Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Island of Bloody Massacre (7)

When Mr. Casual's fist attacked again, Lily held his wrist. When the man saw this scene, a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes very quickly. The same move might have been useful when Lily dealt with him for the first time, but If he had suffered the consequences of such a move, how could he give her another chance to get close? After Lily grasped his wrist tightly, the man shook his arms vigorously and freed Lily's hand, then he grabbed Lily's body and tried to swing her out.

But it was easy to touch her, but difficult to throw her out. Lily's body flew up, but it was not thrown by him. Instead, she jumped up in the air and sat directly on his neck, grabbing him with both hands. The head is held!

She made a fist with her hand, and when she slammed her fist down hard with a bang, Mr. Casual could hear the sound of the bones in his head being cracked by her. Before he felt any pain, his body was already moving forward involuntarily. Bump away. His head was hit by gravity, and his hands that were originally holding Lily's legs loosened instinctively. The next moment Lily turned over and jumped down. As she landed, the body of 'Mr. Casual', who was extremely strong before, swayed. After shaking twice and falling back, she stretched out her hand to strangle Mr. Random's head. She was originally going to walk to the door, but Lily turned her head and glanced at the iron cage in mid-air.

The sound of the fight between her and the man just now did not disturb anyone outside due to the extremely strong sound insulation in the secret room, and no one came to inspect it, but the people in the cage were frightened.

Because of what Lily said at the beginning, many people looked here eagerly. When they saw her fighting with Mr. Casual, many people's eyes widened. At this time, there was ecstasy and hope in their eyes. When they saw Lily about to leave, someone couldn't help but grabbed the iron cage and cried: "Please, please. Take us away."

There were also some classmates of the original owner Yao Baihe in the cage. They had been imprisoned for such a long time, and under the shadow of death, they originally thought they would die this time. But I didn't expect that this woman, who was usually the most active in the iron cage, would be so powerful and restrain a strong man.

Faced with the desire to survive, many people seemed to have seen the light of hope, biting their lips and sobbing: "Please, don't leave us!"

"Please!" There was fear of death in those eyes, like a frightened little beast. The earliest people who were imprisoned have been detained for more than three months. For such a long time, there are still people coming to the island to torture and kill them. As time goes by every day, everyone knows that the idea of ​​someone coming to rescue them is just a dream. If they can't escape this time, everyone is very likely to die here, it just depends on the time.

Now that he finally got such an opportunity, the people in the cage began to cry uncontrollably.

Lily cursed twice. She knew that escaping with these people would most likely only become a burden to her, and she had no obligation to save these people, but she still picked up a dagger and slit Mr. Random's throat.

When the man was dizzy, he only heard Lily say calmly: "I told you, I will let you die more happily!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a stinging pain in his throat. He could feel the air exhaled after the throat was cut open and the blood slowly flowing out from the broken throat as the carotid artery was cut. At the last moment, 'Mr. Casualty' What came to mind was: This is how it feels after having your skull smashed and your neck cut!

There really is retribution in this world! He used to kill people for fun, but he never thought that one day the 'hunter' would die at the hands of the 'prey'.

Lily stepped on the cracked stone table. He jumped up and hung in an iron cage about three meters above the ground. Maybe it's because every time the 'hunters' on the island kill the 'prey', they come back to clean the secret room. And because the iron cage was closed again with a black curtain, the iron cage did not rise high before the secret room was cleaned and closed again. Lily jumped on the iron cage and caught it. Many people in the cage stood up excitedly.

The four corners of the iron cage were fastened with four silver iron chains. At this time, it was shaking because of Lily's sudden jump on it. The people inside grabbed the iron bars to steady themselves, but when they found that the iron door was locked, the look of hope in many people's eyes was replaced by despair.

Because the secret room itself was not easy to escape, the lock that locked the cage was just an ordinary iron lock. Lily grabbed the iron lock, used her spiritual power to hold it in her hand, and she broke the lock and put it into her arms.

"I promised you first that I will take you out of the secret room, but after leaving the secret room, everyone will escape individually." Under such circumstances, everyone knows that the island is extremely dangerous. Lily has not been practicing martial arts for a long time, and it was also the Clay Bodhisattva who crossed the river. She couldn't protect herself, and she had to be careful when facing all kinds of characters and weapons on the island. There was no guarantee that she would be able to escape from the island alive, so she could not promise to lead these people to escape from the island.

"What should we do?" After hearing what she said, someone couldn't help crying again.

