Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Sisterhood (37)

Hua Fuya leaned against Gu Chen, biting her lips, which were trembling. Tears welled up in her beautiful eyes. The voices of others' questions subconsciously softened a bit. Instead, it was as if she was afraid of frightening this weak girl. She paused for a while and did not speak. The sound of her sobs clearly reached everyone's slaps. The excitement on her face seemed to everyone that she had met her enemy. The most realistic reaction after that, but Lily felt something was wrong. She didn't look like she was excited after seeing her enemy at all. Instead, she looked like she couldn't control herself after seeing some relative.

She didn't speak for a long time, only focusing on crying. No one had the heart to urge her. The beautiful representative of the opposition stared at Hua Fuya with encouraging eyes. Gu Chen kissed her forehead tenderly and reached out to wipe her tears. She shed tears. Even more fiercely, after a long while, he took a deep breath:


"I, in the name of Hua Fuya, the royal princess of the Prince of Pluto, express," Hua Fuya seemed to have mustered up her courage, her voice was trembling at first, and then gradually became louder, with a firm look in her eyes: "I I mean, forgive the Nie family!" Her voice still sounded like she was crying, but the firmness in it was easily audible.

Obviously, what Hua Fuya said was beyond the expectations of everyone in the venue and on the Interstellar Network. At this time, no one spoke, and they all stared at her blankly.

"Chen, will you forgive me?" Hua Fuya turned her head anxiously and stared at Gu Chen: "Although the Nie family is guilty and has killed so many people, their technology has an effect on mankind. . The death of the people of Pluto is already a thing of the past. You have already avenged me and repaid the injustice. When will it be? If I can give up my ego and let me forget this for the sake of the progress of all mankind. I will forget the hatred, I believe. If my parents were still alive, they would definitely agree..." Her voice was urgent and fast, as if she was deeply afraid that Gu Chen would not understand. She had not finished speaking, Gu Chen looked at her pale face, held her cold and trembling little hand in his palm, and kissed her hand gently:

"Fuya, Fuya. You know, you know that in my heart, you are the most important. I have been with you for so many years. You don't need to let me agree to whatever you want to do. Everything you do. support."

"Achen..." After Hua Fuya heard what he said, tears flowed out involuntarily. At this time, after a brief silence in the venue, a burst of thunderous applause suddenly rang out.

The representative on the positive side had a look of helplessness on his face and sat back on the chair in a somewhat embarrassed manner. The beautiful woman on the negative side stood up and said excitedly:

"Not only us here, but also the interstellar network and every resident of the galaxy have seen this historic moment. The noble feelings of the princess of Pluto are reflected at this time, between the ego and Between ourselves, the eldest princess has chosen to give selflessly, and she is such a broad-minded woman. Is it worth our applause for her?" As soon as her somewhat excited voice fell, the applause was even crazier than before.

Hua Fuya obviously did not expect such a scene. There was a shy look on her beautiful and pure face, and her voice trembled:

"The Nie family killed millions of residents of Pluto, but, similarly, in order to avenge me, my husband also killed millions of people like the Nie family. If we want to seek revenge, should the Nie family no longer ask for revenge?" What about our revenge? If this continues, when will this hatred subside?" Her remarks touched not only everyone present, but also hundreds of millions of people on the interstellar network. This In an instant, Hua Fuya's name and Hua Fuya's image became a popular search item on the interstellar network.

"Then, how does Mrs. Gu know that the Nie family does not want to take revenge on you?" As everyone listened to Hua Fuya's words, a cold female voice suddenly sounded, attracting everyone's attention, and a group of people subconsciously Turning around, he saw that in a certain seat, a slender woman wearing a white combat uniform was speaking coldly. The ice and snow mask on her face, and the clothing on her combat uniform The 'Queen' codename displayed instantly made her identity clear.

No one expected that the 'Queen' who had been invited to watch the court hearing because she had contributed to the arrest of the Nie family would speak. As the only S-class huntress in the Federation, the 'Queen' The unexpected appearance suddenly attracted the attention of many enthusiastic people in the venue. The focus of the interstellar network was Hua Fuya, once again replaced by Lily.

If it were someone else who spoke instead of Lily, and Hua Fuya had the momentum just created to dare to interrupt her and question her this time, when Hua Fuya's reputation was at its peak, it would definitely arouse the public's resentment.

