Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 468 461: Push down, push down, push down (Part 1)

Gong Yulu looked slightly embarrassed when she saw Su Jiameng's expression as if her parents were dead, and she was a little confused at this moment.

In her memory, Su Jiameng's character has always been steady. She was passionate but not impulsive as a young man. She had strong verbal skills. When she was young, she was disciplined and rigorous. She had the air of a general. She had already maxed out her verbal skills and had an aura of ridicule. Fourteen hours on...

But no matter when Su Jiameng was, she always seemed very serious and a very positive person, and her miser-like expression at the moment was just silly! Gong Yulu had an impulse, much like grabbing the other person's collar and shaking her familiar little friend back!

"You look heartbroken?" Gong Yulu's verbal skills have been refined to a certain extent by Su Jiameng's years of misfortune. Although there is still some distance from the Dzogchen realm, serious complaints are always powerless.

"No, it's not may be more serious than this." Su Jiameng stared seriously at the Tree of Life, which was still diligently delivering nutrients to the cocoon of the three fox beasts. She always felt that someone else had taken out her wallet!

"For example?" Gong Yulu has always been very keen, which is the professional quality of a top researcher. As a main force member of the battle, Su Jiameng was so leisurely and relaxed. As a support staff member, she didn't have to worry too much. She could just relax.

"For example... have you ever tried it, being penniless and owing a huge debt, finally buying a lottery ticket and winning a multi-million dollar jackpot, only to find out when you were receiving the bonus that someone else made a mistake and transferred all the money into someone else's account? "

Su Jiameng's current mood is so fucked up! She is the unlucky pauper!

According to the information displayed in the plane store, each plane will have a seed of the Tree of Life from the beginning of its birth, scattered in different places. Maybe this seed can germinate, survive, and grow vigorously, or maybe it will lie silently in a corner, waiting for hundreds of millions of years but may not have a chance to germinate, and then die alone, leaving no trace.

Obviously, Su Jiameng reluctantly forced this tree of life to be one of the equipment that came with it when the plane was formed. It had been dormant for so many years but was awakened by the eggs of the three fox beasts, and then grew into the terminal form in front of her. The mother tree is also a terrifying species!

If only I had come a few years earlier, maybe I could have taken away the fragments of the Tree of Life and the Foundation of Life that have not yet sprouted before the three fox beast eggs took up residence! Thinking about the price of these two items in the plane store, she wanted to scratch the wall with hatred! Scratch the wall! Scratch the wall!

This thing is more valuable than her interdimensional mission! Su Jiameng's face was almost full of guilt. The expression on her face gradually changed from unwillingness to distortion, and she stared at the tree of life with eyes that could pierce it! Gong Yulu couldn't help but cover her face, her eyes were so hot!

"I think... I might be able to understand that feeling. But just forget it, right? Have you ever been short of money since you were a child?"

Gong Yulu complained coldly that although Su Jiameng was born in a poor family, she couldn't resist the fact that her parents were rare geniuses in the league, and their salaries and pensions were very high... although both of them died young and short-lived. Not to mention her parents, her grandparents and grandparents are not good at all. They can have nothing, but it is absolutely impossible to have no money. You said it was like this, but she was crying for nothing!

On the other hand, Gong Yulu herself is different. Although she has no worries about food and clothing, she doesn't have much pocket money around her. The master who trained her is responsible for her food, clothing, housing and transportation. On the other hand, does a puppet need external things like money? ?

As a scientific researcher, which scientific research project is not costly? When money is short, she even worries about losing her hair!

From the above, we can conclude that Su Jiameng’s behavior of crying about poverty is really shameful! Gong Yulu, a girl with a lot of inner activities, immediately thought of several scientific research projects she had recently accepted. It seems that she also knows about the start-up funds, right? I don’t know where the reinforcement amount is yet! As a result, Gong Yulu's expression finally became distorted.

Su Jiameng is now so distressed that she has no strength. The tree of life has been parasitized by the three fox beasts, and it is useless to dig it away by herself! After this thing absorbs energy, it will only grow countless cocoons. After the fruit is ripe, the three fox beasts with strong fighting power will crawl out!

"It's a bit heartbreaking to think about it. I entered a mountain of gold and silver, but in the end I came back empty-handed..." Su Jiameng was worried. She really looked like making a tree of life, but the thing in front of her was too heavy and too spicy. It’s so tricky that I can’t do it myself!

Everyone saw that Su Jiameng and the others had not made any move, so they became a little suspicious and contacted them urgently to ask if they were in trouble. Then the team members and the two buns heard Su Jiameng's feeble voice, "Don't bother me, I'm feeling sad..."

Huaixi tilted his head and asked in confusion, "Mom, what are you worried there something weird about this tree?"

"It's called the Tree of Life..." Su Jiameng said this almost without tears. Except for the two buns, the team members immediately came to their senses. For a while she was very enthusiastic about the Tree of Life, but she backed down because of the price.

