The people didn't believe him.

The eldest in this trip, Bi Fei who also plays the role of captain said: "If Yingluo knew the news, he would definitely bring that human to rescue us. He definitely doesn't know what we are now Case."

She believes in her own people.

The surrounding sharks also nodded, thinking that this must be the case.

Mu Xing knew that simple words could not make them believe in themselves.

He remembered one thing and said, "Can't we use a secret method to contact Ying Luo? Just ask him for help."

Bi Fei hesitated: "But it can only be used when it is life-threatening..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Mu Xing clutching his chest and falling to one side with a pale face.

The merman beside him quickly supported him.

Mu Xing looked weak: "Sister Bifei, I am so uncomfortable, if I don't go back to the water, I will die."

Bi Fei's complexion changed, they had no water.

These adult sharks can still endure, and the little star is still a cub.

Bi Fei suddenly made up her mind. She stretched out her right hand and stroked her fingernails on her left wrist. A drop of red blood dripped with a little dark gold, but it did not land on the ground. is suspended in mid-air.

Bi Fei closed her eyes, chanted a very obscure incantation, and suddenly opened her eyes.

The drop of blood slowly burned in the void, and the special breath that only the merman could smell slowly spread out.

The whole ceremony only took a few short breaths, but Bi Fei seemed to have suffered a great loss.

At the same time, hundreds of miles away, in a hidden cave.

The man who was in a mess but still amazingly beautiful woke up from his sleep.

The wind and the mist in the air brought him the message of his family: they were asking him for help, and let him take the humans around him.

Ying Luo looked uncertain and turned to look at the man lying on the haystack.

Chu Xu was having a fever, his body was terribly hot, and his lips were chapped and bleeding.

When he was drinking water in the forest during the day, he learned some news from the friendly water spirits: his clansmen seemed to be besieged, and the bad guys threatened them to take Chu Xu hand over.

But if Chu Xu is like this, if he is discovered by those bad people, he will definitely be killed!

The clansmen are different. The merman and those people have no injustice or enmity, and they will definitely not kill them.

He didn't know whether he was comforting himself or deceiving himself: and the clansmen were so powerful, those humans might not be able to help everyone.

Yes. He said with certainty in his heart that the clansmen will be fine.

But once Chu Xu appears, he will definitely die.

He bit his lip, looked at the direction of the clan's cry for help, silently slid down a string of tears, and said a lot of sorry.

Pearl rolled to the ground, but no one came out of the cave.

The sharks in the dark room waited for a long time, but did not receive any response from Ying Luo.

Bi Fei's face was pale: "What's the situation, didn't Ying Luo see my message?"

Mu Xing's face was also pale.

"We can't wait for him," he said softly. "We'll find a way to escape."

Dozens of big beauties looked at him with their beautiful big eyes.

Mu Xing was inexplicably cute.

"I have a solution." Mu Xing spoke in a light tone because he had no strength, "I need you to cooperate with me."

But when he finished speaking, no one answered.

Mu Xing looked up suspiciously, and saw all the mermen, including the calm Bi Fei, looking at him in amazement.

"Little Xingxing, I feel you have changed a lot." Bi Fei said.

If there is an infighting at this time, it will be very troublesome.

But before he could think of an excuse, he heard Bi Fei cheerfully say: "Little Xingxing has become more talkative, and seems to be a lot smarter. It seems that Yingluo can talk more and walk around. Long experience, it really makes sense.”

Other sharks nodded in agreement.

Mu Xing: "…"

Well, he thinks too much.

There are not so many complex structures in this group of sharks, nor so many conspiracy theories.

To understand this, Mu Xing suddenly had no entanglement.

He helped the merman behind him to stand up and said, "I have a way to get out of here, you wait and listen to my instructions."

The sharks looked at each other, although they didn't particularly believe the words of Little Xingxing, the cub's expression could be seen with certainty, and immediately decided to play with the cub even if it was useless.

There are many top military tents stationed outside the dark room. In the central tent, several people are talking.

"General, do we really want to kill a merman a day?" said one person.

General is a strong man with a beard. He heard the words: "This is the order of His Royal Highness King Ding. His Highness is in a rage, we just need to follow the order."

