Cannon Fodder Strategy

The War of Prehistoric Gods (9)

In fact, Mu Xun was already deeply injured when he broke through the Eight Directions Sword Formation before. Coupled with the thunder bombardment from Tiandao, Mu Xun was only at the end of his strength at this time.

Lily wanted to save her, but there was a deathly look in her eyes.

"You are seriously injured." Lily touched her leg and sighed. A curtain of water in her hand turned into a transparent gauze, gently covering her scarred and exposed body in front of everyone.

Shangshan Zhenren and others did not regard Mu Xun as a human being, but as a monster animal, so they did not care about her naked body. Lily's actions at this time made Mu Xun's eyes feel wet and hot. She stared at Lily. :"I know."

"They want your life because they want to kill you and use your flesh, skin, and bones as weapons to destroy the devil." Mu Xun grinned and tilted his head to the side weakly: "I know."

"If I don't save you, you will die." Lily paused, "And because you have been cursed, are not pure blood, and have been bombarded by heaven, if you die, your body will die, and your three souls and seven souls will be destroyed. Disperse and never have the chance to be reincarnated again.”

"I know." Her black hair was spread all over her body. After hearing Lily's words, she still nodded.

She knew that if she died, these people in front of her would want to use her body to make a magic weapon. She knew that if she died, her body and soul would disappear. No matter they are spirits, mortals or gods, everyone is afraid of death, especially the fear of death and the loss of even the chance of reincarnation, but Mu Xun is not afraid.

The death that ordinary people fear is just a relief for her. She is cursed, and she is neither human nor ghost. I have lived for so many years as a monster, not a monster, not a monster. I can't live but I can't, and I can't die. She was trapped in this sea, and the ugly fish tail reminded her of what she had experienced and what she had done. Hatred overwhelmed her day after day, and she lived in pain and suffering, unable to escape. She was betrayed by Zuge's descendants and gave birth to an evil child. She was abandoned by her tribe in fear. The tribesmen regarded her as a monster and a dirty thing. When she was hurt, she had no way to seek help. When she gave birth to the monster in fear, she completely collapsed.

She wanted to hide the disgusting thing, but there was nowhere to hide it. It followed her like a ghost. As she swallowed the thing, her legs turned into fish tails. Completely transformed into a monster that everyone fears.

When she is hurt by others, no one will come to help her, but when she hurts others, there are always people who think that she has made an unforgivable mistake. This tail reminded her of the hurt she had suffered and how she had felt, making it something she could not forget for a day.

"Actually, I have long wanted to be freed." She was just unwilling to die in such an image, which meant that she would have something to remind her of the injuries she had suffered and the mistakes she had made until she died.

Not far away, figures came one after another. Lily looked at the scarred woman who was already dying, but she showed such a gentle expression.

"Thank you for allowing me to get rid of all that filth before I die..." A crystal teardrop rolled down from the corner of her eye. The originally transparent water droplet should have turned into mist and disappeared when it fell on Mu Xun, but that droplet The tears did not disappear. Instead, they rolled around her body twice and fell on the water curtain that held Mu Xun up.

This woman who appeared due to the arrangement of heaven was deeply hurt. Her life was subtly similar to the original owner. She should have been full of hatred. But at this time, it was because someone else gave her back what she had. I just gave her a layer of water mist to hide her shame, but she could still easily say the word 'thank you'.

Lily suddenly wanted to laugh. It was precisely because Mu Xun's 'thank you' contained so much weight that she could have saved her. In the end, he chose to respect Mu Xun's own wishes.

"The soul is about to disperse." Qinglian's somewhat anxious voice sounded, as if it were an ordinary spirit. Once the soul is dispersed, the skin left behind will be much less useful. Mu Xun is different from ordinary spirits. She was originally just an ordinary human being and should not have lived for such a long time. However, because she took the blood of the descendants of Zuge, The reason, coupled with the power of the curse, is why she lives longer than ordinary people. Her body alone cannot sustain it for such a long time. Now Lily has wiped away the curse on her body, and her soul has been dispersed, and she can stay. When in the physical body, it is no longer effective.

