Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Island of Bloody Massacre (2)

Yao Baihe had hoped countless times that her parents would come to rescue her after knowing the news of her disappearance. Unfortunately, she was disappointed in the end. She was taken out of the cage for the fifth time after being locked up and came to catch her out. The person in the cage is a gloomy-looking middle-aged man. He is a pervert. He will torture Yao Baihe to death with extremely cruel methods.

The death of the original owner was too painful. In the short period of time in this iron cage, she suffered great psychological and physical torture. She wanted to escape from this island!

Lily opened her eyes and frowned. This is purely a killing game, and it mainly focuses on torture and killing. She currently wants to fulfill the original owner's wish and escape from the island, but this is obviously not that easy.

I don’t know how much time has passed since the original owner was imprisoned, but since Yao Baihe was imprisoned, two people have died, and some time has passed since the last person died. In other words, after the original owner was imprisoned, , the time when someone comes in to kill for the third time is not far away. Yao Baihe was the fifth one to be taken away. Counting the days, Baihe didn't have much time left.

Since the last time it was discovered that people who scream more loudly are more likely to be arrested, many people have learned the lesson now. Everyone holds their knees and waits for death. Yao Baihe is also in such an atmosphere of despair and fear. Got through those times. After Lily received the plot and realized that time was running out, she didn't dare to waste any more time and stood up.

It was noisy here a few days ago, but it has been unusually quiet these two days. The little movement she made when she stood up caused many people to tremble, and the "clack" sound of teeth colliding up and down sounded one after another like a signal. . Everyone was like a frightened bird, frightened by this little noise. Many people even couldn't help but let out heavy breathing sounds again, and many people didn't even dare to raise their heads. It wasn't until a long time later that they discovered that there was no light. It didn't look like someone had lifted the black cloth covering the cage and came in. Many people gradually calmed down.

Someone starts to move, which is a good thing for other people. What people here love to kill most is live 'prey'. Generally lifeless ones that don't struggle much won't bring them more fun. So when the screaming and struggling girl was removed from the cage a few days ago, the murderous woman was still smiling ferociously.

The others felt Lily's movements and did not dare to open their eyes to see. Instead, they wished she would move more fiercely. Although everyone knows that after entering this cage, they are waiting to die, but there is a difference between early death and late death. If they can live longer, then maybe one day the adults in the family will know that they have disappeared.

Once those camping students returned, their parents found that they were missing. You will always find the restaurant in the small town. Maybe after calling the police, everyone will find the person named Hua Dongming, and one day you will find yourself.

Everyone holds the same view and hopes in his heart that he will be the only one alive to the end.

Lily tried a few stretching movements, and then she felt that the cage she was in began to shake slightly. A group of people were locked in a cage and hung in the air, and everyone around them was silent. No one looked at her. Even if someone opens their eyes, probably no one can see anything in this dark and small space. Lily didn't worry about anyone seeing her when she was practicing star training.

Staying in such a dangerous place, first of all, if she wants to escape, she must ensure that her physical fitness is good. After entering this cage, in fact, the people here do not treat the prey in the cage poorly in terms of food. Every day Food was provided for all three meals, but because the people in the cages were often under incredible psychological pressure, most of the time no one could eat anything. The food that was delivered was simply allowed to rot and become moldy.

The same thing happened after the original owner was imprisoned. After Lily found herself dizzy, she remained calm. His stomach was growling with hunger, and it wouldn't be long before someone opened a head-sized gap above his head. Soft and easy-to-digest meals were delivered from that place. Lily practiced several star training techniques and felt a lot of spiritual power entering her body. The limbs that were originally weak and numb now gained some strength.

While she was practicing star training, she used the Tao Te Ching to guide the spiritual power to circulate in her body. It wasn't until she practiced two rounds of physical training that the top of her head made a sound. She quickly sat back among the crowd. The black cloth was partially torn apart, and a dazzling light came in. Someone was holding a strong flashlight and shining it into the cage. Lily's eyes were irritated by the light, and she didn't see it until she blinked hard several times. The iron cage above the head was opened, and several meals were thrown in one after another. She sat in the corner, where the people throwing the food could not see her. Through the bright light, she could see the lifeless and trembling bodies in the cage.

