Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 421 414: Black Heart [Ask for Pink]

Seeing the nervous expressions on the faces of several highly qualified reporters, Gu Molin said helplessly, "I have a long life in my hometown, so I won't be able to survive even a press conference. Aren’t there a lot of medical staff on standby?”

It's okay if he didn't say it. But when he said that, those reporters wanted to cry to Gu Molin. Could you please stop saying such hurtful words?

These reporters are far away from Gu Molin's generation, at least two to three hundred years away. Although they rarely meet in person, textbooks during school days often mention this alliance marshal who is regarded as a link between the past and the future. He is also one of the marshals of that generation. The longest-reigning.

Gu Molin is even a hero in the minds of many teenagers and a goal to strive for. In the interstellar era, there was also friction between alliances. The Human Alliance was considered an upstart young man on the cosmic stage, so naturally it was easy to become a target of bullying.

In Gu Molin's time, there were constant wars, big and small, and victory and defeat took turns. The Human Alliance was not as strong as it is now. Even because of their strong reproductive ability and large number of people, they were ridiculed by other interstellar intelligent creatures as "a race with brains in the lower abdomen".

Weak countries have no diplomacy. This statement also applies to the interstellar future. The weak Wisdom Alliance doesn't even have the right to speak! The Human Alliance is huge in number, but its power is only between the second-rate and third-rate forces. It is not known how far away it is from the first-rate forces.

At that time, the Human Alliance was often jointly squeezed out by other intelligence alliances. Once, things even got too big and a tourist group of over 10,000 people disappeared into the territory of other interstellar alliances. The Human Alliance official asked where those people had gone. The other alliance was so unruly that they didn't even bother to cover up. The official words were extremely rude, saying that their civilian aircraft ship accidentally entered the military exercise site and was shot down as an enemy. The bodies of the dead were not found. Unable to bear to admit his mistakes, he instead blamed the Human Alliance for their mistakes.

If this is the case, it can only be treated as a mute and swallowed. But this is not the case. The alliance did hold military exercises and planned the scope and space routes, and tourist civilian aircraft also deliberately avoided them.

However, the admiral of the opposing alliance believed that a bloodless act was just an act after all, so he led his troops to look for bad luck on nearby star thieves. However, there was a problem with their interstellar radar, and the waterway deviated, which diverted the tourist civilian aircraft. The ship is regarded as a shooting target!

If it were just like this, they wouldn't be so angry, but the problem is that the civilian aircraft carriers discovered that something was wrong and tried their best to explain their innocence. They sent out 108 cosmic communications in a row to prove that they were transiting reasonably!

The traveling civilian aircraft carrier had produced enough evidence, but the other admiral refused to admit that he had gone the wrong way, and did not want to lose face in front of his subordinates by returning empty-handed, so he suppressed all the communication evidence and forcibly ordered the fire. !

After firing, the admiral also said "Infamy for Ten Thousand Years", which was engraved on the monument of shame of the ten universities of the Human Alliance, in order to inspire all human elites. Without strength, status, and voice, they can only have any will. People slaughter!

[You are talking about those human beings who are constantly reborn, who do nothing but regenerate? What does it matter if a few die? Although they have the appearance of intelligent creatures, in my opinion, their brains are filled with the differentiated excrement of single-celled protozoa, which is simply an insult to the word "wisdom"! The Human Alliance is weak. They have many people but little territory. Killing more people is also to reduce resource expenditure, which is a good thing. 】

This passage was recorded by a human sergeant who acted as a translator. It was uploaded to the Internet not long after the incident broke out, and the Human Alliance was furious! The alliance at that time was not that strong, and there were not ten galaxies. The place where Gu Molin led the army happened to be close to the interstellar alliance. After receiving the instructions from the alliance military headquarters, Gu Molin immediately issued a military order, and he would not return until he won!

Gu Molin's record is very brilliant. If you analyze his life history carefully, you will find that most of the battles he led were in which the weak defeated the strong. He is good at planning and scheming. He is not the strongest, but he can kill the strongest guy on the frontal battlefield.

Gu Molin's military order was to win or not, and the result was naturally a victory of the weak over the strong. He changed his slightly gentle style in the past and went into force with thunder, directly beating the alliance to the point where they did not dare to say a word. Even the superior who said those words The general was also beheaded by him himself!

[You can despise your enemy, or you can ignore your enemy, because you are strong enough, but please don't humiliate his race to death. Ants can kill an elephant, but humans are not ants, and you are not as strong as an elephant. 】

[Human beings will rise up and resist because of being humiliated, because this kind of humiliation is more severe than physical blows. But you don't understand the power that this kind of emotion can produce. I can only say that in your minds, there is no such thing as shame. 】

[If you don’t even have a basic sense of shame, what qualifications do you have to say that you are intelligent creatures? We are ashamed to walk with you. 】

After the victory, Gu Molin used the above sentences to give a brief but strong verbal reply! It can be said that at that time, Gu Molin of the Gu family was completely a mythical man and a legend in the hearts of many admirers.

