Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Sisterhood (15)

Thinking of the coming freedom, everyone stared at the numbers on the optical brain with longing in their eyes.

With a 'bang' sound, the spacecraft shook twice and rushed into a wormhole. The cabin was jolting wildly. The energy factor in the hole is not very stable and is constantly squeezing the spacecraft. When the hull flies by at high speed, the cabin itself emits a 'kaka' sound caused by the excessive speed and the pressure existing in the wormhole itself. 'sound.

The beautiful starry sky was quickly replaced by darkness, and there was deathly silence in the spacecraft cabin.

In order to save energy, all other lighting in the spacecraft has been turned off, except for the intelligent optical brain that needs to control the navigation route, which still flashes a bright blue light.

Everyone felt their feet trembling. They were all on tenterhooks and a little excited. Everyone gathered in front of Guang Nao. Even though they knew they couldn't do anything, they just didn't want to leave. When the spacecraft was squeezed, the sound it made made people's scalp numb. While they were all anxious and uneasy, Lily took advantage of no one to notice her and started doing star-training movements in the cabin.

"No, is everything going to be okay?" The hull flew faster and faster, and due to the friction caused by the speed, the cabin itself made a warning sound of "beep". Because the spacecraft was not manufactured by professionals and had not been measured with precision instruments, and the raw materials were not comparable to the special materials produced by the orthodox interstellar alliance, it could not withstand the high temperature.

When Camilla boarded the spacecraft, she used the ancient exhaust method to cool down the spacecraft's drive. However, as the spacecraft speed increased, it was obvious that the exhaust method no longer worked as before.

On the four-dimensional stereo projector, the temperature controller of the optical brain kept rising. Not only did the temperature of the spacecraft drive reach over 150 degrees, but the cabin also began to feel a little warm.

And as the pointer turned, seeing that the temperature was approaching 200 degrees, some people finally couldn't help it anymore. He broke the silence and asked dryly.

"Even if something happens now, do you think we still have a chance to turn back?" The man was already nervous when he heard the words of his big man. He couldn't help shouting at him, until he was a little dazed by the scolding. Then he shivered and ran his hands through his hair. He glanced at Lily, only to see that Lily looked like she had just stretched her legs and stood up. Originally, Lily He was a little flustered, but seeing Lily's calm demeanor, he actually calmed down a bit:

"What should we do now?"

"Do your best. Follow fate." Everyone has already boarded the spaceship. It is obviously impossible to go back. The coordinates of a galaxy may float at any time. A slight change may not be in the same position when you turn back. Yes, unlike spacecraft produced by other planets in the Milky Way, there are no strict instruments for measurement. If we rely on the only means available to everyone at the moment, it will be an unknown amount of time before the measurements are made.

There is no turning back when the bow is fired. There is no other way now except rushing forward.

Everyone was confused when they heard this. Lily smiled and had no intention of explaining. At this moment, the intelligence in the light brain suddenly began to speak in a mechanical voice:

"Warning. Warning. The temperature of the No. 2 optical core driver is too high. Start the cooling device, otherwise the No. 2 optical core driver will stop running after..." The optical brain quickly reported a series of numbers: "... Atto seconds later."

Immediately afterwards, warning sounds started to sound one after another at the same time. The sound of 'didi' began to ring in everyone's ears like a reminder, and the group was at a loss. Many people's faces showed signs of despair. The man named Camilla couldn't control herself and hugged her head. When her body was shaking slightly, Lily suddenly spoke:

"Where is the drive?" The inside of the spacecraft was already starting to get a little hot. As Lily's voice sounded, the mechanical voice also shouted: "Warning, warning."

There was an endless stream of 'di di di' sounds. When Lily started speaking, the man didn't notice it. It wasn't until she asked impatiently for the second time that he pointed to the inside of the spacecraft and said, "At that location. "

In just a few dozen seconds, due to the increase in drive temperature, the speed of the spacecraft slowed down a lot, and even the cabin itself began to decline. If you do not break out of the wormhole within the specified time, once the artificially measured opening time of these wormholes exceeds, they will slowly close, and the group will never be able to get out.

At this moment, everyone's expressions of excitement about leaving the planet Camilla turned into despair. Lily walked towards the driving direction pointed by the man and pressed her hand on the bottom of the cabin. It was surprisingly hot. When she touched it, she felt faintly. You can hear the sound of the flesh being burned.

