Cannon Fodder Strategy

In a mental hospital (2)

In the past six months, Lily Yang had not contacted anyone outside, nor had she contacted her father. She didn’t know Yang Tiancheng’s situation, let alone when she would be able to leave this place. More importantly, Lily Yang herself started I wonder if she is really suffering from mental illness. As her elder brother Yang Yifeng said, she suffers from persecutory delusion. Therefore, sometimes when she lives in the ward, she can see white shadows floating outside and terrifying laughter. This Everything is really torturing this girl crazy. In her self-disgust and doubt, she is often tortured mentally and physically.

Sometimes if she is really frightened, a nurse will forcibly inject her with a sedative. A girl who is not yet 21 years old, but after being in the hospital for half a year, her eyes look dull, almost like she is about thirty years old.

The voice she heard before she fell asleep belonged to Yang Jingru, one of Yang Tiancheng's illegitimate daughters. She had disliked the position of the wife's daughter since she was a child. Yang Baihe's mother had passed away when she was thirteen, but Yang Jingru's No matter how his mother hinted, he didn't know what he was thinking. He had no intention of bringing home a pair of illegitimate daughters from outside. Therefore, Yang Jingru hated Lily very much. After Lily entered the mental hospital, she was the happiest. On the 10th day of the month, Yang Jingru would come to stimulate her, and every time she couldn't bear it, she would go crazy. After being injected with sedatives, Yang Jingru seemed to be able to find pleasure.

Because Yang Jingru was not favored compared to Yang Baihe since she was a child, and she was an upright daughter, she was very jealous of her. This time, she seemed to have found an opportunity, and came over to stimulate her again and again, until Lily Yang saw her again. She was afraid and hated her, and every time she screamed and cursed when she came over, she felt so proud.

Lily thought about missing half of the plot. Now I feel like vomiting blood. No wonder Li Yanxi always said that this mission was very dangerous. It turned out that everything was possible in a mental hospital. Just when she was about to scream, someone knocked on the window outside. Lily turned her head to look at it, and her body couldn't move at all. , she realized that she was tied to the hospital bed.

It turned out that every time Yang Jingru came, she would scream and be scared like crazy, and the doctor would directly find a nurse and tie her to the hospital bed. Give her a sedative or anesthetic, and her memory will get worse and worse, her hallucinations will become more and more serious, and she will become a lot slower and sluggish. If things continue like this, people who are not crazy will probably become crazy. .

"Xiaohe, it's time to eat barbecue." The person outside the window saw Lily wake up and smiled at her. She was a woman in her thirties with short hair. At this moment, her face was covered with dirty grease and firewood ash, and she showed a pair of white teeth when she grinned. There was a silly look on his face when he smiled, and when he waved to Lily, Lily couldn't help but have the urge to turn her head away.

But she still couldn't help but answer, because there was a thunderous roar in her stomach. When she heard the barbecue, her mouth drooled: "Look at me tied up like this, how can I eat barbecue?"

When the woman with a lewd smile outside heard this, she jumped up and opened the window. The man jumped in as nimbly as a monkey. The corners of Lily's mouth twitched, and the words 'Old Liu' came to mind. , this should be the female patient in the next ward. She has been here for more than two years and has a good status in the hospital. She accidentally discovered that Yang Baihe had been admitted to this single room half a year ago and often came to see her. At first, she wanted to Coaxing Lily Yang to change rooms, this guy sometimes didn't seem to be suffering from mental illness, but was actually a bit clever. It was obvious from the fact that she wanted to change wards that she was not stupid.

But once Lily Yang heard that she had raped a woman after taking aphrodisiacs, she knew that this guy was really sick, and the illness was not serious. She took a lot of medicine from nowhere all day long, and told people everywhere It was an aphrodisiac, and she deceived many patients in the hospital into paying for it or exchanging it for something. Lily Yang was a little afraid of her from then on, but Lao Liu often came to play with Lily Yang, making it clear that he regarded her as his future love partner. One of the ways to treat...

At this moment, Old Liu jumped in, and while pulling up the rope tied to Lily's body, he said boldly: "These doctors, they stay stupid with patients all day long, and they often use violence against our comrades. This is very dangerous." It's not good..." The corner of Lily's mouth twitched. Seeing that she couldn't pull the rope, she stretched out her white teeth to bite. Originally, she wanted to doubt her IQ. The things that tied her up were all rubber tubes. The layers of thick binding were so tight that even her hands and feet were almost unconscious. How could she tear them apart without scissors?

But unexpectedly, Lao Liu opened his mouth to bite it, and it snapped with a 'click'. Lily's eyes twitched, and she couldn't help but ask: "How did you bite it off?"

