Cannon Fodder Strategy

The War of Prehistoric Gods (2)

And Lily this time became the poor dragon girl who was raped by the disciples of Langyuan Cave when she first appeared in the plot. The number of times she appeared, that is, the two short sentences in the mouth of Destiny, who was transformed from Heaven, finally made her appear in Destiny. Under the arrangement, it became a stepping stone to Qiyin's success.

The dragon girl was very unwilling. It was not easy for her to cultivate into human form, but her foundation was destroyed by outsiders. Otherwise, how could she die in the hands of a kid like Qi Yin with her prehistoric power? Her whole life seemed to be born to inspire and subjugate demons. First she was raped, but she had no way to sue, and she had no way to take revenge. In the end, she was killed, and even her bones, skin and tendons were made into magic weapons. It was really... Not willing to give in.

She wants to be strong, to firmly control what should belong to her, and not to let others take it away easily and destroy herself. She wants to take revenge on the young man who took away her foundation. She also wants to kill Zeng Sha Die your own inspiration and change your miserable fate.

This time the mission Leng Huihui seems to be just that the Dragon Girl wants revenge, but because Qi Yin is the person chosen by Tiandao, it actually means that the Dragon Girl wants to fight against Tiandao. When Lily thinks of this, she can't help but have a headache. When she entered the mission, the dragon girl had not yet hatched. The original owner lived alone at the end of this world. It seemed to be separated from the outside world into two different worlds. In the original owner's plot, the death was unclear, and the life was unclear. He is also ignorant and does not know the time.

Lily wasn't sure what time it was now, nor when Qi Yinhui was born. She didn't know how long she had slept in the egg. When she woke up, she found that she seemed to be sealed in the egg because she had the body of a dragon. reason. She was unable to practice physical skills. After accepting the plot, she had no choice but to hit eggshells every day and try her best to recite the Tao Te Ching formulas in the eggshells. Gradually he gained some strength, and after thousands of years, he gained some Taoism and gradually absorbed the eggshell. The invisible seal was broken.

From the day she broke out of her shell, Lily absorbed spiritual power and practiced every day. Although this sea was transformed from Pangu's tears, and the prehistoric spiritual energy here is rich, it is logically speaking that it would be of great benefit to her cultivation, but In this world, it is set that human beings are the first spirit among all things. Although the other birds and beasts can be cultivated into spirits, they are limited. The time required is much longer than that of humans. This seems to be a rule that has been set since the beginning of chaos. No one is immune. Lily practiced diligently every day, but her progress was still very slow. Until recently, she had a vague feeling that she was about to turn into a human form, so she practiced more diligently every day.

For the dragon girl in the plot, she is trapped in this world abandoned by heaven and earth. She felt like she was in prison when she was alone, but it was not very unbearable for Lily. She had a firm personality and no one disturbed her to practice alone, so she could endure the loneliness. Therefore, for hundreds of years Soon it passed with a snap of the fingers in the day after day practice.

At first, Lily could barely remember some time, but then she gradually gave up on this move and concentrated on practicing.

After all, even if she remembered the time and knew when the disciples from Langyuan Cave would appear, it would still be because of her insufficient magical power. Not when someone else is your opponent. At that time, if others want to do anything to her, they will still hurt her. Although this sea area looks large, in the eyes of a truly powerful monk, it is just a drop in the ocean. The disciples of Langyuan Cave were already at the Golden Immortal level, and their magic power was extremely strong. She definitely wouldn't be able to hide by herself, so it would be better to practice hard so that when trouble comes, these people who had hurt her would no longer be able to hurt her again.

It was more than a thousand years from the time Lily felt that she was about to cultivate into a human form, to the time Lily actually cultivated a human body. This process was extremely long, but fortunately, she finally got through it. A large amount of chaotic spiritual power from all around crazily poured into Lily's body. According to the way of heaven, originally, when the spirit cultivator was a human, it should have suffered ninety-nine and eighty-one thunder tribulations before it could transform into a human form. , if you can't survive it, you will be wiped out again, but because Lily is outside the rules of heaven, she has not experienced the frustration of this level.

