Cannon Fodder Strategy

My unparalleled hero (31)

Zhang Hongyi was originally worried about his wife at home, not to mention that this time the emperor promised him wealth and promised that if he made great achievements this time, he would be recommended by Deng Zhizhou to be appointed as the prefect of Jiangzhou and have the right to recruit soldiers by himself. Although he did not explicitly promote Zhang Hongyi to the post of magistrate, under such circumstances, the emperor just did not pierce the window paper, fearing that one more magistrate would make the situation even more chaotic in the Qi Dynasty. In normal times, the emperor would definitely not dare to do this, but now he was forced to have no choice but to make his promise first.

Deng Zhizhou was kind to Zhang Hongyi and had always been very fond of his talent, so he lent him 40,000 troops and promised that if he succeeded, he would only need to pay back 20,000, and the remaining 20,000 troops would be given to him.

This trip to the north was the real road to wealth. Zhang Hongyi was ready to go north to settle the royal affairs, so he immediately took Lily to Jiangzhou. Therefore, before setting off, he also borrowed people from Deng Zhizhou to take Lily to the capital. .

This incident caused a sensation throughout Yingzhou. Who would have expected that that scoundrel from the market would experience such a huge fortune after going to the battlefield?

At the entrance of Near Bei Hutong, Zhou Dalang heard that Zhang Hongyi had been promoted to Jiangzhou Prefecture, and he was trembling with excitement: "Zhang Hongyi, is this Zhang Hongyi?" He asked a series of questions, and Sister Zhou was also a little unsure: "I said he is a pig butcher. I don’t know if it’s the same person.”

"It should be, it should be. The person who came back last time said he was a pig butcher." Zhou Dalang clasped his hands together and kept bending down to nod: "Blessed by our ancestors, my parents are alive in heaven. I didn't expect that the Zhou family would be rich this time. We should continue to tidy up, and when he has made great achievements, maybe the emperor will remember us and take us back."

Sister-in-law Zhou didn't say anything. When Zhou Dalang saw Zhang Hongyi that day, he drove him away without putting on a good face. He also said that Baihe was remarried to Zhang Hongyi that day and should commit suicide for Ye Shizi. The man named Zhang Looks like he has a bad temper. I'm afraid it may not be what my husband said. I can think of them for Lily's sake.

But looking at the happy look on her husband's face, I remembered that he used to be the prince of the Marquis, but now he is living in this small courtyard, and his food and clothing expenses are not as good as before. Even because of his thin stature. I don't even dare to open the door on weekdays. I was afraid of being harassed by local gangsters, so I stayed at home all day long. Even though Mrs. Zhou disagreed in her heart, seeing her husband full of hope, she didn't dare to say anything.

In fact, she hoped in her heart that Lily could take care of her old relationship, even if it wasn't for Zhou Dalang's sake, but for her former parents-in-law's sake, she would think of them and share the wealth with them, although she knew that hope was slim.

She was fed up with this kind of life. The intrusion of the local gangsters around her made their whole family frightened. She was originally a girl from an official family, and she really couldn't stand this kind of life anymore.

At this time, Baihe and Zhang Hongyi separated and were picked up on their way to Beijing.

In the plot, Zhou Baihe dreamed of going back, but at that time, she could not take a step back to the imperial city until her death. Now by chance, when Baihe came to fulfill her wish, her long-cherished wish came true. Unfortunately, the person who fulfilled her dream was none other than Butcher Zhang, whom Lily Zhou had always looked down upon in the plot.

The surrounding scenery kept changing. The army that brought Lily into the capital was moving in a hurry. Zhang Hongyi's army had even begun to transport grain and grass to the capital a few days ago. The remaining tribes of the deposed prince had already surrounded the capital. There are not many troops in Beijing. It is best for them to rush into the city with Zhang Hongyi when he arrives. No matter what, they cannot be too late, otherwise they will most likely be in danger if they encounter the remaining old princeling troops.

That day, the Zhou clan was driven out of the capital in a state of embarrassment. Who would have thought that a few years later, Lily would be able to ride back in a carriage again one day.

She was getting closer and closer to the capital, and the person escorting her even came to tell her that it was only one day away from the capital at most. The group of people couldn't help but look relieved on their faces.

The closer we get to the capital, the more we can feel something is wrong. People in some villages along the way must have sensed something is wrong and have already fled. Ten rooms are empty. Occasionally, you can see a few corpses in military uniforms on the road. It's hot. Some of the sky is rotten and exudes a stench. If you look carefully, you can still see the traces of the army passing by, and the wheel marks left behind are very obvious. Zhang Hongyi and his party should have arrived first. The journey was bumpy, and sometimes the group didn't even dare to find accommodation in an inn. Now they finally arrived. Once they entered Beijing, there would be hot water, delicious food, and even beautiful girls.

