Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 454 447: Pig-headed Gu San

It was not that Gu Ningxuan had never fought against Su Jiameng. During those five years, they had occasionally fought against each other. Without taking into account the strength of the mind and other hardware, they simply fought with hands and feet, and the outcome of the two of them was 50-50.

But no one is standing still. They have made great progress after not seeing each other for so many years. When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, Gu Ningxuan, as a male, definitely has the advantage. However, he is facing Su Jiameng, who cannot be judged by common sense. He really can't take advantage.

However, the current situation is a bit special. Gu Ningxuan took the blame first, and Su Jiameng came to collect debts. Naturally, he did not have the shame to fight back and could only defend himself. So it was a one-sided battle from the beginning.

With fast and powerful fists and a rustling wind on her legs, Su Jiameng's continuous thunderous attacks were like a continuous drizzle, which made Gu Ningxuan very difficult.

One is to attack without any scruples, attacking painful and conspicuous places; the other is to defend with constraints everywhere, and is tied up and does not dare to make any counterattacks. Needless to say, Gu Ningxuan's winning rate reached a record high.

This one-sided abuse lasted for a long time, until Su Jiameng herself felt tired of it, her fists were a little sore, and Gu Ningxuan was successfully promoted to a pig head. The originally handsome face had completely lost its original appearance.

If he walks out with this face, no one will be able to recognize his identity! Haha, I really beat him so hard that I couldn’t even see his mother.

Su Jiameng was indeed very angry when she first learned the truth. However, ten years later, no matter how much anger she had, it faded away with time.

And she is a very rational person. If we want to talk about resentment, it should be that the original owner hates Gu Ningxuan. What is she, a person who jumped in the queue, worrying about? Gu Ningxuan did indeed do something wrong at the beginning, but no one can deny that he is also a victim!

And...if it weren't for Gu Ningxuan, where would these two meat buns Huaixi and Huaifeng come from? She is not a freak of asexual reproduction, she is also self-sufficient! After all, the reason why she is so angry now is just to vent Gu Ningxuan's previous concealment.

After coming back to her senses, she sat down on the ground, turned around and saw Gu Ningxuan's face that was bruised and swollen several times, burst out laughing, pointed to the place next to her and said, "Sit down and talk... don't think that this is the time That’s enough, it’s just interest.”

Gu Ningxuan secretly grimaced, but his pig-headed face was completely unable to perform such difficult expressions, and instead he grinned in pain. In addition to his face, there were also a lot of flesh and skin injuries on his body, and it hurt even if he moved casually.

As an alliance warrior, his physical fitness must be good, and his recovery ability is also excellent. However, Su Jiameng is also an expert in this field and knows very well where to start, what force and angle to use to cause more lasting pain.

Gu Ningxuan is still needed on this battlefield. It is impossible to really hurt his muscles and bones, otherwise Su Jiameng would have broken three or five of his ribs with an elbow! Since he can't be seriously injured, he can only do the next best thing, not letting him break his muscles and bones, just letting him grin in pain!

Gu Ningxuan has also received professional education since he was a child, and he has seen various methods. When Su Jiameng put on that posture, he knew clearly that his life would not be in danger today, but a beating would definitely be necessary! But he didn't expect...this was just interest...

In other words... will she want to recover the principal from herself in the future? Gu Ningxuan twisted uncomfortably, feeling uneasy in his heart. It was obvious that he was the one who got beaten, he was the one who was injured, and he was the one who felt the pain, but why...why was he vaguely looking forward to it?

Realizing the strange thoughts in his heart, Gu Ningxuan became even more confused. He thought he was an upright Alliance soldier, a man who bleeds without shedding tears, but why... was there such a subtle pornographic plot? Looking forward to being beaten and abused?

He gritted his teeth in pain, but still sat down next to her in embarrassment. The two of them were immediately speechless, and Gu Ningxuan secretly cursed himself for being cowardly.

When Su Jiameng was away, he never once thought about how he could save her if she was still alive, how to express his feelings, and try not to let regrets happen... But the damn person was right next to him, how could he talk so much? Like it's stuck with glue?

Gu Ningxuan didn't say anything, so Su Jiameng wanted to ask clearly, "How have you been these past years? I heard that adjutant call you colonel before, have you entered the alliance military headquarters? When I talked to you back then, you seemed to... said Don’t you want to join the army?”

"These years... I've been doing okay. I'm still alive at least. It's much better than I expected at the beginning." Gu Ningxuan was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Naturally, he spoke with a vague nasal voice, which was particularly funny to hear, "Well, enlist in the army. I have been messing around for a few years, and I can barely look like a human being. It was before... How did you know that the world would become like this? You have all the skills but wasted your time..."

In fact, Gu Ningxuan is just looking at the scenery now, and the Gu family has also stepped forward to deal with the external influence caused by the original incident. But the top brass of the military know all about him, so how can they believe the Gu family's words? Gu Molin is not the only old fox who came out of the military department!

