Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 435 428: Fantasy Life (7)

The girl hurriedly went to find her so-called partner. When Su Jiameng saw the other person's leaving figure, her eyes suddenly noticed the long knife on her shoulder. Her expression condensed and she murmured seriously, "That knife... why?" So similar to Yongping?"

Vaguely, she felt that she was getting closer to the truth... but she still lacked the opportunity... She must retrieve her memory as soon as possible!

The girl's friend is a very handsome boy, but unfortunately he is young but has a paralyzed face. He stood there and made a clear statement - I have a paralyzed face. If you guys are not convinced, come here. Bite me!

Su Jiameng frowned at the girl and asked, "Why are there only two of you? Is there anyone else?"

Although she didn't know why, she always felt that three guys were missing. However, the girl's answer disappointed her. She shook her head and said, "I am just a little friend. There is no one else... well, if you still need someone, I can find someone."

"No, you two are enough." Su Jiameng looked calm and rejected the girl's proposal, then asked, "Two brave men, may I take the liberty of asking your names? I mean... really name?"

The girl didn't react for a moment, but the boy's expression suddenly changed drastically. His cold eyes widened and he looked at him in horror. He spoke for the first time, his voice was slightly dry, "I don't know... what do you mean by this? "

Su Jiameng did not continue teasing the two rookies. She casually raised her finger and pointed at a few players who were trying to communicate with the star thieves drinking in the tavern. She pursed her lips, and the words she spoke choked the boy and girl until they were speechless.

"Look at those guys, one is called [holding a big grass], one is called [holding a grass], and the other is called [holding a grass]... I think there is nothing wrong with the parents' three views, and they can understand a few words. , isn’t it true that scumbags and scumbags who deceive their children would not give their children such stupid names? Or...are you brave men from afar so...special?"

"So I'm going to make a bold guess that these are probably names used to hide? Do you have other real names? Haha, as long as you don't tell me that your real names are [Fucked Egg], [I bought a watch last year], etc., I I think I can accept it.”

The expressions of the boy and the girl became extremely weird and tangled. Although they were very happy to accidentally receive the first clue of the top task, the NPC who issued the task had such an inconsistent personality. They also felt that it was a bit embarrassing... Can you have a good time? Game?

"My name is Yu Feng. This lady can call me by my name directly, or [Crazy Chaser]." Young Yu Feng's game name is quite deceiving. He originally wanted to apply for [Wind Chaser], but he didn't Be careful to make typos.

Seeing that her friend had already introduced her, the girl also extended her hand and said with a hearty smile, "My name is Liang Xiaonuo, you can also call me [Hao Guliang Hengqi Walk]... Well, the name is a bit long, you can call it as you see..." Where are we going now?"

Su Jiameng looked the two rookies up and down, and then said in silence for a while, "Of course we are going to the destination now... Do you two have anything to be busy with recently? If so, please solve it as soon as possible, and we will spend the rest of the time But it’s very in demand.”

The two of them shook their heads together. Seeing the childishness and youthfulness on their faces, Su Jiameng suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart. Vaguely, she felt that the two of them shouldn't be like this, and couldn't be so weak... What changed this?

After thinking about it, there was still no clue. Su Jiameng shook her head slightly and said with firm eyes, "Since there is nothing to do, it is better to choose a different date. Now let's officially set off. If you can't make it on the way, you can tell me..."

Su Jiameng didn't set off at this time. She was not one of these players. She could carry a game grid with her and could throw anything big into it. These players can go without eating, drinking or sleeping, but she can't do that. She has to bring some high-calorie energy food with her.

The young man Yu Feng looked at Su Jiameng squandering money to buy things. His expression suddenly became enlightened, and his clear eyes became deep and decisive at some point. However, this thing soon disappeared, and the young man remained innocent, with a little confusion during this period.

Su Jiameng said generously, "I have bought enough things. Do you need to bring anything? I can pay the bill..."

The two shook their heads again, but the young man asked, "I heard that you all use mechas to fight against the Zerg... Don't you have to go to the warehouse to get your own mecha? I remember that there are desert Zerg outside the city. Difficult.”

"It doesn't matter, I'm wearing it." Through this conversation, Su Jiameng got an interesting news.

The technology in the world of these players is not as developed as this world, and there is not even a mecha space hub specially equipped with mechas... Otherwise, these two people should have seen the mecha space hub she hung around her neck as a decorative necklace.

The desertification of this planet is very serious. It is said that before the environment was not destroyed, it was a famous green planet. Unfortunately, it is now covered with yellow sand. Many sandworms related to the Zerg are also entrenched here, forming a layer of natural barrier.

