Cancer Cells: Can't Afford It? Let The Zombie Virus Fuck Me

Chapter 80 Jiang Ping And Sun Yu Join Forces

Power supply bureau.

first floor.

Wang Ying really regretted it.

If she could do it all over again, she would definitely not listen to Wang Fang, and broadcast something to tell the survivors that the power outage is imminent, and pay attention to safety!

That's right!

The blackout broadcast on the radio before was sent by her through the computer and equipment.

Before she graduated, she was a broadcaster in the student union.

Who would have thought that doing bad things with good intentions would attract survivors who plot evil.

And the group of survivors is scary.

She had never seen such a cruel person before the doomsday.

The old leader of the power supply bureau just said something about their ungrateful white-eyed wolf.

They chopped off his head with a knife.

Moreover, they seemed to be still dissatisfied, and they were still muttering that they wanted to kill the other two masters as well.

The reason... is that they are too old to do anything but waste food!

She feels like the sky is falling!

Shouldn't it be a traditional virtue to respect the old and love the young?

How to get to them and directly become a burden?

Of course, the scariest thing is the man called Monkey!

Because, his eyes have been staring at the three young women.

Just because Wang Fang stood up, she talked back a few words.

The clothes were almost ripped off by her.

The reason why they didn't pull out all of them was because the monkey said that it would be more emotional.

In Wang Ying's view, this is simply a perverted behavior.

However, the next moment.

Only then did she realize that that was not the most perverted thing.

"Brother, this woman named Wang Ying is a bit baby-like!"

"After you finish playing, how about going too far for me? I know I can't, so I want her for the first time today."

The monkey's face was full of madness, and he said to the big brother wearing glasses.

When Wang Ying heard this, she was frightened and cried.

To be honest, this was the first time she had heard that her body was being arranged at will.

If it was before the end, she would have called the police.

But now, not only is it useless to call the police, but there is not even a single enthusiastic person who wants to help him.

Not only that.

Except for the monkey, the rest of the men also showed greedy eyes one by one.

Among them, some people shouted that he would be the third, fourth, and fifth

This helplessness.

Really made her very disappointed!


The boss man with glasses didn't refuse, he continued: "However, let's wait until we go back! Sooner or later, other survivors will come to this place. After we get the things, they might use their brains on us."

After the monkey heard it, he nodded and said yes.

Got the affirmation of the boss.

He can't wait to go back now.

"Then I'll ask the third child to drive over directly!"

Anyway, everything is in hand.

Now they are not afraid of attracting zombies at all.

So, all you need is a car to drive over, and they just take the car and run away!

And at the same time.

It is far away on a trail outside the power supply bureau.

Jiang Ping in the car finally narrowed his eyes.

Everything that happened in the power supply bureau before was naturally known.

The reason why he didn't make the first move.

It is to let the little white sheep of the power supply bureau experience the cruelty of the doomsday!

However, now the other party seemed to be preparing to leave.

Jiang Ping naturally had to choose to make a move.

"Brother, the car will arrive soon, we can do it!"

As soon as the monkey ended the call on the other end of the phone, he looked at the man with glasses.

"Go! Take someone to the door and wait!"

The man with glasses made a decision immediately.

When a car drives over, it will definitely attract zombies.

So you can't drive directly to the yard of the power supply bureau, or the way out will be blocked by zombies.

So, they have to go to the door first.

Fortunately, there were not many zombies at the door.

Even if they go out openly, the zombies are not dangerous.

"If you don't want to die, get up and follow us!"

The monkey immediately kicked Wang Fang.


Wang Fang's face was full of anger, but she didn't dare to talk back.

She knew that if she talked back, the little clothes left on her body would be stripped off.

After a while, I had to follow up honestly.

And Wang Ying and the others naturally got up quickly.

A group of people soon came to the gate.

And they were met by two large white vans.

Everything is going as planned.

The first car stopped in front of them, opened the door, and a group of people were about to get in the car.

But at this moment.


On the street, a Volkswagen Passat suddenly roared.

Then suddenly accelerated towards their direction.

"Fuck! Get out of the way."

The man with glasses reacted the fastest, and he yelled.

The people who heard the voice still dared to get in the car at this time, and hurriedly scattered and fled.

The Passata was also accurate, hitting the van they were using to escape, denting the front of the car directly.

"Zinima! Who the hell did it!"

