Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Internet Love (31)

In anger, the Fifth Cultivator wanted to kill the giant wolf to avenge the ant queen, but Qing Ge, who had killed the queen ant, quickly rushed over after quickly solving certain troubles for Liu Qingxi. When he saw the dying Looking at the little girl, Qing Ge narrowed his eyes and told Liu Qingxi:

"Heal her simply!"

Qing Ge loves to hold grudges and is very scheming.

From the time Smile Can Fall was hit by him, but the game did not pop up immediately, he concluded that Smile Can Fall was just an ordinary person who had no money to buy a game cabin and was probably using a gaming helmet, so he could not pop up the game immediately. The game will suffer from this great pain. At this moment, he saw that Smiling Ye Ke Qingcheng was about to pop out of the game due to a fatal injury. He ordered Liu Qingxi to treat him, not because he cared about her, but because he didn't want Smile Ye Ke Qingcheng to escape from the game so easily. This pain!

The only way to cure her fatal injury was to prevent her from being ejected from the game, but to allow her to feel a little more endless pain.

If you receive fatal damage and are ejected from the game, the system will automatically repair the player's body in the game, allowing the player to enter the game without suffering much torture. But if the body in the game is not dead and the player leaves the game on his own, then the wound will still be there after he returns to the game, unless he returns to the main city and asks a doctor for treatment.

Smiling Can Be Alluring As long as she can't die, she can't get out of the game. When a person is in severe pain, her brain won't react so fast for a while. Even when she calms down and tries to escape from the game, her injuries in the game are still there. She always wanted to suffer a little more pain.

In the past, his charming smile had helped make Buddha fool people, but today he almost ruined his good deeds. Qing Ge was not a gentleman and would not kill a woman without killing her, so naturally he would not let her go like this.

Liu Qingxi understood what Qing Ge meant in an instant, and cast two healing spells on Smile Can Qingcheng's neck. Her bleeding stopped quickly, and the bitten throat had recovered a lot after treatment. The fatal injury was gone, but the pain was still there. The little girl fell to the ground and rolled all over in pain. The fifth cultivator's attempt to kill Silver Wolf was stopped behind the long sword held out by Qing Ge.

The long sword that Qing Ge sent out was narrowly blocked by Fifth Cultivator. Although he blocked the sword, he did it extremely hard and couldn't free up his hands to help. Smile can also be alluring. Qing Ge raised his leg and kicked Kicked him on the chest, causing the fifth cultivator to retreat quickly. Before the fifth cultivator could react, Qing Ge curled his lips and threw the long sword in his hand. He rushed out with the long sword. The fifth cultivator's face changed drastically. When he wanted to hide, it was already too late. The sword was about to penetrate his body. The orc warrior Jin Buhuan on the side suddenly rushed out and knocked the fifth cultivator away. The long sword sank into his body with a 'puff'. After penetrating his body, it was like a skewer, carrying him with him. Fly backward.

The fifth cultivator's lips trembled, but Jin Buhuan's face instantly turned pale, and the corners of his mouth curled up:

"Brother, I will help you one last time. From now on, bridges will lead to bridges. The road..."

Before he finished speaking, the fifth cultivator's face turned green and white. He saw Jin Buhuan's body quickly disappearing as he retreated rapidly. It was obvious that he had been ejected from the game. He gritted his teeth and quickly flew forward. Before the Qingge sword was confiscated, he grabbed the lingering smile on the ground and ducked out of the underground cave. As soon as the figure of the fifth cultivator disappeared, Mu Bo, who was still in the cave and was rushing to attack Li Yuan and others, was stunned. The friends of the fifth cultivator subconsciously stopped and looked in the direction of the cave entrance.

"Hmph!" Qing Ge sneered. He held his hand and the long sword circled back. He held the long sword and slashed out with a burst of sword energy, casually killing a vampire in the team that surrounded the assassin. As soon as the good fortune tricks ran away, the fifth cultivator also left. The faces of the people they brought changed greatly, and people's hearts immediately dispersed. The boss was dead anyway. Even if the BOSS died, there might be good things, but the good fortune tricks didn't dare. If you ask for it again, what advantage will everyone get? What's more, no matter how precious things are, they are not as valuable as lives. If Qing Ge takes serious action, it won't be worthwhile for everyone to lose their lives for the things in the game.

Everyone knew this, so many people quickly followed suit and dispersed. However, the more panicked most people got, the faster they were killed. Soon the cave was cleared, and Mu Bo and others were surrounded.

Because Mu Bo and others had heard the Fifth Cultivator's words afterwards because of Du Yuntian's incident, and thought he would give everyone an explanation, so they reluctantly endured it and helped him surround Li Yuan and others, but in the end they had a problem in their hearts. There is a gap between them, so these people don't work hard when they take action. In addition, Jin Buhuan died for the fifth cultivator before, and once the fifth cultivator escapes, he only knows that he can escape with a smile, and he never thinks about staying. The brothers in the cave, so Mu Bo and others were discouraged and stopped.

Once they stopped taking action, Li Yuan and others did not move them for the time being, and then they surrounded them.