As the spiritual power entered her body, she felt that her dragon head turned into a human form, the dragon tail turned into legs, and the claws turned into hands. The temperature in her body was so high that it seemed as if she was being burned by the true fire of Samadhi, which made Lily My whole body hurts. The originally cold sea water surrounded her, and crisp dragon roars came out of her mouth. As the smooth scales gradually disappeared, the looming body in the water gradually turned into a graceful girl.

"She's transformed into a human being." Lily opened her mouth. It was no longer the same as before. When she opened her mouth, she screamed. She raised her arms, and her jade-white arms were crystal clear under the water light. The water on her arms dripped onto the sea surface with her movements. , making a 'ding dong' sound. She reached out and picked up a handful of sea water. The feeling of swinging her legs had not been felt for countless years. Now she felt that she had truly transformed into a human being, and Lily's face showed joy.

In the past, when she was a dragon, she could only practice the mental methods of the Tao Te Ching at most. Many things could not be practiced due to restrictions, and due to the rules, her practice was very slow. But now that she has endured so many years, once she transforms into a human, she can't practice it. She could practice Xingchen's physical skills that she couldn't practice.

This sea area is Pangu's tears, with the aura of the great god. Although the dragon girl was nourished by the power of Pangu, in fact, the power she truly received from this sea area was less than one ten thousandth.

Lily felt that after she turned into a human body, because she had lived in dragon form for many years, she was still not suitable for her original appearance. Therefore, she swam in the sea for a while, and after she gradually got used to her body, she started Floating in the sea water, I practiced star training.

When she was in the dragon form, she practiced the Tao Te Ching. Because she was surrounded by the power of the ancient world, her practice in the dragon form was relatively smooth. But now that she was in human form, Lily felt that she could not compare with what she had before. As the movements of Xingchen's physical training began, a large amount of chaotic spiritual power poured into her body. A trace of Pangu's spiritual power unique to the sea water poured into her body and began to swim around in her body. These powers soon overwhelmed her. Surrounded by the spiritual power that was originally cultivated, he completed the physical training together with the Tao Te Ching. She has made more progress than she had in a hundred years of training.

Lily stopped her movements. Now that she has the physical skills to practice in conjunction with the Tao Te Ching, if there is a change in the way of heaven in the future, it would be fine if the disciples of Langyuan Cave no longer break into this sea area. If he dares to come again, it won't be that easy if he wants to achieve the fruit of ancient power cultivation like in the plot.

She frowned and looked at her body still floating in the sea. Although there was no one else in this sea area, Lily still transformed into a set of clothes and put them on before sinking into the seabed.

Time flies, day after day in practice, time flies very fast, Lily spends her time in practice every day, and the power of Pangu originally contained in this sea area has now been absorbed by her. The chaotic spiritual power in the small world has been absorbed into her body due to her years of practice. She has even tried to take most of the world here into her body. As long as she is given a little more time, she can take this small world into her body. When all of it was taken into her body, this small world that originally trapped her could no longer trap her.

In the plot, the original owner has been locked at the top of the world, but there is actually no way to get out. Except for the fact that this small world was later broken and blocked by the law of heaven, as long as the dragon girl is strong enough to subdue this drop of tears that originally belonged to Pangu, incorporate it into her body, and absorb all its power, this shackles will be If you don't attack, you will destroy yourself.

However, although the Dragon Girl was born with a special background, she did not know how to practice, and she was restricted by the law, so it took so many years that in the end, she could not even defeat the disciples of Langyuan Cave. The foundation was damaged. In the end, he was killed by Qi Yin in order to conquer the devil.

Because the sea area is independent from the world, there is no distinction between day and night. Tens of thousands of years have passed again, and Lily has been able to refine almost all of this sea area. Suddenly one day she felt a movement in her heart, as if something had broken in.

