Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 502 496: Xihe, Gu Xihe (middle)

Although the researcher had never actually met Huaixi, he had seen the photo and knew that this person was the boss. He pointed to the side and said, "The director is performing an operation in the 001 test room. It may not be convenient to find her at this time. "

Huaixi said calmly, "Nothing, just take me there."

When I got there, I saw my brother playing a stand-alone game on the bench... This is a sealed place, the signal is isolated, and it cannot connect to the interstellar network, so a certain kid can only play stand-alone games to pass the time.

"Huaifeng, has my brother been born?" He looked left and right and found that his mother and father were not there. "Are my parents in there?"

"Yes, there is trouble in the spiritual consciousness transplantation inside... But with dad and mom, two masters of mind, it is only a matter of time before the trouble is solved." Huaifeng looked up from the game and saw Qianhe coming too. , I couldn't help but give my brother a piece of advice, "No, the door to the testing room is open. If you want to go in and take a look, you can do it now, but Qianhe idiot, don't go in."

If Huaifeng hadn't said that last sentence, Huaixi wouldn't have thought much about it, but... what did he mean?

Is there anything inside that Qian He shouldn't see? Probably not. Aunt Gong's laboratory is quite disciplined and there won't be so many organ remains soaked in formalin or other embalming fluids. And Qianhe is not a child, so it won't scare her if he sees it.

Huaifeng pursed his lips towards the testing room and said in a somewhat constrictive tone, "The younger brother inside is quite old. If I don't mind Qianhe seeing the naked bodies of other men of almost the same age... Pfft, it doesn't matter if you go in. Anyway, the male body is only virtuous.”

Huaixi and Qianhe: "..."

The former's face was slightly stiff, while the latter's face was red. Finally, Qian He spoke up to break the atmosphere, "You go in, I'll wait here."

In the testing room, a young and immature body with well-defined muscles floated quietly in a nutrient tank full of solution. Su Jiameng and Gu Ningxuan stood on both sides, their thoughts soaring to the maximum and controlling their thoughts within a certain range. .

Gong Yulu has successfully taken out the active consciousness of the knife lying on the experimental table, and placed it in a container to keep the consciousness active. Outside the container, special electric currents are running wildly, and the magnetic blue electric flowers are watching. Especially beautiful and mysterious.

If someone from the world of cultivation comes, they will probably know that the spiritual consciousness wrapped in blue clouds is the origin of the soul! But in the interstellar plane, this thing is just a person’s spiritual consciousness, and it is also the most fundamental [life] of interstellar creatures!

However, Xihe is a dead creature after all, and his spiritual consciousness is completely different from that of ordinary creatures. When he merges into the body, he will encounter great resistance. At this time, two mind masters are needed to protect it... Even if the fusion fails, their two minds can keep this mass of spiritual consciousness intact. When the time comes, just continue to put the blade back.

Xihe's consciousness was originally struggling fiercely, but after coming into contact with familiar thoughts, he slowly relaxed his resistance. The three adults present breathed a sigh of relief. Gong Yulu swore that this was definitely the most troublesome mind transplant surgery she had ever seen!

Su Jiameng and the two performed their own actions well, and Gong Yulu, as the surgeon in charge, played a more important role.

Spiritual consciousness is concentrated in the brain, and it controls the operation of various functional organs in the body through the brain. Although that body is ownerless and there is no second consciousness in the body, if you want to parachute a strange consciousness, you will still be subconsciously rejected by the body.

Using the terrifyingly precise instrument, Gong Yulu focused her eyes on the instrument's probe eyepiece, guiding the group of strange visitors to move into their new home. As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, and the same is true for spiritual consciousness implantation surgery. The rejection at the beginning is definitely the greatest.

As the surgery progresses bit by bit, the progress becomes faster towards the back. However, Xihe's spiritual consciousness was different from ordinary people, huge and vast... This was Gong Yulu's first impression. It would take a long time to stuff such a thing into his body.

Everyone was prepared for a protracted war from the beginning, but they didn't expect it to last to this extent! Huaixi and Huaifeng waited outside for six or seven hours, but there was still no movement inside. The two brothers couldn't help but glance at each other quietly, and then quietly exited.

"Xiao Feng, the two of us will work in shifts. In the end, there may be places that need us." Huaixi kept frowning. Both parents turned on their minds. In order to maintain equality, they both deliberately adjusted their minds to a balance. Degree.

Such a small amount of consumption is naturally nothing to them, but it takes too long to keep it open. The mind is like a plug-in, it consumes a lot of money. It's fine if you leave it on for a while, but if you leave it on for a long time, even a tough person can't stand it.

Looking at this posture, it would not end for a while. He was worried that his parents' thoughts would not be able to be consumed. When the time comes, they may need their brothers to take shifts to assist... Well, it's better not to run around and just be patient here.

