Cannon Fodder Strategy

Striving for a Right Man (End)

Mrs. Liu had been very anxious these days. She wanted to inquire about her daughter's decision, but she didn't know how to ask. After thinking about it, she finally couldn't stand it any longer and found an opportunity to take advantage of Lily's breakfast in the morning to ask herself. opened the door.

Since she was angry with Duan Guilan last time, Ms. Liu has never spoken to Lily again. Although she felt a little embarrassed at first when she opened her mouth, she gradually calmed down as time went by: "What about the Qi family? , how are you going to solve it?" The news has spread throughout Huaicheng, and this matter is not a secret. When the wife of the county magistrate came to propose marriage in person, she did not shy away from it, and it had already spread.

People talk about this kind of thing the most. They always talk about it several times after dinner. The two embroiderers in the shop sometimes whisper to each other. It’s not strange for Mrs. Liu to know that Lily, but Lily heard Mrs. Liu ask about it during the meal. Her movements paused: "How to solve it?" She pretended to be confused, but Mrs. Liu was a little anxious: "You are not young, almost 20 years old, do you really want to be an old girl for the rest of your life? It's rare to meet such a good partner now, and it's my wife who protects her as a matchmaker. I'm really lucky to have cultivated it in my previous life. If I can get married, I won't be scolded by your father when I meet him."

"Who harmed me because I'm not young? When you helped Duan Guilan deliberately smear my reputation, why didn't you expect that I was not young? What does it have to do with you whether I am an old girl or not? Mother, don't forget, you sold me When Duan was helping Duan Guilan at Buzhuang, she once said that I would have to make the final decision on my marriage in the future." When Lily mentioned this, Mrs. Liu's intestines turned green with regret when she thought about it.

For Duan Guilan, a little beast, she really owed this damn girl in her previous life. At this moment, hearing Lily's words to block her, Mrs. Liu endured her anger and said, "What's wrong with the Qi family? The eldest husband happens to be twenty. If it weren't for the marriage, he might not get your turn." They are newly wealthy households. That is to say, he first donated his money to the official status of a Yuanwailang, and then he got rid of his humble status as a businessman. Gradually, he became more and more impressive day by day.

The eldest son of the Qi family has not married yet, and there were rumors that he might lose his sleeve. Either she is inhumane, Mrs. Liu has also heard of it, but now she thinks about it, her daughter will never get married, which is also a worry for her. Instead of combing her own hair and dying at home, she might as well get married and no matter how she lives in the future. OK. It is always better than what others point out.

"Is this how Mom wants me to get married?" Lily wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and looked at Mrs. Liu seriously. Her eyes lit up and she nodded: "The male senior should get married and the female senior should get married. I also hope that You’ll find a good home.”

Lily laughed: "In that case, I think so. It's just after I got married. Mom is old now, how do you survive? You don't have any money in your hands, and Duan Guilan destroyed all your family property, and you only have I have been defrauded of all my savings. If I get married, who will support you?"

When Mrs. Liu heard what she said, she just thought that she was already arranging her own affairs after getting married. She couldn't help but feel elated, and was about to say that she already had this shop and this house. She also did business. From now on, I can enjoy the success and make a living without any problems. Maybe I can still have enough money to support my younger daughter, even though she has a strong temperament like Guilan. But after all, it fell out of his own belly. How could mother and daughter have an overnight feud?

It's just that it's hard to express this to Lily. I was deeply afraid that if Lily heard this, she would be blamed for being partial. Mrs. Liu endured it again and again. Before she could tell Lily to leave her alone and just get married, she was about to say that she would arrange her wedding properly, but Lily sighed:

"I'm afraid my mother has been waiting for me to get married, so that I won't be an eyesore in front of you all day long, right? I can marry, but I will sell this shop to myself as a dowry. After all, I will marry into a family like the Qi family. , if I don't have any money, it's always unsafe." Lily thought for a few days and felt that she should marry the Qi family when they proposed marriage. In order to fulfill the original owner's wish, she was still prepared to marry into the Qi family. With the money from selling the shop, she planned to buy a few beautiful maids to marry her in, which could be regarded as repaying the Qi family for giving her status. As for Mr. Qi Dalang, she was not afraid of what the other party would do to her. She had martial arts skills. If If the other party wants to harm her, she has many ways to prevent the other party from taking advantage.

As soon as Lily finished speaking, the smile on Liu's face quickly became stiff. She stared at Lily in disbelief, and the color on her face suddenly seemed to have faded.

