End of the World (10)

The construction has returned to normal. As a result, Zhao Gang has just been so troubled. The soldiers are more vigilant. The above has been ordered. It is now an extraordinary period. For those who deliberately make trouble, they must not stay.

There are dozens of people doing things in this place. After the soldiers have continued, except for Qi Yun, their group of people has started to work seriously. After the group saw the cockroaches, they could no longer concentrate on their work, and their eyes looked at them from time to time.

Let the guards bring the sunshade fan and the chair, sit under the sunshade fan, and watch the people work while eating the fruit and drinking.

Although the soldiers did not understand, the military area is so comfortable, why do you want to stay here. But they all know that you are a privileged person, you can do whatever you want, and no soldiers will ask him to leave.

Qi Yun could not ignore the existence of jealousy because of his hatred in the heart, but even if he was trembling because of his anger, but there were so many soldiers watching, he did not dare to act rashly. And he knows very well that in the face of the shackles that already have power, he can't be his opponent now.

After Wu Hao saw it, his mood was very complicated, because in his heart, he always felt that Qiu Jin had a good relationship with him. But he didn't understand why he suddenly wanted to change himself. First, he blew a palm of Qiyun and then fired a shot at his chest. This is not only disregarding the previous sentiment, but clearly treating them as enemies. He can't figure out why. Difficult because the world has changed, so has this person changed? Or is he supposed to be like this, just hiding his true character before?

Wu Hao slowly recovered from the shock of the moment, and the resentment in her heart revived. They were working hard here, but they were sitting under the umbrella of the sun, and they were angry. .

Although other people don't have so many complicated emotions, they are somewhat uncomfortable in their hearts. They feel that they used to be friends who used to play with them. Why is it that he is only enjoying it alone? And they finally accepted the fact that it is now the end of the world, but they are constantly suffering.

Qi Yun’s defeat in the hands of the two, he has naturally guessed that he is also born again. Although he does not want to accept this fact, but he has to face the reality.

He knows that in the face of jealousy, he has no way to take advantage of rebirth, because he knows everything he knows. But even if this is the case, he does not want to give up revenge. He thinks that he will have a way to take revenge. Once the time comes, he will definitely grasp it. Before the time came, he could only bite his teeth and hold back the anger in his heart. He must not be impulsive.

Merchants sometimes go out to perform tasks in a few days to come back. It is a common thing, and this time it will not come back within a few days. Therefore, the fun of everyday life changes from sleeping in the room to becoming boring. When they go to the construction site, they look at Qiyun and they do things, and then he enjoys it.

After a long time, Qi Yun, a group of them, found all kinds of preferential treatments in the military region. Those soldiers who saw him were also very polite. This made the people who were originally unbalanced more unbalanced. People who had anger and hatred in their hearts were even more angry.

The trick is to deliberately anger them and see when they can bear it. According to his observation, Qi Yun, who hates him the most, is quite tolerable this time. It seems that he is also born again and knows him. Already have an ability, do not dare to act rashly.

And Zhao Gang, who has always been tempered, seems to be unable to bear it again. He is waiting for him to be angry again.

In the middle of the night, Yong was sleeping deeply, and suddenly started a strange dream. In the dream, someone is kissing his ass, the wet tongue is going back and forth across the groin, and the tingling and tingling feeling makes him shake.

Then he felt that the things between his legs were wrapped in a warm, moist thing, and that thing was constantly sucking on his most sensitive parts, causing a heat flow in his lower abdomen, which wanted to erupt.

There was something rough that was walking up the upper reaches of his body, staying on his chest and kneading, letting him frown in his dreams and sending out dissatisfied protests. It finally slipped away from his chest, but stayed on his hips and fooled.

Because the dream is too real, I wonder, how much I want to have sex, how can I do this kind of spring dream.

When he forced the resister to sleep, pulled himself out of his sleep, and opened his eyes with difficulty, the picture he saw was that his legs were being opened and his waist was lifted. The huge thing was slowly. Enter his body.

"Ah! Pain...." The place was used for the first time in this place. The tight and small place was suddenly opened by a huge thing, and he could not help but cry out.

The more the merchant did not stop the action because of the screaming of the screaming, but the greater strength at a faster speed, filling his own stuff into the body of the cockroach once and letting him scream again.

As the merchant pressed over his body, he grabbed his shoulder and suffered his quick and powerful impact. The feeling of the inner wall being rubbed quickly has made him very unbearable. A particularly sensitive point, the next one was hit, so that he could not help but struggle. However, in the case of a weak body, there is no use of much strength. His struggle is negligible for Shangyue.

