Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Island of Bloody Massacre (14)

Judging from the current situation, although Lily's whereabouts were exposed, it was only detrimental to her at first, but after careful consideration, the situation may not be completely harmful to her. First of all, the villa area here is heavily guarded, and everyone here is strictly protected. It is different from the random killings in the secret room where Lily stayed before.

Even the previous 'Mr. Eagle' enjoyed the right to kill and eat the waiters here at the same time, so Lily boldly speculated that the people living here may have a higher status than ordinary people who go to the secret room to kill people, and are under special protection.

The sound of these panicked footsteps at this time also verified this point, and she could start from this aspect. Once these people take action, she will have more opportunities. And the more people on the other side, the greater the threat to her, and on the other hand, it may also be more beneficial to her. These people are very likely to hurt her own people in the chaos, which means that the enemy is showing up and she is hiding it. Nothing will happen to her for a while, the only thing she needs to be careful about is those dogs with sensitive noses!

Thinking of this, Lily suddenly came up with a crazy and bold adventure idea. After discovering her, these security forces had all entered the villa. Even these people were panicked, nervous, worried, and afraid that something would happen to the people living in the villa. , there must be no one outside. If she wants to lure those nasty dogs away, she needs some method.

Lily jumped down from upstairs quietly. It was quiet behind the villa, and many people were running to the villa. Now that something had happened, everyone here already knew that she had entered the villa, and she also No more hiding your whereabouts. Every time he saw a monitor or sensor alarm, he smashed it with a dagger. He ran all the way into the garden, and the spices in his hands spread almost over half of the villa area in a very short period of time.

The dog leading team outside has already entered the villa. At the same time, the people in the villa had discovered the death of 'Mr. Eagle'. At this time, almost the entire key area was shocked by the death of the old man. Everyone reacted and ran out of the villa. Lily was swaying throughout the area. When it comes to spices. When she broke a monitor, she was discovered. Many people pointed in her direction and shouted: "It's at the monitor port No. 19!"

The nearby guards approached her. At the critical moment, Lily felt something was pointed in her direction. The target was aimed at her head. She instinctively dodged, but a small red light kept twisting her head. This should be some kind of sensor aimed in her direction. There are snipers in the distance!

She didn't hear the gunfire at all. Lily felt something was wrong from the slight changes in the surrounding air. When she instinctively turned to dodge, she avoided the fatal blow, but the second shot came soon. Although she dodged She hit a vital point, but the bullet passed through her waist. She picked up a piece of blood, and with quick eyes and hands, she tore off her clothes and covered the wound.

She was injured, and Lily had no time to deal with the wound. Fortunately, she had killed many people before, and she already smelled of blood. She would not be quickly tracked by dogs because of the smell of blood after being injured. As long as she Don't spill the blood all the way to the ground, just attract the guards.

Then two "whoosh" sounds broke through the air, although she tried her best to dodge. But in case of injury. There were many snipers targeting her, so she was still hard to defend against. In addition to being injured on her waist, her back was also grazed by bullets.

"The target person has been injured. Please note that the target person has been injured." A cold male voice sounded. Lily quickly covered her wound and endured the pain, glanced at the villa not far away, turned her head and ran away to the other side.

"Go to location No. 7." Communication sounds from all over the place rang again. The barking of dogs and the messy footsteps of people sounded at the same time. Many guards from the brightly lit villa rushed out again, and they all ran in the direction of location 'No. 7' Back then, the murder of 'Mr. Eagle' caused great shock on the island. Two important figures on the island were killed one after another, which made the people on top extremely angry. Lily hid behind a few palm trees, not far away. The footsteps were getting closer and closer, the barking of dogs and the sound of the intercom sounded from time to time. She reached out to cover the wound and wiped the blood on her clothes.

She couldn't treat the wound on her back, but luckily the wound wasn't deep, so the bleeding had stopped by now. But the most troublesome thing was the injury on her waist. As she ran quickly, the injury became even more serious, and blood was slowly flowing out. Lily calmed down her rapid breathing caused by running fast, and calmed down very quickly. She was covered in sweat, and she stretched out her hand to wipe her face. When the pursuer heard the footsteps, they were not far away from her. She pressed With the injury on his waist, he got up and ran away again.

"Here." The guards in the villa area on the island quickly chased after them. The dogs barked crazily at several palm trees. A man pointed behind the palm trees and said with a gloomy face: "She stayed here. A while.”

