Cannon Fodder Strategy

Striving for a Right Man (Twenty-Eight)

Under the fire, Duan Guilan's lawless character was revealed again. She didn't even take off her apron. She picked up a poker and went to the home of Shen Tengwen's friend, forcing him to find out their whereabouts. This led to the subsequent riot in Chunfeng Tower. thing. At that time, she rushed into the Chunfeng Building and beat up these shameless women who were seducing their husbands. When the commotion was in full swing, Shen Tengwen came out and Duan Guilan pounced on her, but she was slapped in the mouth by Shen Tengwen instead. In the end, he was forked out by the people from Chunfeng Tower.

Because of the quarrel, many girls were beaten, and some tables, chairs, utensils and other items were also damaged. The people in Chunfeng House came to the Shen family and asked her to compensate. How could an old woman like Shen's mother be willing to compensate her? Even though he hates her, he only talks about the misfortune of his family and regards her as a thorn in his side. She also bluntly said that the money would not be compensated for her. If she could not find anyone to compensate her, the Shen family would divorce her. He also said that she had been married for two years and there was still no movement in her belly.

At this time, Duan Guilan truly knew that she was afraid. She was already a laughingstock when she got married. If she was divorced again, where would she go?

At the critical moment, she thought of Mrs. Liu and her mother-in-law who had compensated her for the money she had made after the Huachunfang incident. Since this had happened once before, Mrs. Liu might not be willing to help if it happened again. she. Her mother always loved her. No matter how much trouble she got into in the past, Mrs. Liu would always solve it for her. With this idea in mind, Duan Guilan looked for the house that Mrs. Liu had rented. Unfortunately, she was told that Mrs. Liu had already moved. Duan Guilan spent another two days inquiring about the matter at home, and told the Shen family that she would go back to her parents' house to find a solution. She asked the Shen family to give her a few days, and made various guarantees. Only in exchange for temporary peace.

Until today, she finally found Mrs. Liu and found out that her mother had opened such a big shop. Duan Guilan was very excited and elaborated on the Shen family's bad treatment of her and her current situation. Then he sniffed and said:

"Mom, tell me, why am I pregnant? That man named Shen didn't touch me at all and treated me like a beast. How could I be pregnant? If I am pregnant under such circumstances, it is not like giving a ready-made gift to the Shen family. Son? They just bullied me on purpose!" After she finished speaking, she cried twice more: "In this situation, if mother doesn't let me live, I will have no place to go. Then the bitches in Chunfeng Tower are looking for me. I have to pay back the money, and the Shen family refuses to save me. How can I have money? My mother is running a shop now, so I have to save my daughter."

Mrs. Liu was told this by her. I feel so dumb in my heart that I cannot express my pain. This shop doesn't belong to her at all. Lily has made it clear just now that even if Duan Guilan wants to stay, Lily won't let it go, let alone pay for her to fill the hole. If it were her own shop and she knew her daughter was living such a difficult life, Ms. Liu would definitely help her. But now she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and she sighed repeatedly:

"What's going on? You made that mistake once before, why did you make it again? What should I do?"

"What's so good?" Duan Guilan blinked and wiped his nose: "I'm my mother's daughter, and my mother doesn't have half a son. You also said before that a bowl of water should be leveled, and half of what you have at home is Give it to me and give half to my sister. I haven’t asked for half yet. I just want a little money. Is my mother so reluctant to part with it?”

Lily sneered twice as she listened: "Don't say I gave you half of the Duan family's property, but my mother gave it all to you. I earned every brick and tile here by myself, and everything is mine." . Duan Guilan, it’s okay that you robbed my mother’s favor, but then you also robbed a trash like Shen Tengwen, and now you want to rob my shop too?” After she finished speaking, she casually picked up the bag on the table beside her. wooden ruler.

Duan Guilan was startled when he saw Lily's action. She was also punished by Lily at the beginning, and it was precisely because Lily beat her with such a wooden ruler that she thought of following Shen Tengwen in anger and wanted to see his joke, which led to this lawsuit. At this time, she saw When Lily made a move, Duan Guilan subconsciously wanted to hide behind Mrs. Liu. She was stunned and still didn't believe what Lily said: "You lied."

How could a woman's family create such a shop out of thin air? Duan's Clothing Village was saved by Duan's father before his death, and she didn't believe Lily could manage it.

"I won't tell you more. I don't have any copper coins. If you want food, go to the house next door. If you want to pick up my mother, please feel free to do so." After Lily finished speaking, she pointed behind her: "Xiu Niang will soon take my mother away." I picked up a few pieces of clothes, but as I said, I am not a son, and I have no obligation to raise my mother. It’s okay if you don’t leave. If you leave, you will die of hunger and thirst outside, using the earth as your bed and the sky as your bed. I won't care about you. If you step out of this door, don't come back. If you come back, I will kick you out."

