Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Island of Bloody Massacre (21)

Judging from last night's scene, the arrogance and strength of the island's military armed forces can already be seen. The guards used weapons without scruples, which shows that the island is probably relatively secretive. Since there are all kinds of guns and ammunition on the island, Lily does not rule out that there will be some more terrifying weapons on the island. She is worried about herself. Once the plane and yacht are captured, regardless of whether they can drive them safely, I am afraid they will be shot down by the island's military forces not long after setting off.

Lily's body was floating in the sea water, and she came out of the sea from time to time to breathe. While she was paddling her body forward desperately, she was thinking about her plan to escape from the island. In addition to this concern, she suddenly thought of another fact.

Even if she grabbed a vehicle to escape from the island, even if she left this place safely, she had stayed on the island and witnessed all kinds of cruel things on the island. How could the people on the island allow her? Live safely? She will definitely find a way to kill her and silence her. For these people who have lost their humanity, she will not only be in trouble by then, but she will also most likely implicate the original owner's parents.

Although the relationship between the original owner's parents and the original Yao Baihe was not close, if the original owner's parents were implicated, this mission would definitely not be completed! Lily suddenly felt a headache. At first, the original owner's wish seemed to be to simply escape from the island. She had always thought that as long as she escaped from the island, she would have completed her mission. But at this time, it seemed that simply escaping from the island was not enough. .

In addition to escaping from the island herself, she also had to eliminate the root cause to protect herself and the safety of the original owner's parents. But how can we let this powerful and deeply implicated island escape after a 'prey' like her escapes? How can I avoid causing trouble for her? The matter is too involved. Whether it is KING, the owner of the island, or everyone who has been to the island, I am afraid no one will allow her to live in this world. And if she wants to stop these people from causing trouble to her, she has no other way but to kill them all and eradicate them!

Thinking of this, Lily's heart felt heavy. In comparison, he escaped from the island smoothly. That's a really big project. Lily emerged from the water and took a big breath. The sea water in the early morning was cold and biting. Her heart was also cold at this time. She was exhausted from the escape last night. She didn't expect to realize it now. She couldn't leave the island easily yet.

She should have guessed that the tasks were getting harder each time. It's impossible to let her finish it easily. She took a few breaths. From the time she entered the sea to now, Lily estimated that she had probably swum quite a distance. She had no choice but to return to the island. She had to find a way to hide during the day.

If she wants to wipe out the people on the island, besides the original people of the island, she cannot let go of the 'hunters' either. She was not sure about the identity of the 'Hunter'. You may not know each other after you go out, but Yao Baihe's information confirms that there are people on the island. In other words, if you leave the island, then she will be in the light and the 'hunters' will be in the dark, so She decided to annihilate these 'hunters' while they were on the island.

Once these people encounter danger, their first thought is to leave the island to save their lives, so she has to destroy these vehicles first! Fortunately, it was still dark at this time. She still had some time. Take advantage of the time under the sea. Lily swam for a long time and found that there were not many yachts. It must be a shady business on the island, just in case. After all, the less people know about this kind of thing, the better, and no one is left behind. Most of the people tonight should have gathered in the villa area to capture her. Lily climbed onto the yacht, first killed everyone on the boat one by one, and then destroyed all the main parts of the yacht with spiritual power.

She searched for an hour and found no place to park planes in this place. After thinking about it carefully, Lily had not heard the sound of a plane landing since she escaped last night. In other words, this island People on board should be very vigilant. It is very likely that a small number of guests will arrive. They will first fly to a secret location and then take a special yacht to this place. Lily couldn't find a place to park the plane, and the sky was already dark, so she gave up her plan to destroy the plane and jumped into the sea again.

The beach on the island is soft and clean. The color of the sand is different from ordinary sand. It should be expensive sand flown from afar. The sun has risen on the beach, and the faint sound of dogs barking can be heard in the distance. Lily climbed tiredly into the shallows, lay down in the water and rested for two minutes, although she was so tired that she couldn't even think about it. She tried to move again, but she still forced herself to get up. It was high tide at this time, and the sea water kept rising. There was a cliff not far away, and when the sea water hit it, it made a huge sound. A building was built against the cliff, with lush trees inside, hidden in the looming mist. Lily immediately decided to go over and see what it was.

