Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 369 362: The Bad Boys Legion (Part 2)

If possible, the young man would not want to hurt those children. They were similar in age to his children. When watching them suffer, he always had the illusion that he was torturing his own children. The inner guilt tortured his soul all the time.

However, he knew that he could not be soft-hearted, because he had seen the cruelty of this woman Su Qinwu. Once he was soft-hearted towards these children, his own children would have to say goodbye to this world. Therefore, as a father, he cannot hesitate!

Under Su Qinwu's amused and amused eyes, the young man signaled his assistant to restrain the three children firmly and prepare to inject them.

However, at this moment, a loud alarm suddenly sounded in the room, and the red light looked extremely dazzling. Su Qinwu's face was gloomy, and he scolded and asked, "What's going on? What do those guys guarding do for food!"

Gu Ningxuan pretended that he was still restrained, but secretly observed the situation of the three children. Seeing that they were safe and sound, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. Su Qinwu glared at Gu Ningxuan hatefully, stood up from the chair, and said to the young man, "What are you doing standing there in a daze? If these three little bastards are still alive when I come back, your child will die!"

The young man's face changed drastically, and he looked at Su Qinwu's leaving figure with a gloomy look. The hands hanging on his sides were clenched tightly, and the unwillingness in his heart was surging. After a while, the red alarm light in the room continued to sound with no intention of stopping.

The young man turned to glance at his assistants, waved his hands helplessly and said, "Let's do it, no one knows when she will come back. As for these children, they are unlucky... You should do it more cleanly. Make them suffer less.”

The three children behaved differently. The girl's face was pale, with strong unwillingness in her eyes, while the two teenagers had calm expressions and assumed defensive postures, hoping to work together to subdue all the assistants who tried to harm them.

However, before they could take action, they felt an abnormal breeze in the air, and the assistants and the young man slowly fell to the ground. Even his eyes were still open, full of confusion and doubt, without any sign of struggle.

Seeing this scene, the two teenagers looked at each other and saw horror and alarm in each other's eyes. Who did this? When did you succeed? The speed is too fast, isn't it? They didn't even see who did it.

Gu Ningxuan stood behind the two teenagers, putting a hand on one of them's shoulders. He could clearly feel their tight muscles and burning body temperature in his palms. He deliberately slowed down his voice and said in a cold voice, "It's safe now. I'll take you out of here first."

The two teenagers pursed their lips and wanted to refuse, but when they thought about how easily the other could knock someone down, they knew they were not simple characters.

Don't talk about it, but let's just say that the routes inside the base are complicated. The two of them have been investigating for more than three months without making much progress.

Now that everything has been exposed, if you still stay here, your future will be worrying, and you will be half disabled even if you are not dead! However, when he was fleeing and accidentally encountered Su Qinwu's minions, how could they defeat them? With such a master protecting you, your safety is guaranteed.

"Thank you, uncle..." The three boys and girls whispered their thanks. Gu Ningxuan's eyebrows were much softer, and he didn't look so serious.

"Thank you for what? You are all still children. It's pitiful to encounter this kind of thing. Once it's safe, remember to find the relevant rescue agencies immediately. Don't fall into the hands of such people again." Gu Ningxuan gestured to the person The girl lay on his back, grabbed hold of him with both hands, held a boy in one arm, and galloped around the base with quick and neat movements.

His mind is always connected to the central control system inside the base, and all safe routes are undefended for him.

He knows better than anyone how to avoid those minions. Therefore, in the eyes of the three children, he is familiar with the streets and turns left and right, as if he has lived here for more than ten years. You must know that this base covers an extremely vast area, and the route is even more complicated and complicated. However, this man is so familiar. It is so puzzling that it is difficult not to be suspicious.

The two teenagers cooperated with Gu Ningxuan's movements obediently, without making a sound from the beginning to the end, but they communicated with each other privately with their eyes. The girl hugged Gu Ningxuan's neck tightly, endured it for a long time, and said somewhat depressedly, "Uncle, my head feels a little uncomfortable."

Even though Gu Ningxuan has been very restrained, the mental blockage and pressure caused by the stray thoughts are still there.

The girl's spiritual level is not very high, and now that she is so close, the feeling of depression will naturally make her uncomfortable. The two teenagers have systematically learned how to exercise their mental power, and now their levels are not low, so they can subconsciously ignore the feeling of depression.

When the girl spoke, Gu Ningxuan had already jumped up and easily jumped over the blocked aisle that was more than ten meters away.