When there was no hope, everyone was waiting to die in fear and suffering, but now they finally had hope, and when they heard Lily said that he would not lead them out of the island safely, many people couldn't help but cry again.

"Find a way by yourself. I'm powerless, and I can't guarantee that I can escape from the island." Lily opened the door. At this moment, none of these people were frightened by what she just said or for other reasons. If anyone dared to jump down, she frowned slightly: "But there is one thing, you may die if you escape from here." But if you stay in the cage all the time, everyone will definitely die!

The most important thing is that if you stay in the cage, you will be tortured to death, and die in a miserable and painful way. But once you leave this hellish place, everyone can choose the way they want to die, even if they choose another death after landing. The law is much stronger than falling into the hands of these demons on the island.

As soon as Lily finished speaking, the people in the cage fell silent.

"Aren't you going down?"

"You, can't you take us down?"

A classmate who was in the same class as Yao Bai timidly asked: "We haven't eaten or drank for a while, and we don't have much energy. You have eaten, and you jumped on it easily just now."

The other people in the cage didn't say anything when they heard this, but judging from their expressions, other people also agreed with the girl's statement.

"I'll give you three seconds. If you don't jump, I will find a way to leave by myself." Lily said calmly. The reason why these people have not eaten or drank for a while is not only because they are afraid of eating, but there is another reason. It means that if you eat too much, your body will be too strong and you will be the first to be captured and killed.

In the face of death, everyone is selfish. This iron cage is about three meters above the ground. Rather than saying that everyone is afraid of jumping, it is more that some people are afraid of getting hurt and being thrown down.

"There are too many people here. If I take everyone down, I will consume my own energy." Once my energy is consumed, it will be detrimental to my escape.

Everyone knew that talking nonsense under such circumstances would have no effect. Several people cried and gritted their teeth, crawled out of the cage shivering, and jumped in with their eyes closed!

Once the first one jumps, the others are no longer willing to stay in the cage and wait to die. By the time the last woman arrives, many people on the ground have reluctantly gotten up. The woman has her eyes closed and does not dare to go out. He looked and didn't dare to jump. He held the iron cage tightly with his hands and cried: "Please, help me."

Lily put her hand into the cage, and the woman's face showed joy. The next moment, she was dragged out of the cage by Lily. Amidst her sharp screams, Lily threw her to the ground.

In this place, no one can help anyone. If this woman doesn't dare to jump now and relies on help from others, even if she escapes from the secret room in the future, she will only be a hindrance.

Several people got off the ground. Although some people would inevitably be injured, they could still walk with difficulty. The beard on the ground had been cut and his throat was silent. Lily took out two knives from the torture tools on the side and inserted them into her waist. Seeing her actions, the others hurriedly looked for weapons to defend themselves. She would The body of 'Mr. Random' was dragged to the door. Once the electronic sensor at the door sensed someone approaching, it would sound a beeping alarm.

She took a machete and chopped off the big man's head. This action was not beautiful, and there was blood and bone fragments flying everywhere. Several people around them bit their lips and forced themselves not to make a sound. When the bearded man's head was cut off, Lily removed his eyelids and pointed his head towards the electronic screen!

The scanned pattern was displayed on the screen. I wonder if it was because Mr. Casual was dead that the scanning time took a long time.

The people who escaped from the iron cage simply felt that these few seconds were extremely long for everyone. Cold sweat broke out on many people's backs again. Everyone remained calm until a few breaths later, the electronic screen showed a sign that the scan had been successful. With a 'ding' sound, the door lock was opened, and Lily He grabbed the door handle with his hand and pulled hard, and the heavy iron door slowly opened!

This is the first time for the 'prey' who were caught in the iron cage to see a world other than the secret room. Many people were so excited that they almost cried. As Lily had imagined, there was no one outside, but a long underground passage that was extremely ornately decorated, with bright lights on overhead, and the entire passage was unusually quiet.

There were several secret rooms like this in the passage, but Lily only had fifteen minutes at most after opening the door, and she couldn't open the doors to other secret rooms, so she turned her head and glanced at both ends of the passage: "Divided into Two teams, each running in different directions." (To be continued~^~)

PS: Third update! ! !

Oh my God, I'm actually up to three times. Hurry up and sprinkle me with flowers to celebrate, please give me monthly votes, please give me monthly votes, please give me monthly votes! ! !

It’s the end of the month, can you vote for me with your monthly votes?

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