An escaped 'prey' was a woman with unknown abilities. Not only did she kill 'Mr. Casual', but she also didn't seem to be injured at all before. Not only did she escape from the secret room, she also escaped into this place. In a key area, he killed 'Mr. Eagle' without anyone noticing, and he was still able to survive after being shot by a sniper. He was obviously injured, but he was able to escape with so many people chasing him.

At this time, everyone is leading a group of fierce dogs with sensitive noses, carrying a variety of advanced detection and tracking equipment, and there are so many people ambushing them, but in the end they can't do anything to an injured woman. A group of guards glanced at each other , all feel that their faces are dull.

Lily led the people in a circle and found that most of the security forces had been led out of the villa area by her. She felt that it was almost done. Then she mobilized the spiritual power in her body and began to move very quickly in the garden. He ran towards the villa area again. As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. If something happens in the villa area, the security will definitely be strengthened, but similarly, once she enters the villa area, she can at least take a breather.

It was already past twelve o'clock in the night, and it had been several hours since she escaped from the secret room. This night was particularly long for both the islanders and Lily. This time she returned from the original route. People on the island found that the glass door on the roof of the rooftop at the back of the villa had been pried open. Although these people couldn't believe that she had jumped from the building to escape, but in order to survive in the future As a precaution, the people on the island still strengthened their defense. From a secret place, she could find two snipers ambush on the roof of the building, hiding in the darkness and trying to take her life.

But Lily thought about it and realized that this was the only way to enter the villa. Now that the outside of the villa was heavily defended and the 'Mr. Eagle' inside was dead, the defense would definitely not be so heavy. As long as she could find a way to sneak these two snipers away... If she kills him silently, she can still successfully escape into the villa. Otherwise, the main entrance was heavily defended and there was no way she could get in.

She quietly walked away. From here, it seemed that there was no rooftop on the top floor of the villa. The roof was sloping and looked like a herringbone from the side. If she climbed up to the top floor from here, she would carefully climb over the roof. , then she can sneak up behind the sniper. Although snipers can attack from a distance, Lily even suffered a loss from these people just now, but in order to avoid these people, they were lying on the rooftop in disguise. If she attacked from behind, there was a 60% certainty that she could kill these people silently. Kill them both!

Thinking of this, Lily gritted her teeth and rubbed her hands twice again on the clothes whose original color could no longer be seen.

She had covered the injury with her hand before, but now she was sweating profusely due to the nervousness. The blood on her hand that had dried up was soaked with sweat again. It would be easy to leave marks when she climbed on the wall. These people were leading her. The dog chases her to provide time. Like a light and agile leopard, Lily slowly climbed up to the roof of the villa. In order to avoid making any noise and waking others up, she didn't climb very fast. When she was standing on the roof and approaching the two men, one of them suddenly took a breath. After sniffing, she must have smelled the smell of blood in the air, Lily jumped up and sat down on the sniper's back with a steady 'bang'. Before he could react, she grabbed his hair, He was forced to raise his head, and the dagger in his hand slashed across his neck with a 'sizzle' sound.

The blood sprayed out, and before the sniper on the other side could react, he subconsciously clenched the gun in his hand. Lily cut off the man's trachea so that he couldn't shout loudly. After finishing one man, she kicked the man's sniper rifle away, and then rushed towards the other sniper before he shouted. At that moment, he stepped on the gun he had pulled on the ground. With a sway of his toes, the man's hand on the gun involuntarily loosened his hold on the gun. The gun was kicked away with a "clang" sound and hit the rooftop railing nearby. The sniper Just as Hand was about to yell, Lily kicked him in the throat.

His shouts suddenly turned into painful 'whimpers'. He turned around and wanted to sit up and fight with Lily. Most of the people on these islands have received strict physical training. In addition to holding guns, these people themselves are not bad in strength. However, the disguise worn by this person is too complicated. Although he was well hidden when he was lying on the rooftop. Excellent, if it weren't for Lily's keen eyesight, he might not have been able to spot the existence of these two people from downstairs, but this disguise greatly affected his combat effectiveness. When he stood up, his movements only stagnated slightly, and Lily took off the clothes on him. The clothes stepped on him, pulled his hair, and slammed his head to the ground!

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Second update~~~~~~~~~~~

On the last day of monthly tickets, I would like to ask weakly, do you still have tickets in hand... (To be continued ~^~)

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