Lily stared intently at the bottom of the bilge. Under the movement of spiritual power in her body, a large amount of spiritual power was converted into ice-cold superpowers, which were released from her hands. The floor that her hands touched began to appear in a way that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. It froze at a very fast speed. In less than a few seconds, a large amount of ice soon filled the entire bilge of the ship. The ice on top was blue. In some places, the ice and snow turned into water due to the high temperature. Soon, under her spiritual power, It turned into an even thicker layer of ice again, wrapping it tightly.

'Beep, beep, beep...', the original urgent cry of the optical brain gradually became gentle with this rapid cooling method.

In the four-dimensional projector, the temperature pointer that was originally rotating rapidly began to slowly drop. The red signal bar that originally represented the danger signal also started to drop from full, from red to orange, and then from orange to green. Finally it returned to normal.

The optical core driver began to operate again, and the spacecraft that had slowed down due to stopping operation began to break through the wormhole quickly, rushing out of this hopeless place with a 'swish' sound, and returned to the beautiful Milky Way again.

Everyone had just experienced the moment from death to life. Everyone was covered in cold sweat, as if they were lifted out of the water. They originally thought that they would die, but they didn't expect that another village would break out of the wormhole at the last moment!

"Through the SPV37526 wormhole, the next jump will be at..." The data values ​​reported by the optical brain machinery, the damage to the spacecraft body and the malfunctions of various machinery, compared with the stoppage of the optical core drive just now, the hull itself It's not a big deal if it's damaged.

The man let out a sigh of relief. At that moment, he almost pulled his own scalp off. He opened his eyes in disbelief and saw the blue-purple starry sky outside, and couldn't help crying with joy.

Not far away, Lily did not stand up immediately, but squeezed all the spiritual power out of her body. The bottom of the spacecraft was covered with a thick layer of ice, preventing it from melting away easily. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

These ices are extremely cold. The cabin, which was originally a little hot due to the fast flight, suddenly dropped the temperature to the lowest point due to the existence of these ice cubes. Everyone's lips turned purple from the cold, but no one complained at this time. Instead, they all stared gratefully. Look at the lily. The cold air that was originally enough to frostbite people was because Lily herself had ice powers, so her resistance to the cold was much greater. She sat there for a while. Camilla just came over and asked with some gratitude:

"How are you?"

Just now, a boatload of people were able to escape from the wormhole, all thanks to Lily. It was only half a month ago that she had just awakened the ice power. The man never thought that she would be able to escape in half a month. . Having developed her superpower to such an extent, just by being able to create ice with one hand, her superpower seems to be at the first level!

The man was shocked. Every superpower in the galaxy is the darling of God. Their talents are already above ordinary people. Every superpower is a treasure of the planet and can achieve achievements that many people cannot achieve in their lifetime. Peak, but if his guess is correct, and Lily had just awakened her powers when she fought him that day, then she could advance her powers to a level that took others several years to advance in half a month. Super powers. I don’t know what a super talent this is!

I don't know which planet she was born from. Someone is willing to throw such a character into the planet of Camilla. What kind of trouble has she gotten into before, and has she incurred such revenge from others?

While Camilla was guessing this in her mind. Some are not sure, after all, this is unheard of. In fact, he had never heard of it before, and he even doubted his own vision. He would rather suspect that he had made a mistake that day, and that Lily did not awaken her powers during the battle, rather than suspecting that she had only awakened in half a month. Progress within, this pace of progress is too scary.

"It's okay." Lily shook her head. Seeing the man staring at her like a monster, she frowned and got up from the ground. She had just used up all the spiritual power in her body, and her limbs were limp and uncomfortable. However, the spaceship was now full of a group of extremely vicious humans. She didn't want to show the slightest bit of weakness in front of these people, so she was cold. After Leng Leng finished speaking, he glanced at the thick layer of ice on the ground:

"These ice cubes are enough to keep the spacecraft jumping into the next wormhole. I need to take a good rest and replenish energy as soon as possible. Don't disturb me." Except for her face being a little pale at this time, there was nothing strange about her appearance. As soon as the words came out, everyone nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. Seeing Lily showing such a hand, how could anyone dare to take advantage of her now? The man even took something and moved the inside of the spacecraft when there was insufficient space in the cabin. They separated them and made a temporary 'lounge' for her to rest in, hoping that she could create ice again the next time the temperature of the spacecraft became too high.

