Cannon Fodder Strategy

Borrowing the body and returning the soul to marriage (32)

At this moment, Lily could almost understand Li's subsequent viciousness and resentment. No wonder she refused to close her eyes to death. No wonder her resentment was so heavy. She could feel the 'sizzling' sound of Li's body being branded with an iron cauldron, and the sound of the skin being torn apart. She felt the fear and pain of impending death, the resentment, unwillingness and helplessness in her heart. She felt the shadow of death hanging over her head. She reached out and took Li's hand.

To Lily's surprise, she originally thought that she would be in vain when she tried to hold Li's hand. After all, this was just Li's dream, and it was just residual resentment and unwillingness. Just as Lily had known before, she She can change what she is doing now and what she is going to do in the future, but she can never change what happened in the past. She originally thought that her hand would pass through Li's body and pass through her memory, but she didn't expect that when she reached out, she actually stretched out her hand and pulled Li.

The hand was cold to the bone, as thin as a burnt bone, and the cold made Lily shiver.

Lily angrily stood in front of Li Shi and pulled Li Shi back. Before she had time to wonder how she could catch Li Shi, the scoldings and shouts around her gradually died down. It was still clear sky and daytime just a moment ago, and everyone Shouting that Li, the prostitute, should be put to death, the firewood in the iron cauldron around her was still burning. The next moment, Lily's eyes gradually became dark. A fishy smell mixed with the rotten smell of burnt things came. She felt heavy on her body. When she opened her eyes, something with disheveled hair was pressed heavily on her body. Her hand was still holding the withered bone, lying on her body. The resentful corpse suddenly sighed quietly: "It's been more than a hundred years, more than a hundred years. After all, I've waited..."

This is Li! And it was Li who was burned to death by a cannon more than a hundred years ago. The hair on Lily's body stood up in an instant. If it had been anyone else, she would have been knocked down by a mummy. I'm afraid she was already frightened out of her mind, but Lily was only frightened at first, and then quickly recovered.

She didn't understand why Li, who was so full of resentment, didn't attack her in the end. She reached out and grabbed the withered black wrist and didn't let go.

It was only then that Lily finally understood why all the mummies in this ancient house were black in appearance, so similar to the Li family in front of her. It should be that Li family died of the torture of cannon fire, but she was unwilling to accept it. He turned back and took revenge.

"This hand is so warm." The rough voice sounded from the black mummy's mouth, and 'she' moved slightly. Her face was charred black, and her nose and eyes had been flattened. It can be imagined that she had The torture of burning was so cruel. Even after more than a hundred years, the pain it caused to people's bodies and even their souls still cannot be shaken off. Li's hand rubbed between Lily's palms. Every time she rubbed it, it was like a large piece of wood being burnt. It made a dry and harsh sound when rubbed against a person's body. It didn't feel good, especially when Lily knew that she It was once so ferocious and terrifying.

The black dust on Li's corpse was left in her palms. The face without facial features that had been burned flat stared straight at her: "You were the first one who tried to hold me back." Her voice was rough. Astringent and unpleasant. Lily somehow recalled Li's sweet oriole-like voice when she was a girl in her memory, compared to now. Suddenly I felt sad for no reason.

The mummy suddenly put his hands on the ground and struggled to get up. She seemed to calm down all of a sudden, and the black air covering her body seemed not to be as strong as it was at the beginning: "You..." She tried to speak, but in the end she laughed twice: "Oh, forget it, You know what you need to know."

"I have stayed here for more than a hundred years..." She took two steps back and shrank into a corner. When she stood up, she took two more steps and sat down in the middle of the main hall. Sitting on the chair, Lily's eyes had adapted to the dark environment here, and she calmed down now. Although her body and wrists were invaded by corpse poison, because she had spiritual power in her body and practiced the Tao Te Ching, she was able to calm down for a while. She couldn't kill anyone now. She used her spiritual power to stop the corpse poison on her wrist. She calmed down and stood up.

Although I don’t know why Li didn’t kill her in the end, it was obvious that Li was ready to kill her the moment he pounced on her. Although Lily had noticed something was wrong by the end, Li might not have been able to kill her all at once. Kill her, but the incident happened suddenly, and Li's situation was already established. If she had the intention to do it, the chance of killing her was still very high, but it was a pity that Li stopped at the last moment.

Lily took out the flashlight from her bag, and the originally dark room suddenly became brighter. Although the light seemed eerie and dark, it was much better than before.

Without the illusion, it was just like what she had seen from Shen Chun's eyes before, covered with dust. The black mummy Li was sitting on the Taishi chair. Something in front of her had been shattered. Lily had seen her memory, I know that Mr. Li was raped here. Shen Chun was asleep in the corner, and Zhuang Tianming was also there. Among the people who followed him into the ancient house, the four people who survived the cinnabar circle, the woman who had been used as bait by Lily, were dead, and her face was The person peeled off the skin, her face was charred and black, and her appearance could not be seen clearly. Lily recognized her identity from the Taoist robe she was wearing.