One moment, Ms. Liu was thinking about her daughter getting married and living in this small shop. The next moment, Lily shattered her dream. She took the initiative to persuade Lily to get married today, but what she got was this ending.

"Then, the shop is sold, what should I do?" Mrs. Liu panicked for a moment. When she saw Lily was about to leave after finishing her words, she spoke quickly. When Lily heard her tone, she curled up her lips: "What should I do? Mom, isn't it? And Duan Guilan's? Mother said at the beginning, a bowl of water is leveled, the shop gives half to me, half to Duan Guilan, and you keep the rest for old age. Now I don't want a penny, the money that mother used to support herself in old age was cheated by Duan Guilan, this It has nothing to do with me, right? Although she is not a son, my mother treats her better than a son, and it is only natural that she will support you in your old age."

After saying this, Lily ignored Mrs. Liu's panic look, got up and went out.

From the beginning when he wanted Lily to get married, to the end where he would be homeless if Lily got married, Mrs. Liu was simply caught off guard by this turn of events. She had shamelessly tried to persuade Lily to think again, but Lily did not give her another chance. She agreed to be the matchmaker of the county magistrate's wife, and the wedding was quickly decided. Since both parties were already old, there was no time to delay. Although the Qi family was a little unhappy about Lily's marriage, they were considered to be well-matched, and the daughter married at a high age. It was the custom at this time for men to marry younger men, so there were not many twists and turns in the end.

Soon when it was time to get married, Lily sold the shop, but the money was in her own hands. She rented a house for Liu again. This scene was very similar to when Duan Guilan got married. They were selling the same shop and renting a house. Live, but at that time the Liu family had not yet reached the point where it is now at the end of its rope. The Qi family's wealth is not as shabby as Shen Tengwen's back then. Lily herself has money, so even if the wedding date is set in a hurry. It's not like Duan Guilan looked cheap back then.

Although they had told the Shen family not to have any further contact with each other, on the wedding day, the Shen family still came to enjoy the happiness.

Duan Guilan saw that the county magistrate's wife was protecting the match because of this marriage. And many of the servants who came to help were very jealous. Shen Tengwen did not divorce her for the time being, purely because Lily was promised a good family, and her life in the Shen family became increasingly difficult. She seemed to have aged seven or eight years in a few days. Although Mother Shen might not be able to beat her, she could find many ways to frustrate her. She knew that she had no choice now, and although she was dissatisfied, she did not dare to be as arrogant as before. look like.

Recalling that when she got married, the courtyard was deserted, Mrs. Liu once said that her first marriage was worse than filling a house. Comparing Lily's wedding today, Duan Guilan suddenly remembered that when she got married more than two years ago, Mrs. Liu had asked her if she wanted to marry the Shen family, and said that the Shen family didn't pay attention to her during the wedding, which would be seen in the future. He won't take her too seriously.

Duan Guilan did not think of this at that time, but now it seems that what Liu said is right.

She watched the Qi family's huge wedding team with jealousy, and she saw the Qi family's eldest husband sitting on a tall horse wearing a wedding robe to welcome the bride. Gentle and elegant, although he is a businessman, he is no worse than Shen Tengwen, a scholar. The moment Duan Guilan saw the eldest son of the Qi family, she felt a little unwilling. This sister of hers had a bad reputation and had not married until she was twenty. Now she could marry such a good man again. Looking back at herself, even if she had snatched The person she almost wanted to be engaged to was now snatched up. But it's nothing more than a bag of chaff.

"Businessmen value profits more than separation. Women are changeable." Duan Guilan's heart was burning, but Shen Tengwen already looked like he was heartbroken in pain. He poured the wine on the table for the guests and began to drink, chanting two words in his mouth. A sour poem: "Businessmen value profit above all else. How can I be sincere to you? You dismiss my sincerity. Sure enough, a woman who is flirtatious is the easiest to change her heart." He murmured to himself, as if Obsessed.

Some people walked by and took a look, and they all looked down upon the poor relatives of the Shen family who came to seek marriage. Some servants thought he was blocking the way and saw that he was drunk, so they chased him away in an angry voice, and Shen Tengwen left angrily.

Qi Dongying, the eldest son of the Qi family, married Lily and went home. The ceremony was completed and he chose a hijab to complete the ceremony. The moment the hijab fell, Lily was originally thinking about how to tell him that she had brought a maid to warm his room, but When I saw those familiar eyes, I felt like a big stone fell in my heart.

