Lily didn't listen to his sarcastic words. She only noticed that when Dr. Wang said that Yang Tiancheng was dying, she instinctively felt a pain in her body.

This should be the emotion left by the original owner. It is too deep, so she can feel it now. Lily was originally planning to practice another skill before going out, but now it seems that time has run out. Yang Tiancheng can't die, not only is he one of Lily Yang's pillars, but more importantly, he is the most important person to Lily Yang. That damn plot only allowed her to accept half of it because of the anesthetic. What happened next? She had no idea, and it was impossible to guess from the plot that Yang Lily wanted to do things for her, but Lily only knew that Yang Tiancheng could not die.

When Dr. Wang and others finished checking the room and Lao Liu and others came to practice again, Lily was just stunned for a moment, and then Chu Yu saw it: "You are thinking about men!"

"..." Although what he said was indeed correct, why did Lily have the urge to push him to the ground and beat him wildly?

I wonder if it is because mental patients are deficient in some aspects, but sometimes they can be said to be extremely shrewd in other aspects. For example, I am afraid that Dr. Wang and others cannot see the look on my face at this moment, but Chu Yu actually sees it, Old Liu The others gathered around. Fortunately, Dr. Wang and others had removed all the monitors when they left. Otherwise, Lily really didn't dare to say something clearly at this moment, but at this point, she was not ready to hide it anymore. , although these people are all sick, but after getting along for more than a year, they have some revolutionary feelings here and there, so she nodded honestly:

"I gotta go."

"I want to go too!" When Old Liu heard this, he grinned: "Damn it! I had recovered and been discharged from the hospital a long time ago. But Old Man Wang made things difficult for me. He said that my condition was still very serious. He just didn't allow me. After being discharged from the hospital, if he didn’t want to follow the Holy Lord, I would have beaten him long ago.”

In the eyes of Dr. Wang and others, this group of patients claims to have been practicing martial arts for a year and a half. In the eyes of normal people, isn't this behavior abnormal?

"..." Lily's eyes twitched, not to mention that Old Liu really thought he didn't know what kind of pills she was still making and selling everywhere? Except for themselves who are pretending to be stupid, the rest of this group of people are indeed mentally ill. Of course it is only natural that they are not allowed to leave the hospital!

"Old Liu. If the Holy Master eats shit, do you want to eat it too?" Chu Yu pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses, looking like a human and a dog. Old Liu glanced at him and actually hesitated for a moment and said Without opening his mouth to speak, a middle-aged man named Fang Normal shook his head: "Shit doesn't taste good."

"..." As soon as he said this, everyone stared at him in silence. He seemed to have suddenly come to his senses and laughed "hehe" twice. She shyly turned her head away, and her ears turned red.

Lily's eyelids couldn't help but twitch. He took a deep breath: "I said I was going to be discharged from the hospital! Shut up!"

Fang Zhongping, why don't you give me a completely opposite name even though you're obviously not normal? Besides, eating shit is a glorious thing, you are so shy! From this point, it can be seen that few of the people in front of her are normal. Suddenly thinking about getting rid of the group of trolls that have been around her this year, Lily feels unusually relaxed.

"Xiaohe, your family has come to pick you up?" Old Liu asked. After hearing this, everyone who was usually careless fell silent. Lily sneered and looked at her: "I don't need anyone to pick you up. I'll fly out myself."

good idea! Everyone's eyes lit up, and before they could speak, Lily gave a numb warning: "Don't follow me!" Although she said this, Lao Liu and others exchanged glances with each other and laughed very obscenely. .

In the mental hospital at night, several nurses were sitting in front of the service desk chatting. In the dark night, a figure came out of the room where the lights had been turned off. Not long after she left, all the doors that were originally closed were opened. Slowly opening it, revealing the heads one by one, Lily picked up a few simple changes of patient clothes and walked directly to the back of the hospital. She has kept the topography of the mental hospital in mind for more than a year. The guards should be taking a rest during the time. Generally speaking, there have been no incidents of mental patients escaping from this mental hospital, so it was very easy for her to come out without being blocked by anyone.

After a slight lift of air, her body flew out as lightly as a flexible swallow, and she jumped over the electricity easily.

There was only a wall between them, but Lily, who had lived in the mental hospital for a year and a half, finally felt the free air outside. Whether it was a psychological effect, she always felt that the moon outside was particularly round and the stars were much brighter. The hospital is located on a mountain, and it is June weather at the moment. The winding road on the mountain is so quiet that only lights every few steps can be seen, and there are no vehicles at all. Fortunately, she still had Qinggong. When she was about to use her Qinggong to quickly walk down the mountain through the trees and find a car to go to Yang Tiancheng's hospital to find out the news, she unexpectedly turned around instinctively before she had taken a few steps.

