Cannon Fodder Strategy

Borrowing the body and returning the soul to marriage (19)

As soon as Lily said these words, the few survivors became a little unhappy. Except for Zhuang Tianming who remained silent, Shen Chun also frowned:

"There is obviously something not right in this house now. In addition to the corpse Gu, there is also the thing from before." He lowered his voice subconsciously, looked around warily, and instinctively moved closer to Lily. He asked: "Since you have the ability to deal with them, how dare we leave?"

Chen Chun's words aroused the agreement of a group of people. In everyone's opinion, since Lily has the ability to deal with the mummy, it is naturally the safest to walk with her. Everyone treats her as a life-saving straw, knowing that this house Something strange made everyone want to leave immediately, but Lily still walked into the house. Such behavior aroused everyone's anger, and they all accused her:

"Since you have the ability, just protect us and go back first. How long can you waste?"

"That is, if you want to come in again, just come back by yourself." Someone agreed, and then a young man cried: "My son was only six months old, and I really don't want to die here." Everyone came here for money. If they had known that this business was very dangerous, no one would be willing to come even if they were given twice as much money.

Everyone's words made Lily upset, and her arms were already a little numb. There were indeed many dangers in this ancient house. If she encountered the next mummy, even if she could not die, she would have to suffer a lot in this state, and even more What's more, the most dangerous thing in this ancient house is not just the mummy from before. She raised her hands, and the palms of the hands that had touched the mummy were now a little black, and a black line followed the palms to her arms. As if she came to life, Lily resisted the numbness and pulled the bag to her chest, her arms were extremely numb. She lowered her head and opened the zipper of the bag with her mouth, revealing a large number of charms inside.

In such a dangerous place, charms are more eye-catching than gold and silk. This is something that can save lives. Everyone saw that she had just picked up these talismans. Not only did he use this talisman to burn the fat monk, but he also drove away the ghosts of the two men. He also used this talisman to turn the fierce mummy into corpse water.

If you have these talisman papers, you don’t have to be afraid of any monsters or monsters. With so many talisman papers, you can grab a handful and sprinkle them when you are in danger. These talisman papers are enough for everyone to return! The young man who had been crying for his son who was just six months old suddenly had a fierce light in his eyes. He reached out and grabbed Lily's bag: "Bitch! If you don't leave, I will leave. You If you don't leave, you'll die here..." He pulled the bag and pulled hard. Lily didn't expect him to grab things at first, but when she came to her senses, several people around her had surprised looks in their eyes.

The man was holding a bag in one hand and a fist in the other, trying to pull Lily over the head. Lily's eyes darkened. She just didn't want to attack these people, but it didn't mean that she didn't dare to attack them. The man's actions made her feel murderous, and her spiritual energy coursed through her body. She clenched one hand into a fist and faced the young man's fist. The man originally thought that his punch would definitely make Lily dizzy, and when he successfully grabbed the things and left, he didn't expect Lily to fight back at this moment.

There was a 'bang' sound when the two fists collided, and there was a 'clicking' sound from the man's arm bones. As soon as he showed pain on his face, and before he could scream, Lily had already removed the hand holding the bag. Turning around, the man's hand was still holding on to the bag and refused to let go. He was unsteady on his feet as she held her like this. The body turned around. His wrists were entangled with the straps of his backpack and turned around, causing Lily to lock his wrists with the straps of his backpack and use his arms as shackles. The posture that trapped him in front of him.

Before the man could react, Lily had already pulled his own arm. With just a shake, a chilling sound of broken bones was heard. The man opened his mouth wide. The arm with the broken bones was as limp as a rope. Lily strangled it on his own arm, and his Before the screams and painful moans could escape his neck, there was only a "click" sound, his chin was lifted up, his eyes quickly filled with blood, and his throat bone had been strangled.

His head dropped down and rested on his arm with a bang, and he was already breathing out but not taking in. Lily killed the man cleanly, and then she snorted and pushed the lifeless man to the ground. The man's body with his neck broken fell softly to the ground, and Lily kicked him in the leg. The corpse kicked him away so as not to block his way, then bent down to untie the backpack strap on the other side of his wrist and put it back on his body.

"Who wants to leave?" She just killed someone in the blink of an eye. This time, she didn't kill someone who was poisoned by corpse poison, but someone who was killed regularly. Her killing gestures were skillful and neat, and it really didn't look like that. First time doing it. When everyone heard her question, they felt a chill rising from their spines. They all looked at her with fear in their eyes. How could anyone dare to take advantage of her again?

