Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Sisterhood (Seventeen)

What is certain is that this forest is already within the range of Zhu Zixing. Lily left the people who came out from the planet Camilla with her and hid in the forest. There was a small freshwater lake nearby. She was hungry. She could catch fish in the lake to fill her stomach and replenish her strength, and when she was thirsty, she would make ice to chew it. After staying in the forest for nearly two months, her injuries were not only fully recovered, but in addition to practicing star training and physical training these days, she Apart from reading the Tao Te Ching, most of my time is spent studying supernatural powers.

In the past two months, Lily has become far more proficient in controlling supernatural powers than before. Because there is no shortage of energy, and the large amount of spiritual power brought by practicing star body training, she is not like ordinary supernatural beings. A capable person is usually troubled by the lack of spiritual power in her body. With excess spiritual power, she naturally practices faster. As early as when she was on the spaceship, she had already reached the second level or above, so she was jumping on the first step. With eight wormholes, she can create the move 'Frozen Miles Away'.

Once her injuries were healed, Lily was ready to go to the direction of Zhu Zixing's town. She didn't have an optical brain on her body, nor any equipment, nor any mechas or speed cars for transportation. She could only rely on her own powerful strength. The body runs in one direction. Lily remembered that when she was on the spaceship, before the hull was damaged, the spacecraft had pointed out the direction of Zhu Zixing. When the spacecraft crashed, Lily had roughly studied the direction. When she arrived at Zhu Zixing, she was already ten years old. Queen of heaven.

There are no interstellar personal credits on the body, and everything needs to be started from scratch.

After returning from the planet Kahuila, I have entered the constraints again and can no longer be the same as before. Grab whatever you want. Compared with the Camilla planet, Zhu Zixing can only be regarded as an insignificant planet in the Milky Way, but it is obviously much more prosperous than the Camilla galaxy. Lily inquired about the unit where the government is located. Go to this place and start looking up some interstellar pirates and government cooperation announcements for bounty hunters.

According to Lily's original thoughts, she would be flying like interstellar pirates in the vast starry sky of the Milky Way, but now she didn't have a spaceship or a mecha. Entering the galaxy with nothing is nothing more than a fantasy, so she initially planned to complete the tasks issued by the government to bounty hunters, accumulate a certain amount of wealth, and then pursue interstellar pirates. However, she did not expect to inquire about the tasks issued by the government. It requires a certain amount of personal contribution points, and the tasks issued by the government are generally more difficult, so naturally not a few can receive the required task points.

That is to say. An ordinary bounty hunter is not qualified to cooperate with the government at all. Only after completing a certain amount of tasks, proving her strength, and being certified by the government, can she be qualified to cooperate with the government.

As a result, Lily naturally had no choice but to inquire about some information about the interstellar pirates.

She connected to the interstellar network in front of the Zhu Zixing Building and entered the interstellar network.

This kind of interstellar network is not owned by a single individual. Therefore, there was no need to authenticate her identity. She only needed to register her identity as a bounty hunter and was locked into a separate interstellar cabin. Her vision went dark and she was quickly pulled into the interstellar network. Because the network here was only connected to query information about interstellar pirates, the sweet androgynous voice welcomed her, quickly confirmed her information, and asked her to give herself a codename.

Lily really didn't expect that registering an interstellar hunter would be so troublesome. She thought for a while and said, "Hunter."

The smart and sweet voice sounded with regret: "Sorry, this name has already been used."

"Interstellar Hunter."

"Sorry. That name is already taken."

"..." Lily tried seven or eight names in a row. They were all declined by Zhi Zhi, and she frowned: "Queen."

"Congratulations." As soon as Guang Nao finished speaking, he displayed the information of various pirate groups in the interstellar in front of her.

All pirate groups are divided into groups with different values, and their strength is like a ladder. From top to bottom, there is only one pirate group at the top. It shows that the funds for the major planets in the galaxy are encrypted. Lily took a look and said:

"What does it mean that the reward of this interstellar pirate group is not marked?"

"Sorry, you don't have enough authority to query." Guang Nao coldly and politely rejected Lily's request. Lily originally just asked casually, but after confirming that she could not query the information, she quickly focused her attention on other stars. On pirates, because of her current authority, the information she could view on many pirate groups was very limited. It was not until she turned the three hundredth page that she finally found the information she could currently query on pirate groups. Guang Nao politely asked her After waiting for a moment, the information about these pirate groups soon appeared in front of her.

