Art Life (10)

Su Mo was lying in the hospital for ten days. Even his grandmother’s funeral was not able to participate. Except that his mother took time to look at him twice, no one else had seen him.

When he was finally able to leave the hospital, his dad asked him to go back, although he knew that his father would never be able to dissipate him so quickly, but even if he knew that he would probably be beaten again after going back, he could not help. Go back, otherwise his dad will be more angry, and he may not really recognize his son.

"Dad." Su Mo stood at the door of the study and watched his father's face cautiously.

"Come in." Su's father did not see any emotions on his face, but he was silently called Su Mo.

Su Mo met his father as if he was not angry. He walked in with his chest. He didn’t mean to be pitiful, but it was really painful. Although he was able to leave the hospital, the injury was not completely good, just I can go home and recuperate. If his father is not so angry, he wants to stay home to recuperate. After all, he has no way to go out to meet people now. It is much more convenient to live at home than to live in a rented house.

"Take this sign." Su's father threw a document in front of Su Mo, and threw a pen in the past to let him sign.

Su Mo is somewhat unclear. So he didn't know what his father wanted him to sign. He picked up the documents and looked at them. When he saw the first line, he stopped. This is a notarization for abandoning the property.

"Dad..." Sumo looked at his father at a loss. "You are real, don't you want to recognize me?..."

“Yes.” Su said seriously. “After you signed this document, I will take justice and then openly sever the father-son relationship with you.”

"Don't! Dad!" Su Mo immediately squatted and said in a panic, "Please don't deny me! I beg you!"

Su Mo pushed the document away. He couldn't sign it. If he signed it, he would have nothing. He would rather have his father beat him again, until he deflated, and he didn't want to really get out of touch with the family.

Su's father said with a blue face and pointed at Su Mo, "It's all because of the things you did. Now our business is very bad. If we don't sever the relationship with you, our family will be starved to death!" If you still have a little conscience, sign it quickly and then go public to apologize to show that you have nothing to do with this family!"

"Dad, you can't do this, I am your son too, you are really so worried, do you want to give up on me?" Su Mo cried and begged, "Please don't sever my relationship with me! Please do not do this!"

"You are even mad at your grandmother. What are you looking for? This is a matter of fact. As long as I am alive in my life, I will never forgive you!" Su's father only thought that his son was mad. His own mother, he would like to kill him by hand, he never wants to see this beast of his grandmother again in his life.

Su Mo was crying on the ground. At this moment, he was really scared. He knew that his father was not scaring him, nor was he just punishing him. He really did not want to recognize him as a son. Once he has nothing to do with this family, he really has no hope of reviving.

"Do you sign or not?" Su said, "If you don't sign, you can transfer all the property in your home to your big brother's name, and then publicly announce that you have nothing to do with this family." You will not be able to get a penny from this home in the future. If you are starving, I will not give you anything."

"Dad, I really know that I am wrong. You forgive me this time. You can punish me. Don't sever my relationship with me. Don't drive me out of here." Su Mo is almost fainting. But the father is not soft at all.

Su's father waited for a while, and saw that Su Mo had refused to sign it. He went over and lifted him from the ground and dragged it out.

Su Mo was dragged by his father and stumbled to the door. Su's father opened the door and threw him out. "You are far away from me! Never again appear in my face!"

"Dad! Dad! Please don't chase me away! Dad!" Su Mo cried and slammed the door.

Su Mo pointed to Su Mu, who was crying silently. "If you dare to help him, you will leave this house with him and never come back!"

Su Mu’s eyes were crying and swollen during this time. She heard the cry of her son’s heartbreaking lungs. She was so distressed that she did not dare to plead for her son. Seeing that the husband had been upstairs for a while, Su Mu quietly opened the door and went out.

"Mom! Mom!" Su Mo met her mother and cried when she hugged her.

"Hey." Su Mu signaled her son not to be so loud. She said in a small voice, "You go back to the rented house first. After a while, your father is not so angry. I will secretly go and see. You can rest assured, Mom won't care about you, but your father is now mad, and you will be patient during this time."

Su Mo knew that his father was bent on breaking his relationship with himself, but he was assured by his mother that he was not completely reliant, and he left without a trace.

Just arrived outside the community, Su Mo received a phone call, was the head of the school department, let him go to school. Su Mo satirized as if the whole world knew that he would be discharged from the hospital today. Letting go to school, certainly will not be a good thing to tell him, but he still went, just be a good one.

Su Mo walked on the familiar road in the school. He walked many times on this road. Just recently, when he was on this road, he was still enjoying the envy or envy of other students. But now, envy or jealousy, all are gone, and now there are only contemptuous eyes, and disdainful pointing. However, after experiencing successive blows, in the face of this degree of contempt and irony, he does not care.

Su Mo did not dare to look at his comments on the Internet during this time, but even if he didn't look at it, he could guess that the netizens must be more serious than the previous one. His life, his future, is already dark.

"The plagiarism incident you caused has had a very bad influence on the reputation of the school. It has also caused great dissatisfaction among the school and outsiders. After the school leaders have made a decision, they will expel you from school." The department head directly informed the school about the punishment decision for Su Mo.