Now the entire sea area is under her control. She could feel even the slightest changes. Now that she felt someone had broken into this small world, Lily knew that the disciple from Langyuan Cave in the plot was finally under the arrangement of heaven, as set out in the plot. As if determined, he broke into this small world.

The time that she had originally forgotten was finally on the right track until now.

In the plot, the Dragon Girl will first be insulted by him, taking away her ancient power and destroying her foundation, and then Qi Yin will appear later, and the Dragon Girl will officially enter the plot. Like the original owner, Lily moved quickly in the direction of this person. In the plot, the original owner's move was unintentional, but Lily approached him consciously. Obviously, because the other person was a golden immortal, he was also very fast. I felt Lily's strange movement.

"What a monster, why don't you show your true colors quickly!" A clear male voice shouted. The young man in white accidentally broke in here because he encountered a powerful enemy and was almost killed in a fight. As soon as he entered this sea area, the young man felt that something was not right. The world had been opened for countless thousands of years, and the spiritual power of chaos was no longer as strong as it was when the world first opened. However, it seemed that there was a paradise hidden here. In addition to abundant strength, there is actually chaotic spiritual power, and a prehistoric power that makes him feel scared and a little excited seems to be hidden in this world. The young man was originally seriously injured, and his foundation was almost destroyed by a powerful enemy. At this time Feeling the prehistoric power, I couldn't help but feel surprised and happy.

He shouted sharply when Lily approached, and a compass in his hand burst out with a dazzling luster. This beam of light seemed to illuminate the originally gray sea area at once, making it brighter.

In the young man's surprised eyes, the sea water parted from both sides. Lily, wearing a silver-white gauze dress with the same color as the original owner's scales, walked out of the sea water and stood opposite the young man. The original Dragon Girl lived alone in the sea. Because she was born from Pangu's tears, she has been trapped here since she remembered things until she opened her spiritual wisdom. She knew nothing about the outside world, her temperament was ignorant and naive, and she didn't know. She is full of treasures and will be coveted by others. She is completely defenseless against others. When she sees the young man, she shows her kindness to others, but she does not know that after the young man sees through her extraordinary background at a glance, the young man is seriously injured. , the appearance of the dragon girl seemed to be a peerless treasure that had no defense against it, but was defiled by this young man.

At this moment, the young man's eyes were full of greed and ecstasy. The dragon girl couldn't understand the meaning of this look, but Lily could see it at a glance. She sneered twice in her heart, and saw the compass in the young man's hand raised, and muttered two sentences. A beam of light shone towards her. This is one of the three seven-grade magical instruments in Langyuan Cave. It is called the life and death disk, which means that as long as this disk is in your hand, you can control life and death. Controlling Life, in a certain respect, is similar to the list of gods used by Qiyin later.

As long as Qi Yin recognizes the owner of the list of gods obtained by fate, Qi Yin will use his spiritual power to write whose name is on the list. Anyone can become a god. It was with this rare treasure that Qi Yin secured his position as the Lord of the Three Realms. This life and death disk is similar. As long as the owner injects spiritual power, it is up to him to decide which direction the disk pointer points, whether the other party lives or dies.

If the opponent's strength is higher than the owner of the life and death chart, this chart will definitely not lead to life or death. As long as the spiritual power is enough, it can also be immobilized. If only for this reason, although the life and death disk is precious, it is not comparable to the list of gods. However, this disk can also be used for calculation. Holding this disk, you can calculate a person's origin. No matter whether the opponent is a monster or a human being, in front of this life and death chart, nothing can be hidden. What weaknesses, origins, and strengths of the opponent are clearly visible in front of the life and death chart.

It is precisely because of this that this plate is known as one of the three seventh-grade artifacts among the various artifacts in Langyuan Cave.

At this time, the young man wanted to immobilize Lily and figure out its origin. Lily watched his actions. Obviously just like in the plot. The young man soon learned of his birth, and should also understand what kind of existence this world is. When the light of the life and death disk enveloped her, an invisible pressure enveloped Lily. Lily was unfazed.