As soon as Qinglian finished speaking, Master Shangshan was a little anxious. He shouted angrily and took out a small mirror from his arms: "Who are you monsters? Get out of the way. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The mirror he held in his hand was the combination of yin and yang. At this moment, Master Shangshan was obviously angry because Mu Xun's body was about to disappear. This was the only chance for the Kyushu continent. If Mu Xun died, this would be missing. Opportunity, where can I find the dragon girl to get rid of the demon?

"Pindao, this is for the sake of all the people in the world. If you don't get out of the way, you will be going against the ancient continent!"

"If the existence of the world is protected by sacrificing women and children, what is the use of such people?" Lily sneered, without raising her head, she casually wiped her hand across Mu Xun's body, a trace of soft spiritual power Being sent out from her palm, the ancient power gently soothed Mu Xun's injured body, easing her pain before death. The water drops were sprinkled on her body, as if the cold sea smell on her body was washed away. Her pupils gradually dilated, and her beautiful eyes gradually began to turn gray.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Master Shangshan hurriedly wanted to take action, but a curtain of water blocked him again. He gritted his teeth, took out a bright yellow formation flag from his cuffs, threw it into the air, and said in his mouth: "Qiankun Flag, listen to my orders!" The flag became bigger and bigger, and the bright yellow flag was covered by The wind blew loudly, and the next moment Master Shangshan took the flag in his hand, waved it hard, and shouted: "Break it for me!"

His voice contained supreme majesty and solemnity. The muffled thunder in the sky seemed to sound faster and faster. Thick purple lightning flashed in the clouds, like a giant dragon with teeth and claws. The sea level was split in half by the power summoned by the Qiankun Flag from Master Shangshan. The sea water was divided into two sides, revealing the bottomless underwater world. Many sea people had no time to escape and were split to death under the power of this flag. , the bodies of 'Sixi Soso' floated on the sea surface, densely packed.

"Injustice." Master Shang Shan rolled his eyes and sighed. Qi Yin was a little anxious, holding the list of gods in his hand, and shouted: "Master, there is no need to say more to her."

Qinglian listened to him. They also showed fighting postures, and the three of them stared at Lily eagerly. But at this moment, Mu Xun finally changed, and her three souls and six souls completely disappeared. When Shangshan Zhenren and others attacked in desperation, the huge strong wind blew on her body. Her body instantly turned into specks of smoke and dust, and disappeared completely as soon as the wind blew.

A colorful bead rose up where she originally landed, and slowly flew towards Lily.

"The tears left by Mu Xun?" Lily spread her hands, and the bead seemed to have its own consciousness, falling into her palm and breaking into pieces again with a 'pop' sound. It turned into water droplets, as if still carrying the residual warmth from Mu Xun's body, and gradually evaporated in Lily's palm.

Seeing this scene, Master Shangshan and others turned pale. Mu Xun was dead. Now the three souls and seven souls have disappeared, and the physical body has been destroyed. Now that Mu Xun is gone, what can we do to destroy Mo Jiang?

Langyuandong has paid so much for this, can it only end up with this result? This time, for the battle to confer gods, countless disciples of Langyuan Cave were killed and injured, but when things came to an end, it was as if Heaven had played a huge joke on him, and Mu Xun disappeared. The devil has appeared in the world and is becoming more and more common. If there is no way to control him at this time, what will happen to the Jiuzhou Continent in the future? Master Shangshan was a little at a loss for a while.

"Master..." The monk who came from a distance finally arrived. The leader was the man from Langyuan Cave. After looking at Master Shangshan from a distance, the people in Langyuan Cave first realized something was wrong. After discovering the lily that appeared inexplicably in mid-air, a group of anxious people immediately stopped talking. He glanced at Lily first, then suppressed his grief and rushed to Master Shanzhen and said:

"Master. The sea monster took action before and killed many of his disciples."