There were many domesticated dogs on the island. In order to prevent the dogs from tracking her scent, Lily still swam from the water towards the cliff. She climbed up the cliff neatly, relying on the protruding rocks on the side of the wall to climb quickly. She went up and looked at it from the top, and the scenery of the island was captured in her eyes. In front of her was a forest that occupied almost half of the island. The green on the edge of the forest met the sea and the sky. The smell of animals came from inside. The cliff was about 70 or 80 meters high from the ground. She jumped down without hesitation. Midway through, she used protruding rocks to ease the force of her fall. Halfway through the jump, Lily used the energy to jump to another treetop. She was lucky enough to step on the tree pole and use the rebounding force of the tree pole to jump. Jumped a few meters away again and landed on the branch on the other side.

After jumping like this seven or eight times in succession, she fell exhausted on the top of a big tree. This time she was not lucky. She did not step on the branches. The landing spot she had chosen was just that the leaves were particularly lush. The sole of her foot stepped on it. Empty, Lily secretly screamed "Oops", and her body fell straight down. After breaking a few thin branches that blocked her, she hit a branch with a "bang", and the entire tree crown was He was shaken by the impact.

I don’t know if it’s because this place is so close to the seaside, but the temperature under the canopy is unusually low and the air is relatively humid. The smell of rotting leaves is intertwined with the damp smell underneath that has not been exposed to sunlight all year round. There is a faint rotten smell and some fishy smell. Lily fell onto the branch when it fell, and all the bones in her body were almost shaken apart. She heard a hissing sound in her ears, the leaves were still rustling, and some broken branches kept falling. Falling, I don’t know if the hissing sound is the sound of leaves colliding with each other. When Lily fell into the next tree pole, she raised her weak arms and used her strength to hook a thick tree pole. Living.

When her body fell down, her hands were hooked on the branches and she was breathing heavily.

The hissing sound was getting closer and closer. In the dim light, the big tree seemed to be being rubbed by something, making a rustling sound. There was something wrong with this sound. She no longer hit the tree trunk. Although the treetops were still shaking, the big tree she was hanging on was as thick as two people hugging each other, and the branches were very strong. Although the branches at the top were slightly thinner, she had fallen to the middle, and it was impossible to be like this again. sound.

What's more, she always felt that the trembling sound came from the branch she was standing on, and it didn't look like the sound she made by herself. Lily's scalp was numb, and she started to look around, but she didn't find anything strange. When he raised his head, he suddenly came face to face with a snake head the size of an adult man's fist!

The snake's body has brown patterns and is about the thickness of a bowl. The color of the patterns on its body is very similar to the lines on the tree trunk, so Lily did not notice it at first. This thing should have been coiled in the tree until Lily fell down and woke it up, so it crawled towards her. At this time, the snake was spitting out its tongue, and the snake's head was raised and pointed in her direction. This posture was the action of the snake before attacking. At this time, Lily looked over, and the snake stuck out its tongue, paused, and the next action was actually Without hesitation, he turned around and swam away along the thick tree trunk.

Lily breathed a sigh of relief and moved the hand that was originally on her waist to touch the dagger. The python did not attack her. She was really exhausted at this time. The night's escape made her exhausted. The strength was even more empty. Lily's eyes were red, and she grasped the tree trunk with both hands. She used her last strength to swing her body up, hooked her legs to another higher branch, and used He climbed up with all his strength.

Once she climbed up, Lily could no longer move. She leaned against the big tree and breathed heavily. There were green fruits growing on the tree. She hadn't eaten or even drank water all night, so she didn't care at this time. Is this thing edible? I just twisted it off and stuffed it into my mouth without even peeling off the skin. The fruit was sour and unpalatable. Lily chewed it twice, saliva dripping from her mouth, but she forced herself to chew a few, and chewed the rest twice more before spitting it out.

I don't know what kind of place this is, but after entering here, this place has been particularly quiet. Even the barking of dogs that could be vaguely heard before can no longer be heard here.

After being safe for the time being, Lily began to check the injuries on her body. The exposed skin on her body was covered with large and small scars, some were scratched, and some were pricked when she fell into the flowers. , after soaking in sea water, the wound turned white, but there was some redness, swelling and inflammation around it. The side of his waist was hit by a bullet, but fortunately it was only a flesh wound and no vital parts were injured.

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First update.

Please give me monthly votes. Today’s monthly votes are over 200, and there will be three updates tomorrow. (To be continued ~^~)

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