The man regretted: "Unfortunately, I see those mermen, all of them are of national beauty, if you can get one..."

He smacking his lips: "I'm afraid it's the bliss on earth."

The general said: "In this case, let's keep a few at that time, and the brothers will treat themselves well..."

The people in the tent suddenly laughed.

At this moment, the soldier in charge of guarding hurriedly came outside the camp:

"General, a merman has come out and said he is willing to tell the whereabouts of the traitor Chu Xu."

"Really!" The general was shocked.

Although he is beautiful, he also knows that the most important thing this time is to take down the traitor. Otherwise, His Royal Highness King Ding would not be able to pass that level.

If power is gone, even life is gone, what is the use of beauty now?

Mu Xing was supported by Bi Fei, and the two were brought out of the dark room by guarded soldiers.

It was night outside.

This place seems to be a mountainous area, with soldiers on duty at night guarding with torches at intervals, and in the distance are camps gathered together.

According to the memory of the merman in my mind, this man is the leader of this group of chasing troops.

The general looked at the big and small being brought here.

The little one was wearing a merman costume, with loose hair, and her facial features were very delicate and hermaphrodite.

All of them are unparalleled beauty.

The general rolled his throat without a trace: If you can take it for yourself...

The general calmed down, did not dismount, raised his hand, raised his whip and pointed at the big and small: "Do you know the whereabouts of the thief Chu Xu?"

Mu Xing nodded.

He was overjoyed: "Where? Take me there!"

Mu Xing raised his head and asked him, "If I tell you, will you let us go?"

His voice is clear and ethereal, like pearls falling on a jade plate, which makes people feel swayed.

The general narrowed his eyes and smiled: "When I catch the traitor, I will naturally let you go."

The general was stunned, and then said angrily: "What are you talking about?"

Mu Xing ignored him and said calmly: "We mermaids are a race favored by the sea god. You insulted us first, and coaxed me to wait later. You are really not afraid of the sea **** Angry?"

The general clenched the horse rope and sneered: "What sea god, where is the **** in this world..."

When he spoke, he saw the little merman raised his lips coldly at him and opened his lips.

The clear and sweet voice resounded throughout the camp:

"Humans who insult my sharks and disrespect the sea **** will suffer the wrath of the gods."


The wind was blowing violently, and dark purple lightning fell from the sky, smashing the general's head.

All the resting horses were frightened, broke off their reins, and ran wild in the camp, everyone was panicked by the sudden change, and more people rushed to see how the general was doing.

At the same time, there was fog in the mountains.

A thick fog rose from the ground, covering everyone's sight.

Mu Xing's whole body was shaking, and she couldn't stand up.

Bi Fei simply put his entire body on his back, and heard him whisper in his ear: "No one will care about us now, take this opportunity to take the clan and leave quickly. Don't. Stop and go back to the sea!"

After he finished speaking, the whole person fainted, and the situation was very bad.

Bi Fei didn't dare to delay, and following Mu Xing's instructions, she opened the dark room while the chaos, and the group rushed into the dense forest without looking back.

The night wind and the rain and fog explored the way for them, avoiding strangers and chasing soldiers all the way, finding the nearest river, and plunged into it.

The merman found the water, it was equivalent to returning home.

The pain wrapped around Mu Xing finally subsided, his frown slowly loosened, and he finally fell into a peaceful sleep.

It was a very comfortable sleep.

Mu Xing woke up again, and there was no discomfort in his body, and the pain on his body had long since disappeared.

He opened his eyes and was surprised to find that he was underwater.

The water is very clear, green and unknown water plants are floating around, and a few small fish occasionally swim by the side.

He breathes very naturally underwater, which is very new to Mu Xing.

He couldn't help but reached out and waved in the water, opened his mouth, and spit out a few round bubbles.

He raised his head and looked up again, his eyes widened suddenly - the tribesmen, one by one, fell asleep not far from him, their long seaweed-like hair spread out under the water, and their legs were already It turned into a silver-blue fish tail, and the sunlight fell from the top of the head and fell on the quiet sleeping mermaid. The picture was beautiful and intoxicating.

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