"It's her!" The leader was in a panic. As soon as he said this, a sharp male voice suddenly rang out from the crowd. At this time, You Li, a disciple of Zhenren Shangshan, suddenly came out of the crowd, pointed at Lily, and panicked. shouted:

"It's her, it's her, she is the Dragon Girl, she is the Dragon Girl, she has taken away the life and death plate!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the people in Langyuan Cave naturally knew who the Dragon Girl was. That day when Meng Zhe was giving a lecture, You Li told everyone about the Dragon Girl in the outer sea. Everyone in the world knew that the Dragon Girl could destroy demons. The key to falling. It was precisely because Master Shangshen at that time couldn't find a way to enter the outer sea area, so he had no choice but to think of another way to deal with Mu Xun. Unexpectedly, he really couldn't find a way to find a place after wearing iron shoes, and it took no effort at all.

Master Shangshan, who had looked ashen before, perked up after hearing You Li's words. Sure enough, heaven had its own arrangements. Although Mu Xun died, another dragon girl came to his door.

Compared with the pseudo-Pangu inheritance like Mu Xun, a dragon girl like Lily who was born from Pangu's tears would be more suitable to deal with Pangu. Recalling that he had met Lily a few years ago, he should have remembered Lily's identity long ago. If he was sure of this, why did he waste time by sending Qi Yin to travel in search of the outer sea? If it hadn't been for the Wuji old Taoist's nonsense that day, he wouldn't have had to abandon the near and seek the far away. For the sake of Mu Xun, he would have lost the lives of many ordinary disciples in Langyuan Mountain.

"It was Daolong who took away the life and death disk of Langyuan Cave back then? Please return it to fellow Taoist monks." Master Shangshan flicked his sleeves and stared at Lily.

Qi Yin also knew that he was the destined person chosen by Heaven, and understood that he needed to complete the task of getting rid of the devil in order to accumulate merit and achieve a golden body. Today, Mu Xun originally thought that they would be able to succeed, but they almost missed it because of Lily's sudden intervention. Ruining it was like destroying Qiyin's future, so he naturally felt resentful.

At this time, a dragon girl who was more useful than Mu Xun came, and Qi Yin was even more excited than Master Shangshan: "Master, why do you need to tell her so much? For the sake of all the people in the world, for the sake of Jiuzhou Continent, and the living beings in the three realms."

"The slogan is loud, but I don't know if you have the skills to do it." Lily shook her hands. The temperature of the tears just now was obviously not high, but it seemed to be burned into her body. At this time, the palm of her hand There is still the warmth of tears in my heart. She waved her hand, Master Shangshan's eyes darkened, and he suddenly said: "Qiankun Banner, listen to my orders!"

"Wind, thunder, lightning, go!" The thunder and lightning rushing in the sky were like roaring dragons, rushing towards Lily. I don’t know where this Qiankun Flag came from, but it is really powerful. The wind, thunder and lightning it summons can move like this, and its power is no less than the power of heaven.

Along with the movements of Master Shangshan, the sea surface became violently windy. Many disciples also used their special skills to attack Lily. Qinglian lowered her head and conjured a handful of lotus seeds out of thin air, which she threw into the sea. After these lotus seeds fell into the water, they sprouted and bloomed, and the sea area quickly turned into a sea of ​​green lotus flowers, surrounded by lilies.

While everyone was attacking, Qi Yin pulled out a small golden bow from his back. The bow was lavender in color, and there was no arrow in his hand. He pulled the string with his bare hands, stepped forward with his feet, and leaned his upper body backwards. When he released the string with his hand, he only heard a "buzz" sound, and there was a clear sound on the empty string. Nothing. However, a large ball of purple light came out of the string and shot towards Lily.

"Langyuan Cave is really willing to spend a lot of money." This time, in order to kill himself, he used all his magic weapons. These attacks formed a dense dragnet, with thunder and lightning in the sky and thunder and lightning overhead. People from the Kyushu Continent were everywhere around them, and the bottom was densely covered with green lotuses. Blocking the path of the lily to sink, these green lotuses shone with a faint green light, and the blooming petals looked like the mouths of beasts that wanted to choose people and devour them. These people really wanted to kill themselves and they were about to do it. Lily curled her lips:

"Just because of this, you want to take my life?"

