Cannon fodder is a full-level boss

$59. The Second Retirement World [13]

Since the patient who lived in this ward got well suddenly last time, Yan Ling did not directly eliminate the dark parts of Lu Xing's mental power this time, but chose to use a gentle method.

Even though Yan Ling's mental power has been greatly reduced in this world, it is still the difference between a river and a bowl of water for ordinary people. Last time, when Yan Ling's mental power just touched the patient, the small part of the different color was directly shattered. The reason is that Yan Ling's mental power is too strong. Therefore, this time, Yan Ling's mental power just wandered around Lu Xing and kept a distance from him.

But because Yan Ling deliberately made his mental power appear more friendly, it had a certain soothing effect on Lu Xing's mental power, so in the eyes of others, Lu Xing's condition has eased.


Lu Ran has been writing and drawing on the computer all day.

Lu Ran is making a small game.

Because Lu Ran didn't think highly of his sister before because of the game, Lu Ran originally planned not to touch it for the rest of his life, but after his sister's condition eased, Lu Ran found that his sister liked to draw. Every character in her pen looked immature, but it can be seen that his sister was very attentive.

Although his sister no longer resisted them as relatives during this period, and sometimes she would involuntarily show a coquettish look, but Lu Ran felt that compared with the patient named Yan Ling, his status as a brother was obviously threatened.

So Lu Ran set his sights on the paintings his sister drew.

His sister liked to draw, so he created a world in the painting for her.

Lu Ran was smart in learning, but his talent in games was also not to be ignored, which was not only reflected in playing games, but also in making games.

When Lu Ran was still in elementary school, Lu Ran tinkered with the computer independently and made a software game.

So, this matter was not difficult for Lu Ran.

On this day, Lu Xinglai fell asleep, and his mother fell asleep by the window because of her hard work during the day. Lu Ran sat on a chair beside him, put the computer on his legs, and continued to make games.

It will be his sister's birthday soon. Even if his sister can only celebrate this birthday in the hospital, she still wants to give her a very different gift, hoping that when his sister sees the gift, she will be as surprised as before.

But Lu Ran has stopped for a long time.

When Lu Ran is lost in thought, he can't help but start spinning the pen, but perhaps because he has no talent for spinning the pen, the sound is intermittent.

Yan Ling, who was lying flat on the bed, couldn't help but open his eyes.

This sound is basically equivalent to nothing for other people, but in Yan Ling's ears, it seems to be amplified several times, and mixed with someone's occasional sighs. Yan Ling feels that he can't stand it anymore.

After another sound, Yan Ling sat up.

Not sleeping in the middle of the night, typing on the keyboard, spinning the pen, even the sound from his mouth never stops, people who don't know would think that some office worker stayed up late to work overtime again.

When Lu Ran was simulating the reason for the failure of this program, Lu Ran suddenly found that there seemed to be a black shadow beside him.

"This is the mistake."

"Move the following few lines to the front, and then..."

Before Lu Ran looked up, he heard the man suddenly start talking.

There was a yawn in his voice, and it was not very pleasant.

But the sentence was very logical, serious, and reasonable.

It was the voice of the patient named Yan Ling.

Lu Ran was surprised.

But Lu Ran naturally didn't believe what Yan Ling said.

After all, last time, he was deceived by his appearance. He had asked the nurse before, and the nurse said that the patient's paranoia was very serious. Although he looked normal on the surface, no one could persuade him if he thought he was another identity.

It is estimated that he has started to get sick again, and this time he may play the role of a programmer or a boss, and he thinks he is an employee of the same company.

Yan Ling found that the boy in front of him did not pay attention to him.

But Yan Ling was not in a hurry. He was no longer sleepy now, and it was already midnight. The other patients were asleep, so Yan Ling moved another chair and put it next to Lu Ran.

Maybe people have a kind of inertia. When a person talks about something, the person who listens can't help but look and think.

Lu Ran is such a person.

Even if he told himself that the previous words were just the nonsense of a patient, after he revised it, he found that the test was successful.

Lu Ran opened his eyes wide instantly.

The sound of the pen spinning in his hand suddenly stopped.

He picked up the notebook and pen on his right hand and put them on the other side.

He, who originally only pressed the keyboard with his left hand, suddenly used both hands together.

Lu Ran tried again, not believing it, and typed faster, but the two words displayed were still the same.

"Success?" Lu Ran said in disbelief.

The patient was not just saying it casually, but really succeeded!

Lu Ran felt that his cognition was impacted. He looked up at Yan Ling who had been sitting next to him. The man was wearing a hospital gown, with his legs crossed and his hands folded across his chest. There seemed to be a trace of unknown resentment in his eyes.