Of course, in such an era when a hundred flowers bloomed, the Human Alliance was blooming everywhere, and people with lofty ideals and talents emerged in an endless stream. Otherwise, how could we have established the status of the Human Alliance in that turbulent era in one fell swoop?

Many of those reporters had never met Gu Molin, but there were records of this marshal in history textbooks. Most of the people of Gu Molin's generation have passed away, and the marshals of his generation have also passed away long ago. He is truly a "living legend".

However, such a legend, the forever young and handsome young marshal in the textbooks cannot withstand the ravages of time. Aging and disease tortured him to the point where he was almost inhuman shape, with a pale face, blue and black eyes, breathing like gossamer, and a voice as soft as Mosquito.

Anyone with eyes can see that this old man has tried hard to raise his voice, but those present need to be calm and 100% focused to hear what he is saying...

The saddest thing is that beauties grow old and heroes become strangers, but heroes’ old age is also very hurtful. Male gods will also grow old, and heroes will also be fragile... Many reporters who were amazed by Gu Molin in the textbook thought silently, spontaneously lowered their voices and remained quiet.

Very good... In fact, this is the effect Gu Molin wants... Recently, the old man feels that his body is much better, and his hands and feet are stronger than before, but his appearance of weakness makes people doubt that his feelings are an illusion.

Although the old man is not as energetic as he was when he was young, it is only his body that is aging, not his brain. He had anticipated today's battle early on, so naturally he would not show any timidity or show off his fox tail. He glanced slightly and continued to talk "effortlessly".

"I know you are very interested in this matter, and there are even different opinions on the Internet, but these speculations are all based on nothing and can only be used as conversation material after dinner. The old man just laughed it off and did not take it to heart."

At this point, Gu Molin almost couldn't breathe, coughed hard, and his face turned slightly blue, which made the reporter tense again!

"However, there is something different this time. Public opinion can also kill people, and it is still aimed at two innocent children!" Gu Molin's eyes flashed at this time, and his sharp eyes sent shivers down the spines of many reporters, as if Even the heating doesn't work.

"I just want to explain two things today. First, Huaixi and Huaifeng are the biological children of great-grandson Gu Ningxuan and great-grandson's daughter-in-law Su Jiameng. They have legitimate identities and clear origins! Secondly, it is about the third daughter-in-law."

Okay, here comes the highlight of today! The reporters immediately became excited as if they had been given a shot of blood, ready to accept the explanation from the male god!

"This is a secret of the alliance. Although I have retired, I can't say much." Gu Molin began to openly deceive and mislead everyone in front of his two great-great-grandchildren. "I can only say that the so-called Zerg has been around for hundreds of years." He showed up once by chance years ago."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar, and even Huaixi and the others cast shocked looks at him.

"I think back then, more than ten thousand tourists were deliberately murdered. At that time, the old man was not as old as he is now, and he could still do his part for the alliance, so he accepted the military order and went on an expedition. After capturing a certain place, he found many shocking biological specimens... …”

Okay, that’s it for now, let’s make up the rest of the content by ourselves. Who doesn't have a secret research laboratory on their property? He didn't say clearly what was found inside, but it was misleading enough...

"I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, and there was no trace of it in the universe. I guess it was the product of a failed experiment." Gu Molin said regretfully, "However, it was not until more than ten years ago that the unmarried daughter-in-law of the third family accidentally died during a trip. Lost contact, and was judged dead soon after... Unexpectedly, she did not die, but lived in a foreign land, and lost many memories..."

Many people know that Su Jiameng appeared on the poor planet, but the past is vague.

If it is a missing population, then it is easy to explain. As for why you didn’t try to contact your former relatives after losing contact?

Stupid, didn’t I mention amnesia before?

However, someone asked again, is it nonsense to lose amnesia in the interstellar future?

Stupid, isn’t the loss of contact related to the Zerg? The power of the Zerg is weird and diverse, and there are also Zerg that evolve by devouring memories!

Gu Molin just told a little lie. Even if there were loopholes, someone would spontaneously fill in the loopholes.

"So... it was because of that opportunity that Mrs. Gu entered the territory of the Zerg and knew about those creatures?" the reporter asked.

Gu Molin smiled sadly and said with pity, "That child... it was the Gu family that was sorry for her after all. Although she did not die at the hands of the weak and dying culprit, she lost her memory because of it."

"She is also very powerful. She killed the enemy by force, but she also gained residual memories because of close contact with the enemy. The novel was also written based on those memories, just to improve the lives of a pair of childish children... "

Therefore, God predicted that all those who criticize God’s horse should retreat! You bullied a dead man, and you also bully a pair of orphans left behind by the dead man?

Gu Molin struggled to finish those words, and then passed out very tiredly. The interview was interrupted...

_(:з」∠)_Shiigugu has been reading the beginning of Teng Teng’s new book recently, and I’m crying and having all kinds of troubles...

PS: Today is the 6th, and tomorrow is the last day for double monthly tickets. Please ask for pink, all kinds of requests, and be so cute and cute~~~

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