Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 263 262: Men under control (Part 2)

The two of them began to worry about the long list. Qian Chen's expression looked the same from beginning to end, while Su Jiameng held her chin in distress and said after a long time, "I think the key to the problem is the integration of Jin Bairong's alien genes... If not, where would such a strange thing happen? should we know what that strange beast is? "

Judging from Jin Bairong's current situation, that kind of beast is most likely to combine lust and control of other people's thoughts.

Of course, it is not ruled out that mutations may occur after gene fusion, giving her such weird abilities. Although it is not kind to say this, Su Jiameng feels that if this ability is also effective against the Zerg race, Jin Bairong will be like the Insect King and the like... Ahem...

If so, can she actually become the savior of the entire galaxy? Someone with an open mind went astray, and he didn't know where he was going. When she gathered her thoughts, she heard Qian Chen say, "How about we go over and test it out?"

"No, it's too risky... Even if you go to visit the spot, you have to be careful, let alone test the woman's true appearance." Su Jiameng refuted Qian Chen's opinion without thinking, and a thought flashed in her mind. Emmanuel, "Actually...if you really want to know what kind of alien beast's genes are causing trouble, it's not difficult...I probably have a way!"

A few years ago, Su Jiameng made a big fuss in the underground research institute, using her mind to invade the institute's database and copying a lot of things. If it weren't for this database, she wouldn't have found out that there were still nine people alive and harming one party!

She remembered clearly that the database contained some information about the nine people, as well as a lot of experimental observation data.

Although none of the nine people in this database have their own names and only have a simple test number, the data in it should provide some key information! Anyway, there are only nine people, so it shouldn't be difficult to find the fused alien beast genes.

After thinking about it, she contacted Chang Xi and asked him to copy this part of the information to her. The data in the database was too huge. Even if she knew that there was relevant content in it, it would still be an extremely huge project to find it out.

Changxi itself is an autonomous intelligent robot, and its computing speed is far beyond what the human brain can imagine. After a while, the relevant news was sent. Su Jiameng looked through it carefully and finally found the target! According to her original analysis, this experimental subject is probably the most qualified! Different from previous expectations, this experimental subject incorporates the genes of more than one alien beast!

"Sure enough, they are all alien beasts that are naturally good at mental control, and they are also obscene and sexual..." A solemn look appeared on Su Jiameng's face.

The universe is vast and boundless, and many, many creatures have been born on those strange planets. Even the most knowledgeable scholars who spend their entire lives may not be able to glimpse the tip of the iceberg of the universe. Those creatures each have their own characteristics, and also have special abilities and abilities...

It's really hard for the guy at that research institute to come up with such a weird gene combination, and to fuse this hybrid gene into one person, to create such a weird person like Jin Bairong! According to the original intention of that research institute, Jin Bairong was originally going to become a terrifying figure whose mental power exceeded the 3S limit and was good at using mental power to control the brains of others... However...

In the end, a weird person emerged who used his body as a medium to control each other's brain when both parties were happy! She is not just a mermaid gene like Shangguan Ruiqi, but a dozen biological genes with similar abilities!

No wonder every man who has had a substantial relationship with her becomes like that! Of course, what's more important is that because of an extremely special beast, that woman's need for sex is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

If it were an ordinary woman, she wouldn't be able to survive even three to five days, let alone become as delicate as a flower, it would be nice if her beauty didn't wither. But Jin Bairong is different. The more men there are, the more that kind of relationship happens, the more active her physical state will be, and even the medicine to stabilize genes can be reduced by half! And the more people she controls, the faster her mental power grows...

For Jin Bairong, this has become a virtuous cycle, and her demand for men has become more and more exaggerated.

At first, Jin Bairong didn't realize that her body had such strange abilities, so she just wanted to make Qianjia a stepping stone. She set her sights on Qian Chen's third uncle. In order for the plan to go smoothly, she kept her body clean until the day of the wedding when she handed it over completely to Qian Chen's third uncle, that is, a man who was very simple and easy to deceive. …

But after this incident, she discovered that her body's capabilities far exceeded expectations, so she simply changed her plan midway. Originally, it was enough to control only one Qian family, but now I want to control the entire Blue Spirit Star! Even further controlling the politics and military of the entire Galan Galaxy... I have to say, this person's ideas are really far-reaching...

Qian Chen was stunned for a long time when he saw the data listed by Su Jiameng. He thought that now he could finally understand why Su Jiameng had always wanted to kill that Jin Bairong... even though the two people had never met and had no hatred...