Among the people lying in the corner, three of them had blurred faces. The only survivors were Shen Chun, Zhuang Tianming, Lily, and another man who had walked on the wooden corridor and missed the point and fell to the ground.

Li Shi seemed to have lost consciousness, lying on the chair motionless. She turned a blind eye to Lily's action of turning on the flashlight. Lily did not care about the life and death of Shen Chun and others, and focused on Li Shi: "You didn't kill me. .”

She laughed "hehe" twice, her voice was rough and unpleasant, her face was pitted, and her body exuded a burnt odor. She didn't speak, and her eyes, which had been burned flat, seemed to have been pressed down with a red-hot iron, and their original shape could no longer be seen.

Li didn't speak, but Lily 'read' her memory, but he could somewhat understand what she was feeling in her heart at this time. Li Kui might not be very honest, but he was quite good at dealing with others, and he also protected his shortcomings. If Sun Daohai, who is also a Jinshi, can be promoted, he can naturally promote other promising students from poor families, most of whom are quite famous in the court. Sun Daohai killed Li Kui's legitimate daughter and humiliated people in this way. If his disciples knew , something will definitely happen to Sun Daohai, so he would not allow Li Shi to live when he acted.

When he took action, he used coercion and inducement to win over Tweety. In fact, if he wanted to give his cousin the position of the main wife, as long as he said so, Li would definitely respond. Unfortunately, Sun Daohai acted too sinisterly and did not leave any escape route for himself. In order to prevent Li from turning over, he did everything She was not allowed to survive, and the methods used were extremely vicious. They wanted to ruin her reputation and make room for her cousin to be the legitimate wife, not the stepmother.

Bad bamboos naturally produce bad bamboo shoots. Brother Ping, who was transformed with the essence and blood of Sun Daohai, had long since fallen out of favor with his mother, making him a legitimate son and not as high as a concubine in the hearts of the servants. He instinctively panicked and went to court in order to please his father. Later, in order to gain a place in the Sun family, he unconscionably sided with his father. He knew that his mother, who gave birth to him, had been wronged. Unfortunately, he resented her incompetence, which led to him being a concubine since he was born. The Huang family gave birth to a son. Although he was a legitimate son, he did not receive as much love as a concubine. It is conceivable that in the future, the Huang family would not tolerate him at all and would drive him out of the Sun family.

In order to seek benefits, he watched helplessly as his mother was framed by the Huang family, and then she was tortured by gunfire in public, and died unexpectedly.

After Li's death, Huang's bad breath was not necessarily gone. She still felt that she had not humiliated Li enough. Although it was very strange and terrifying to think of Li's screams when she was tortured before her death, she had been subordinate to Li for many years. , My cousin is also filled with resentment. Therefore, after Li's death, she ordered people to stuff Li's mouth with chaff and make her cover her face with long hair, so that she would be shameless after her death. The son of Li's son kept claiming that she was his mother. Only then did Huang feel satisfied.

Mrs. Li's death that day was so miserable that after that day, many people in the Sun Mansion had inexplicable dreams about the scene that night. They dreamed of Mrs. Li standing coldly in their dreams with her face burned to a crisp. Many people still seem to be able to smell the smell of burnt flesh, and it remains in their memory forever.

Because Mrs. Li died unjustly and her screams that day were too loud. Since that day, everyone in the house has been a little worried. Some people say that if a person holds great resentment before dying, he may turn into a ghost and come back for revenge. On the night when Mrs. Li died, Mrs. Huang waited for Sun Daohai to come back, and wrapped herself around him softly: "Master~"

Sun Daohai has a human face and an animal heart, and has been married to Mr. Li for many years. At first glance, Ms. Li seems to be a rare beauty, but to men, Ms. Li has been overeducated since she was a child and appears dull and boring. She is always not as good in bed as Mr. Huang. People pleaser. Although Huang's color is a bit different, she is better in her bones. She has given birth to better children at this age, but she is still full of oomph. Maybe she is not as popular as Li's, but privately speaking, Sun Daohai likes Huang more. In front of him, Mr. Huang always tried every possible means to please him. In front of Mr. Li, he would often feel unable to hold his head up because of his status as Mr. Li. On the contrary, Mr. Huang became much despicable and was willing to do anything in bed. Do.

As soon as Sun Daohai came back, his cousin wrapped around him like a vine. He stretched out his hand and patted Huang's butt. Huang was already in her thirties, and her body was slightly fat. Her butt looked thicker because she had given birth to several children. It was much bigger and had more meat. The flesh rippled when he was patted, which made Sun Daohai feel a little more excited. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: 嘤嘤嘤, today the Lun family is alone at home. The temperature suddenly dropped. Not to mention the cold hands, the wind blew the toilet curtains rattling. Hug me tightly, it’s so cold... It’s such a cold day. If you still insist on coding, shouldn’t you be praised by Dahonghua? Send me a monthly pass card quickly!

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