At first, if there were still people who had the same idea as the young man, but after seeing the young man's fate, no one said anything anymore. Everyone shook their heads desperately, and then Lily curled her lips and tilted her head: "Then let's go!"

Everyone in the team looked down upon her at first, and no one would listen to her. Lily was young and lacked prestige. Even if she had killed the mummies before, not many people were afraid of her. Now she is killing a chicken to show the monkeys. This group of people was calmed down, and even the cheerful Shen Chun did not dare to speak again.

Everyone acquiesced in the fact that she was the leader of the team. Lily carefully opened the pond in the middle of the courtyard, and then started walking into the house with a flashlight.

Without the smell of blood and corpses at the entrance of the main courtyard, the musty smell of the ancient house itself and the smell of decay in the courtyard spread into the nostrils. The group's entry seemed to wake up the courtyard that had been sleeping for a hundred years. Dust was raised as everyone stepped on it.

The courtyard of the ancient house is rectangular. The gate through which Lily and others enter the courtyard is just a corner of the courtyard. They have to walk along the courtyard until they reach the leftmost courtyard. There will be a backyard exit at the back. Then the association The right person will be waiting for them right there. This rectangular courtyard is divided into three buildings. Each courtyard is connected by a corridor and has an ingenious shape.

The red-painted roof beams have long since decayed over a hundred years, and are covered with spider webs. The wooden beams have long lost their color, becoming dark and dull, with a sense of oppression. There is already a corridor directly in front of the pool. There are six steps leading up to the verandah. On the right side, there is a door carved out of wood, which is connected to the entrance to the yard. Lily took the lead and walked towards the stairs. The wooden ladder was already covered with moss. After so many years, the wooden ladder had already become somewhat decayed. It creaked when you stepped on it, as if it was about to break in the next moment. Average.

The remaining people walked in fear. The scene of the young man falling into the pool still appeared in everyone's mind. They were all afraid that the wooden ladder would break if they stepped on it, and then they would fall into the pool and get back in again. Come up with something.

There are handrails on both sides of the wooden ladder. The wood is somewhat rotten. It is very cold to the touch. Every time you press a finger mark, the things here are very evil. No one dares to reach out and touch them casually. Every step is stepped on the wooden corridor. At this time, the sound and the creaking of the wood were enough to make people go crazy. The walk made the group frightened, but Lily was very calm. When she passed the carved gate, the front suddenly became clear.

Through the layers of porches, Lily could already see the scene in the inner courtyard. This courtyard was slightly larger, with stone tables and chairs in the middle. However, because it had been abandoned for many years, it was already overgrown with weeds and some corridors. Fungus, wild mushrooms and other things were already growing in the wood. Lily found a place to stop temporarily: "Let's rest for a while."

It was so quiet here that you could hear your own heartbeat clearly. In fact, several people had been scared for a long time. They wanted to go back but did not dare. However, they had to follow Lily because of her strong strength. Around me, when they heard her suddenly speaking, everyone trembled for a moment, and then when they came back to their senses, they all panicked again, hugging their shoulders and looking around.

In fact, the surroundings were already dark. Although everyone was still holding flashlights, the light that shone out not only did not make people feel at ease, but instead became even more terrifying as everyone's shadows were pulled to the ground by the light.

Coupled with the unfamiliarity of this courtyard, the natural feeling of uneasiness that arises when people are in such a dark environment makes even the oldest and most stable Zhuang Tianming a little unable to bear it: "Miss Song, I really need to take a rest here. ?”

"There is a problem in this yard, and something more powerful has not come out. I have just been poisoned by corpse poison, and I need to take care of myself." Lily nodded. As soon as she said this, everyone except Zhuang Tianming and Shen Chun , the other people were almost crying: "What should we do?"

Now everyone was pointing at Lily. They were all frightened when she said that there was something more powerful in the yard and that she had been poisoned by corpse poison. Chen Chun was also frightened. Everything that happened today completely overturned all his previous perceptions. He was inevitably a little scared about this unknown situation. As soon as Lily finished speaking, he couldn't help but complain in fear and shock. He said: "Since you know that you have been poisoned by corpse poison and there is something powerful inside, don't come in without overestimating your capabilities." She refused to listen to others' advice and directly punched the man before and strangled the neck.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Second update, no more today. The New Year is coming soon... pigs need to be fed more to celebrate the New Year. . . . . .

I am the author you love so much, can you bear not to give me some monthly votes? I don’t want to be treated worse than a pig! It's all in vain that I have to be toyed with to death or alive by you every day... toyed with... (To be continued ~^~)

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