"But... it seems to be parasitized by the Zerg. Even if you dig it up, it will only grow the cocoon of the three fox beasts in the future, right? This tree has grown so crooked, are you heartbroken and tangled?" Liang Xiaonuo's strong receptive ability is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. "If we have this time to struggle here, we might as well think about how to eradicate this tree completely!"

The team members all know Su Jiameng's identity, and they also know that she has a plane trading platform, and even more aware of the existence of the plane store. Of course, they also knew something about the tree of life that Su Jiameng often talked about during that time.

It would be a lie to say that they are not moved or feel bad, but the tree of life has grown crooked, and they do not have the ability to straighten the crooked book. Rather than regretting the spring and autumn here, it is better to find a way to destroy the tree of life! Cut off the further growth of the three fox beasts!

Cui Hu had a different idea and thought in a different direction, "Jia Meng, think about the price of a mature life lodging, and then think about the violent action you are about to carry out today, squandering so much money at once, don't you think you are Is it a real trench?"

Well, Cui Hu is worthy of being a commander, and his verbal skills and logical thinking are not something ordinary people can look up to.

As for the two buns? Haha, they said they had no idea what the hell the Tree of Life was!

Well...Cui Hu wins! Su Jiameng closed her eyes helplessly, trying to force herself to suppress the feeling of heartache.

When she opened her eyes again, Su Jiameng, whom Gong Yulu was familiar with, was back. She raised her hand to hold Xihe high, and the blade seemed to sense her determination. The trembling amplitude became smaller, but the frequency increased! From time to time, silver light lingers around the blade, giving people great mental oppression! It is very excited... Even if Gong Yulu is not Xihe's owner, he can still feel this mood.

Su Jiameng comforted Xihe's knife handle. The other party seemed to have finally pulled himself out of the excitement and was gradually stabilizing. "Don't be so excited. I will take you to have a big meal soon. Since last time , you seem to have not fed enough..."

Gong Yulu's expression became even more embarrassing. Damn it, what kind of subtle conversation is this? Her little friend can't be such a naughty beast!

Su Jiameng has figured out what she and others have to face, and the next thing will be much easier.

As long as the core of the Tree of Life is broken and Xihe sucks out all the energy, everything will come to an end. If that insect king also climbed down from the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Life suddenly collapsed, it would be able to feel it no matter how far away it was!

Haha, this tree of life is the foundation for the rise of all three fox beasts. If the foundation is destroyed, it will be like a kite without the strings. It can fly high with the wind for a while, but in the end it will still have to fly high. Fall to the ground and be smashed to pieces!

Su Jiameng didn't believe it. She had destroyed the lair of the three fox beasts and the insect king, but the other party could still hold it back!

"Su, please step aside, my next move may be more violent." Su Jiameng called out habitually, and her face suddenly changed. After hearing this, Gong Yulu's back stiffened and she broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, they had a tacit understanding and at the same time, they became forgetful.

Su Jiameng took two steps back and did not use the mecha. She was not planning to use the mecha either.

Although the Tree of Life can squat in one place without moving its buttocks, its level, combat power, and defense power cannot be underestimated! It is also a world-class super BOSS in the game plane. Its health bar is so thick that it makes people desperate, and its defense ability makes people want to grab the ground with their heads. She dares to drive a mecha to attack the tree of life. She is just hanging herself because she doesn't want to live anymore!

Just because the Tree of Life won't move, it doesn't mean that the other party is easy to bully! Except for Xihe, who can break through its defense, other weapons will use the same huge power to rebound the attack. It is hard to say who will defeat whom.

"What are you going to do?" Gong Yulu saw Su Jiameng's behavior with disapproval, "You want to take risks again, did you forget to take your brain out?"

"Being a squanderer, after today, I will be a god who treats money like dirt..." Su Jiameng held a beautiful sword on her arm, looking eager to try, "If anything happens later, you Let’s drive the Arms Fortress away first. My movements are too big, and those cocoons may be born early. You guys must withstand the first wave of brutal siege.”

Gong Yulu said that she had no idea what her former friend was talking about. Before she could figure it out, Su Jiameng was already ready. The blade of the blade flashed silvery white light magnetically, and the silvery white liquid under the giant tree seemed to feel something, forming A thin layer of white mist envelops the blade to form a cyclone, and the speed is getting faster and faster, and the concentration is getting higher and higher.

"Xihe, let's go!" After shouting this passionate declaration, Su Jiameng took two steps back. After finishing her run, her speed reached the highest level that this body could reach, and she ran towards the thick tree trunk. …

"Won't he be hit to death?" Gong Yulu murmured. Fortunately, Su Jiameng couldn't hear her, otherwise she would have stumbled and fallen into pieces.

Suddenly, Gong Yulu recalled Su Jiameng's curse words at an inappropriate time - a pig hit a tree, I see you hit a pig...

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