Although she said it cruelly to Ms. Liu that day, Ms. Liu was the mother of the original owner. Every ten days, Lily would still ask someone to send her a small amount of copper coins. She temporarily rented the house and paid it to Liu every month. Liu's copper coins are just enough for her to live a good life. If Liu can accept her fate, Lily will support her until her death. This money cannot make her live rich and glorious, but it is enough for her to live a decent life.

Three years later, it was time to take the exam every three years. On the edge of Huaicheng, a couple was carrying shelves. The man covered his face with a fan. He would laugh with everyone he saw and ask if he wanted to pick out some rouge and gouache. The woman looked a bit older, and her expression was a bit humble.

"It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, how could I, a great scholar, end up in this situation?"

Shen Tengwen complained repeatedly. Although he had the skills of a scholar, his hand was ruined and he could not even write letters for others. Because there was so much trouble that day, the Shen family became the laughing stock of Huaicheng. Many families refused to hire him as a private tutor. , as time went by, the Shen family was heavily in debt. He once thought about divorcing his wife and marrying another, but Duan Guilan was unwilling to live or die because he had nowhere to go. In addition, the Shen family was in such a situation. If he divorced his wife, he would have a good reputation. It was not easy to find her again, so the days passed easily.

Just to make a living, he, a scholar, had no choice but to put down his account books. At first he made some paper fans to sell, and then bought some rouge and gouache to coax women in the streets to buy them, earning a small amount of money to survive.

The regrets and thoughts I had when I was studying that day are like a dream in Huangliang.

Duan Guilan cursed a few words in her heart when she heard him scolding her so harshly, with a fierce look on her face. She couldn't bear it anymore and yelled at him: "I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes to marry you!" If she hadn't married Shen Tengwen, why would she? I offended Lily, and ruined my relationship with my sister for such a worthless man. If, as my mother said, I had a better relationship with Lily, now that Lily is well married, I should support her anyway.

Those words that stripped Duan Guilan of her girlhood were extremely harsh to her ears, but at this moment she wished that her dreams were all real. The two couples exchanged words with each other, and the quarrel became more and more fierce. In the end, they almost fought back.

The loving couple in the plot had no choice but to live alone without the support of a large amount of money. When they began to quarrel over food, rice, oil, salt and vinegar, the so-called love was just a layer of sweet illusion. It's just medicated candy, it's so bitter inside.

"That bitch Duan Baihe, now that she's married to a good man, doesn't know how to be considerate of her mother's family. I'm her sister after all..." Duan Guilan burst into tears. When the stretcher rack got tired, she threw the rack away. She sat down at the foot of the willow tree, crying until her eyes were red. Her feet hurt from walking all day long. The items on the shelves were not sold out for a while. Her face was tanned by the sun on such a hot day. Now she earns money by herself. Only then did she realize how difficult it is to make money. Back then, she had so much property, but she was completely ruined because of her own actions.

When Duan Guilan thought about what happened back then, she regretted it even more. She cried until her nose and tears flowed. But now she didn't care, and wiped it on the willow roots. How could she still have the smart and delicate look that Shen Tengwen liked in the past? Shen Tengwen gave her a disgusting look and sat farther away from her. He also thought of the woman who "married someone else because she refused to wait for him". They both cursed in their hearts.

The couple who had vowed in their hearts to be inseparable, now remember that it was just a dream in their teenage years.

"If I didn't marry you, I don't know how good my life would be now. I still have to carry this thing, and I can't earn three or five coppers a day."

"If I hadn't married you, I would have achieved fame now, so why would I need to be embarrassed and run around in the streets?" The two of them were talking and getting angry. They started fighting again after they disagreed. Now Shen Tengwen has no He lost his integrity and appearance as a scholar, and after working as a salesman for more than a year, when he and Duan Guilan fought again, they were evenly matched.

The two had fought and scolded each other enough. They were exhausted and panting. Life had to go on. Duan Guilan wiped away her tears. Her body was still burning with pain, but she had no choice but to pick up the shelf and yell, her voice gradually disappearing in the distance. in the alley. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: 4,000 words have been updated. I hope my second update today will be on time. This is a small update to make up for the 1,000 words missing yesterday. By the way, I heard people say that it’s troublesome for me to beg for monthly tickets every day. I didn’t believe it. I tried it myself later and begged for many days in a row. I really felt that it was really troublesome... But eh, eh, I still have to be stubborn and beg again. ticket!

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