If Mrs. Liu had thought that Lily had spoken so harshly before, she would not have dared to do so. But since the incident with her little daughter, Lily has been extremely cold towards her. When she was ill, if she lost her temper, she would not do it. If Lily is willing to eat, she will never do it again. To be honest, Mrs. Liu is really afraid of her. At this time, Ms. Liu was a little scared to hear what Lily said so rudely. Although she felt sorry for her little daughter, she was already quite old now. Especially in the past two years, she had always felt that her health was not as good as before. I also thought about relying on my youngest daughter and son-in-law.

But at this moment, it seems that Duan Guilan has no control over her personality after marriage, and she has such trouble with her husband's family. A scholar like Shen Tengwen can do something to his own daughter-in-law. With his current appearance, it is not certain whether he will be successful in the future, but Even if he is promising, a person who does not have a good relationship with his wife will not even treat his daughter-in-law well, let alone his daughter-in-law's mother.

Mrs. Liu thought about it and found that the eldest daughter she treated like that was now her only destination in her old age. Now that this eldest daughter had spoken, she would definitely be given to her for a hundred years, but if she followed Duan Guilan, she would never be able to return to her in the future. It’s hard to say what kind of life I will live.

Maybe what Lily said about using the sky as a quilt and the earth as a bed and starving to death on the streets is really possible.

Thinking of this, Ms. Liu didn't want to leave with Duan Guilan. She couldn't leave with Duan Guilan today, but she couldn't do it if she was asked to leave her little daughter alone. After hesitating for a while, Ms. Liu gritted her teeth:

"Guilan, my uncle seemed to be gentle and gentle at first. Maybe there was some misunderstanding. Besides, you are not young anymore. How come such an old girl is still the same as when she was at her mother's house, and then she went to someone else's house again? You You know, it’s good to be at home for a thousand days, but it’s difficult to go out..."

At this time, Mrs. Liu was speaking sincerely, but Duan Guilan didn't want to hear this at all: "Mom, I will listen to you from now on, okay? I'd better get over this difficulty for me now!"

She said it so easily, but where did Mr. Liu get the money?

"I don't think the Shen family is so unreasonable. Since you are married, your husband's family should naturally teach you these principles. In this way, I will go back with you and tell the Shen family carefully so that they don't drive you away. Come out." Mrs. Liu has loved Duan Guilan for more than ten years. Although she still feels distressed, she is also helpless. This was the first time Duan Guilan didn't get anything she asked for from Liu's place. Her eyes widened in disbelief. Seeing Lily sneer and chase her out, she screamed and refused to leave. She stretched out her hands to grab the counter and didn't want to leave. Lily picked up the wooden ruler in her hand and hit it on her finger with a loud 'snap' sound.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, Lily's strength was quite strong. After this beating, her finger bones seemed to be cracked. Duan Guilan subconsciously retracted her hand. Lily had already pulled her arm and pushed her out. She wanted to struggle and reach out to grab it. Lily's face, as soon as the hand stretched out, Lily grabbed it, twisted her behind with his backhand, and pushed her to the ground.

"It hurts, mother, help me." Duan Guilan originally thought that she was saved when she came back today. She thought that her mother's family had made a fortune, and the Shen family would not dare to look down on her anymore. Unexpectedly, Lily drove her away before her family's stool was hot. come out.

Mrs. Liu didn't dare to save her at all, so she stamped her feet in panic and shed tears. Lily pushed her out of the door, and didn't care about the people around her who stretched their heads to look. She kicked Duan Guilan in the lower back, causing her to stagger. After falling out and lying on the ground with a 'thud', Lily took the wooden ruler in her hand and knocked it twice: "Get away."

"We are still sisters..." Mrs. Liu said it so confidently at the beginning, but now that she relied entirely on Lily for food, clothing, housing, etc., she said it in a low voice. Lily ignored her at all, and Mrs. Liu did not dare to say it again. spoke. At first, Duan Guilan thought that Mrs. Liu would not ignore her like this. She thought about rushing into the store, but Lily beat her out again. She waited until it turned dark and the store was about to close. Mrs. Liu was helped When they entered the backyard, they couldn't bring her a bowl of food. The shop was closed, and it was getting dark. Soon there would be a curfew. It was very unsafe for her to wander outside alone as a woman. Only then did Duan Guilan realize that Lily was an iron man. I am determined not to let her go back.

Originally, she thought that even if she had a fight with Lily and robbed Shen Tengwen, Duan Guilan always felt that her relatives would always tolerate her. She had caused so many troubles since she was a child. Although Liu scolded her, she never helped her. She had to clean up the aftermath, but this time she couldn't do it. She had nowhere to go, so she had no choice but to walk towards Shen's house.

But after her youngest daughter left, Ms. Liu started to lose her temper. Lily made the meal, but she felt uncomfortable and didn't eat it. Lily didn't care whether she was hungry or not. Ms. Liu didn't eat, so she ate more. After finishing the meal, she locked the door and went to bed. She had no intention of comforting Mrs. Liu, but she was very angry. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~~~~~~~ I betrayed my devilish smile and asked for monthly votes. My integrity has been betrayed, my self-esteem has been betrayed, and even my charming literary talent has been betrayed! I have nothing of value anymore. Now that I have sold all my smiles, do you still have the heart not to vote for me with the monthly tickets in your hands...

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