Huaifeng nodded, but... after waiting for so long, he was also hungry. He should go and order something to eat from the aunt in the research room. I remember that there is a shared kitchen here. A certain aunt is very good at cooking and the food she makes is very delicious and full of color, aroma and flavor.

After eating briefly, the three of them continued to wait. Seeing Qian He's sleepy appearance, Huaixi said considerately, "If you're too sleepy, you can go to the lounge to sleep for a while. You...can't even keep your eyes open."

Qianhe followed him out and was still staying at Gu's house. If he didn't come home at night... his great-grandfather knew what was going on, so he didn't need to go home now. He could just sleep here. Qian He refused, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, so he tilted his head and leaned on Huai Xi's shoulder.

Huaixi didn't feel anything at first, just thinking she was a little tired. He asked his brother for the mini-game software, installed it, and planned to play a stand-alone two-player battle game with his brother. However, not long after, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Huaixi's face was stiff, and Huaifeng also realized something was wrong. The two brothers looked at each other and looked at Qianhe together, "Hey, brother, I remember that Qianhe's grades have always been good in school, and his physical and mental abilities are superior to those of his peers..."

Now is the war period, so the courses taught in the school are naturally biased towards actual combat, and all kinds of special training are provided. Qian He is one of the best, there is no reason to get sleepy so easily... Or simply put, people like them can stay up late for three to five days!

Although Qian He's eyes were quite lame, Huaifeng had to admit that this guy was very thoughtful and gentle and considerate.

[Future boyfriend] and [Current lover]'s new brother was born. Even if she didn't care, she wouldn't get sleepy so easily and fall asleep peacefully within a few minutes... Has she been under a lot of pressure recently?

Huaixi was a little confused and raised his hand to tuck the hair that had fallen down on her face behind her ears. Her cheeks... were burning hot. Was she having a fever? Thinking of this, he touched her forehead again. The temperature was quite normal. "I carried her to the lounge. It's uncomfortable to sleep like this."

Qianhe was sleeping soundly. No matter how gentle Huaixi's movements were, they were still quite big for a sleeping person, but she still slept soundly. He carried her all the way to the lounge and placed her on the soft bed. After she lay down, she made a sound and did not wake up.

"Your forehead is hot?" It was normal before... Could it be that it's really a fever?

Thinking of this, Huaixi took out an improved thermometer from a drawer on one side. It is fast and accurate in measurement, and is a must-have for home and travel.

"The fever is very high..." Looking at the temperature displayed on the thermometer, Huaixi felt worried. However, thinking about the research project on a quick-acting antipyretic agent a few months ago... Huaixi got up and went to the finished medicine room of the institute to ask for one.

Because excellent improvements do not require much effort, and clinical trials are not that troublesome, they have been successful so far. It just needs a period of use and observation to confirm that there are no serious side effects, and then it can be promoted to the market.

The person who was looking after the finished medicine was a very intellectual and beautiful aunt with a very gentle appearance. When she heard that Huaixi's Qingmei suddenly had a high fever, she prepared a lot of injections and followed Huaixi with an emergency box on her back.

After all, it is an injection, so you can be reckless in emergency situations, but in this case it is better to let professionals take action.

However, when the two arrived, Qian He was already burning to the point of unconsciousness. The temperature was measured again and it soared from the previous 38 degrees 3 to 41 degrees 2! Huaixi was startled by the temperature. How long had it passed? The temperature had risen so unusually!

The aunt put on gloves and prepared disinfection items. However, when she saw Qianhe's condition, she frowned and showed an embarrassed expression. This situation... is obviously not an ordinary fever, more like...

She motioned to Huaixi to step aside, took out a square instrument from her pocket, and then opened Qianhe's eyelids. The normally normal pupils are shrinking violently, and the whites of the eyes are very large, looking extremely weird!

Although Huaixi doesn't understand medicine, he also knows that this kind of situation is not caused by fever!

"Master Huaixi, please call the main class and deputy class of the third class over and remind them not to forget to bring their equipment." The aunt's expression was extremely serious. "At the same time, notify people to isolate this place and conduct special disinfection!"

Although Huaixi was nervous and anxious, he also knew rationally that being anxious at this time was just adding to the chaos, "Okay, I'll call them."

In less than half a minute, the two people had already arrived with their things. Huaixi looked on, his face getting darker and darker.

After all, this is his own research laboratory, and he knows more or less what is there. The ingredients in the injection prepared by the three of them...are clearly genetic antidote! And it’s a pretty complex antidote!

Qian He was plotted against!

The head teacher of the third class initially checked Qian He's pupils, took a blood test, and looked relaxed, "Master Huaixi, don't worry, it has calmed down now, but further elimination work needs to be presided over by the director. Moreover, if the disease occurs, it may not be because of the disease. bad thing."

"What's going on!" Huaixi suppressed, his expression gloomy, as if thunder was gestating in it.

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