"I practice every day, and my teeth are very hard..." She stood up quietly, as if Lily hadn't noticed her, and pointed at her white teeth with a grin: "Did you see that? I You will bite several times in a day or two. I have bitten you so many times. You still don’t remember this, Xiaohe, are you stupid? How can you be my girlfriend in the future? Take you out. How shameless I am..."

The veins on Lily's forehead were beating wildly. She pushed the crazy old Liu away and asked her to bite the rubber band on her feet quickly. She waved her hands to activate her blood vessels, and her feet felt much better. She just jumped out of bed, and while she was thinking hard about how to run the Nine Yang Manual, she saw Lao Liu opening the door and following her.

The two walked a few steps and walked around twice. The lock of a courtyard where patients usually move around was opened, and the fragrance of oil came from inside.

Lily swallowed her saliva and asked involuntarily: "Where did you get the meat?"

There are restrictions on the daily food supply in the mental hospital. Some patients tend to self-mutilate. Some sharp knives, hairpins, chopsticks and other objects are stared at while eating, and they are not allowed to eat too much, for fear of losing strength after making a fuss. The nurses can't hold back when they're full, so every patient here is in a stage where they're not too full, but they're still hungry. Naturally, they don't have some daily necessities such as oil, salt, rice, vinegar, and even less likely to have dishes and chopsticks. Not to mention dangerous items like lighters.

At this moment, I don’t know where these people got the ingredients. When Lily followed Old Liu, about seven or eight patients were surrounding a fire. At this moment, the unique aroma of roasted meat could be heard in the air. .

"Old Qian stole the key from Dr. Wang and went to get some salt and pepper. As for the meat..." When Old Liu said this, he showed a meaningful smile, with a bastard look on his face: "It's all together." Made up."

After she said this mysteriously, several patients turned their heads and grinned at Lily. These patients had blood on their arms or thighs. When Lily saw it, not only their lips began to twitch, but also their cheek muscles began to twitch. He started shaking uncontrollably: "Did you cut your own flesh and roast it?"

You should never understand the sky of a mentally ill person, because unless you also evolve into a fellow human being! Lily saw a few people nodding and grinning. There was nothing in her stomach, and now it began to churn.

"I won't eat it." No matter how strong her taste is, she has not reduced herself to eating human flesh! Lao Liu regarded her as his love interest. At this moment, he looked a little anxious about Lily's rejection. He quickly said with a serious face: "I promise, it's not their flesh."

Looking at the patients who were shaking their heads with Old Liu and who had obviously just had their flesh cut off, Lily's face was covered in blood! Don't treat her like a fool. She has just entered the hospital and is very normal. Do you really think she is a fool for telling lies like this? Although she was very hungry, Lily still firmly refused several people's attempts to share the food with her. Seeing how everyone took a bite of the meat and ate it with gusto, even the people who cut off the meat seemed to enjoy it. , Lily was silent...

Being among such a group of mental patients, it is easy for people to feel like they are about to collapse at any time. There are no cameras in the ward during the day, because in order to prevent the patients from going crazy, a camera will be placed in the ward, Lily. She didn't shout "Ghost" for two days in a row, which attracted the attention of her attending physician, Dr. Wang. He was a short, fat old man about fifty years old. He looked at her with appraising and wary eyes. He looked very defensive.

"Ms. Yang, you should take the medicine. You can't stop taking the medicine. Your condition is getting worse!" Dr. Wang glanced at Lily, poured out a large amount of medicine at once, and signaled the nurse to come forward and pour some water. After taking a look, she decided to refuse, but she glanced at the four sturdy nurses standing next to Dr. Wang, secretly compared the strength of the two sides, and fell silent again.

Now her martial arts can't keep up at all, and even if she has to learn it again, it will take at least a year and a half before she can hit the road. However, she has received Lily Yang's memory and knows that Lily Yang's situation is now in a dead end.

She takes a lot of medicine every day, and the ingredients in it are unknown. Judging from the girl's increasingly blurred memory, there may be something wrong with these medicines, and she goes crazy for no reason. And Lily herself is a master at catching ghosts. She knows very well what is a real ghost and what is just a trick. Lily Yang must have been plotted by others, so she ended up where she is now.

But she still didn't know which one was the source of harm, but she thought it should be related to the huge Yang family's property, otherwise she wouldn't end up in a mental hospital now. After two days of observation, she saw Wang With the doctor's serious and suspicious look on his face, Lily became more and more afraid to take the medicine in his hand. She was deeply afraid that if she was not careful, her life would be in danger. She was really afraid that she would also become a real psychopath. (To be continued...)

ps: Today is still the fourth update, dears~! But to be honest, how long will it take for my debt to be paid off? . . For a moment, I felt like my future was bleak. . .


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