Cannon Fodder Strategy

The deposed imperial concubine (13)

The palace dress was embroidered with a few peach blossoms in Xiangfei color thread, which was not very eye-catching. Yungui people have a low status, and the clothes and jewelry in the palace are all restricted by grade. She cannot go beyond the rules. However, most women love beauty, so they work hard on the corners and cuffs of their clothes, and always come up with something new and innovative. Things, Concubine De felt unhappy when she saw them, and looked down upon her little thoughts: "She has a lot of thoughts, no wonder she can charm the emperor."

Yun Guiren lowered her head, looking submissive. When everyone thought that she was afraid to say anything after being taught by Concubine De, they didn't expect that she pursed her lips and her chest rose and fell violently, then gradually calmed down and looked up. The concubine smiled:

"Thank you for the compliment, Empress De Fei." She thanked her first, and then added: "I am a general, so I am afraid that I am impatient to do these tasks. If I don't mind it, I can also do it for you. Purse." After hearing this, Concubine De sneered:

"I don't have anything, so why do I need you to show your courtesy?" After hearing this, Yungui was not angry. She seemed to have remembered something, and said: "That's natural. What doesn't the General's Palace have? From now on. General Gao has a bright future. After all, General Gao died in battle, the emperor will definitely compensate the empress and General Gao well in the future."

No one expected that she would suddenly say such words. Concubine De still sneered at first, but the next moment after hearing her words, her expression suddenly changed. She pointed at Yun Guiren's nose and said angrily:

"Slave dog, if you continue to talk nonsense if you have the ability, I will pluck out your tongue!"

"Did I say something wrong?"

Yungui seemed to be very panicked, and subconsciously looked at Lily and Concubine Xian, looking extremely nervous: "Is it possible? Is it possible that Concubine De doesn't know yet?"

Concubine De's face turned cold: "You bitch, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth apart!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, concubine. I heard from the emperor that General Gao died for his country. I'm afraid that the spiritual shu will be transported back to the capital in the near future..." Yungui didn't finish his words. Concubine De lost her temper and shouted: "Shut up!"

"I'm afraid the emperor didn't tell Concubine De. It's just that the emperor sympathized with his concubine and was worried that she would be anxious and angry..." Concubine De became even more furious when she heard what she said. She didn't believe that her father, General Gao, was dead at all. She was furious when she heard that a woman from Yungui who was born as a humble servant had become a phoenix once she became powerful and dared to curse her father. Down. He raised his hand and slapped Yun Guiren on the face.

There was a 'pop' sound, which made the Yungui man unsteady and his body suddenly fell to the side. In front of her stood Concubine Xian and Lily, and next to her stood Concubine Liu. At this moment, Concubine Liu did not expect that Concubine De would take action. As soon as the Yungui man was beaten and fell on her, the two of them rolled into a ball. Rolled down the corridor.

Fengming Hall is a courtyard with three entrances. After leaving the main hall, there seems to be a zigzag-shaped building outside. Because of the heavy snow, several people walked under the corridor and then went out through the south gate. At this moment, De Fei started to fight. The two of them, Yun Guiren and Liu Bin, fell down one after another, and rolled out of the corridor. Under the corridor were two or three steps, with a stone pillar lighting a palace lantern beside each. The two screamed and collided. Then it rolled into the snowdrift.

No one expected such a change, and they didn't react until Liu Bin's palace servants screamed.

"Why don't you help your master up quickly? What are you doing standing there in a daze?" Lily frowned. After giving instructions to the Yungui people, the maid seemed to have come to her senses. He hurriedly went down to help. Liu Bin's eldest maid looked anxious. When the group of people helped Liu Bin up, Liu Bin felt bad all over. She clutched her stomach and complained of pain.

Yungui people were also complaining about stomachache. Concubine Xian was watching the excitement. Lily told Huayi: "Go and ask the medical girl to come."

Concubine De was still angry at this time: "Why are you hiring a medical girl? I slapped her to gain merit for her. If you dare to spread rumors and curse my father, I slapped her to give her an advantage!" Yungui native She was just a slave, but she dared to curse her father. Thinking about this, Concubine De was still a little angry, and now she wanted to take action. When she saw Yun Guiren and Liu Concubine both screaming "Alas", they sneered again and again.

Huayi was going to invite the medical lady, but Queen Mother Lu in Fengming Palace seemed to have heard the noise outside and sent someone to take a look. After knowing that Yun Guiren and Liu Bin both fell down and had stomachaches, she hurriedly went to invite The doctor comes.

This place is closer to Fengming Palace, and both Yungui and Liu said they had severe stomachaches and it was not suitable to move.

"Ah... blood!" Liu Bin's face became paler and paler, and her palace servants looked panicked and screamed. Concubine De sneered at first, but when she saw the blood, she felt a little bad: "There is so much blood, maybe it's a small day, right?" She also turned her head to look when she spoke, and saw the blood on Liu Bin's body. A mass of blood quickly spread out from the skirt, and now a few drops of blood dripped onto the snow, like red plum blossoms blooming in the snow. Concubine De's expression changed instantly.

The doctor girl came and took her pulse and confirmed that Liu Bin had a miscarriage. She was two months pregnant and the fetus was not sitting firmly. Liu Bin probably knew it, but she didn't say anything about it. She had hidden the pregnancy. She was not very stable when sleeping, and now that she was bumped and thrown by the Yungui people, she hit the palace lantern stone again, and now the child could no longer be saved.

The Yungui man is also pregnant. She is just over one month old and her pulse is not yet stable.