Although he was prepared in the heart, Su Mo was still severely hit in his heart. He has no strength to smile even now. He can only support his body and not fall down.

"Do you really have to fire me? Is there any other way to help me keep my student status?" Su Mo held the last glimmer of hope that "I accept all the punishments, as long as I don't dismiss me, can I ask the director to help?" I want the school leaders to ask for help?"

"I'm afraid there is no way for you to retain your student status." The head of the department sighed and said, "Even if I go to court, it is useless. The decision made by the school leaders and the school board together, I don't have such a big face. They agree with my pleading."

The head of the department has a very good relationship with Su Mo's father, so he usually takes care of him at school, but this time, even his own son, he can't help him, not to mention that he is only the son of a better friend. Moreover, the head of the department has contacted Su Mo’s father. Su Mo’s father also directly explained that he wants to break the relationship between the father and son with Su Mo, so that the head of the department does not care for him, and the school will expel him if he wants to expel him.

Su Mo’s body is crumbling and can only be supported on the table by hand, otherwise he may fall down at any time.

It was really pitiful for the department head to see him like this. After hesitating for a while, he pointed out a way out. "If you really want to keep your student status, I suggest you go to someone who can really speak, especially in The person who speaks in front of the sensible."

"Where can I find someone who can speak?" Su Mo said bitterly.

"You can go to the raft. Your relationship has been very good. If you can get his forgiveness, it will not be difficult to retain the student status." The head of the department hinted at him.

"Wood?" Su Mo was hit hard, but his brain did not respond. He didn't understand why he was looking for a raft and asked for his forgiveness. He was able to retain his student status. When did he have such a big right?

The dean of the department saw him as if he didn't understand it. He simply said that "the raft has an acquaintance on the side of the board. If he is sure to speak for you, you will be able to stay in school."

This is the news that the department director can't help but find out. So telling Su Mo now, it is also a matter of doing it right, and what to do next is to rely on himself.

Let him go for a raft? Actually let go to ask for a raft? ! Su Mo resentfully thought, he will become such a smash! And even if he asks him, he can't help himself, he will only be laughed at and ridiculed by him.

Su Moyin wants to get angry. After he walks out of the department's office, he even forgets to forget the surrounding, but walks instinctively. Thinking about it while walking, let him go to the raft, this is absolutely impossible! He would rather die than ask him!

Su Mo just walked outside the school gate and suddenly faced a **** red color under the cover. He was poured with a bright red pigment water.

Su Mo was there, completely unaware that if it reacted, another bucket of blue pigment water poured onto his head.

Around for a lot of people came over to take pictures of him, and pointed to him shouting loudly.

"Copying a dog, shameless!"

"Don't shame! Copying someone else's work is still a fight! It's too embarrassing!"

"Do you still have a face to school? It is simply insulting the identity of the Academy of Fine Arts and art birthday!"

"I don't apologize for making such a shameless ugly thing. How thick is your skin?!"

"You don't have to paint at all. Your heart is simply dirty. Splashing you with paint water is an insult to the paint!"

"Hurry up to apologize to those who have been plagiarized! You copied the works of others, but also wish people, how can there be such a shameless person in this world!"

Most of these people around Su Mou are off-campus or people who have graduated from the Lushan Academy of Fine Arts. They received the news that Su Mo returned to the school and immediately rushed over. There are still a large number of people because of It’s far away, and it’s still on the way.

Before Su Momu plagiarized his paintings, many people were helping him to squat, but after the truth, the most angry is the people who help others, because they not only feel cheated, but also use them.

Those who feel that they are only pointing at Su Mo are not enough to reconcile. Gradually, some people have started to move their hands. With people taking the lead, there are more and more people who are excited when everyone is excited.

Su Mo’s injury was not good, and now he was pushed and beaten again, and his body began to hurt again. But he had pigment water in his eyes, and he couldn't open his eyes for a long time, and he couldn't hide the beatings.

Su Mo wiped the water in his eyes and rushed out of the crowd around him. Fortunately, he ran fast, or he will wait for more and more people, he may not run, can only wait for the police to come to maintain order. But in that case, he will go to the hospital again.

Su Mo ran back to his residence, closed the door and fell to the floor. The situation was just too horrible. He thought he was going to be killed by those people. Do not people know that it is illegal to do so?

After squatting on the ground for a long time, Su Mo regained a little strength, thinking that the paint water on his body really made him very uncomfortable. He almost climbed into the bathroom and cleaned it.

He sat on the floor of the bathroom, flushed with a sprinkler in his hand, and his eyes looked at the wall with some disappointment. In his heart, he asked why he would become like this? Why did he fall through such a result?

Suddenly I thought of what the head of the department told him, and told him to ask for a raft because the raft had a person on the side of the board. He thought, the man that Muxi knows is definitely the one who cares for him. The result that I will fall to the present is all murderous. His grandmother is also killed by rafts. How can he think about rafting for mercy? ! He must not let him go! He must take revenge!

Su Mo threw the sprinkler on the ground, stood up on the wall, went outside to find the mobile phone, and then dialed the phone of Wu Xiuyuan.

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