Lily naturally would not refuse their hospitality, not to mention that she really needed to be alone at the moment, so as soon as the temporary lounge was set up, she turned around and went in. The others were all crowded together, not daring to move around and trying their best to breathe. He didn't dare to speak loudly, for he was afraid that his slightest movement would cause the ice in the cabin to melt faster.

It was so quiet outside that no sound could be heard. Lily listened for a while and found out that no one was peeping. Then she began to feel relieved and endured the feeling of weakness in her body after using up all her spiritual power, and started practicing star training again. .

Until the next spaceship jump, the ice in the cabin has melted, and the spiritual power in her body is not only replenished with the help of the star training technique, but also the supernatural power is running much faster than before, so that Lily can After spending time practicing and casting supernatural powers, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they safely jumped through the seventh wormhole.

This is already the eleventh day since everyone set foot on the spaceship. In these eleven days, Lily's physical skills have improved again due to practice. If the physical skills are divided into different levels, her current physical skills should be quite good. At the sixth level, after the sixth level, spiritual power enters the body faster, and even if she does not run physical training techniques anymore. Spiritual power will flow into her body at any time. As long as she enters the eighth level again, her body will become a medium of nature even if she does not practice physical training. She can borrow spiritual power for her own use with just a few moves, which is far more powerful than relying on her own muscles to store spiritual power now.

And the ice she cast became thicker and wider every time, and everyone was looking forward to the success rate of this trip away from Camilla. It wasn't until the seventeenth day later that the voice prompt in Guang's brain showed that he was about to enter the wormhole again, and the man laughed excitedly:

"Hahahahaha, I'm finally back, I'm finally back!"

For more than ten days, most people did not even dare to close their eyes and had to grit their teeth to carry on. Many people's eyes were full of red bloodshot eyes. If it weren't for the interstellar age, most people's physiques would be much better than those on Earth, and I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to hold on at this time.

Compared with these people, Lily is the one with the best complexion among them. Her body is nourished by spiritual power. Apart from her face sometimes looking a little pale due to the exhaustion of spiritual power, she cannot tell that she has been in the dark all the time these days. Didn't close my eyes. Hear Camilla's words. Everyone's expressions were very complicated, Lily didn't say anything, and someone finally couldn't help but ask:

"Big, big sister..." This person held it in for a long time, not knowing what to call Lily, and finally called out the title of big sister. The man next to him slapped him on the forehead without even thinking about it, and hit him so hard. The big man's head tilted to one side, and he didn't dare to touch his head. He just laughed "hehe" twice. Admit mistakes again and again.

"... What are you going to do after you get out?" Many people can fall to the planet Camilla. First of all, there may be enemies on other planets, and the enemies are far stronger than everyone else, so they originally threw these people away. Enter the Camilla Galaxy. Secondly, he is a wanted criminal from the Empire or the Galactic Star Alliance, who has committed an unforgivable crime. before being thrown to the planet Camilla.

There is a saying in the Milky Way that no matter how deep the sins are in the past, once he is punished, as long as he has the ability to get back up, especially a group of exiled people like this, then he can start all over again.

After suffering a lot, and seeing the real opportunity to go out now before them, everyone began to fantasize about how they would start a new life after leaving. The despair and shadow that Planet Camilla brought to everyone in the past will soon be a thing of the past. , many people started talking at random. When someone asked about Lily, the man also turned his head and stared at Lily.

Lily thought for a moment, and stopped as she was about to return to the rest room. She had just created a larger and deeper area of ​​ice in the ground than before. The most important thing was that she still had some energy left, so she didn't have to rush immediately. After entering the lounge to recover her spiritual power, she paused for a long time. Everyone was waiting for her answer. Just when they thought she wouldn't make a sound, Lily suddenly spoke:

"If I want to destroy a group of interstellar pirates, in your opinion, what is the fastest way?" She asked. Everyone thought she couldn't speak, but they didn't expect her to suddenly ask a question, The man thought that during the time spent with her, Lily was not a taciturn and cold person. In fact, he had also figured out some of Lily's character. As long as she did not step on her bottom line, within a certain range, no matter what everyone did, she would They don't care at all.

She is not particularly cold, but she is not very enthusiastic when interacting with others. In addition to making ice these days, she spent most of her time in the lounge, as quiet as if she didn't exist. At this time, she suddenly asked a question. The group of people felt a little flattered and thought for a while. , the man spoke cautiously:

"Three ways."