With a quick 'clang' sound, the lid on the cage was covered again, the light above the head was blocked by the black cloth again, and the cage fell into darkness again. The food was thrown on the spot with no one moving at all. Lily got up to pick it up. A box.

The original owner was just too scared before, and that fear defeated the body's hunger, making it unable to feel hungry. After Lily entered this body, once she calmed down, she would naturally finish the box of food quickly.

Anyway, no one will eat these things. There are many lunch boxes thrown in the cage, and there is a strange smell over time. Someone will come to clean it every ten days, but the people in the cage do not dare to escape at that time. , because anyone who appears excited will be escorted out. Everyone here is like a frightened quail, docile and afraid to resist.

Lily threw away the empty lunch box in her hand and went to get a new one. After eating three or four portions in a row, she felt a feeling of fullness in her belly. She breathed a sigh of relief, threw the food away, and returned He got up and started practicing the star training technique.

After every two rounds of physical training, it was around dinner time. In addition to practicing martial arts at night, Lily would sometimes pull off a piece of her hair and tie it to the iron cage to mark the time. She started by writing down the times when she delivered three meals to differentiate between day and darkness. She found that these people delivered meals every four hours during the day, very regularly, so that it was easier to keep track of the days.

Until seven days later, footsteps and voices suddenly came from this quiet room. Lily quickly sat back among the crowd, and the people in the cage began to tense up.

Through the damp clothes, Lily could feel the sudden cold temperature of the body next to her and the sweat that seemed to be pouring out.

"Mr. Walker, you can choose carefully. We guarantee that you will have a great time here. Any ideas you have can be realized."

An exaggerated female voice rang out, and the 'prey' in the cage gritted its teeth desperately to hold back the frightened exclamations and cries coming from its throat. The top of its head turned 'crunchingly', and the cage began to slowly descend. Suddenly, the top of its head The black cloth was lifted, and suddenly the bright light in the room shone into the cage, revealing the poor people in the cage who were like trapped animals.

Lily resisted the urge to look around, and followed the example of the people around her, burying her head in her knees.

"We just sent some young men and women last time. Do you prefer boys or girls?"

The fat man with a beer belly, known as "Mr. Walker" raised his head and glanced up. The so-called "Walker" should be his code name rather than his real name. He raised his head After looking at it for a long time, he suddenly grinned: "I want a boy." His voice was high, and he was obviously slightly excited because he was about to torture and kill someone: "My wife has recently become obsessed with a young man, and I want to watch it. Look, what is it about these young men that attracts her so much!"

As soon as they heard that he wanted a man, the women in the cage breathed a sigh of relief. On the contrary, several of Yao Baihe's male classmates began to tremble as if they were facing the end of the world. Under such circumstances, several people still did not dare to resist, fearing that the first person to resist would be dragged away.

The weakness of human nature was vividly displayed at this time. The cage was slowly lowered, and while it was shaking, everything was strangely quiet. The door of the cage was opened, and two people holding ferocious dogs were heading towards this place. As they walked over, the people in the cage were so frightened that they became weak. A big man stretched out his hand and patrolled the cage with his eyes. These people had been locked up for a period of time. From the appearance, they couldn't tell the difference between men and women at all. The big man pulled him A man with medium-long hair stood next to him and lifted it up. The man was forced to raise his head, but he didn't dare to open his eyes at all. The man rubbed his chest twice, as if checking whether the animal was male or female, and found that there was After finding a woman on the chest, he threw her back into the cage. The woman didn't dare to say a word and still maintained the same action as when she was thrown in before. The big man dragged another person out again. After confirming that it was a man, the man was dragged out. Get out!

The cage was closed and locked again, and it was shaken and lifted into the air again, but it was not covered with a black curtain. Not far below, the selected boy was pushed into the pool on the side and washed clean. Lily tilted her head slightly, and blocked by the messy hair, she saw that the boy had been cleaned and pulled in front of the short, fat man without any strands on him.

"Where to begin?"

The man stared at the boy's naked body with a pair of excited, scarlet eyes. He looked around as if he had discovered something interesting, and suddenly smiled with the corners of his mouth raised.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

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