However, respect for the strong is an eternal law in any era. The powerful strength and aura displayed by the 'Queen' are impressive, especially the arrest of the Nie family. In the past few days, Lily's popularity search ranking on the interstellar network has been very high. Gao, she is even more mysterious than Hua Fuya in the hearts of everyone. At this time, when she spoke, many people became excited, but Hua Fuya was stunned for a while. Her face turned red. After a while, Then he spoke: "Because this time, the Federation took the initiative to attack the Nie family, not the Nie family who wanted to retaliate against the Federation!"

"Let me tell you, Mrs. Gu's theory that the Nie family killed millions of residents of Pluto Prince Planet, and that Mr. Gu retaliated against the Nie family and killed many people in the Nie family, and that the Nie family should retaliate again, is simply based on It’s untenable. First of all, if the Nie family had not started the war out of greed, the major planets could have lived in harmony. However, the Nie family’s greed and cruelty caused the death of tens of millions of innocent people on the two planets. This is the Nie family’s It's your own fault." Lily raised her voice a little higher and suppressed Hua Fuya's words:

"What's more, after the Emperor's Planet was destroyed, the Nie family did not take revenge as Madam Gu said. This time our husband and wife went to Nie's planet with Madam Gu. Nie Yi said personally that they Call the human cloning plan 'The King's Revenge Plan.'" After Lily finished speaking, she glanced at Hua Fuya lightly: "Mrs. Gu, when she doesn't know anything, it's better not to say anything casually. good."

"Even if the eldest princess has a wrong understanding of these things, her starting point is always good." Seeing the bad news, the representative of the opposition reluctantly stood up and refuted what Lily said: "After all, she is the Prince of Pluto. The only surviving survivor, even as a victim, she has said that she will no longer hold the Nie family accountable. The Nie family is indeed guilty. I also understand that the 'Queen' personally arrested the Nie family and brought them to justice. If you are found guilty, your efforts will be in vain, and you feel a little unwilling. However, we must feel the princess’s thoughts and the benefits that the Nie family’s survival can bring to the interstellar people..."

Before she finished speaking, Lily's eyes had fallen on her. Lily's eyes were not sharp or even aggressive, but in an instant, she saw that this elegant woman's legs were trembling. Under her gaze, The opposition representative's expression became paler and paler, and beads of sweat even appeared on his forehead. He felt extremely stressed for a while and could not even speak fluently.

"Who told you that she can represent the only remaining people of Pluto and express that she will no longer hold the Nie family responsible for their crimes?" This representative of the opposition is indeed very smart. She did not deny the mistakes the Nie family had made, but instead With Hua Fuya as the victim, she has already forgiven the Nie family for speaking. When she called Hua Fuya, she did not use the title of Mrs. Gu, but always called her the eldest princess. The meaning was naturally silent. And metaphorical.

Lily's question made the opposition representative, Monk Zhang Er, confused. She even almost couldn't hold back her laughter when she heard Lily say this, "The eldest princess cannot represent the only remaining people of Pluto. Then Who can represent us? As we all know, Mr. Gu has been engaged to the eldest princess of the Hua family since he was a child. There is no doubt about the identity of the eldest princess, so she cannot represent her. So, 'Queen', can you represent me?"

This case is related to the future reputation and interests of the opposition representative. Although Lily is very powerful, in the face of interests, this professional woman still straightened her back and argued with her unyieldingly, even under Lily's gaze. , bravely sarcastically said to her:

"In what capacity do you question the eldest princess?"

"Eldest Princess? Hua Fu Ya? Gu Chen, have you really known Hua Fu Ya?" Lily closed her eyes, suddenly feeling inexplicably worried for the original owner: "Gu Chen, the woman sleeping next to you , have you ever understood? Do you love the Hua Fuya who made a marriage contract with you back then, or the Hua Fuya who has been married to you for more than 20 years and has given birth to two sons for you? "

Her question was not directly related to this case. As soon as Lily finished speaking, the opposition representative frowned, but Hua Fuya suddenly turned pale and her body began to tremble slightly.

Gu Chen never expected that Lily would suddenly ask him this in public, and he felt an inexplicable feeling of humiliation in his heart. He had watched his wife grow up since she was a child, and he liked her so much. Mysterious, everything about her has been integrated into his own flesh and blood. From the moment he can remember, he has known that he will marry her when he grows up. He is like caring for a seedling, slowly watching her grow up. He indulges her and dotes on her. She, even if she didn't want to hold a wedding with him because of her sister, he was happy with it. He loved Hua Fuya to the core. Now Lily came to question his feelings. This was worse than Gu Chen's strength being doubted. Humiliate him. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~ Please vote for me. I need my monthly vote at the beginning of the month. There is no double this month. Please vote quickly.

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