Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Sisterhood (13)

Planet Camilla lacks food and water sources, but it does not mean that there is absolutely no water and food here. It's just that people with low abilities are short of food and clothing here. People with high strength are still different from ordinary people.

The man did not lie to Lily. Although the room she temporarily lived in was simple, it had a bathroom, a water source, and even a light source. On the planet Camilla, which was said to have no technological objects in the outside world, the appearance of these things made Lily think about the man. He said that he was able to leave the planet Camilla with a little more confidence.

In the past few years since entering the mission, this was Lily's first time taking a bath. She didn't think she was trying to survive before, but now she realized that she was really uncomfortable when she came into contact with the water source. She used a lot of clean energy to get rid of the slight stiffness on her end. wash your long hair. It was quiet around the bathroom. She used the action of washing her body to do a few star exercises. Spiritual energy poured into her body. She vaguely felt that in addition to the existence of spiritual energy in her body, there was another energy. Cold power also began to flow through her veins.

She stretched out her hand to test the spiritual power running in her body. The small pool of water in her hand quickly turned into cold ice under the influence of the supernatural power, and she threw it to the ground.

Lily guessed that the operation of this power was similar to spiritual power, but she had not yet figured out how to control it, but she had plenty of time to slowly explore it. After all, she was not completely relying on this power to save her life at this time. .

The most noteworthy thing for her was that she was a little strange, how could this body have supernatural powers.

In Pluto, although the princesses in the royal family will have supernatural powers every three generations, not every princess in history has the chance to awaken. Especially if one is over twenty-five years old and has not yet awakened, the chance that a descendant of the Fahrenheit family will awaken his powers is extremely slim.

The generation that Hua Lily and Hua Fuya were born into is indeed the generation where superpowers should appear, but no one would think that superpowers would appear in her. Because she has no mental power.

Wafuya is one of the few A+-level spiritual powers in this generation. Generally speaking, in many planets in the galaxy, after the spiritual power has been developed and widely used, almost all humans have more or less spiritual powers. force. But if you really want to command mechas or become a warrior, you must have C-level or higher mental power. This SABC distinction does not refer to the strength of mental strength, but to innate talent.

The higher the talent, the easier it will be to advance in the level of mental power. After the mental power is cultivated, in addition to commanding mechas, you can also fight alone like the man before.

The entire galaxy has a population of tens of billions. But there are no more than a thousand humans with A-level talents. And Hua Fuya turned out to be an A+ level spiritual talent. Such data values ​​were extremely famous even among Pluto, which was famous for its spiritual power in the galaxy. The Fahrenheit royal family regarded her as the princess with the most outstanding spiritual talent in the past thousand years. Everyone thought that supernatural powers would also appear in her, but they did not expect it. In the end, whether in the plot or in Hua Lily's memory, Hua Fuya has never been able to activate her powers.

Until she reached the age of twenty-five, the chance of her powers being awakened was extremely small. People in the Hua family only thought that she had failed to awaken her powers, but they did not expect that the powers of this generation of the Hua family would be lurking in the world. In Hua Lily's body.

One of the two sisters has excellent mental talent, and the other has supernatural powers. It is as if these two things should have appeared in the same person, but were equally divided between them.

Lily pursed her lips. Run the superpowers in your body again. This time she carefully controlled the power and gathered the water in her hand into the shape of a snowflake. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, she still failed.

This time, she suddenly awakened her powers at the critical moment of life and death. Looking back now, I feel that I was lucky, and I guess it was because I was in danger at the time. The most likely reason was the mental power the man used when attacking her. She had long been aware of the existence of the supernatural power, but had been unable to draw it out. No matter what methods she tried, the man's accidental move this time stimulated the supernatural power to explode.

It is very likely that the superpower requires a lot of mental stimulation to appear. Thinking of the feeling when the superpower swallowed up the mental power before, she wonders whether this characteristic will be retained. If her guess is true, then the mental power in the future will The attack was no longer as scary to her as before. And if her guess is wrong, then she will have to practice even harder. As long as her level of physical training is so strong that a person with mental abilities cannot trap her, the lethality of a person with mental abilities will naturally not be enough for her. It would be too big.

All things interact with each other, and people with mental abilities can control many things. But similarly, most people with mental abilities focus on the cultivation of mental power, and most of their physical strength is weak. If the level of physical skills is higher than that of people with mental abilities, then the spiritual ability The nemesis of those with abilities. As for whether what she speculated was true, she was going to find an opportunity to wait for the man to wake up and try it with him again.