Everyone didn't rest at night, trying to get to the base of the imperial city in one go. In the morning, when the sky was just getting dark, they could see the towering city gate shrouded in the mist from far across the mountain road. The soldiers refreshed their spirits and rode to the Lily carriage:

"Girl, we're almost here!" Although Zhang Hongyi has worshiped Deng Zhizhou as his adoptive father, and everyone knows that he will have a bright future after his meritorious service, he and Lily have not yet officially married. In addition, although Zhang Hongyi now holds military power, But after all, Lily had not been officially consecrated by the imperial court, so the leading general only called her a girl.

"It's already now, and we haven't encountered the rebels yet. Maybe your Excellency has wiped out all the remaining princelings in one fell swoop." When the soldier spoke, even though Lily was sitting in the carriage and couldn't see his face, the tone in his tone She could hear the excitement, and she smiled, but soon she felt something was not right. The carriage wheels were still rolling on the ground, but Lily could vaguely feel the slight vibration in the ground.

She has practiced star training for two years, and her five senses are much more sensitive than others. This is a small group of people coming, and there must be something wrapped on the horses' hooves, so the movement is very small, and they must be approaching. She felt it.

"Something's not quite right, please listen." Lily raised the car curtains and frowned at the people outside.

The soldiers outside didn't take it seriously at first, just thinking she was just having random thoughts, and smiled: "Young lady, you are thinking too much. Now we are getting closer to the capital. Your Excellency leads the army first, and they are already at the feet of the emperor. The men and horses of the deposed prince are no match for you." Yes, I’m afraid the girl hasn’t seen the adults for a long time, so she misses him.”

The group of people were getting closer and closer. Lily shook her head. The wheels of the carriage were still rolling on the ground, making a loud noise, which reduced everyone's hearing to a certain extent. Lily had a serious look on her face, but the soldier was still smiling at first. Seeing that something wasn't right about her expression, he thought for a moment and clamped his legs between the horse's belly, then shouted stop.

No one knew what was going on, and the convoy slowly stopped. The soldier jumped off his horse and put his ears to the ground. In the blink of an eye, the team, who did not know whether it was an enemy or a friend, got closer. Although this soldier is not as good as Lily in martial arts, he is quite experienced in the battlefield for many years. When he heard the sound of horse hooves, his expressions changed. The opponent was getting closer and closer. At this time, the group wanted to hide, but We were not far away from the capital, but the surrounding area was deserted. Where could we hide?

There were such a large group of people, and they also brought a woman with them. They couldn't run fast. The soldier gritted his teeth and was undecided. The group finally arrived. There were about twenty people in the group, all dressed in black and covering their faces. The team rushed over on fast horses. Under the misty sky, the people in front raised their hand crossbows, and a "whoosh" sound broke through the air. They were clearly here to kill people and silence them. The soldiers had not had time to report their general's identity. Dai Ming, the horse beneath him was hit by an arrow in its eye and began to go crazy.

The team started killing without saying a word as soon as they arrived. The team protecting Baihe entering the capital was caught off guard by the breakthrough at first, but they quickly came to their senses and firmly protected Baihe in the center. These people had He came prepared, and used a lightweight, compact and extremely lethal crossbow that is only available in the army. He also caught everyone off guard. The crossbow was smeared with poison, and soon less than half of the people here were killed or injured. Lily thought When I got out of the carriage, I was blocked by people outside.

Hearing the screams outside, she kicked the carriage to pieces. The soldiers outside did not expect her strength to be so strong. They were surprised. At the same time, Lily picked up a cracked carriage board and used all her strength. Then he hit the group of men in black who were firing crossbows.

The advantage of the hand crossbow is that it is light and can kill people invisible, but in terms of penetrating power, it is much worse than the bow. What's more, at such a close range, it is good enough to pierce human flesh at most. Lily threw the carriage plank over at this moment, and the crossbow could not penetrate it, and the carriage plank was hit by raindrops of arrows. , but without losing momentum, flew directly towards the group of men in black.

That group of people killed everyone they saw. Who would have expected Lily to react so quickly? What's more, they didn't expect the manpower in the carriage to be so powerful. When they reacted and wanted to hide, they were on the horse with a hand holding The crossbow is impossible to dodge even if you want to.

There was a muffled sound, and Lily jumped out of the carriage and snorted: "Catch them!"

At first, this group of people suddenly came in, and everyone couldn't react, so they could only defend passively, killing many people. Now Lily's actions restored everyone's disadvantage. Several people were stunned for a moment, and the angry group came to their senses. He patted the horse and rushed forward.

I originally thought that this group of men in black would run away when they saw what was going on. Unexpectedly, these people did not run away. Instead, after the panic, they quickly stabilized their position. When they saw a group of people rushing over, they began to take out weapons. .

The man in black at the head took out a silver gun. In the foggy weather in the early morning, the silver gun flashed with a cold light, as if he had found the target. He rushed towards Lily. Anyone who stopped him along the way was killed by him. One shot hit the horse. (To be continued...)

ps: Second update! ~

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