Lu Ran suddenly remembered the first time he met Yan Ling.

If this time is true, could it be that what Yan Ling said last time was also true?

No, no, no, Lu Ran, you are just confused!

Lu Ran quickly denied this stupid idea.

Yan Ling naturally didn't know what Lu Ran was thinking at this time. He was only thinking about one thing now, that is, would Lu Ran leave immediately or go to bed after completing today's programming?

Now he has begun to consider that the frequency of combing Lu Xing's mental power every other day should be changed directly to once a day, so that Lu Xing can get better faster. In this way, when Lu Xing is well and leaves the hospital, Lu Ran, as an accompaniment, will not continue to stay here to disturb his sleep.

Yan Ling felt a little better when he thought that he could enjoy the tranquility of the night again.

"Thank you for telling me the correct way to modify it, but I seem to have encountered some problems here. Can you help me take a look?"

But Yan Ling forgot that for people who love learning, a person who obviously has more knowledge is like a piece of sweet cheese. He will never give up unless he asks clearly.

Forget it, forget it.

Just think of it as a way to stabilize the quality of sleep for the next few days.

Lu Ran just wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect Yan Ling to really answer.

Although the expression on his face was not very good, it might just be because he was playing the role of a picky and strict boss or teacher.

Lu Ran thought about it——

Indeed, Yan Ling is a patient with severe paranoia, but judging from the time Yan Ling has been hospitalized, it is not long. So it is possible that when Yan Ling was not sick, he was a person doing programming work. So later, even if he got sick, these habitual memories in his heart are still as deeply rooted as before.

Lu Ran was convinced by his own answer.

That night, the lights in the ward were on for a long time.

After Yan Ling slightly sped up, Lu Xing's condition was basically stable. Just last week, Lu Xing spoke again.

Everyone in the Lu family was very happy.

And just now, after the doctor at Tianhai Hospital examined Lu Xing again, he announced that Lu Xing would be discharged the day after tomorrow.

Yan Ling doesn't like to give up halfway when doing things, because it makes him feel uncomfortable, which can be regarded as a kind of obsessive perfectionism.

Although the doctor said that Lu Xing's condition had improved a lot, only Yan Ling knew that there was still some not-so-obvious gray in Lu Xing's mental power.

If he left the hospital now, it was possible that the gray would start to spread again.

Unless Yan Ling could continue to stay with Lu Xing in the next half month, or Lu Xing continued to stay for a month.

But these two possibilities were just thoughts, after all, no one would believe them.

Until Yan Ling saw Lu Ran making games again that night.

Yan Ling's eyes suddenly lit up!

What Lu Xing lacked was nothing more than a stronger and gentler mental power to guide and soothe her mental power, so that the diseased mental power could gradually stabilize and return to normal under this soothing.

Although he stayed in the hospital, it did not mean that his mental power could not leave here.

His mental power could be retained in a certain medium, so that Lu Xing could come into contact with it.

Yan Ling thought about it.

Even when he used his mental power, he was very careful, so he certainly couldn't directly choose Lu Xing's personal belongings.

After thinking for a while, Yan Ling finally looked in the direction of Lu Ran.

To be precise, it was Lu Ran's computer.

Entities can be used as media, but non-entities such as text, data, and even pictures can also be used as media. Even though the energy consumed in this process may be more than that of the former, if you think about it carefully, it just happened to allow Yan Ling to get a method to spend a lot of mental power and expand the sea of ​​consciousness without using the controller.

It's killing two birds with one stone.


My sister is finally going to be discharged from the hospital.

Lu Ran was undoubtedly happy in his heart, but when he stood at the door of the ward and looked back at the inner room, he couldn't help frowning.

For some reason, Yan Ling, who had a ruddy face and even rolled his eyes at me a few days ago, suddenly looked very pale these two days.

Even the doctor couldn't find any problems.

Lu Ran saw Lu Xing approaching and trying to hug Yan Ling, but was ruthlessly rejected by Yan Ling. Seeing the look of disdain in Yan Ling's eyes, Lu Ran couldn't help but smile.

Fortunately, he was still in good spirits.


Yan Ling was left alone in the ward again.

But Yan Ling was very comfortable, although it was a pity that he didn't have extra meals.

Fortunately, Lu Ran was kind enough to leave a lot of delicious food for him, and he found program errors for him in the middle of the night and made suggestions for modification.

Because Bo Ling was good at game programming, Yan Ling was not afraid of breaking his character at all.


After a while.

Yan Ling's novel soon came to an end, and he applied for settlement after writing the last chapter.

At the same time, a small game on the Internet suddenly became popular, overshadowing many large-scale games.

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