"The genes of these alien beasts are too complex, which may cause some extraordinary changes in Jin Bairong's mental power. I am not sure yet whether the restraint of this mental power will disappear with Jin Bairong's death... So, in order to To be on the safe side, we may have to visit the people on the list to extract some mental fluctuations for analysis..."

Su Jiameng suddenly regretted it now. She should have brought Qiu Yesuan, the anatomy madman, here. At least she did have two brushes. Analyzing the special mental power in the brain should not be a problem... What a pity...

After a long silence, Qian Chen suddenly said, "In that case, let's go see Third Uncle? He...maybe also been controlled, and he was also the first person to come into contact with that woman. Maybe he has more research value..."

Su Jiameng knew that this was Qian Chen's selfish intention, but after thinking about it several times, she still chose to agree.

The two of them packed up and planned to sneak into the Qian family's mansion during the night. Relying on Su Jiameng's cheating mental exploration, he invaded the defense and monitoring system of Qian's mansion and easily found the location of Qian Chen's third uncle.

As long as the two of them keep their hands and feet clean, move quickly, and avoid guards and various surveillances, meeting that person will not be a problem... Moreover, Su Jiameng always feels that she should meet this man who has worn thousands of cuckolds... What a big heart that is...

Sneaking into the mansion was not difficult for the two of them, and it was basically non-technical. Su Jiameng put on a tight-fitting black combat uniform, brought all the equipment, and set off when she was ready.

Qian Chen was similarly dressed, but his face was also covered, leaving only his eyes exposed. She was even more covered up than Su Jiameng. However, there is more to the Qian family's mansion than that. The various defenses are dazzling. Even if both of them are masters, it took a lot of effort to get in!

Su Jiameng had done assassination missions before, so she was no stranger to this activity. She was also familiar with various traps and defenses. In comparison, although Qian Chen's movements were also smooth, he was unfamiliar with his business and looked much clumsier than Su Jiameng.

Because the information shielding and detection in this place is very strong, Su Jiameng could only use gestures to communicate with Qian Chen in order not to be exposed. After several twists and turns, they finally approached the place where Qian Chen and his third uncle were... Before they were completely close, both of them frowned.

Qian Chen's performance was the most direct, with dangerous murderous intent flashing deep in his eyes! It turned out that Qianchen's third uncle did not live in the main house, and the place he lived in was not good, and it was quite bleak. More importantly, the defense capabilities here can be said to be three steps and one post! It's extremely tight, and there are dedicated guards who come to check the post from time to time. How easy is it to sneak in?

However, looking at this posture, the two of them also understood a message: Qian Chen's third uncle was imprisoned! If not, why is there such a strict defense and surveillance? Not even a fly can fly over!

Su Jiameng felt that her wish to see Uncle Qianchen might not be fulfilled... The two hid in a hidden place and observed for a long time, but still couldn't find an opportunity to enter. The patrols are very intensive, and various suspended surveillance probes are also working in all directions... If the two of them go out rashly now, the possibility of being discovered is too high! What should we do……

Su Jiameng didn't want her trip to be in vain, so she secretly contacted the plane store, trying to find something cheap that could solve the current situation. After several searches, she really found something. The invisibility runes of the cultivation plane are cheap and easy to use...

Without saying a word, I bought two of them, one to carry with me, and one to stick on Qian Chen, and then use my mental power to activate it. Thanks to the great initiative of the Cultivation Plane, this thing itself contains activated spiritual power, otherwise it would just be treated as waste paper if it was brought here.

"You can sneak in now..." Su Jiameng gestured, slapped the stunned Qian Chen on the head, and then went out first.

Of course, invisibility runes are not omnipotent. Footprints, sounds, and breathing cannot be concealed. They can only hide the body. Therefore, if the two of them accidentally reveal their flaws, the possibility of being discovered will increase.

After finally waiting for the opportunity to enter, the two looked at each other and entered immediately without making a sound.

Compared with the heavy security outside the house, the decoration inside the house is very simple, even crude! There aren't even decent surveillance cameras! It seems that the people who imprisoned Third Uncle Qian Chen are very confident. They think that the security outside can drive away all the scoundrels?

The architecture of this house is very reminiscent of the earth's era. Apart from two old robots responsible for cleaning and cooking, there is no trace of the future interstellar... It is really simple.

Su Jiameng sensed it and found that there was a scent of living people upstairs. She winked at Qian Chen and they both climbed upstairs.

She originally thought that Qian Chen's third uncle should be a quite elegant man, but after looking at the guy in front of her, she suddenly felt that Qian Chen, who was a homeless man, was much more handsome than this guy...

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