The expansion films of these pirate groups were all shot with four-dimensional high-definition stereoscopic projectors, so clear that even the hairs of these pirates can be seen. Most of these pirate groups are only low-class pirate groups of about twenty people. The appearance and strength of each individual were presented in front of Lily. The overall strength was only slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, so it was not difficult to deal with them. Most of them were a group of rabble, wandering among the stars, because the truly powerful bounty hunters did not bother to catch them. Arrest them because these people don't have the guts to attack people from the Galaxy Alliance, so the government won't waste its troops on these people, so it exists. The average reward for each pirate group is between 5,000 and 10,000 credits. Lily calculated that if she wanted to be promoted to a C-level bounty hunter, she would have to capture nearly a hundred such pirate groups. , in this way, she was qualified to inquire about more expensive pirate groups.

The most important thing is that even if she is promoted to a C-level bounty hunter, because she does not have a spaceship, she cannot enter the galaxy, and most of the pirate activities are in the interstellar space, robbing spaceships and merchants, so she Not having a spaceship meant that even if she could check these pirate levels, there was nothing she could do. So the most important thing now is to save credit points. A small spaceship piloted by an individual costs approximately 100 million credit points, which means that she needs to capture as many pirate groups as stars.

Even though Lily was not lacking in patience, she still couldn't help but let out a long sigh when she thought of this number.

But so far, she had no other way to go, so she just paused and quickly took over all the pirate group missions closest to Zhu Zixing. Because these pirate groups are too weak, they are not worth much money, so most of them just pretend to be pirates, and almost all of them mainly blackmail the residents of Zhu Zixing. As long as their strength is not bad, they are very easy to deal with. .

As soon as Lily finished the task and was about to exit the interstellar network, she paused, thought about it and asked:

"The number one pirate group, apart from keeping the reward confidential and unable to view it because I don't have enough permissions, can I see the pirates' basic information?"

This time her request was not rejected directly, Guang Nao smiled:

"Sorry, you don't have enough permissions to query."

Having already guessed that this might be the result, Lily sighed and gave up.

She is not very interested in these big pirates, but because she wants to find out what kind of pirate group the Nie family, the remnant of the Emperor Planet that was eliminated by Gu Chen, belongs to. From now on, Look, the Nie family must be among the top among the great pirates, because that day Pluto was destroyed. In fact, most of the real elite of the Nie family escaped, and only the people of the Emperor Planet died. The Nie family was destroyed. As interstellar pirates, with the technology they possess, they may not be much worse.

What's more, at that time, the Nie family was able to exchange fifteen new S-class 9th-level and above mechas for Hua Lily, which showed how powerful the Nie family was. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough authority at the moment to check these.

Lily quickly put away her thoughts and exited the interstellar network without hesitation.

Without the assistance of the optical brain, Lily could only rely on herself to memorize all the information about the previous pirate group in her mind. She squatted in the corner where these low-level pirates roamed. She was like a patient hunter, waiting for these prey. They threw themselves into a trap. It took her three and a half years to successfully capture all the pirates on Zhu Zixing that she could catch at this stage. In these three years, her star training skills have risen to It is only a matter of time before he reaches level 7 or above, and reaches level 8 at the same time, and his supernatural powers have been raised to level 4 at the same time. Now Lily is obviously more comfortable and more powerful in using ice than a few years ago.

Most importantly, because although the pirates she captured were not high-level, they were quite large in number, and because she never failed in the missions she took on, her identity as a bounty hunter was changed from the D-level she had just registered. , was directly promoted to C level or above, and checked more pirate permissions than before, and Lily finally had nearly half a million credit points in her personal credit points.

All the pirates in nearby Zhu Zixing were eliminated. Lily once again returned to the interstellar network set up by Zhu Zixing's government. After delivering the task, she soon saw that the credit points in her name, which were originally less than 500,000, had increased to 500,000. Get ahead. She originally wanted to search for another mission, but there were no such simple missions nearby. Lily frowned, and Smart suddenly spoke:

"Queen, the Twin Stars government issued a message ten minutes ago, seeking collaborators. You have reached level C or above, and you happen to be qualified for this mission. Your reward is confidential after completing the mission. Are you willing to take a look?" (To be continued) ~^~)

PS: First update~!

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