Several figures stood behind her in the darkness, laughing so hard under the starry sky that they stared at her with a 'hehe'.

Seeing such a scene in the middle of the night, a normal person would be frightened to death. When Lily came back to her senses, she couldn't help but become annoyed and angry: "Why are you guys out too?"

Lao Liu successfully exchanged her unknown black balls for the position of captain. Now it was natural for her to step forward and answer:

"Of course, we will go wherever the Holy Lord goes."

"Yes, Xiaohe, we avenged you."

After saying this, Lao Qian was surrounded by everyone in the center. Several people had lewd looks on their faces and laughed maliciously.

A bad premonition emerged from Lily's heart, and she couldn't help but ask: "What revenge did you take for me?"

"We blew up the hospital..." As soon as Chu Yu finished speaking, as expected, suddenly, a violent "clang" sound came out from the mental hospital about a hundred meters away, and then it seemed like a burst of fire. Like red clouds, it lit up the night sky on the top of the mountain, making everyone's faces turn red. These people still looked stupid, as if they were not the ones who bombed the hospital.

"..." I used to think that these people were stupid. Why didn't I think that they were still in such danger? Thinking of the doctors and nurses who were still in the hospital, Lily fell silent.

"Hurry up, otherwise Lao Wang will chase you." Chu Yu urged, and the corner of Lily's mouth twitched fiercely. At this moment, Lao Wang may have gone to Western Paradise, and he will not chase her again.

But when they heard the word "Chasing", for some reason everyone felt a sense of excitement about escaping. In the hospital where explosions kept coming, several mental patients were like wild horses running wild on the mountain roads. stand up.

After running for almost an hour, everyone finally got down the mountain. Lily ran toward the highway along the way she came from in her memory. At this point, with a series of tow bottles around her, she probably couldn't escape, not to mention this. Now she may have been regarded as one of the murderers of the terrorist attack. Even if she jumped into the Yellow River, she might not be able to clear her innocence.

Escape from a mental hospital and blowing up a mental hospital are two different crimes. Lao Liu and others are stupid and not afraid of the consequences, but Lily is normal. When she thinks that she is forced to continue to hang out with this group of people, she feels like she is A feeling that the future is bleak.

There were not many vehicles driving on the highway in the early morning, but after walking for more than an hour, Chu Yu stopped a car. Because he looks the most normal, and although he is stupid on the inside, he looks smart and capable, so he has the highest success rate in stopping the car.

Sure enough, after he stopped a Hummer, he pointed in this direction, and soon he waved happily: "Come on, the kind-hearted owner of the car has promised to take us into the city!"

This mental hospital was built on a mountain. There was no village or store in front of it. If we entered the city like this, everyone would probably be a little tired even if they were full of energy. Now that they had free rides, everyone was naturally happy.

There was a couple who looked like a couple in the car. The man was driving the car and was wearing a crisp shirt and tie. The woman sitting next to him had her eyebrows drawn and her eyes drawn, looking fashionable. They didn't know that they were pretending to be a psychopath with considerable lethality and got on the bus. However, when they saw this group of people who were also wearing patient uniforms, the woman still showed a bit of vigilance in her eyes:

"Could it be which hospital you are from?"

Chu Yu smiled slightly, showing a somewhat cold and reserved temperament: "We are doctors, but there were some minor accidents in the hospital, so we escaped!" He opened his eyes and told lies, but the woman actually still After believing it, seeing Chu Yu's handsome face with a hint of blush on his face, Lily's eyelids jumped. She simply closed her eyes and put the task of talking to people into Chu Yu's hands.

The car drove all the way into the city and stopped at the city hospital until dawn. When Lily opened her eyes and got out of the car, Chu Yu not only successfully used her eloquence to persuade the couple to take everyone into the city for free, but also convinced The woman lent him five thousand yuan to buy some clothes...

The trick of pretending to be a student on the street asking for money to make a phone call, kneeling on the street and displaying family medical records was completely weak in front of Chu Yu's trick. He only used his sharp tongue to coax a stranger into giving up. Gave him five thousand yuan!

This is a crazy world. Mental patients who take medicine can easily coax others to wander around, while the people who should be taking medicine are walking around normally.

With 5,000 yuan, they went to buy some fitting clothes, and went into the restaurant to eat and drink. The TV in the restaurant was playing the story of an explosion that caused a fire at a private hospital outside the city in the early morning. , Old Liu took a look, shook his head and sighed:

"Poor, really pathetic."

I pity you uncle! It was obviously you who did it. Lily rolled her eyes at her. The host on the TV was reporting: "The situation of the fire in the hospital is unknown. The search and rescue personnel are trying their best to enter the fire scene. The firefighters are already extinguishing the fire. If there is further information, we will inform everyone." "(To be continued...)

ps: Second update~


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