The eldest prince died in the palace just two months ago, but now someone is pregnant so quickly. Unfortunately, Liu Bin did not sit firmly this time. When the doctor girl said that the baby could not be saved, Liu Bin suddenly passed out. .

When Emperor Yongming came over, Concubine De's face was still pale. The Yungui people were holding their stomachs and crying, looking extremely embarrassed. The slap mark on their fair and tender cheeks was extremely obvious. Concubine Liu was still leaning on the soft couch. , weak quality fiber.

"Your Majesty..." Concubine De knew now that she had gotten into trouble. When she saw Emperor Yongming coming in, she hurriedly went to greet him.

Fortunately, she has always been bold and bold, and Emperor Yongming has always known about it. If he understood that she made an unintentional mistake, he might not blame her. In addition, her father and brother have been fighting for Emperor Yongming recently, even if they don't look at the monks and Buddhas, it is for the sake of the Gao family. The emperor would only punish her by grounding her. Concubine De comforted herself when she saw Emperor Yongming coming to Fengming Hall with a cold face and a turbulent look on his face. He hurriedly greeted him, but before he could say anything, Emperor Yongming raised his arm and slapped him. The beating caused Concubine De to spin half a circle, staggering and bumping into a chair nearby, knocking the chair over and falling to the ground.

Fortunately, the floor of Fengming Hall was covered with thick carpets in winter. Apart from being hit by the chair, Concubine De didn't feel any pain when she fell. Maybe it was because she was afraid, embarrassed and nervous, so she even I couldn't feel any pain at all, but my face was burning.

She covered her face with her hands. Apparently she couldn't believe that Emperor Yongming had slapped her. She trembled and tried to stand up, turning to look at Emperor Yongming, but Emperor Yongming raised his foot and kicked her hard on the shoulder, causing Concubine De to fall down again. On the ground, I didn't dare to get up this time.

"Mr. Gao. She has a mean and ungrateful temperament. She harmed the emperor's heirs. She is not worthy of the title of De. I will strip her of her title and demote her to Zhaoyi." Emperor Yongming spoke coldly. Concubine De's body trembled, her face was burning with pain, but her heart suddenly felt... It's cold.

After hearing this, Sanfu, the personal eunuch of Emperor Yongming, hurriedly wanted to write down these words with ink. A group of palace servants in Fengming Palace knelt down. Queen Mother Lu shook her head. Sighing silently:

"It's also my fault that the child in Concubine Liu's belly was not destined to be born."

Liu Bin looked like she was being fished out of the water, her face pale. After hearing this, the Yungui people just sobbed lightly.

"What's going on?" Emperor Yongming asked as his sharp eyes swept over the group of women. Finally, his eyes fell on Lily: "How could something like this happen in the palace for no reason?"

"When I got back to the emperor, everything was fine. At first, sister Gao was still talking to the Yungui people about embroidery, but for some reason, the two of them started to move hands while they were talking. Concubine Chen returned with all her heart. Xianfu Palace, I didn't pay much attention to it." Lily pushed the matter away, saying that she didn't know. Although Emperor Yongming knew in his heart that she was trying to shirk, this was not the time to argue with Lily. He snorted coldly and looked at the Yungui man again. The Yungui man timidly sat up and saluted. Empress Dowager Lu sighed:

"Have a rest. Look at your little face, it's turned so white. The baby in your belly is not stable yet, so don't follow these rules anymore." Yungui glanced at Emperor Yongming, who nodded: "What the Queen Mother said is absolutely true."

"Today I was talking about embroidery with Empress De Fei, but I don't know if I said something incorrectly, which made Concubine De unhappy. Concubine De was so angry that she beat me. The slap made me unable to stand firmly and bumped into Sister Liu, which in turn hurt her..." After the Yungui man said this, he lowered his head and sobbed twice. After hearing this, Mr. Gao on the ground felt his hands and feet were cold with anger.

She was not stupid. When she was outside Fengming Palace, she fell into Yun Gui's trap and was so angry at her words that she slapped her out of proportion.

Who knew that this little bitch was so lucky that she got pregnant during Cheng Chong's time. This little bitch must have gotten the news of Liu Bin's pregnancy somehow, and deliberately wanted to kill the child in Liu Bin's belly so that she could have the baby in her belly, but it's okay to hate her for plotting against Liu Bin, and In the end, he took the blame on himself.

Concubine Liu had no flesh and blood in her belly, and now she was inseparable from him. When the emperor came, he slapped her indiscriminately, and in front of Yun Guiren, a bitch, he even lowered his status. Unexpectedly, this Yun Gui man was of low birth and quite scheming. Compared with her, Xian Fei was nothing. No wonder he suffered such a big loss from her. It was a shame that this bitch had plotted against her now. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~ Yesterday, Dian Niang promoted the use of artistic photos. As a person who never takes artistic photos and stays at home in pajamas and big slippers all day long, I went out and took a photo yesterday... The photographer gave me When I was asked to choose a photo after taking it, I collapsed! That round face, before I left I told them to repair it for me. . . I sent it today, and my face is still so round. I called the designer to complain, and the designer said that I was afraid that if I retouched it, I wouldn’t look like me anymore. . . Shouldn’t the artistic photos be used to make me look completely different so that my mother can’t even recognize me? So I feel so gloomy today. I wanted to beat the designer to death just once after looking at the photos. I originally wanted to ask for a vote for an update. . . As a result, they hurt me for the second time. I only had 40 votes today... I felt so tired that I had to go to the toilet to cry.

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