But when the original dragon girl was illuminated by the light of life and death, her cultivation was insufficient. She was severely damaged under the light. If it weren't for her special origin, she would have almost revealed her true form.

"Is it actually a dragon girl, or was it born from the tears of Emperor Pangu?"

Sure enough, the young man quickly figured out Lily's origin, and there was a bit of greed in his eyes, but because Lily's strength was hazy in the life and death chart, as if he was trapped in the mist, he couldn't see clearly. Such a situation had never happened before. However, even when facing Master Shangshan, the life and death chart can indicate the strength of Daluo Jinxian. However, when the young man calculated Lily, he could not detect her true strength at all.

But soon the young man put this doubt behind his mind and grinned: "It has only been a hundred thousand years from breaking out of the shell to now. How capable can a beast be? It's just that there is Pangu in his body." The legacy of a great god." If I get this legacy, I can rebuild the foundation. I originally thought that I would be doomed if the foundation was shattered by my old enemy, but now it is a blessing in disguise. If I can collect Pangu's legacy from this dragon girl, Strength, by then not only will the foundation be repaired, but maybe his strength will be even better.

Master Shangshan Zhenren once obtained the guidance of Heaven through the power of the Life and Death Tray. He knew that in a few hundred years the master of the list of gods would appear. At that time, he could rely on his own strength to become a true god and achieve great results!

Thinking of this, the young man's eyes shone even brighter: "It doesn't matter if you can't see the strength clearly. Maybe it should be because the beast contains ancient power, so the compass can't show it." Not to mention a little dragon that has been practicing for less than a hundred thousand years. , it is estimated that it can only be transformed into a human form. Even a dragon that is millions of years old may not be his opponent if it fights at its peak.

Although he was seriously injured now, he had the life and death treasure of Langyuan Cave in his hand. It was not difficult to subdue this little dragon. Thinking of this, the young man became greedy. In his opinion, lily was just a treasure. Those who were destined to know it , even if she has transformed into a human form, in the eyes of this young man, she is just a thing, and it will be destroyed if it is destroyed. He didn't notice the cold look in Lily's eyes when he said this, nor did he realize that the light of life and death surrounding Lily didn't really freeze her. The young man just thought that he was gone this time. Luck, he happily poured his spiritual power into the magic weapon. The light of the life and death disk became more and more dazzling, and he drank:


I originally thought that this light was enough to restrain Lily. The young man was about to fly forward to gain the power of the Dragon Girl. He was Yang, and the Dragon Girl was Yin. Yin and Yang were harmonious, and everything would be done well when the time came. The smile on the corner of the young man's mouth was still there. When the light shone on Lily, Lily reached up and drew a circle. A water mirror appeared in her hand and became bigger and bigger, because the water was Pangu's tears formed. Although this life and death disk is the most precious treasure of Langyuan Cave, it cannot be compared with the power of the ancient times. Once it is blocked, the light will no longer be refracted.

The young man originally thought that he would hit the target with his first shot, but he did not expect that Lily would react so quickly. When he came to his senses and realized something was wrong, he wanted to retreat. It's too late.

After this sea was refined by Lily, in a certain way, it was like a part of Lily's body, controlled by her. Do whatever you want. She tied the sea water into a water dragon and pointed it at the young man. When the young man saw the huge waves, he was so frightened that he flew away to hide. But it was still a step too late. The water dragon entangled it. It had been many years since Lily turned into a human form, and her strength was no longer comparable to that of the dragon girl in the plot. At this moment, the young man's intention was unscrupulous, but he was restrained by others. In panic, he tried to struggle. How can I struggle to escape?

The ancient power that he originally coveted was like an invisible shackle that locked it tightly, not to mention that his strength was greatly reduced now that his foundation was destroyed. Even when he was strong, the sea water trapped him, and he seemed to be an enemy of Pangu, the God who created the world. Even if the sea water was just one of Pangu's tears, how could he be his opponent?

