Cannon Fodder Strategy

Tang Bohu lights up autumn fragrance (4)

"Hey little brother, isn't it too unlucky for you to sell yourself here to bury your father so early in the morning?" Qiuxiang couldn't help but scolded her with a frown, Lily looked at her in shock, this was her own line Ah, the first time the original owner spoke to Tang Bohu, it was because she spoke first, so she was complacent for a long time. Now Qiuxiang took her line away. What else could she say now?

Tang Bohu wanted to cry first, then glanced at Lily, with a look of shock in his eyes: "This eldest sister, have we met somewhere?"

The veins on Lily's forehead jumped again and again, and she couldn't hold it back for a while: "Who is your eldest sister? Who has met you before?"

"Young miss, even if you turned into ashes, I would recognize your appearance. Ah, you are..." Tang Bohu showed doubts at first, and then, as if he suddenly realized something, he showed excitement on his face: "You were the one who was in the temple last time..." ..." Hearing this, Lily was extremely sure that Tang Bohu must have truly recognized her. She was deeply afraid that later Tang Bohu would say that he was mistaken for a pervert by the monk and kicked away. When Qiuxiang just thought that she was dumped by Wu Zhuangyuan, After that, if such rumors are added, then she will never want to get over this task again!

"Shut up!" Lily glared at Tang Bohu with a warning look, glanced at Qiuxiang, twisted her skirt and strode towards Tang Bohu: "If you dare to say it, just think about being kicked when you chatted up Qiuxiang in the temple. You don’t want her to recognize you when you come out, do you?”

Tang Bohu looked like he wanted to laugh at first, but when Lily reminded him, he really remembered that he had also been kicked out by a monk. At this moment, he winked at Lily and said quietly: "Teach me!"

"Pomegranate. Do you know this guy?" Qiuxiang glanced at Tang Bohu. At first, seeing his fair appearance, I felt quite fond of him. Seeing him talking and laughing with Pomegranate now, the smile on his face couldn't help but fade a little. Although there was nothing wrong with Pomegranate, she was usually not familiar with Pomegranate. In addition, Pomegranate usually dressed up in a fancy way and sometimes spoke awkwardly. Crazy and crazy, so although the two knew each other, their friendship was not deep. At this moment she thought that Tang Bohu and Pomegranate were old acquaintances, and when she saw a corpse on the cart next to Tang Bohu, she understood a little bit, and said with a smile: "Is this little brother selling his body to bury his father? Why not? Let’s talk first.”

This time Tang Bohu didn't face any trouble again, nor did he get the treatment of Qiuxiang looking back with a smile. He glanced at Lily, with a bit of a smile in his eyes. Lily thought that the house had said that they wanted to recruit people a few days ago, and she In order to reserve a spot for Tang Bohu, it happened to be vacant at the moment. As he took out the money and handed it to Tang Bohu, he turned around and returned to the house.

After entering the mansion, Tang Bohu still became a low-level servant. Since Lily had decided that she might not be able to complete the task, she immediately wanted to contact Li Yanxi, but no matter how she called, there was no response from Li Yanxi. Lily had no choice but to come back a few times. She couldn't summon Li Yanxi for this mission, so she had to wait until the body died and left the mission world.

She stopped contacting Tang Bohu. Instead, Tang Bohu came to the door and said, "Sister Shiliu, tell me, how can I get Sister Qiuxiang to agree to meet me downstairs at midnight tonight?" He was originally a god. The proud son of the Tang family in the plot originally had few assets in Jiangnan, and because he became famous at a young age, countless people came to ask for calligraphy and painting. Even when Zhu Zhishan lost money in gambling, he would always go to him to paint to save his life. The Tang family is very wealthy, and he has hardly suffered any hardships. He has been in Washington for two months, but because he is a lowly servant, he cannot even enter the inner courtyard. After all these days, Qiuxiang has no face. Saw it.

On the contrary, it is because Lily, like the original owner Pomegranate, often goes out to the inner courtyard to do errands for Mrs. Hua, so she often runs between the two courtyards and has more opportunities to meet.

After taking a look at Tang Bohu, she thought that this task would not be easy to complete at first. Now that she saw that Tang Bohu only had Qiuxiang in his heart, Lily actually didn't like to get involved in other people's affairs, so she and Tang Bohu didn't even talk to each other even though they had met several times. , now seeing Tang Bohu coming up to him, Lily glanced at him: "What does it have to do with me?"

He didn't want to squeeze in between these two people, but he never thought about helping Tang Bohu. If he could catch Qiuxiang with his own ability, that would be fine. If he couldn't catch her, it would have nothing to do with him. If he wanted to take a shortcut now, Let yourself help, but there is no chance at all.

Tang Bohu glanced at her and was about to say something, but Wu Zhuangyuan came over with his dog, frowned and shouted at Tang Bohu: "Boy, what are you doing? Don't be lazy."

"At the second watch tonight, I'll go to Sister Pomegranate's door and say goodbye first." After he finished speaking, he quickly turned around and ran away with a broom in his hand.

