Cannon Fodder Strategy

Striving for a Right Man (19)

Duan Guilan was stunned by Shen Tengwen's words. At the same time, she almost forgot about her situation. She seemed a little ashamed and a little happy, as if a happy event had been sent to her from the sky, which made her a little overwhelmed.

Everyone couldn't come to their senses and didn't know what the fuss was about today, except Lily who was very calm. She had already expected all this, and what was supposed to happen in the plot happened at this time.

It's just that the trouble Duan Guilan got into in the plot was not so big. In the plot, when the woman from Huachunfang came to her door, she didn't make such a fuss, and Duan Guilan didn't get her face smashed. She was in trouble at that time until I didn't go home until dark, and I don't know where I hid. When the original owner saw the woman from Huachunfang coming to his door, he stupidly went to stop her, but was slapped several times in the face by the woman from Huachunfang in public. She was so embarrassed that she hid behind her and cried, not knowing that Shen Tengwen was there. Never appeared.

Because Duan Baihe had been beaten at that time, and the women in Huachunfang did not suffer much loss, so after Liu lost a small amount of money, in addition to Duan Baihe losing face, Duan Guilan got a wishful husband, and Shen Tengwen found The beloved, Mr. Liu's favorite son-in-law Chenglong Kuai did not become someone else's. He had nothing except Duan Baihe, and everyone else was smiling.

At this time, Lily didn't care about Shen Tengwen at all, and she had already known that he would not be hers. Therefore, Shen Tengwen's sudden change of heart did not make her want to die in pain like the original owner in the plot did when she heard the news. She just watched with cold eyes, watching Shen Tengwen confess his affection to Duan Guilan and promised to marry her in public, which made Lily almost unable to hold back and burst out laughing.

"This..." Mrs. Liu was so anxious that she almost shouted out when she heard Shen Tengwen say that she was not engaged to her eldest daughter. But then she heard the news that Shen Tengwen was going to propose marriage to Duan Guilan, and she was stunned. After she came to her senses, Mrs. Liu couldn't help but feel moved.

Things have progressed to this point. Duan Guilan's reputation must have been ruined. She came back wearing a wet underwear. Shen Tengwen looked like she was in a similar situation, not to mention that she had gone to a brothel to cause trouble. After the woman from Huachunfang spread the word, all the neighbors knew about it, and the matter could not be suppressed.

Duan Guilan's reputation is not very good in this area of ​​Huaicheng. Because of her, no matter how good Lily looks and has a gentle temperament, she still can't get married now. Duan Guilan's reputation is even worse now that he is causing trouble. She is not good-looking either. Who will marry her in the future? If Shen Tengwen is willing to marry her, then it will be done.

First of all, if Shen Tengwen is really willing to take this responsibility, Duan Guilan's trip to the brothel will no longer be about the sister-in-law going to catch her future brother-in-law, but the fiancée going to find out the whereabouts of her fiancé. Although the reputation may not be as good as the reputation, it is still better than the former. many. Furthermore, although Baihe's marriage to the Shen family has been verbally agreed upon. But to the outside world, she is only said to be the Duan family's wife. As for which girl, as long as she and the Duan family insist that she is the youngest daughter, others will only gossip about her behind her back.

If the younger daughter gets married and the older daughter looks better than her, it will be much easier than Duan Guilan to choose someone else.

At this moment, even though Mrs. Liu knew she was sorry for Lily, she still hoped that the bowl of water would be fair. Lily could not marry Shen Tengwen now. But she will have another chance in the future. She is beautiful and has a gentler temperament than Duan Guilan. As long as there is no trouble-making girl, Lily will definitely find someone she likes. The worst possible outcome will be after Duan Guilan gets married. I should pay more attention to Lily, lest she say I'm being unfair.

Think of this. Although Ms. Liu was a little apologetic, she still suppressed her guilty feeling and did not dare to look at Lily again. She remained silent in response to Shen Tengwen's words and adopted the default position.

"Oh, I really watched a good show." The woman in Huachunfang did not expect that the situation would take a turn for the worse and end up like this.

No matter how ruthless the woman was, she couldn't help but look at Lily with a bit of sympathy: "It's really a mung bean and a bastard. You've seen it right. There are good-looking and beautiful girls who don't want it, but they don't want it." Some people are just cheap and like the mud in the pond."

"How can a sparrow know the ambition of a swan? A woman's view is that her hair is long but her knowledge is short! How do you know whether this is the mud in the pond or the white lotus that emerges from the mud but remains unstained?" Once the identity was confirmed, Shen Tengwen looked at Duan Guilan again At that moment, I was filled with heartache. When I heard the irony in **'s words, I couldn't help but reply to her: "Some people are not good-looking on the surface, but they are much better than those beauties who are beautiful on the outside but like snakes and scorpions on the heart." Now, my mother is only in the business of bringing in and out, and all she sees are the people in the theater. Sure enough, she only sees people based on their superficial appearance, just like those dog eyes, which always look down upon people."

Shen Tengwen's face changed when she said these words. Before she could speak, Shen Tengwen ignored her and turned to stare at Lily:

"Ms. Duan, am I right?"