"One is to become an interstellar bounty hunter and make a living by hunting pirates. You can not only eliminate pirates, but also get certain rewards from the government after eliminating pirates. The second is to join the Interstellar Alliance and become the most formal member of the alliance. Soldiers mainly focus on destroying interstellar pirates and fighting, and the other three," the man said, paused: "They also become interstellar pirates and the strong survive."

"You are very powerful. If you join the regular army, depending on your strength, within five years, you can definitely be promoted to a four-star master. You will be specially summoned to join the army. Your future will be unlimited. The bounty hunter will always be single. Horses are too dangerous." There are countless crises in the galaxy. In this vast starry sky, there are nearly a million pirate groups, large and small. If you encounter weaker pirates, just deal with them easily, and the bounty will be rewarded again. It's not high. If it encounters a big pirate ship, I'm afraid even my life will be lost.

The most important thing is that bounty hunters generally don't get a good end. Several well-known pirate groups in the galaxy have more than 100,000 members. Even if the regular army of the government encounters them, they have to avoid the limelight for a while, or even disappear. There are rumors that several galactic governments and major pirate groups are enemies on the surface, but they cooperate with each other secretly.

What these pirate groups hate most is bounty hunters. Once they meet, both sides will fight to the death. Since bounty hunters live in fixed locations and are prone to retaliation, it is difficult for them to end well. There are not many bounty hunters in the world today, and most of them are masters of level eight or above. Even if they cannot defeat a large pirate ship, as long as such masters have mechas, it will be easy to escape once they encounter them. Lily is no more than forty years old at most. According to men, even if her talent is extremely amazing, her physical skills are already between the third and fourth levels. If she were a bounty hunter, she might be able to make a living, but She is always too tired, and there is no guarantee, so it is better to join the government's regular army. With her strength, she can be used more by the government.

"The last thing I recommend is that you join a pirate group." It doesn't matter if the interstellar pirate is not caught. Once caught, the young pirate will be sent to the imperial court, and may be sentenced to life imprisonment. If he is a dangerous person, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment. First, she might be imprisoned in the legendary mysterious prison in the galaxy. Secondly, and most importantly, she might be exiled to the planet Camilla again.

Lily has special powers, so the possibility of her being exiled again is low, but once she is caught in the mysterious prison, it is said that no one has been able to escape for thousands of years, and the prisoners are all the ones who caused the entire galaxy to turn upside down. Although Lily is strong, she is still too young.

The man sincerely gave her advice at this time. For the sake of her helping him escape from the planet Camilla, most of the hatred she had nearly beaten to death had disappeared:

"So, the best way is to join the regular army."

After he finished speaking, he paused: "We are all ready to join the Galaxy Interstellar Alliance!" After finally coming out of the planet Camilla, they will not go back to that place easily even if they die. The safety of the bounty hunter is not guaranteed. The risk of piracy is too high, so joining the regular army is the best option.

After hearing that he wanted to join the regular army, Lily made a quick decision in her heart. It is absolutely impossible for her to join the regular army of the alliance. Once she came there, it was Gu Chen's base camp. Gu Chen loved Hua Fuya to the core, just like Hua Lily was the disaster in Hua Fuya's life, so Hua Fuya must be Gu Chen's. Like Chen's nemesis, as long as she appears in the regular army, once Gu Chen gets the news, Hua Fuya will definitely know.

Lily didn't want to meet Hua Fuya too quickly now, she instinctively didn't want to do that. As for interstellar pirates, as this man said, once caught, the gains outweigh the losses. What's more, she doesn't want to join any organization. She is still suitable for acting alone for the time being, so after eliminating the two options, the natural choice is the bounty hunter. chosen. Lily paused and said:

"Bounty hunter, tell me." Although she has received the memory of the original owner, in Hua Lily's memory, Pluto is a self-contained star field compared to other planets, and the people there are trying to develop their spiritual power. Mainly, and immersed in the sense of superiority brought by superior spiritual power, technology is not as developed as other star regions, and it still maintains the ancient royal family and religious rule.

When the accident happened to Prince Pluto, the original owner was still young and did not know much about many things due to the deliberate protection of her family. She vaguely knew a few things about the bounty hunter. Hua Fuya worked as a bounty hunter for a period of time in order to support her. This, the original owner at that time was like a waste, with nothing and only following her sister. At this time, when she heard this man talking about the danger of bounty hunters, Lily discovered that the former Hua Fuya, for Hua Lily, I have done such dangerous work before. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Two updates in one~! Big update of 6,000 words.

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