Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Island of Bloody Massacre (12)

After the young man in the tuxedo asked, he said to himself: "Everyone here is carefully selected and has a very clean body." When he introduced the girl, his eyes did not seem to be ambiguous, but rather to say no. He looked so indifferent, as if the people in front of him were just a group of animals. A group of girls trembled even more violently. 'Mr. Eagle' smiled and touched the shivering girl next to him, and narrowed his eyes: "Silly boy, what are you afraid of? This is your honor, to be eaten by me. Hit. Hahaha." After he finished speaking, he laughed loudly. The girls shook even more, obviously not interested in his joke.

The man in the tuxedo laughed along with him. 'Mr. Eagle' had enough fun, and then he pushed the girl he had just hugged out: "It's her!"

The girl staggered due to his push and fell into the water. She drank some water and choked, and when she stood up, several burly men were already standing by the pool waiting for her. The other women breathed a sigh of relief. The chosen girl cried as if it was the end of the world, "Please sir, please don't choose me."

"Take it away." The man in the tuxedo stopped his smile and ordered in a cold voice to the big men next to him. After a few big men nodded, he looked coldly at the girl in the pool who was still begging and crying, and turned to look When he looked at the old man, he changed his face to a smile: "Sir, please get up slowly. I will prepare the food for you personally and wait for you to go back to your room."

After he finished speaking, amid the screams of the girl in the pool, he grabbed her onto the shore and carried her away. The faces of those who stayed were as pale as vegetables, and their teeth were chattering.

Lily hid in the dark and saw this scene. He pursed his lips. Although the man in the tuxedo left, there were many people staying by the swimming pool, and she could vaguely feel that there were many people staring at her. The hair on her back was growing cold, and the sense of crisis never subsided. She glanced at the smiling old man in the pool, and left the place quietly.

'Mr. Eagle' didn't know that he had just killed 'Mr. Casual'. The 'prey' wanted on the island has appeared here before.

Lily bypassed the surveillance camera and followed the man in the tuxedo. He led the crying woman into a villa. Although it was already night, the villa was still brightly lit and full of surveillance cameras. Lily hesitated for a moment, and instead of entering through the floor-to-ceiling glass door of the villa like the man in the tuxedo, he went around to the back of the villa. . There is a small rooftop above the head. Other than that, there are no windows behind the villa. The rooftop is about 80 to 90 meters above the ground. You can enter the villa from the rooftop.

For ordinary people, if there is nothing on the outer wall that is enough for half a foot to fall, it would be a dream to climb 80 to 90 meters without the aid of tools. But for Lily, this is not a problem. The back of the villa is not completely flat, but has some relief-like shapes. People on the island think that it is very safe. There are many people defending the old man's position in front, but there are only a few people behind the villa. Apart from the cameras, there are no guards on duty. Lily stretched out her hand and touched the rough stone bricks, using her spiritual power with her fingers. The stone was broken by her, and she gripped the wall tighter with her fingers. The legs rubbed together. His body jumped up flexibly and lightly.

Entering the building in this way was a bit tiring and consumed a lot of spiritual energy, but it was still fast. In less than five minutes, her palms had reached the edge of the rooftop. She turned over in the night and jumped up easily. Lily did not rush from the rooftop to the downstairs. Instead, she practiced physical skills for a while to replenish some of the spiritual power in her body, then waved her hands and feet, and then moved toward the entrance to the rooftop.

There is a glass door here, which has been locked from the inside to the outside. Lily hides at the corner and looks through the glass door. Inside is a very spacious lounge. It is designed in the same way as the room style. The door is a sliding design. , it is not locked.

In other words, the only thing she needs to open now is the glass door. The glass door uses a smart lock, which means that whether you enter from the inside or the outside, you need to swipe your iris or fingerprint to unlock it. In addition, if anyone else touches the lock, it will trigger an alarm. Lily looked at the computer control panel aside. In fact, she was more inclined to break the glass door and force entry, but this would definitely attract the attention of people here.

She reached out and touched the frame of the glass door. In fact, besides breaking the glass and unlocking the door, she had another way, which was to dismantle the entire door frame. Although the glass door was strong and heavy, it was not a big problem for Lily. She took out a weapon from her waist, pried the door frame out a little, used her spiritual power in her hands, and quickly The glass door was peeled off the track with a clang.

Although there was some noise, it was not loud. This was the top floor of the rooftop. Lily paused for a while and found that no one was paying attention to this place. She then took down the glass door on the other side and removed the glass door at the same time. The two doors were pushed aside.