"Qingge, what should I do?"

Li Yuan pointed at Mu Bo and others who were about to die and asked. Qing Ge's eyes were cold and murderous. He did not speak, but his expression had already been revealed. Li Yuan knew his character and was about to take action, but Lily suddenly Make a sound:

"Forget it, let them go."

No one expected that Lily would say such words at this critical moment. Not only Li Yuan stared at Lily in surprise, but Qing Ge also turned his head.

Mu Bo and others looked at Lily in surprise, speechless.

In the minds of these people, in fact, although Tong Baihe grew up with them, the relationship between men has always been more important than the relationship with women. Therefore, although everyone's relationship with Tong Baihe is close, it is never as good as with the third party. The Five Cultivators are usually like buddies, and they speak directly when they have something to say. After entering the game, several friends gathered together, but Lily was actually excluded.

The brothers actually knew what was going on between the Fifth Cultivation and Smile Can Be Allure, but no one pointed it out to Lily. Even before, everyone had misunderstood Lily because of Mu Bo's weapons business. A quarter of an hour ago, everyone was fighting each other. Unfortunately, in the end, the brothers who defended him escaped and it was Lily who spoke for them.

Mu Bo lowered his head, his face extremely pale.

"Why?" Qingge spoke slowly, his expression calm, but his hand holding the sword was lowered. He gave up his plan to kill Mu Bo and others, but wanted Lily to give him an answer.

Lily breathed a sigh of relief: "They used to be my friends."

Everyone in the team was a little surprised when they heard this. The scene when everyone acted just now was really not related to friends. However, when everyone thought that the fifth cultivator was said to be Lily's fiancé, he was the first to rush in. She took action and everyone felt relieved again.

"This is the last time I will treat you as friends. If we meet again in the future, I will not show mercy. If you help the Fifth Cultivator attack me next time, I will also kill you."

These people used to be Tong Lily's favorite friends. Although these people had caused harm to Lily Tong by concealing the original owner, Lily decided to let them go this time and speak clearly. Even if they are enemies again when they meet in the future, she can't be like the original owner. If she wants to be confused, she will die. Even if she wants to attack these people in the future, it will be fair and aboveboard.

The faces of Mu Bo and others turned even paler. At this point, Mu Bo wondered if he had made a mistake before, pushing his good friends away for the sake of someone like Fifth Cultivator.

"Let's go." Lily didn't look at them anymore. Mu Bo stood still. She frowned. Just when she was impatient to speak again, Mu Bo smiled bitterly: "Lily, isn't it? From now on, everyone will not Are we friends anymore?”

"In fact, when you all hid it from me, you no longer regarded me as a friend. I let you go this time, just because I don't want you to maintain this false relationship of friends." Now it’s clear, when we meet again in the future, we won’t be embarrassed to do anything to each other, isn’t it better? It’s much better than the Fifth Cultivator chirping for a long time every time he sees me.” Lily’s words made Mu Bo lower his head. After a while, Several people came out of the cave feeling a little disappointed. After these people left, the assassin, Liu Qingxi and others finally set their sights on the dead queen ant.

"Lily, how did you summon the female priest's pet wolf before?"

Li Yuan was so curious at this moment. It was obvious that he would lose. Today, everyone thought that the whole year's hard work was in vain. But they didn't expect that because of Lily, things turned around again. The other party's silver wolf suddenly Being stopped by her words really surprised Li Yuan.

"I have achieved the Wolf King achievement." She said calmly, and Li Yuan suddenly realized: "Blue Wolf King."

Lily didn't take it seriously when she heard this. The system had announced to the whole server that she killed the Green Wolf King, so it was not unusual for Li Yuan to know about it. What's more, she was chatting with Qing Ge at that time, and Qing Ge said He also rushed to the place where the Green Wolf King appeared.

The two said a few words, and Qing Ge called Lily over.

The queen ant was paralyzed on the ground. He reached out and used the sword in his hand to make a huge gash on the queen's abdomen, signaling the assassin to jump down and have a look.

The assassin didn't talk too much and had a calm personality, but he couldn't bear it anymore:

"Why should I go down?"

Although the queen ant is dead, her abdomen is full of unborn red ants and there is a lot of mucus. It is really disgusting. Everything in the game is very real. Who wants to go down and soak in that disgusting cold mucus? ?

The assassin didn't want to go down, so Qingge shook the sword in his hand: "Should I go down?"

He raised his eyebrows, and the long sword in his hand was shining brightly. The assassin dared to be angry but did not dare to say anything. He hesitated for a long time and saw that Li Yuan had already known something was wrong and hid far away. Liu Qingxi also turned his head, looking like While looking elsewhere, the assassin gritted his teeth, glanced at Li Yuan with a sneer, and secretly made a mental note for the handsome young man. Then he endured the feeling of nausea and jumped down into the abdomen of the queen ant.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

I am asking for monthly votes. In addition to Dian Niang, please vote for me if you have a vote in Tencent's children's shoes~~~~~~~~(To be continued~^~)

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