With a 'dong' sound, the young man was restrained and could not control the compass in his hand. Falling into the sea, without the blessing of the master's spiritual power, the light on the life and death disk was a little dim. The compass that was originally the size of the forehead was spinning and turned into a palm-sized piece of pure white jade disk, floating on the sea. He stopped moving.

Lily trapped the young man and then walked towards the compass. She was walking on flat ground on the sea. When the young man saw her reaching out to pick up the compass, he felt anxious:

"You evildoer. Let me go quickly. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!" This compass has an extraordinary origin and is one of the sacred objects. If it is lost, you can imagine what will happen to you when you return to the master. Those who respect punishment. The young man failed to seize the treasure, and now his treasure has to be picked up by others. I couldn't help but feel a little panicked. He didn't expect that a dragon girl who was born less than a hundred thousand years ago would be able to lock him. It seemed to be related to the cause of Pangu's Tears, but it was a pity that the dragon girl was not human after all. If this strength could With his own income, a hundred years later, he will definitely be among the Daluo Golden Immortals.

"Now that you can't protect yourself, how can you be rude to me?" Lily did not listen to the young man's threat and picked up the compass. She felt that there was a mark of Langyuan Cave on the compass. This is a good thing. In a sentence In layman's terms, the superiors can know the secrets of heaven, and the inferiors can know the geography of all things. This is like a mobile plug-in. After the young man reaches Daluo Jinxian, he can rely on this disk to obey the arrangement of heaven and follow Qiyin, but for Qiyin's The road to becoming a god has exerted a lot of power.

Such a good thing was brought to him on his own initiative at this time. Without thinking, Lily used her spiritual power to erase the mark made by Langyuan Cave on the compass.

The Life and Death Tray was originally a magic weapon for young people. It had been nurtured by him for many years and was connected to his heart. This time his spiritual power was wiped out. To the young man, it was like having his heart and liver ripped out. It was heartbreaking. He had no idea at all. Thinking of how a dragon girl like Lily, who was obviously born not long ago, could have such magical power to snatch away the most precious treasure, the young man was agitated and spat out a large mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound. The blood had not yet fallen into the sea, Lily Already frowned in disgust:

"Don't pollute my land." She said coldly, wrapped the blood and the young man's body with her spiritual power, and gathered the small world. A gap appeared out of thin air, and Lily threw it out!

She did not take the young man's life. Although the young man took away the dragon girl's foundation in the plot, because the young man did not kill the dragon girl at that time, in the future, as long as heaven will still support Qi Yin on the road to becoming a god, one day she will still be able to do it. Those who meet this young man will settle the cause and effect together at that time.

In the plot, the young man took away her foundation. Now the young man's foundation has been shattered, and the life and death plate, one of the three treasures of Langyuan Cave, has been robbed by her. It can be regarded as tit-for-tat, and a rift has been formed. Without his own basic support, and no longer getting the ancient power from himself, if this young man wants to become a Daluo Golden Immortal as easily as in the plot, and be ranked in the Immortal Class after the Battle of the Gods, it will be as easy as that.

Looking at the direction in which the young man disappeared, Lily curled her lips before sinking back into the seabed. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Two updates in one! Ahhhhhhhhhhh my updates have not been on time these past two days, have you made the little fairies anxious? I didn’t mean it. I’ve been switching sofas these past two days. My mother turns 60 in January, so relatives will come and she will be forced to move. If these things are not arranged in advance, there will be no place to live when the relatives come. . I don’t have much money and I still want to buy something that’s not too bad. After all, I’m afraid of heavy pollution and I have to move quickly, so I’ve been out walking around during the day and coming back to code at night for the past two days. I’m as tired as a dog. It won't be on time tomorrow. Please don't refresh it in the morning. I need to adjust it for two days before I can get back to the previous state. Damn it, everyone. The weather is good today, so I won't ask for votes. I will match it with the request for votes next time it rains. Package, better effect...

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