Wu Zhuangyuan showed hesitation on his face, and after a long while he walked towards Lily: "Pomegranate, has something happened to you recently? Everyone said that because of such a boy, you have changed and become different from before. It's the same, you can't even dress up anymore, right?" There was a look of hurt in his eyes, and his tall and strong figure even twisted a little aggrievedly when he said this, and stared at Lily resentfully: "I used to be very affectionate. I used to call her Xiaojiaojiao, but now I have moved on and am no longer in love, so I just ignore her..."

"..." Lily took several deep breaths before suppressing the urge in her heart to beat Wu Zhuangyuan. She clenched and loosened her fists, loosened and clenched them again. After repairing the Nine Yang Manual, she used the martial arts After practicing several times in a row, her martial arts skills were already mastered. Although she was not as good as masters like Mrs. Hua and Tang Bohu, it was enough to beat Wu Zhuangyuan if he didn't fight back. The corner of her mouth twitched. He smoked again and looked around to see that no one was around. No one had heard Wu Zhuangyuan's words just now, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I beg you to shut up, okay? If someone hears what I just said, I will laugh to death! You can find someone else from now on, I can't be the same again."

Hearing this, Wu Zhuangyuan's face showed shock and disbelief. Seeing Lily quickly turned around and ran away, he shouted angrily: "You, you have changed your mind! I hate you!" After that, He covered his face and ran away with tears streaming down his face.

His voice was loud and loud, and the entire corridor seemed to hear his voice shouting that he hated himself. Many people around him looked over and looked at her. Lily's brows jumped at the sight, and she hurriedly hid in the inner courtyard. In the afternoon, I brought tea into the room for Mrs. Hua. I heard Mrs. Hua ask: "Why, did you have a quarrel with Mr. Wu Zhuangyuan?"

Lily staggered, and she didn't know how the incident in the outer courtyard was spread to the inner courtyard. But Mrs. Hua's smile didn't look like she was angry, so Lily didn't make a sound and just put the tea on the table. Chunxiang and others who were not very familiar with Lily on weekdays came over to ask her if she had quarreled with Wu Zhuangyuan. Lily didn't want to explain at first, thinking that the rumors stopped with the wise man, but later she found that there was no wise man in the inner courtyard, and everyone who saw her was confused. When asked if she had quarreled with Wu Zhuangyuan and if it was related to 9527, Lily couldn't help it. She explained it to Dongxiang first. Dongxiang didn't believe it. When she finished her work and returned to her room in the evening, she passed by a In the corridor, I heard two maids talking animatedly about the story between themselves and Wu Zhuangyuan.

After finally returning to the room, as soon as he opened the door, Tang Bohu rushed out from behind: "Sister Pomegranate." He shook the little servant hat on his head coquettishly, while stroking his hair, he was about to When he opened his mouth to speak, Lily warned him: "If you ask about Wu Zhuangyuan, do you believe I will beat you up?"

Lily has changed in a few months. Under the moonlight, she has almost stopped applying rice powder recently and keeps doing facial masks every night. The effect is now visible. Her skin is much fairer and rougher than before. It's a bit tender, and it's covered with thin light velvet, which makes the skin even more fragile, as if you've drunk enough water, with a full and transparent feeling.

She no longer had the downcast look she had when I saw her in the temple a few months ago. Although her appearance was just ordinary, there was a bit of coldness between her eyebrows, and her lips were light pink and looked very soft. Now she pursed them impatiently. At this time, there was also a stubborn feeling. I don't know if it's because of the mutual affection, but Pomegranate's originally vulgar and vulgar temperament, now, because of her new soul, she has become a bit more elegant.

If it hadn't been for the sight he saw in the temple a few months ago, I'm afraid Tang Bohu wouldn't have been so surprised when he saw Lily's current appearance. But just because he had seen her most embarrassed side before, this time Once Er Leng saw her clean and elegant appearance, he felt that it was unexpectedly pleasing to the eye. Due to several months of practicing, Lily's figure has become taller. Pomegranate's figure was originally a bit thin, and she likes to wear clothes that are so bright that she can't suppress the color, so she looks more and more skinny and thin.

At this moment, once Lily changed into clothes that suited her, her simplicity revealed a bit of beauty. She has done so many missions, and she already knows what is suitable for her. Once she wears it now, and due to the influence of her own attributes, she looks like a pomegranate in just a few months. This body seems to look much more beautiful.

For a moment, Tang Bohu seemed to be afraid to joke with Lily as unscrupulously as before. Seeing Lily glaring at him with a sullen face, he couldn't help but shrink his legs and said cautiously: "I just want to ask Sister Shiliu, is there any way to turn this painting Just leave it to Sister Qiuxiang!" What they asked was not about Wu Zhuangyuan, but she was so angry at this moment. When Lily was a little embarrassed, Tang Bohu asked again: "I wonder what happened to Wu Zhuangyuan and Sister Shiliu? Son, can you tell me..." (To be continued...)

ps: Third update~! There is no update today, dear friends, please don’t wait.

For: 123 out of 456, my dear reward will be updated~!

Telecom recently changed its lines from broadband to fiber optics, so the calls kept dropping. Now I still steal other wireless networks next door to connect to them. . . . . Nearly twenty minutes late, sorry~! ! ! ! ! !


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