ping frowned, and glanced at the time, it was already half past one in the morning!

Combine the previous words.

This made Jiang Ping feel bad.

Since you can't figure it out, just take a look and you'll know.

Jiang Ping opened the door, Dang even decided to follow!

With super vision and super hearing, Jiang Ping wants to track a person without being detected, it is not too simple.

When Jiang Ping just went down the stairs.

Sun Yu also seemed to have reached the destination, stopped the footsteps, and twisted the lock at the same time.

"Whose room did this woman go to?"

Jiang Ping frowned.

There was simply too much doubt about this woman.

Jiang Ping followed slowly while listening to the voice carefully.

next moment.

the answer will be revealed

"Sister are finally here, I miss you so much!"

Suddenly, a young man's voice came from the room.

Thanks again for the reward of "Can't find the way back"!

I'm really grateful, it's the first time I was rewarded so much by a brother I don't know. .

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