The lights were turned on in the room. She entered the room and pushed open the door to the Japanese room. Outside was a passage winding down. The lights above her head were dim. I wonder if it was because of the filthiness of this place. No matter how luxurious the decoration was, it still felt... Lily had a dark feeling of extreme decay. She walked down the stairs cautiously, and she was afraid that there would be guards with guns below, so she walked cautiously all the way. When you come downstairs from the rooftop, you will see extremely wide entertainment rooms on both sides of the next floor. The rooms are similar to the secret rooms Lily escaped from before, and are filled with all kinds of torture instruments. Lily grabbed a few sharp and compact daggers for later use.

Coming out of the entertainment room, there is a huge platform outside, with a hollow fence next to it. Looking through the fence, downstairs is the large living room that opens up the top floor. It is about six or seven meters high and is richly decorated, with a huge crystal chandelier. The whole living room was illuminated brilliantly. At this time, a huge dining table was placed below, and there was a stove next to it. There was a grill on top. Several pieces of meat on the shelf were sizzling with aroma. Next to it was A woman who was already covered in blood, her eyes bulging out, and a look of pain on her beautiful face, it was obvious that she could not survive much longer.

"Don't eat it, it's tasteless!" The old man Lily saw before was wearing a silk nightgown and wiping his mouth with a handkerchief. The woman who was about to die was the one he had chosen before. Not only the 'prey' will be tortured and killed here, but some women who serve on the island are even targets of torture and murder. No wonder the women looked so frightened when they were selected just now.

"Do you know when the quality of this meat is best? If you want it alive, it will be tasteless when it is dead. It is best alive, fresh and tender, and then put on seasonings..." The old man said, squinting his eyes, and his face showed The color of enjoyment. The expressions of the people downstairs were numb, obviously they were used to his behavior.

Lily's eyes showed murderous intent. Everyone on the island was so disgusting. She had not been so angry for a long time. There were only two burly men standing in the hall downstairs, and one was waiting for the old man's meal. Waiter, although she didn't want to alert the snake, it was really disgusting. The woman didn't know what was going on. At this time, she was not dead, but was living in pain.

Guns cannot be used here, otherwise once others are alerted, a large number of people will be attracted! Lily closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she took out the dagger from her waist and tried the feel. Two burly men were standing opposite her in a corner, one was below her, and the other was standing behind her. Opposite, the dagger in her hand was aimed at the man's neck, and Lily threw it out with a 'swish' sound.

Before the people downstairs could react, the bodyguard opposite was suddenly penetrated by a dagger in his neck. The force of Lily's throw even caused him to take two or three steps back after the dagger penetrated his neck. , finally the tip of the dagger that passed through his neck hit the wall with a clang, and the man's eyes widened, and his hand instinctively touched his neck, where the handle of the dagger had already penetrated his neck, and he only touched one There was a blood hole, and blood slowly flowed from it. His trachea was cut, and he couldn't even scream. He kicked his legs desperately, scratched his neck with his hands, and sat down on the ground.

At the same time, Lily jumped down from the balcony and just sat on the neck of another bodyguard. At this time, the man only felt that his slender and straight legs were like scissors, clamping his neck, and with a strong attack, he Hearing the 'click' sound when his throat was broken, the man fell softly and even died faster than the previous bodyguard whose neck was penetrated.

All this happened in a flash of lightning. The old man hadn't even put down the handkerchief in his hand. His eyes widened, and his gloomy face didn't even have time to show panic. Because the old man doesn't allow too many people to watch when he's eating. He doesn't like people looking at him like a devil, so he usually has to be guarded by bodyguards when he's eating. But he didn't expect these two people to be so useless. , even before they were able to face each other, they lost their mobility one after another.

The waiter opened his mouth to scream, but Lily's figure was like the wind, coming around behind him, grabbing his hair, making a fist with one hand, and hitting his face with a 'bang' sound. This punch was filled with spiritual power, and it shattered the waiter's cheek bone with one punch. The young waiter didn't even say a word, and the skin on his face cracked like dry land, releasing a large amount of Qin. The blood fell softly to the ground.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………

I solemnly ask everyone for monthly votes. There is still the last day. I really want to keep the fourth place this month.

The monthly votes in your hands will be invalid if you don’t vote this month. If you still have monthly votes, please vote for me...

(tears)...please everyone. (To be continued ~^~)

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