Shang Yue flipped his body over, then hugged him up, let him sit on his lap, and lifted his waist down to the top.

There is no place to support, you can only rely on his strong chest, open his legs and let him in and out of his body.

It’s hard to finish the first round. I didn’t think he would only do it once, but thought he would at least take a break. I did not expect him to start the second round of impact movement directly without pulling away from his body or completely softening.

In addition to screaming, nothing else can be done. His body has been completely controlled by Shangyue, and he has turned over and over in various poses.

I don't remember that I have already done it a few times, and I can't hold my sleep until the end.

Woke up the next day, I found myself in the arms of Shangyue. He thought, he thought that the night last night was a dream, because he was not completely awake from beginning to end.

In fact, it is already noon now. Shangyue has already gone out for a trip in the morning and came back. When he came back, he saw that he was still asleep, and he was lying with him.

Shang Yue didn't fall asleep. When he woke up, he felt it. He opened his eyes and looked down at the blink of an eye. "It's already noon, is it hungry?"

"Yeah." He wanted to sit up and just fell back when he held up his body. His back was sore and he couldn't make any effort.

He was not satisfied with the squatting in bed. After he had no voice, he got up and went out to give him food.

Shangyue came back in the middle of the night last night. I just wanted to come and see what I was already sleeping on, but I couldn’t help but pull out my pajama pants.

The more difficult it is to be able to rest for two days, you can do nothing, and the two stay in the room like a wedding. I almost couldn't get out of bed in these two days. He felt that he almost died on the bed, but fortunately, even if Shangyue didn't go out to perform tasks, there are many other things to do.

After the business has been busy with his own affairs, he finally can relax and rest his physical strength, and he can only lie on the bed like a boneless palm.

When Shangyue is busy, when you can find nothing, sit under the umbrella and watch Qiyun work.

Qi Yun did not see him for two or three days, and thought he was tired of it. He did not expect him to reappear again, making their hearts more uncomfortable.

After the busy business, he went back to find the cockroach, but found that he was not in the room, contacted the guards who arranged for the shackles, and then he knew that during this time, he often went to the construction site to see those people doing things.

Shangyue drove to pick up the bus. In his opinion, the construction site was dirty and chaotic, not the place to be treated.

He got off the bus and walked to the side of the donkey, looking down and asking, "What are you doing here?"

He looked up and said, "It’s too boring to stay in the room. Look at them to do things and pass the time."

"There is nothing to look at." Shang Yue reached out and pulled the squat. "If you are bored, we can go back and do something else."

"I don't want to." He refused. "I am so hard that I don't have a waist."

"If you don't do that kind of thing, it's really something else, let's go." The more the merchant saw the resistance, he said to him.

Hesitated for a moment, there was no resistance, and the company was taken to the car and taken away.

The pictures pulled by the two people were looked at by Wu Hao. They were both wondering about the relationship between the two. The more they wore them, they knew that they were high-ranking officers. The two people’s intimate gestures looked like they were not ordinary.

When Qi Yun saw Shang Yue, he immediately felt the feeling of being stalked away. After he saw Shang Yue’s intimate attitude toward him, the unprecedented guilty feeling broke out in his heart. He doesn't understand why God is so unfair, why is it so biased that a person already has a very good person. And like him, who has nothing at all, the fate is still so rough, why is this?

璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸璟旸 璟旸 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 特别 商 商 商 商 商 商 商 商 商

Already at the time when I should fall asleep at night, Qi Yun couldn’t sleep, and his face was constantly appearing in his mind. He really wants to be close to that person, hope that God can give him this opportunity, he will prove that he is more suitable for him than anyone else. Now he is more eager to expect his abilities to be motivated soon, because only after the abilities are motivated can he prove his abilities.

In the room of ten people, I don’t know who first talked about the scene I saw today, and then they began to guess the relationship between 璟旸 and Shang Yue.

Qi Yun returned to God because of their discussion, and then participated in their topic. All kinds of satires must be because of the unclean relationship between Shang and Yue, so they can enjoy special care in the military region.

Others also agree with Qi Yun's statement, otherwise why only one person does not have to do anything all day, if not because of improper relationship, there is no other reason to explain.

Only Qi Yun knows very well that not only now has the ability, but also as a born-again and very rich person, he must have made a lot of preparations early. However, of course, he will not say these things. He will be a little more comfortable when he hears other people cursing. Of course, he will not explain it.

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