"If Mr. Sir doesn't look at the dog, how do you know that the dog is looking at you? Mr. Shen, I wonder if I am wrong in what I said?" Seeing that he still wanted to come to her to find a sense of presence after sarcasm, Lily curled her lips and said, When he said this back to him, Shen Tengwen's expression changed at first, and then he laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, okay, what a sharp mouth, I'm glad to be defeated! Fortunately, God has the wisdom to allow Shen to be here." It's time to see the lady's true face, otherwise, as my mother said, my life will be ruined." His words were invisibly equivalent to a disguised admission in front of everyone that he had almost made a marriage contract with Lily before, but he didn't like her. Now it’s just a matter of finding another good relationship.

Lily narrowed her eyes after hearing what he said: "To each other."

Shen Tengwen snorted coldly:

"Today's incident has nothing to do with Madam Duan. Why is it that Chun Niang from Huachunfang came to the door now, and only Er Niang was beaten, but Madam Duan was unharmed?"

As he was talking, he actually brought the topic to himself. Lily heard it funny and frowned: "What does it have to do with me?" She was sure that no one would suspect her of her previous actions. On the body.

No one would have thought that this weak-looking eldest lady of the Duan family could do martial arts, and that her martial arts was strong enough to destroy a painting studio.

But Shen Tengwen's words were groundless. Lily frowned, and Ms. Liu's face was full of surprise.

Everyone was confused by his words. When Shen Tengwen heard Baihe deny it, saying that it had nothing to do with her, he couldn't help but look down on her even more, thinking that she was simply someone who dared to do things but didn't dare to act. Villain. It's a pity that Duan Guilan was deceived by her when she was young, and now her face is almost deformed after being beaten by the grandma of Huachunfang, but Lily is still good.

They are both close sisters, but this lady has a really bad conscience. Shen Tengwen was bored, and his face showed some of it:

"At this moment, Mrs. Duan still doesn't admit it? Do you really think that no one knows what you did?" He kept saying what he did, and Lily was really curious: "If I did it, of course I will admit it. , if I haven’t done it, how can I recognize it?”

At this point, he had given her opportunities again and again, but he didn't expect Lily to still not shed tears without seeing the coffin. Shen Tengwen sneered twice:

"Originally, Shen wanted to save some face for Mrs. Duan. If you had taken a little responsibility, Shen would have let it go. But now you dare not do it and blame the whole thing on Mrs. Duan, but now you can ignore it. Clean, Shen is really shameless towards you." After he finished speaking, he paused and said, "It's true that the second lady was in the painting studio today, it's true, but do you know the reason why she came? ?" He stood up, glanced across the shop one by one, and raised his voice to ask the people standing outside.

When everyone heard what he said, Monk Zhanger was confused. The woman in Hua Chunfang covered her mouth and smiled: "Why are you here? Aren't you here for Mr. Shen? I miss men, and chasing men is too much. ."

She hated Duan Guilan, and she spoke without any mercy at this moment, but in Shen Tengwen's heart, she couldn't help but feel that Duan Guilan was even more unworthy.

It was clear that Mrs. Duan was the initiator of this matter, but Duan Guilan was responsible for the final result. How could a fifteen-year-old girl bear the gossip from outsiders? If I didn't propose marriage to her today, wouldn't she be drowned in the saliva of outsiders? He was angry in his heart, but he forcibly calmed down on his face: "It's true that you came here for me, but there is a reason. Aunt Duan learned that there was a reason for the second lady to go to the painting studio today."

Speaking of this, Shen Tengwen pointed at Lily: "The reason is her, Mrs. Duan!"

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, not understanding the meaning of his words. Liu's face showed a look of confusion. Duan Guilan, who was beaten to death, was dizzy at this time. Hearing this, he was the only one. People who understood Shen Tengwen's misunderstanding thought that when she was in the painting studio, Shen Tengwen made random guesses that she had accepted the offer in order to escape guilt. At this time, she saw him mentioning it in public. It would have been fine if Lily was not in the shop, but she was in the shop. , it would be really embarrassing if the face-to-face confrontation was revealed.

Although Duan Guilan has a naughty temper, she is still only a fifteen-year-old girl after all. At this time, she felt a little panicked, but then she thought about it again. Fortunately, she was beaten like this and couldn't open her mouth to speak. She really escaped a disaster. . She had also thought about it. If Shen Tengwen asked about it again in the future, even if he knew that he had been cheated, he would not say anything. It was all his own guess. If he guessed wrong, he could not blame himself! Thinking of this, Duan Guilan breathed a sigh of relief.

"The reason is me? What does it have to do with me?" Lily asked, and Ms. Liu also looked suspicious. When she heard Shen Tengwen admitting that Duan Guilan had indeed made a big fuss in the painting workshop, she felt a breath in her heart. At this moment She felt a little bad all over, and when she heard that the eldest daughter was responsible for this, she immediately stared at Lily fiercely, as if she wanted to eat someone. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update... I don’t ask for a monthly ticket, but people don’t want to give it to me. I’m so shy. The Lun family originally wanted to be a quiet beauty!

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