Gu Ningxuan's military rank seemed to be promoted quickly, but compared with the military achievements he had made, it seemed a bit insignificant. The tasks given are all the most dangerous, and the places they go to are the worst. The so-called quick promotion is just what the outside world says.

He knew the reason for this, but he did not resist, but accepted it without saying a word.

Ever since humans entered the interstellar stage, the military has been in a state of tension. However, hundreds of years ago, when the war began to ease and peace gradually came, the personnel of the military became bloated. There were too many combatants, but there was a place where they could use their remaining energy. But less.

Such a situation will naturally leave many alliance warriors idle. If they don't make proper arrangements, over time, there will be another turmoil! Once the alliance's political arena and military were combined, there would be subsequent military and political reforms and personnel reductions.

Although this move was opposed by many people, the military was at its peak at the time, the ten marshals were full of intimidation, and the aftermath of the layoffs was handled very well, so the reform went smoothly. It is worth mentioning that after the reduction of the military headquarters, the strength of the troops has been maintained within a fixed range. With fewer personnel, the military ranks have naturally changed.

The field officers between lieutenants and generals were eliminated after the reform, and the number of other military ranks was also strictly controlled. The alliance gradually evolved like an elite soldier. However, with the outbreak of the Zerg, the Alliance Military Headquarters was obviously short of combat personnel. It began recruiting troops a few years ago to increase the enrollment quotas in various military academies and expand the source of students. In order to meet the needs, the military and administration were reformed again.

However, this time it is not about cutting off any one, but about restoring the previously cut off officers, and adding brigadiers and warrant officers to select enough fresh troops and fresh blood for the middle and senior levels. This matter originally had nothing to do with Gu Ningxuan, but before the reform, he happened to have made great contributions and accumulated enough military exploits. When a major general was killed in Silena, he could fill the vacancy and become a major general.

However, what happened next made everyone in the Gu family furious, and their hearts ached with anger! Gu Ningxuan's conferment was forcibly delayed until the new reform policy was introduced. In the end, he only got a major, who was promoted openly and secretly! The original major general spot was given to another person.

Old Mrs. Gu Molin sent a message with a stinky look on her face, "The military department is really getting more and more aggressive now. They are taking advantage of this reform to recruit a group of people to suppress others... Look at the faces of those guys who get the advantage, it's disgusting!"

The military headquarters is not a Qingshui Yamen, and it is not very clean. But the Zerg are still watching with eager eyes, and these old guys are taking the opportunity to pull their own people to the top... If they are high, they will be high. They are some cowards who squat in the latrine and don't shit. It's so annoying!

"Grandpa Zeng, don't be angry. I'm mentally prepared for this outcome." Gu Ningxuan really couldn't bear it. In fact, his intentions at the beginning were even worse, and every time he was promoted, he was under great pressure. He thought the award was in vain...

Gu Molin had the ability to cleanse Gu Ningxuan in public opinion, but he could not clear the military's files as well. The military department sees that there are many people who are dissatisfied with the Gu family. One or two people are not scary, but a few more are enough to disgust people.

Gu Ningxuan didn't want to join the military before, so he naturally had considerations about the future. However, when the Zerg war broke out, how could he stand by and watch for the sake of a little future? It's just a little bit of exclusion. What kind of workplace isn't like this? What about the Major? In a few years, he was promoted to the position of colonel?

Su Jiameng was not surprised by Gu Ningxuan's answer, but still cast an admiring look at him, and then changed the topic back, "Since you already know about our... Huaixi and Huaifeng's life experiences, have you tried to find them? The Gu family …What’s your attitude?”

In troubled times, although two robots are powerful, they are no safer than a Gu family. Gu Ningxuan's attitude was flawed, but his sense of responsibility was not lacking. Since he knew that the child was his, how could he ignore everything and pretend that he didn't know?

However, the Gu family is a big family with many disputes and disputes. The two children are helpless and have no idea what life is like.

"Of course the two children are back. The elders like the children very much...I...they even took my last name..." Gu Ningxuan expressed the fact that the children had changed their last names with some tangle, for fear that Su Jiameng would be unhappy.

Regarding the surname issue... Su Jiameng felt uncomfortable for a moment and quickly let go.

People with foreign surnames squat in the Gu family, and there must be a lot of rumors from the outside world. Changing their surnames is also a way to protect them. With Chang Xi and Su Mo by their side, they would never suffer.

"Are you married?" Su Jiameng asked suddenly.

Gu Ningxuan's expression became even more complicated. Should he say he was married or not? According to the household registration book, he is married, but the bride is Su Jiameng. But in fact, it is no different from being unmarried...

Although he is clumsy and tongue-tied, he also knows that he must explain this matter clearly, otherwise he will never be able to clean it up for the rest of his life.

"You are the mother of the child, and I am the father of the child. In order to prevent the child from being called an illegitimate child, what do you think our relationship should be? Legally, I am considered married... Of course, the situation was urgent and I did not have time to consult. your opinion……"

Su Jiameng felt like a bomb exploded in her mind... Damn it, she became a married woman inexplicably?

In the next chapter, the naughty child seeking death will appear...

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