After hearing this, Master Shangshan had a bad premonition in his heart for no reason. He subconsciously looked at Youli. Although he didn't speak, Youli also understood the unspoken meaning in Master Shangshan's eyes. , obviously asking him about the time since Dragon Girl was born. Is it about a hundred thousand years?

Youli nodded firmly. He saw all this from the Life and Death Chart that day. The Life and Death Chart is a divine tool and it is absolutely impossible to see it wrong.

Seeing the disciple's affirmative reply, Master Shangshan was convinced. There was no longer any scruples, and all kinds of methods were used. The command flag in his hand was waving vigorously: "A dragon girl who was only born a hundred thousand years ago dares to speak lies. Today's dragnet will definitely make you come back!"

The purple light rushed towards the lily. Master Shangshan commanded the thunder and lightning to strike down at the lily. The green lotuses on the sea merged together one by one, and finally gathered into a huge lotus platform, which was in full bloom waiting for the lily to fall and then cut it. catch.

These people cooperated very cleverly. The disciples of Langyuan Cave were responsible for blocking Lily's path, Master Shangshan forced Lily into the sea, and Qinglian was responsible for catching Lily. Everyone cooperated seamlessly. It would be a joke if the Dragon Girl, who had just emerged from her shell a hundred thousand years ago, had to escape today under the siege of so many people. Non-human spiritual beings would activate their intelligence very late, and the process would be wasted. A lot of training time, plus the process of turning animals into humans. One hundred thousand years is inconceivable to ordinary people. For spirits, especially long-lived creatures like dragons, it is just a process of growing into humans.

Seeing that the people in Jiuzhou looked like they wanted to kill themselves, these attacks were almost hitting Lily. Shangshan Zhenren and others showed ecstasy in their eyes. Qinglian even pinched his fingerprints. Lily suddenly raised her head. , her originally delicate face turned into a huge dragon head, and she ducked into the sea with a twist.

"Hurry..." Seeing Lily being cornered by a group of people, and finally falling into a trap, Qi Yin shouted, and the next moment Lily turned into a dragon and dived into the sea with a 'pop'.

Before the large green lotus that was originally in full bloom had time to close up and trap it in the lotus, there was only a "puff" sound, and a huge hole was drilled at the bottom of the lotus platform. Qinglian's lotus trap technique was taught to her by Master Shangshan himself when she came out of Langyuan Cave. He also gave her a sixth-grade lotus seed as a gift, which enabled her to fully understand this technique in a very short period of time. , was originally used to deal with Mu Xun, but because Lily accidentally disrupted the situation, this move was not used on Mu Xun, but was used on Lily.

The sixth-grade lotus seeds were collected from the Tianchi in the west. The lotus seeds themselves were one level higher than Qinglian. Having obtained such a treasure, Qinglian was even more powerful. She wanted to do something big. When she saw the lily falling, she got into it. After falling into everyone's trap, before I had time to rejoice, I only felt a sharp pain in my heart.

She spat out a large mouthful of light green juice with a 'wow' sound. Her originally fair complexion turned green all of a sudden, and her aura suddenly became sluggish. She couldn't even maintain the posture of floating in mid-air, and fell straight to the sea level. middle.

"Qinglian!" Qiyin's extremely painful voice rang out. After Qinglian obtained the lotus seeds, she refined them for her own use. The lotus just planted into the sea was grown from lotus seeds. Now the lotus Once it was destroyed, her mind and body were severely damaged, and she was completely confused.

Qi Yin's eyes turned red. His heart seemed to have been forcibly cut out. He wanted to run towards Qinglian. The next moment, the dragon that fell into the sea broke through the sea with a crash and jumped up. Its sharp claws caught the dying Qinglian in his fingers. The tip shoots straight into the sky.

Qinglian was already in a state of confusion because the lotus was destroyed. At this moment, Bai Heyi grabbed her again, and she couldn't help but rise into the air. Qi Yin stretched out his hand to pull her, but he was a step too slow. Lily turned into a dragon and grabbed Qinglian into the air. Looking at Qi Yin below who was extremely anxious, he also flew into the clouds at the same time. However, because his speed was not faster than that of his race, which was born to soar into the clouds and mist, it was still a step slower. .