Summoning their own mechas, the two players subconsciously used a stack of identification skills on the mechas and Su Jiameng, but what they got was a gray color. Not to mention the level and name, even the avatars were dim... Damn it. , could it be possible that they really met the NPC master?

According to the official statement, as the level gap between the two parties gradually widens, less information can be seen. The young man checked the official data, and then found with a dark face that the level difference between the two rookies and the NPC with a bad personality in front of them was at least 700!

Could it be that... they accidentally encountered some hidden boss? Also, her level won’t be close to a thousand, right?

"What's wrong with you?" Su Jiameng saw that the expressions of the two little guys were not good, and some evil thoughts suddenly arose in her heart, "We don't have much time. We must rush to another trading city before sunset today. It will take about a few days. You can go to the aircraft carrier station..."

Young Yu Feng felt more and more that the mission he received was too strange. From what this NPC said, were they going to cross planets? While other players began to struggle for upgrades, the two of them were already at the forefront of the times and began to travel across the planet? So tricky!

"Young men, as a partner in the same team, I want to give you a piece of advice: protect your own lives. If you fall behind, I will not look back for you." Su Jiameng folded her hands on her chest, her expression still unchanged.

But when it fell into the ears of young Yu Feng and the others, the taste completely changed. There were some clues and mission completion requirements for the mission that was originally blank and clueless. More importantly, they were recognized by the NPC as team mates and formed a team directly!

"Let's go!" Su Jiameng didn't give them too much time to think. She raised her hand to lift their collars, then easily jumped onto the two-hundred-meter-high mecha's mechanical arm, and entered the cockpit with steady steps, letting the two He stayed in the passenger seat, "Sit tight!"

Outside this city is a desert, and there are sandworms lurking in the desert. These are also a type of Zerg, but they are not as aggressive as those bloodthirsty Zerg. However, once someone infringes on their territory, they will attack without hesitation.

Su Jiameng didn't seem to pay attention to those little things. She drove the mecha and used weapons to crush them all the way, leaving behind one after another sandworm corpses wherever she walked. The blood was soaked in the golden sand, and the wind was filled with the smell of blood.

"Uh... ugh -" The two players could remain calm at first, but when the body of a sandworm splattered with blood and flesh, covering the cockpit door, Liang Xiaonuo, a girl, almost couldn't bear it. Unable to hold back, he covered his mouth and turned around to retching.

"Don't vomit, otherwise I won't guarantee whether I will throw you out..." Su Jiameng had a good impression of these two people, but they were players after all. This status made her feel a little uncomfortable, but she couldn't put her disgust aside. All actions, "Be patient, it will be here soon."

Su Jiameng's voice seemed to have reassuring power, and the pale expressions of the two little guys relaxed a little. But after a while, the girl Liang Xiaonuo suddenly let out a low voice and her eyes widened!

This can't be blamed on her for not being calm, but it's just that this matter makes it hard for her to be calm. Damn it!

Ever since she got on the mecha, text messages have been sent to her mailbox, which roughly meant how many levels of sandworms someone in her team had killed. Although she did not contribute as a friend, the main force in killing monsters was NPCs, and they still You can get 1% of the experience value...

Even though the ratio of 1% seems low, the base of experience is too large, which directly pushed the two people's levels all the way to the twenties! Become first and second in the world channel ranking list! And the third one is still struggling in the second level!

Such a fast upgrade speed is comparable to making an aircraft carrier and airship! They haven't helped this NPC with the task yet, but the other party has already handed out the task reward... He is simply... a good person! What a great guy!

After several days of long journey, Su Jiameng and others finally arrived at a place where they could board the aircraft carrier. At this time, an ominous premonition suddenly arose in her heart. She tightened the handle of the knife at her waist and glanced hesitantly. Two players.

"I suddenly received some news that I will be away for a few days. You two should be busy first, and I will come back to you when I finish what I am doing." Su Jiameng threw these words away, then patted her butt and left, leaving The next two young men looked confused.

So what... This seemingly tricky task is indeed very tricky, and the guy who posted the task is even more willful. Who can tell them how they should continue to complete such a messy task?

It wasn't that Su Jiameng didn't want to take the two of them there, but she had a vague premonition in her heart from the moment she set foot here. It seems that once she takes the two of them there, she will really kill them... No, these are players. How can they die if they are immortal?

She bought a flight ticket and caught the nearest flight, her expression always solemn and troubled.

"Everything... should end wherever it starts..." Su Jiameng raised her hand and held it in a virtual state, as if she was really grasping something.

Please give me pink, please give me pink, please give me pink...

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