The aisle below is specially designed to handle heavily polluted water. If one accidentally falls down and comes into contact with the water without any protective measures, it may cause extremely serious pollution and damage to the skin.

His figure is calm and mellow, with a reassuring strength and sense of security that makes people want to leave unconsciously. "If you endure it any longer, the entire base will fall into an inexplicable state of chaos, which is extremely beneficial for us to escape. We will have another ten minutes." You can leave here."

Continuing to move forward at a terrifying speed for several minutes, the circular exit flashed with white light. Several people were shocked. The exit was there!

"Okay, kids, you hide here for some time. They shouldn't notice you running here. For safety reasons, find a way to contact the rescue agency before leaving. Uncle has something to go back to, so you guys Take good care of yourself."

The exit leads to a mechanical garbage dump. This is a recycling plant for various broken mechas, aircraft, and hover vehicles. It is located in a remote place and is deserted. As long as Su Qinwu does not install any trackers on the children, he should not be able to chase them. to here.

Just looking at the appearance of the three children, they were in their early teens, which reminded Gu Ningxuan of his two sons who had not had time to recognize each other.

If they also suffered from something unexpected, he would naturally hope that someone could help them...

No, no, they have family members to take care of them and two robots to protect them, so they will definitely not suffer such a disadvantage.

"Uncle, don't go's very dangerous there." One of the young men grabbed Gu Ningxuan's sleeve with quick eyes and hands, stopping him from leaving, and said timidly, "And you were caught before, if you still go back... caught……"

Gu Ningxuan suddenly understood what the young man was worried about, and a faint smile appeared on his serious face. He raised his hand and rubbed the young man's fresh and soft hair, and said, "There's no need to worry. I can easily leave the first time, so naturally. There will be a second time.”

The young man pursed his lips. Although he did not speak, the stubborn look in his eyes showed his attitude. Gu Ningxuan couldn't help but feel a headache. "There must be many children like you in this base. I can't just ignore them."

After saying this, the young man's hand on his sleeve loosened slightly, and a trace of worry appeared on his face. He stretched out his hand and handed something to the other party, and opened his mouth and said, "In this case, uncle must be careful. If you can't beat him, then... Press this to ask for help.”

Gu Ningxuan glanced at the thing, a well-made badge with a very special pattern on it, which seemed to be the logo of a certain group. After thinking about it, he accepted it and replied with a smile, "Okay, I promise you."

After Gu Ningxuan returned along the original route, he looked down at the badge, raised his hand to take it off and placed it in a corner, and used his mind to erase the surveillance system in it.

As an heir raised by the Gu family, he would not allow any surveillance items he did not trust to be placed on him, even if it might be the child's good intentions...

"I'm sure I'm back, many years have I been gone?

What happened here over the years? Everything is blank..." Gu Ningxuan murmured in his heart, and the joy of returning was extinguished by the cold water of reality.

After just a moment of hesitation, Gu Ningxuan expelled these complicated thoughts from his mind and regained his calm self on the Zerg battlefield.

He was sure that there was something wrong with Su Qinwu, and that the other party was lucky enough to cross the dimensional barrier and come to this plane from Marshal Gu's plane. If the timeline of the two planes wanted to wait, Gu Ningxuan was not that worried.

However, the worst thing is that there is a time gap of more than thirty years between the two planes. He can't help but worry, did the woman use her foresight to do something bad?

Just like the girl before...

The girl's face was not fully grown due to her tender age, but the outline resembled a female soldier from the future Silena army. He had seen the female soldier report on the battle situation in Marshal Gu's office, so he had some impressions.

But now... that girl is no longer with her parents, waiting to enter the middle school, but instead appears at Su Qinwu's base... Gu Ningxuan rubbed his swollen eyebrows with a headache, feeling deeply that he also had a miserable destiny.

After going home after all the hardships, the first thing I did was not to find my family, but to deal with the mess caused by Su Qinwu...

Sure enough, he owed this woman a huge debt in his previous life and had no time to repay it. Now she is asking him to settle the debt?

About ten minutes before that, three little guys who had narrowly escaped death found a scrapped hover car and hid in it.

"Xiao Yi, why did you give the medal to that stranger? If something happens, how should you explain it to your family?" Young Jiang Xin glanced at the direction Gu Ningxuan left and deliberately lowered his voice, "That medal is very meaningful. It’s special…”

_(:з」∠)_Double Eleven was ruined, Double Twelve also failed, the royalties for two months were shared with Tao Niang, Shiitake didn’t want to live any longer... Looking at the empty wallet, I felt heartbroken. of……

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