There was a soft sound of 'Puff', and Qinglian's body was like a fragile piece of paper, easily torn apart by Lily's claws.

"No -" Qi Yin's eyes were about to burst when he saw this scene, and he grabbed the purple bow in his hand without thinking. He pulled out the bowstring and attacked Lily like he was going crazy. As soon as the green lotus was torn into pieces, green lotus juice dripped down, and her body turned into lotus fragments, slowly falling down.

"Obstacle!" Master Shangshan cursed a few words in his mouth, shook his sleeves, and threw a green lotus seed towards the spot where Qinglian had just been torn apart by the lily: "Go!"

When the lotus seeds were thrown in. A ball of faint green light quickly emerged from Qinglian's original body and flew towards the lotus seeds. Lily's huge original body saw Qinglianzi in mid-air. After collecting Qinglian's soul, he went to Shanzhenren. Rushing forward, without thinking, he twisted his waist and turned into a human form again. He formed seals with his hands at a faster speed. The water curtain blocked the outstretched hands of Qinglianzi and Shangshan Zhenren. Lianzi hit the water curtain and could not be moved. It broke open and bounced back hard.

Master Shangshen's hand touched the water curtain. In anger, he destroyed it with the Qiankun Flag. Lotus has been caught in Lily's palm.

"You shouldn't die, but you can't die anyway." Lily shook her head, closed her palms hard, and suddenly a painful scream came from her palms. Green juice flowed out of her palm.

The Qinglian who lost her lotus seeds and could not die, and even lost her lotus heart could still be resurrected by heaven in various ways. At this time, the soul of the lotus seed in Lily's palm was extinguished.

"The Queen of Heaven is gone, God. Your arrangements are in chaos again and again. I'm afraid if a few more changes are made, even you will be confused. If you don't come out now, how long will you have to wait?" Lily suddenly said, Qiyin He rushed toward Lily crazily, but Qinglian died in front of him. This time, he was no longer the ignorant child he was before. After studying with Master Shangshan for many years, he already knew that Qinglian was beaten by Lily just now. The spirit and soul are all destroyed. I am afraid that even if Daluo Immortal is still alive now, it will be difficult to resurrect the soul even if the soul is scattered.

Qi Yin was so angry that he lost his mind. The purple bow no longer had any effect. He simply took the bow and knocked at Lily. All the magic weapons around him greeted Lily. She suddenly felt bored, her legs turned into tails, and she swept away with all her strength. These magic weapons were smashed to pieces.

To be able to withstand the attack of a sixth-grade lotus, and to be able to attack under the siege of so many people, this is definitely not just a dragon girl with a hundred thousand years of cultivation. Master Shangshan looked at Youli fiercely. Qiyin had already rushed towards Lily like crazy. His purple bow was made of unknown materials. It was full of spirituality. It did not cause much damage when it hit Lily, but it was somewhat Lily was annoyed by the pain, so she simply reached out and grabbed it, breaking it into two pieces.

With a 'bang', the broken bow let out a cry, and most of the spiritual energy in his body was reduced, and he was thrown into the sea by Lily.

Qi Yin, who was going crazy, was caught by Lily. He seemed to be so stimulated by Qing Lian's death that he didn't even care about his own life and death. When he was caught, he summoned the Fengshen Bang to face Lily without thinking. Smash it.

Lily reached out and strangled his neck, making a gesture to kill him. The frightened and nervous faces of Master Shangshan and others seemed to freeze for a moment, and a sigh suddenly sounded: "Everything has been destined for a long time, why bother? Yours Birth was meant to solve all of this.”

The Devil was born because of Pangu. In order to balance the rules of heaven, something that can destroy the Devil will naturally be born at the same time. All things in the world are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: I struggle on the edge of depravity every day, and I really want to write a request for leave, but every day I know that there are little cuties waiting for me, so even if I hang my head on the beam and stab my husband, I still have to do it. Say it after you finish the word! This story was not easy to write. Due to the layout, some things could not be developed, which is a bit regretful. . . Please give me monthly votes. Please hurry up for the last two days.

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