At this moment, the monkey's eyes were about to explode with anger, and he was about to head towards Napashat's cab.

However, he has not waited for him to pass.

in the dark.

Suddenly there was such a roar!

I don't know when.

Surrounded by a large number of zombies.

After they heard the sound of a car crashing.

He suddenly rushed towards them.

"Oops! Zombies found us."

"Get in the second car!"

At this moment, the man with glasses panicked completely.

The first car was wrecked and apparently couldn't move.

So the second car naturally became their rescue vehicle.


Vehicle slots are limited!

Everyone understands this!

So whoever runs fast will be able to sit in this company!

Everyone immediately ran towards the car like crazy.

However, there are a few exceptions.

That is the little white sheep of the power supply bureau.

Although they were afraid of zombies, they (abei) didn't want to go back with the monkey and the man with glasses.

"Let's run back!"

At this time, Wang Fang said boldly.

After Wang Ying heard it, she nodded quickly.

She was the last thing she wanted to go back with the monkeys.

Suddenly, the three young women made a decision to run back to the power supply bureau.

As for the two older women, they chose to go back with the man with glasses.

After all, they are old and don't need to worry about being violated.

As for returning to the power supply bureau, in their view, it has become the most dangerous place, so it is better not to go back.

In this way, the three women fled back to the power supply bureau alone.

On the van, people finally squeezed in,

The driver slammed on the accelerator, ready to run away.


The car has not driven 100 meters!

A dense crowd of zombies suddenly appeared.

This amount, the monkey couldn't help but yelled: "Damn it! This zombie appeared too fast!"

It was as if this group of zombies had been lured ahead of time deliberately.

I saw that there were thousands of zombies blocking their way immediately!

Build a human wall with your body.

Even if the accelerator pedal of the van is stepped on to the maximum!

After only driving a few meters, it was stuck in place by the corpse of the zombie.

"Damn it! Get out of the car... Hurry up and get out of the car, while the zombies are attracted by the car, let's run back to the power supply bureau!"

As the eldest brother, the man with glasses couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle when he saw this scene, so he had no choice but to flee back and hide first.

Everyone had no choice but to get out of the car again in a hurry, and started to run wildly after the man with glasses.

However, at this moment.

In the darkness beside the fence of the power supply bureau, there was a figure long ago, who seemed to be waiting for this scene to happen.




pause time.

Gunshots keep ringing!

This is a short distance of one hundred meters.

Suddenly, it became their dead end.

Those who escaped were constantly being hit or chased by zombies.

In the end, it became a buffet for zombies!


The magazine is out of bullets.

The monkey present and the big man with glasses avoided bullets and zombie attacks because of their extremely fast speed.

Sombra frowned.

When it was time to reload, they were enough to run back to the power supply bureau and hide.

At this time, the three women had just entered the power supply bureau.

If the two groups meet, he has no doubt that the women he fancy will be used as rations against zombies by them!

"Sun Yu! Go stop the two of them!"

The black shadow then spoke.

I saw the Passata sedan at the door.

A woman climbed out at an extremely fast speed!

Then it suddenly turned into a ghostly figure, rushing towards the man with glasses and the monkey!

"Nimma, this zombie is too fast!"

next moment.

The monkey who just ran to the gate of the fence only exclaimed and was thrown down.

Immediately, the woman opened her mouth wide, ready to bite her.

However, the voice of the shadow came out again.

"Go after the other one!"

The woman who heard the order let out a low growl, and a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes.

However, he stopped biting the monkey and chased after the man with glasses.

Of course, this is not letting the monkeys go!

Because, being thrown by a woman like this, he has already missed the best opportunity to jump back.

The zombies behind immediately rushed up and buried him under him.

As for the man with glasses, he was also dumbfounded at this time.

He didn't expect that there would be zombies so fast!

Moreover, looking at her running posture, she looks like a zombie.

If it wasn't for the crazy look on his face, he wouldn't doubt that it was a human being!

However, whether it is human or not.

The opponent is about to catch up with him!

He suddenly flashed a trace of cruelty.

The sharpened steel pipe in his hand stabbed forward suddenly, and the air roared.

He used this move to kill not one hundred zombies, but more than eighty or ninety.

Just when he thought that this female zombie was bound to die.


The woman turned her head in a very quick reaction, and missed the blow.


At this moment, the glasses exclaimed even more completely. .

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