The fatigue from this battle was washed away in the hot water, and the pain from the broken ribs in her chest subsided a lot as the spiritual energy in her body gradually filled up. Lily did not stay in the bathroom. She cleaned herself up and put on the combat uniform given to her by these people. When she came out, the man had been waiting for her in the living room for a long time.

When he saw Lily come out, the man who had obviously recovered a lot had a look of surprise on his face. He obviously didn't expect that the ruthless person under the sloppy appearance just now would be such a beauty. Although he had already guessed Lily's gender, the man really didn't expect that she would be so young. When he saw her for the first time, he was a little surprised at first, but soon he remembered how cruel Lily was when she hit him, and then Thinking of her ferocity when she was setting his so-called bones, the man shivered excitedly and motioned to his men to pull the chair away and ask Lily to sit down.

"My name is..." He paused, then grinned: "Call me Camilla. I've been here for a long time, so long that I almost can't even remember my own name." He was seriously injured and on the verge of death. , but in less than an hour, all the injuries on his body seemed to have recovered. Although his complexion was still a little sluggish, he didn't look like the bones in his body that were almost broken an hour ago.

"A superpower, an ice superpower, so young, from the planet Pluto? No, it's impossible, you don't have any mental power at all." As a person with mental powers, the man could easily detect it. Lily is good at physical skills and supernatural powers, and during this hour, Lily was not the only one who was speculating. He was also thinking about the previous scene. It was obvious that Lily's supernatural powers suddenly broke out at the moment of death. Yes, maybe she didn't even know she had powers before that.

There are not many planets in the galaxy with superhuman bloodlines, there are only a few like that in total. The man who calls himself Camilla is obviously very curious about this, but Lily has no interest in telling him this at all.

She was not curious about the man's identity, nor did she want to exchange any information with him. She interrupted the man directly and asked calmly:

"You said there was a way to get out of here." She was not interested in the man's name or origin, and she had no need to satisfy his curiosity. When the man saw her calm eyes, he suddenly remembered the way she looked at him when she was filled with murderous intent. His heart shuddered and he quickly turned his head away. But the next moment he realized that he was scared, his expression changed again. Some of them were livid and turned back, forcing themselves to look at the bridge of Lily's nose:

"Yes, we have been trying to build a spaceship since more than seventy years ago to leave this ghost place. It's just that we don't have exclusive scientific and technological talents like the Emperor Star. Although we have been researching for many years, the spacecraft is It's done, but we can't guarantee the result." He gritted his teeth, with a wry smile on his face: "Planet Camilla lacks food and water. I'm afraid that in another two to three hundred years, the only energy here will be destroyed. If the light is taken away, if there is no other way, we can only die here. But we are not sure about the performance of the spacecraft. The nearest planet to this planet is tens of billions of light years away. It needs to pass through a wormhole. If it is not good, it is possible It will disappear into the wormhole and become space junk, and not even the scum will be left." He picked up a piece of hair that fell on his clothes, rubbed it twice, and as soon as he finished speaking, the hall became as quiet as Like a dead place.

Lily also didn't expect that he would use this method to leave this place.

When she heard that this man possessed optical nuclear weapons and had an optical brain that could communicate with the outside world, she thought he had communicated with the outside world. But when she heard his words, she felt a little heavy in her heart.

The power of nature is always greater than man-made. Although scientists have developed a method of artificially creating wormholes more than 3,000 years ago, after thousands of years of development, this technology has basically been stable. If Spaceships manufactured by the regular Milky Way Interstellar Alliance or other developed planets would not be in great danger if they wanted to jump through these wormholes. However, as Camilla said, spaceships developed by these half-hearted people may not dare to jump through these wormholes. promise.

Even if there is just a slight accident to the spacecraft, it may cause the volume factor of the artificial wormhole to become unstable. Once the black hole collapses and the wormhole does not exist, the spacecraft and humans naturally wrapped in it may die.

Once Camilla finished speaking, she didn't press Lily to answer him. Now that his trump cards were all in front of Lily, it was up to her to choose.

Stay on Camilla's planet and do nothing for the rest of your life. You may live an ignoble existence for a hundred or two hundred years, dominate the planet, and finally die. Or you may fight for a chance of survival and leave by spaceship. Camilla herself has been hesitating about this for more than ten years. , at this time, someone was finally as annoyed as him. He stared at Lily with some gloating, wanting to wait for her answer. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~!

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